vanilla-sky01 2 years
I hate doing this, but I am in need of some help. I understand that this economy is shit and so is everything else for a lot of people. However, my account is overdrawn, and I am trying to get groceries for me and my son at least to last until I get paid the end of next week.
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Even if you can鈥檛 help, sharing this would be greatly appreciated. 鈾ワ笍馃グ
v3nmo - ashcash981
cvshapp - $ashuhlee7
PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/jinxlittle
Again, if you aren鈥檛 able to help, that鈥檚 okay! Please share this 馃ス馃ズ
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vanilla-sky01 2 years
Hi, I don鈥檛 know who to ask for help so I鈥檓 writing this here.
My mother had brain surgery 2 weeks ago and now she has to make an urgent PET/CT body scan. The waiting list is too long and we have to go to the private clinic and pay 10000kn (1500 euros).
My parents are both retired and my salary barely covers our bills and food.
If you want to help but can鈥檛 donate, reblogging also helps.
Thank you so much:(<3
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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The flame and The Moth
Chapter 2
You were eight years old when you moved to grandparents place. Overnight , your brother and you became orphans after both your parents passed away in an accident while returning back from a party.
People say you didn't speak for weeks after the accident. Your grandfather and brother were too immersed in their own grief to notice the shadow of the cheerful child you once were.
You were enrolled in the local school at the advice of your family doctor, hoping the company of other children would help you.
"Y/N.. sweetheart... do you need more time to finish your work? You haven't written anything.. not even your name on it?" Your math teacher said through clenched teeth, unable to get you to do anything and not having any more patience.
You stared blankly outside the window, ignoring the whispers of the other children around you. They tried to talk to you , involve you in their games.. they really did.. you were the large city girl with fashionable clothes that they only saw on TV but they gave up after a few weeks. Nobody had even heard your voice in that school and there was even a rumor that you were deaf.
Suddenly, you heard a chair being pulled across the floor and a hand grab your paper.
"Y/N , its ok if you don't know the answers. Even I don't know. Just write something. Teacher Hyorin won't get angry if we get it wrong," the boy said as he put a pencil in your hands and nodded towards the paper.
You gave him a blank look but he just gave you the most blinding smile ever and promised, "Nobody knows the answers. I asked!! Don't worry. Write something.. but just write numbers OK? Last time I drew a huge heart on the paper and teacher Hyorin looked very upset and mad!"
"Yea, she called his grandmother to school and the next day Taehyung couldn't sit properly in class because his bum hurt.." a girl in piggy tails, pitched in.
Taehyung nodded sincerely and pointed to the paper again.
Taehyung became your constant companion. He didn't expect you to talk but spent all the time talking to you.
"Y/N, look what I got for you and yoona," Taehyung ran towards you, with a wide grin as you got out of your car.
He held two bananas proudly in his hands and showed them off to you.
"My parents came from the city and bought them for me. I told my grandmother that I would share them with you and yoona."
"But I like the strawberries from your grandfather s farm more," you said and those were the first words out of your mouth in months.
Taehyung looked shocked.. not because you spoke but because you preferred the local farm grown strawberries over the city bought fruit.
"Oh ok. Then I will eat your banana and you can have all my strawberries," be said, grabbed your hand and walked into school.
You two were inseperable.
Your grandfather was relieved to see you talking and laughing again that he encouraged your friendship with him and ignored you otherwise.
Your weekends were either spent at your place or at his grandparents place.
You two loved fishing for tadpoles at the stream behind his house. You named them and called them your babies but when they grew up and didn't look so cute anymore, you gave them to Taehyung and told him that it was his turn to take care of them.
Taehyung was the first person you told when you got your periods.
You forced Taehyung to try soju with you , as fourteen year olds. Both of you hated it!
During one of your night studies , when you found trashy magazines with pictures of semi nude girls in his room and screamed, Taehyung promised you that one of his friends must have left it there and swore that he never looked inside.
Korea always had terrible typhoons. During one of the worst typhoons of the year, your grandfather wasn't home and you had somehow managed to convince your housekeeper to let you spend the night at Taehyung's place.
As the wind blew loudly and the thunder rumbled angrily outside, the both of you huddled together under your blanket reading your mangas. The storm outside seemed to go on forever and ever and you shivered in fright as the window outside started banging and shaking in its frame.
"Y/N.. its ok. I am here," Taehyung scooter closer to you and threw his arms around your shoulder , pressing you closer to his body.
Burying your face in his chest, you whimpered in fright.
