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glasses anniversary, only this day!
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Pros of living alone at a theme park:
I can listen to music as loud as I want and no one is around to care
There’s a pre-installed alarm system that works well
No one gets mad if I take too long to do the dishes (except me at myself
Cons of living alone at a theme park:
a lot of things like this exist hidden within a 50 yard radius of where I sleep
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Been working on these Mianite House banners (slight crossover with GOT, symbolism all that kinda thang) and they are finally done! I streamed these and im nearly at 5k on my twitch!
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Been working on these Mianite House banners (slight crossover with GOT, symbolism all that kinda thang) and they are finally done! I streamed these and im nearly at 5k on my twitch!
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shoutout to all the other ex-gifted & talented/honor student/straight a/senior editor/star student/99th percentile/once-creative burn-outs who have, since high school, realized they are truly miniscule fish in a giant, endless ocean, criticized themselves to the point of creative paralysis, and participated in so much self-sabotage they no longer see the point of doing anything at all because they’re just going to ruin it for themselves anyway
this one’s for you
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have I talked about how my two cats love each other so much and they literally do everything together and they’re always piled all over each other like
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even when they’re not sleeping they’re just hanging out 
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Reblog if you're a nobody on Tumblr but you're still very proud of your blog.
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I was watching tv while my sister was doing homework and I just hear her mutter "Infographic? What the fuck is an infographic?"
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Honestly I understand why Dean loved Purgatory so much. It was so simple, so easy, so pure. There was no bullshit for Dean to deal with. No angels, no demons, no family drama. It was just run, hunt, kill.
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My teachers made me so scared to mess up grade-wise in school that it got to the point where I’d be terrified of going to school, not because of bullies or anything, but because of what I might do, how I might mess up, how I might ensure my future failures and eventually it got the best of me and in 8th grade I had a nervous breakdown and almost killed myself and whenever I take a test to this day my heart still flutters a little bit, and then I get in the mentality of “Eh, fuck it.”  and I don't want either to happen ever again and yet they do and I feel like this is why the American school system sucks ass.
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what in the fuck does my sister think she’s doing?
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Once you’ve read the dictionary, every other book you read is just a remix.
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Whenever I forget RDJ's name I just call him Tony Stark and whenever I forget Tony Stark's name I call him RDJ because honestly they're basically the same person
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Paper needs to be waterproof so I can do my homework that I didn't do the night before in my morning shower.
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waiter: be careful, that plate is hot
me: i am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, of the Blood of Old Valerya, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, khaleesi to Drogo’s riders, and queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. I am blood of the dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon
me : ah shit that's hot
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