vamosaplaticar · 4 years
my minimal nail color
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Topless and barefoot: Essie <3
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vamosaplaticar · 4 years
Blog (:
My favorite blog right now, check it out!
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vamosaplaticar · 4 years
hi <3
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Staying home has been hard for me because I love the outdoors and I like being busy. Spending so much time at home gave me the opportunity to clean out my wardrobe. I posted some things for sale on my Poshmark account. If anyone is interested I’ll leave my account name on here! Thanks for reading and hopefully ya’ll buy some of my stuff!
Take care and stay safe! Love from Texas!
Poshmark: bibimf
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vamosaplaticar · 4 years
send me one (:
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
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Less is more
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
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truth be told
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
Creating a Day Worth Living
1. Get up early
2. Develop an attitude of gratitude
3. Invest in what matters
4. Have fun
5. Do something for others
6. Get out in the sun
7. Exercise – at least a little
8. Try something new
9. Don’t be afraid to take chances
10. Look for the humor in life.
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
Habits that are keeping you poor
1. Not valuing time. The most important thing we have is our time. We just can't get time back. How much time are you spending wasting time on social media? Netflix? Online shopping? Entertain yourself less and educate yourself more. Have you heard of time blocking? I will have a post on time blocking soon.
2. Associating with the wrong people. We all influence each other. Spend time with successful people. Surround yourself with frugal folks instead of people who make you waste tons of money on a night out. Associate with people who have similar goals to yours.
3. Not setting measurable goals. Don't wait until new years and please forget all the crazy new years resolution lies. We all know that by February those resolutions already failed and ended. Instead breakdown your goals, write them down, set daily goals that complete your weekly goal. Each weekly goal makeup your monthly goal and so on and by the end of the year you probably achieved so many goals that otherwise would have felt unreachable. 
4. You are not budgeting. Run yourself like a business! Again write down your finances. How much money is coming in? What are your expenses? What can you cut down? How much is going towards debt? How much is going to savings?
Thanks for reading friends! Hope this helps.
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
Have ya’ll budgeted for this month?
If you have, stay strong! You can do it keep following the plan!
Have a great day friends!
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
Wake up early every morning.
Get daily motivation.
Visualize success.
Make coffee and eat healthy.
Self care routine.
Set daily goals and get things done.
Focus on a few things. Don't burn out.
Do the hard things first.
Learn every day. Read a book, listen to a podcast, take a class, attend a seminar, learn from friends, self educate with youtube etc.
Say no to bad habits.
Avoid junk food.
Avoid reality tv and too much social media.
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
My favorite neutral colors! :3 
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
I found the cutest planters on amazon! https://amzn.to/2PEXorY  I don't buy decor anymore but I do get cute planters for my plants. 
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
“Minimalism is about intentionality, not deprivation”
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
Save 10,000 this year!
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Hello friends!
Today is March 1st! March is special because it is month 1 in my (our) $10K savings challenge. March- December = 10 months. Savings per month =1 thousand.
How will I (we) successfully achieve this challenge you might ask...
Living below our means and budgeting. 
*side notes* in case you're considering this challenge and think you can't afford to save 1k per month. *** -cut expenses
                       -earn more (work extra time)
                       -side work (side hustles in my next post)
                       -its only 10 months not forever! You can do it!
                        -no spending challenges
                        -low your food/grocery bill
                         -stop eating out
                         -check out my frugal tips on my page <3
How do you save money? Send my way your frugal tips and tricks! (:
Thanks for reading!
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
Frugal Habits
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Here is the best list you'll read today! Try some!
- Use up all products. Empty bottles!
- Minimize driving when possible to save some gas.
- Use the library it’s FREE! (books, movies, internet, audiobooks, computers, and so much more they even have actives for kids!)
- Use reusable products. Example: get an insulated water bottle.
- Shop at Dollar Tree.
- Shop Thrift Stores. Sustainable fashion is always a great choice!
- Recycle.
- Home cook, meal plan, take your own lunch to work.
- Fix before replacing. 
- Self teach for free. Example: Youtube, Duolingo
- Stay home on weekends. Family time, movie nights.
- Reduce/ STOP drinking alcohol- smoking. Bad expensive habits.
- Cancel cable! Use Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Youtube, etc...
- Limit useless subscriptions.
- Hang dry your clothes. saves energy $
- Drink more water. Its free, invest in a filter.
- Buy pre-owned. Save to buy cash. (cars)
- Drive the same car long term.
- Become a minimalist.
- Develop a productive hobby.
- Redefine what fun is to you.
- Save your pennies. They add up!
- Have an emergency fund.
- Budget.
- Learn to do your own hair and makeup. Cut you kids hair.
- You don't need a mansion. (low mortgage is the way to go)
- Live below your means.
Thanks for reading!
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vamosaplaticar · 5 years
low income
Hi friends!
It isn't uncommon for many to live on low income or fixed income this day and age. If you don't know if you're living on low income let me tell you that low income is making $30K-less per year. I know many make waaaaay less than thirty thousand and somehow manage life. Here are some ideas and tips to live more abundantly on low income!
First of all let me just say that living on low income does not mean you have to have a “poor mans mentality.” Everything and anything is subjective! Subjective things depend on your own ideas and opinions: there isn't any universal truth. Make your reality your truth and make it amazing! What I am trying to say is only you can decide if living on low income feels like you're broke or are you going to make it feel amazing and abundant? I understand that it is not easy but it is worth being a little optimistic. 
A trend on social media now is that people share their luxurious lifestyles and possessions and that somehow affects the ones who are struggling. It doesn't have to be that way if you change your mindset. It has worked wonders for me. I believe Gucci, Prada, all those luxury items are garbage and basic. I am sure I do not need those things in my life. I can wear a $20 purse to put the rest of my $980 in there or I can wear a $980 purse to put my sad $20 in there. Be content with what you have and can afford now and your days will become brighter. Gratitude is everything. 
The trick is not only changing your mindset but also changing your lifestyle. Living a more frugal life can help you save a lot of money! Saving money is key to move forward in life, it helps you feel more secure in times of an emergency and best of all it will make you feel like you're making it happen! 
What does living a more frugal life mean? It means you should budget and live below your means! It also means you should cut non-essential expenses and just be mindful on what you're wasting you're money on. 
My next post will be a list of FRUGAL habits that can help you save you money!
Thanks for reading!
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