"Hey... its ok,y/n.. look at me..."
As you looked up into his concerned face, you grabbed hold of his t-shirt to pull his closer to you.
An odd look crossed his face as he gazed down at you.
It didn't matter who moved towards whom.
It was your first kiss and it was clumsy and eager and hesitant and beautiful.
Your arm moved up to his neck on its own accord and pulled his down for more when you felt his hands on your waist.
Taehyung groaned loudly as he felt the warmth of your body underneath your tshirt.
And as suddenly as it started, Taehyung pulled himself away from you and put a distance between you and him.
"I.. y/n.. I.. " Taehyubf stammered , unable to out into words all the feelings rushing through him.
You gathered yourself faster than him.
"Tae.. Read..." You said , ignoring the stammering boy near you and went back to your book and your hammering heart.
That night was the start of the doom of your friendship...
After that day, you often found yourself staring at Taehyung at the oddest of times. When all the girls in your class spoke about idols and actors and six packs abs, you were fascinated with the lanky boy you grew up with whose voice had suddenly turned into a rich baritone.
But over the next few days, Taehyung changed. He started finding reasons not to spend time with you and it soon became days before you two had a proper conversation even.
When your sixteenth birthday dawned, you were miserable. And the fact that Taehyung never even looked at you the whole day in school , made it worse.
By dinner time , you couldn't wait for the day to end but your grandfather had invited his business partner , Mr Choi s family over for dinner and you sat through the whole dinner feeling dejected and wretched and spoke only when spoken to.
After the dinner, your brother tore into your room in fury .
"You could find another day to be a bitch??? Seriously?? On the one day you have behave like a good girl... and..."
You are used to your brother s temper tantrums by now.
Just as you chose to react to the death of your parents with your silence, your brother chose anger. He was always angry .. at anyone.. at everything...
You simply rolled your eyes at him and went back to preparing your bed for sleep when he suddenly yanked you away and sneered at you.
"You ungrateful bitch.. do you know how much our grandfather has to suck up to that Choi to get make this happen? After all the trouble he went through? Huh?"
You pulled your hand from him and winced.
"What arrangement?" You asked, already losing interest in whatever had your brother in such distress.
"Your fucking engagement to Choi Minho , ofcourse! Don't act like you don't know! Why would they gift you a diamond necklace for your birthday?"
Your eyes widened in shock. You hadn't even opened the gift yet.
"What??" You barely managed to whisper as you stumbled and fell on your bed, your limbs losing their energy.
"Which world are you in? Do you even notice the world around you? Or do you have eyes only on that farmer boy? Thank god , grandfather finally woke up and saw what was going on before any more damage happened..."
He ranted , hardly paying attention to the heaving breaths you were taking, unable to comprehend all that he was saying...
".... called the boys parents in town and had to ask them to keep their son away from you.. they should know better...."
"Wait..." You wheezed, "so Tae doesn't talk to me because you guys forced him to?"
You brother looked like he would slap you and he almost came close to.
"Are you even listening to yourself? You shouldn't be worried about him. You should be thinking about how to impress Choi Minho after your horrible performance today..."
"Why should I? I don't even know him.."
"Then get to know him.. spend time with him.. seduce him.. whatever... but this engagement has to happen. For both your and my good!!!"
And he stormed out of your room.
You sat in your nightgown, unable to process all the information you just received but just one thing stuck to your mind.
Taehyung hasn't been avoiding you because of the kiss. He wasn't disgusted with you..
You felt the sudden urge to go meet him. You carefully arranged your bed to make it look like you were sleeping as you slowly made your way out of the window.
"Y/N.. omg.. what are you doing here? Its so late.. " Taehyung pulled you inside the house and shut the door behind.
"Tae.. its my birthday today," you said as you stood in front of him shivering.
"I know, y/n.. I know.. Happy birthday.." he ran his long fingers through his hair and looked upset with himself, avoiding looking g at you.
" Why won't you look at me, Tae? Why won't you talk to me? Did you know what my brother told me today? Did you know that I am the last to know that I am engaged to Choi Minho?" Tears welled up in your eyes as you let the emotions of the past few days and that night night rolls over you one more time.
Taehyung could never ignore your tears.. you, maybe.. but never your tears.
"Y/N..." he grabbed you shoulders and pulled you towards him and hugged you tightly.
You sobbed your heart out, just standing there in the middle of house, hanging onto your best friend for dear life.
When you finally managed to stop your crying, you slowly unwrapped yourself away from him and looked up at him to see that Taehyung too had been crying.
This time, you made the first move.
You kissed him. No hesitation. And he returned the kiss.
The fear that he would end it caused you to pull him tighter against your body .
But Taehyung had no inclination to let you out of his hands.
Placing his hands around your torso, Taehyung gently picked you up, keeping his mouth on yours.
Stumbling through the house, he finally placed you on his bed, his body covering yours.
No words were exchanged. You both behaved in unison as you shed the barriers between your bodies.
Panting heavily above you, Taehyung scanned your face for any doubts. "Y/N.. "
"I love you , Tae,"
Taehyung entered you with one hard thrust and as your body arched up in response to the sudden intrusion, he rained a thousand kisses on your face, neck and shoulders as apology.
Taehyung was everywhere. You felt his warmth, his smell, his hardness and his heartbeat against your chest and you felt a connection to him like never before.
You both moved in unison. Heat encompassed you as moans filled the room as you both breathlessly sought to find something you didn't know.
In the end, when the release finally came, you exploded in shattering waves and held on to Taehyung as his body went stiff on you.
For a few moments, neither of you moved , trying hard to catch your breath.
The sound of a car on the gravel outside the house quickly pulled you back to reality. Quickly moving away from each other, in the dark both of you pulled on your clothes just as the banging on the doors started.
"Taehyung?? Kim taehyung??"
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
Why do people stop commenting on fics if they鈥檙e more than a week or two old? Please comment on old fics. Tell me you like my one shot from 2014.聽Tell me you like my old multi-chap I finished in 2016 that I spent a year writing.聽I will be fucking thrilled.
135K notes View notes
vanilla-sky01 3 years
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The Flame and The Moth
Chapter 1
Stepping out of the Rolls-Royce, the first thing that caught Taehyung s attention was the huge oak tree , lit up with fairy lights for the occasion. The last time he was here, he had been tied to that very tree while your father and his thugs spent the night beating the life out of him.
And yet, here he was.. ten years later, as a honorary special guest in the same house.
Taehyung smirked and turned towards the house and buttoned up his Tom Ford suit and displayed his most famous smile which never reached his eyes to the host who approached him with an equally insincere grin on his face.
Taehyung was not the naive sixteen year old anymore. He knew that he had paid a heavy price to be where he was and one of the driving forces that kept him motivated through all the tough times was the humiliation he had gone through at this very house.
"Aigoo... how handsome you look, Taehyung shi.. if only your grandparents were still around to see you so successful and famous now," Kown Jinyoung, a formidable man, even in his sixties , took Taehyung s hand and greeted him.
Taehyung grinned his teeth together and kept the smile on his face, already enraged at his father for making him do this. Taehyung hated visiting his grandparents village after their death as it only reminded him of how much he missed them and how lonely they must have been during their last years without their favourite grandson with them.
But his father had been adamant. The Mayor of the place had visited your parents place personally and invited Taehyung and his parents for his grandson s engagement party.
Taehyung s parents couldn't attend the party as his own sister was pregnant and was due soon so they had to stay with her at her place in Seoul. Since BTS was on a break, they felt it appropriate for their eldest son to attend the party on their behalf.
Taehyung seyes wandered around the huge mansion ,taking in all the grandiose decor put up for the occasion. He had never been inside the mansion before and even now, when he owned one of the most costliest apartment in Seoul and has stayed in the best of hotels around the world, the mansion intrigued him.
"You know my grandson, Kwon Sangwoo. I believe you both attended the same high school. This is his friend, Choi Minho, his friend and the bride s brother. I will leave you here to catch up with them. I heard the Minister of Health and Welfare has just arrived," Kwon Jinyoung scurried away, leaving the three men to stand awkwardly.
"So.. Taehyung.. its been a long time. I am sure y/n will be very surprised to see you today. You both were pretty close back then," Choi Minho tried innocently to break the tension in the air.
Sangwoo stiffened beside Minho, dare not to make eye contact with the world star, snatching a flute of champagne from a waiter passing by.
"Why, think of the devil... y/n, look who is here," Minho looked at someone behind Taehying s back and waved.
Your cheeks hurt from how long you were smiling and greeting the hundred plus visitors to your brother s engagement party that when your boyfriend waved at you and beckoned you, you were relieved.
You strode towards him, politely making small bows and nods towards people you hardly knew. You were desperately waiting for thr day to end so that you could get out of your metallic Vera Wong dress and into a comfortable cashmere pajamas with a glass of wine.
It took you a minute to register the face the man standing next to Minho. It was the face of the adorable boy you grew playing chase in the garden with. It was the face of the broody teenager who suddenly realised the vast distance between his and your social status and distanced himself from you. It was also the face of the boy you gave your virginity to....
You stopped midstride causing a passing waited to bump into you, spilling a tray full of drinks on and around you.
People around you gasped in surprise and were distracted by the unfortunate event, including Minho, that nobody noticed the way Taehyung was intensely staring at you from across the room.
"Y/N, omg..your dress is completely ruined. Come on , let's go get you changed," your best friend and soon to be sister in law broke you out of your trance.
As you followed Dami out of the room, you hoped that you had just imagined the person there but you knew from the way your hair on your neck stood on its end, that you were wrong. He was here. Now. Staring at your back even as you walk away...
"Y/N, breathe... you look you just saw a ghost," Dami s concern shows on her face as she pats tissues on your wet dress.
"Dami.. I.. I saw Taehyung..." Your voice comes out as a whisper.
"Which Taehyung?" Dami responds oblivious to the turmoil inside you, rummaging through your closet for something to replace your wet dress.
Not hearing a reply, she turns around and it finally dawn on her.
"Kim Taehyung? The one you..." she stopped herself just in time .
Dami walked out of your closet and sat beside you and took your hands in hers.
"Y/N, if you don't want to come down, it's ok. Abeoji is too busy with the Minister, I will handle your brother and mine. Come down when you are feeling better , ok?"
You sat still as a statue as Dami found another Dior Haute Couture gown for you to change into incase you changed your mind.
You don't know how long you sat there like that. The boisterous laughters and cheers you heard downstairs reached your igloo of despair.
Just as you got up to change your dress, you heard scrapping sounds in the attached balcony of your bedroom.
Scooping the wet gown, you opened the balcony door slowly to find the man you most dreaded dusting his suit and straightening.
"Tae...Tae.." your voice stuck to the back of your throat and refused to come out.
"Thank god! I thought you forgot me! " Taehyung gave you his usual boxy smile and walked forward.
That smile on that face. You could almost cheat yourself into thinking nothing had changed in the ten years. That he was here to spend time with you just because he was lonely or you were.
You swallowed and continued staring at him. His brows furrowed in confusion as he walked past you into your room and whistled.
"Why are you here, Taehyung shi?" You walked inside , leaving the door behind you open.
" Taehyung shi? Seriously? Y/N, we have known each other since we were in diapers!! Aren't you glad to see me? Don't you have anything else to say?"
Taehyung removed his jacked and dropped it on the floor unceremoniously.
Guilt got the better of you. You indeed had a lot to say to him. Apologies to him for...
Your eyes automatically went to the oak tree draped in fairy lights and when you returned your eyes to him, you found him staring at the tree too.
" I almost died that day, y/n... I... "
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you sobbed openly.
"I am so sorry, Tae... I didn't know... I was ..."
"I was ready to die for you... I was ready to leave all the people I loved for you... but you didn't come, y/n... "
"Tae.. I couldn't... my dad.." You pleaded , hoping that after years you would finally get the chance to apologise to your hearts content.
"I loved you so much.. " Taehyung s eyes glittered with unshed tears.
Seeing him broken like this, you rushed to him and took his face in your hands..
"Tae, look at me. I came for you. As soon as I could. I promise... I begged your grandparents to tell me where they took you.. I visited the agency you got am offer from for months enquiring about you.. "
Taehyung placed a finger on your lips, stopping your rant and placed his forehead on yours. Gulping and hiccuping sobs filled the room and gradually died down.
Taehyung slowly bent down and his lips softly and delicately, like butterfly wings brushed against yours. Gently he sucked your lips between his and moved his hands to your waist.
You gently place your hands on his chest and push him.
"Tae.. I.. we can't," you whispered.
Taehyung stepped back and looked at you with an unreadable look on his face.
"Why not? I am no longer a farmer s grandson. There are millions of girls who would kill to be in your place," his baritone voice clearly conveyed the anger and hurt.
"I know... so you should find one of them, Tae. We were never meant to be. I am engaged to be married to Minho oppa soon. We both should.. we should forget the past and move on.." your voice choked.
"Do you love him then? I thought you didn't want to be a trophy wife like your mother? I thought you wanted to marry for love?" He challenged you.
"I do.. I am marrying for love.. I love ..."
A knock on your door stopped the heated bickering and your eyes widened in fear.
No.. no.. no.. they can't catch you and Taehying alone again...
Taehyung had a different idea in mind.. He strode towards the door and swung it open to the shocked face of your brother and Dami.
Taehyung smirked at your brother.
"Sangwoo ah.. you have the most annoying habit of interrupting y/n and me always. Atleast this time, you came when we were both still decently dressed," he taunted your brother.
Sangwoo had been fuming mad ever since he saw Taehyung enter the house and he took this moment to go on a rampage.
But years of dance training and exercise , had made Taehyung nimble on his feet as he dodged Sangwoo s hands and picked up the jacket he had dropped.
Taehyung gave you a two finger and walked towards towards balcony and effortlessly dropped himself to the ground level.
"See you around, y/n," his deep voice echoed across the lawn as he grinned from ear to ear at all the shocked spectators and jogged towards his car.
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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Pairing : Taehyung and Reader
Genre : Arranged / Forced marriage
Summary : To say the BTS went from raga to riches wouldn't be an exaggeration. From a farmer s grandson , Kim Taehyung to World s Most Handsome man, BTS V, Taehyung has seen it all. But seeing y/n after almost 10 years was gut wrenching.
But like a moth attracted to the flame, Taehyung is convinced that having y/n by his side is his one true victory.
Warning : dubious consent, almost like a first fic so apologies if I let you down ..
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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- TALK SERIES - (COMPLETE)聽{angst/smut/fluff}
聽Part 1聽- Part 2聽- Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5聽
- Fun & Games- {smut/fluff/humor}
- Cheap Skate-聽{smut/fluff af}聽
- Page Turner - {fluff/smut/romance}
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-聽Sorry, bae.聽-聽{smut/fluff}
- Hammer it Home - {smut/fluff/roommate au}
- Hammer it Home: Nailed it - {prequel/pining/fluff}
- Hammer it Home: Feels Like Home - {fluff/smut}
- Hammer it Home: A Wrench in the Plan - {fluff/smut}
- Hammer it Home: Totally Screwed - {smut/fluff/established relationship}
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聽- CREAM & SUGAR SERIES (COMPLETE)聽- {smut/humor/fluff}聽
Part 1聽- Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5聽- Part 6
- Cream & Sugar: Love You a Latte - {fluff/smut}
- Every Kind of Way - {smut/fluff}
- Freak-quency - {smut/sub!jk/pwp}聽
- Boots.聽-聽(Freak-quency companion piece) - {smut/sub!jk/pwp}
- Nightmare聽-聽 (Freak-quency companion piece) - {hurt/comfort, smut}
- Cake. - (Freak-quency companion piece) - {smut/fluff}
- RATTLED SERIES (COMPLETE)聽- {angst/smut/e2l/f2l/singledad!jk} - Series Masterlist聽聽
Part 1聽- Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8聽- Epilogue
- Let the Light In - {angst/coping, hurt/comfort}
- The Jorts - {impreg/fluff/smut}
- The Jorts: Back & Forth - {impreg/smu/fluff}
- The Jorts: The Speedo - {prequel/fluff/smut}
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-聽Love Language - {smut/angst/fluff}
- Tip of the Iceberg - {fluff/angst/smut}聽
- Across the Hall - {neighbors/fluff/smut}
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-聽The Holiday: Unplugged - {smut/fluff/comfort}聽
- Unplugged: Unbalanced - {angst/fluff/smut}
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- Anthesis - {fantasy/angst/smut}聽
- Failure to Communicate - {e2l/smut/fluff/college au}
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Sorry friends. All my Jin fics are half finished 馃様
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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1:13 AM- Jimin
"Hey, doe?" Jimin asked one night, calling you out of the blue. His voice sounding slower in a strange sort of way. He slurred the pet name he had adopted for you, claiming you looked just like a doe in headlights when you zoned out.
Maybe you imagined the speech pattern- after all, you were half a bottle of wine down on a practically empty stomach. "Yes?" You answered calmly, trying to keep a slur out of your own words.
"What are you wearing?"
Your mind whited out for a second, a ping going off in your head. This wasn't a situation you had found yourself in often, never once with Jimin. What were you wearing? Why couldn't he have asked that at a time you were wearing something cool?
"Well, I-I'm in bed." You mumbled, "So...not much."
"Oh good," He laughed, "Describe it to me."
You scrubbed a hand down your face, begging yourself internally to not fuck this up. Sitting up quickly, the room spun for a moment before you refocused on the mirror across the room, reflecting your very casual appearance. Running a hand through your hair as if he could see you, you took a deep breath and dragged your eyes down to the bra you had on.
"Black mesh bra, very stretchy, very soft." You started, laughing at yourself.
"I bet it is," He mumbled, the sound of a door closing coming through on the line. You heard what sounded like him laying down in bed, picturing how soft his bed is in your head. You wished you were there instead of here, wondering why you two didn't make plans.
"I- I'm actually wearing the underwear you left here the other week. The black ones I made fun of you for." You confessed, running a finger under the waistband.
"Oh? Louis Vuitton ones you said were unnecessarily bouvier?" He teased, his pitch raising slightly. You couldn't tell if it was peaked interest or surprise, unsure of whether it was weird of you to wear them. They were just so comfortable and you missed him and there they were, sitting in your closet next to your own underwear like they belonged there.
"Yeah," You nodded, your voice sounding a lot more breathy than you intended it to. "I stand by my words."
"Well bougie or not, I happen to be wearing the exact same pair."
Your stomach dropped and you blinked quickly, trying to think of a sexy response to that.
"You thinking about taking them off?" You joked, laughing slightly to take some of the tension out of the conversation.
It was suddenly way too hot in your room, your entire body feeling like it was set ablaze randomly. This could go one of two ways, he could pull the two of you back towards safer waters, cracking some stupid joke and slipping back into the sweet midnight conversations you normally had. Or, things could be...different.
"I will if you do." His response came, "Wanna switch to FaceTime?"
(A/N: Not my fault Jimin is mad sexy. Feedback is appreciated, feel free to send requests.)
179 notes View notes
vanilla-sky01 3 years
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4:45 PM- Taehyung
Taehyung liked to touch you.
His touch wasn't always sexual (although, a lot of the time it was). In public, it was a hand on your waist, his hip against yours, fingers wrapped loosely around your wrist because he liked how delicate it felt in his grasp- he said it reminded him of how precious you were.
Taehyung could be a little cheesy.
In private, it was a little more daring, a little more intimate. A weighted palm rubbing your back underneath your shirt, his fingers kneading the muscle of your upper thighs, hands smoothing over your arms. It used to make you uncomfortable- you weren't exactly built like a supermodel. Overtime, with a stronger sense of comfort and familiarity, it was just something that you got used to.
Taehyung liked to touch you.
One day you asked about it, when he was busy exploring the way your torso felt underneath your shirt. He didn't seem particularly focused on his movements, watching whatever show you two were currently making your way through.
"Why do you insist on touching me at all times?" You teased, placing a hand on top of his to still him momentarily.
He looked down at your stomach in surprise, as if he had just realized he was touching you at all, "I like the way your body feels."
You laughed, not expecting such a simple answer.
"I've been in my body all my life- I know every inch of my skin. I know how it all feels, but yours is so...new." He explained further, smiling innocently at you. "I don't know how every inch of your body feels like, but I want to. I want to commit it to memory."
You didn't know what to say, blinking up at him blankly. Taehyung's smile only grew watching your expression, kissing you slowly. The grasp on your body became more possessive, his hands tightening slightly to hold you in place. You instinctively angled your hips up towards his, making small circles against him.
"I want to know your body better than my own." He mumbled against your lips, "Consider me touching you all the time as me studying."
"Well, allow me to support your scholarly endeavor," You joked, pulling him closer to you still.
(A/N: I luv Tae. I think he'd be a very intentional lover. Reblog, like, share, follow, shoot me an ask if you liked this!)
239 notes View notes
vanilla-sky01 3 years
Destiny Intervenes..
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Pairing : Jungkook x OC
Genre : Arranged / Forced marriage
Summary :
Jungkook swore to abstain from marriage.
He has worked very hard to be where he is and he won't let anything or anyone jeopardise it.
Mira wanted an out from the marriage her father has arranged for her.
What better way than to get embroiled in a scandal with the maknae of the world s best kpop band.
But destiny had other plans..
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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Destiny Intervenes
Chapter 6
Jungkook hovered above Mira, his much bigger frame completely enveloped her as he kissed along her jaws , reaching the juncture of her neck and shoulder.
It had taken him just seconds to get rid of both their clothing.
Desperation and desire dominated all his actions.
He sank into her, his one hand tangled into her hair and his other holding her hips in place. His jaw tensed at the sudden flood of feelings and he shut his eyes tight and buried his face in her shoulder as he started moving.
You hardly felt the intrusion to your body. Infact, you welcomed the discomfort. Anything was better than your own thoughts attacking you.
It was not slow. It was not sweet.
It was full of despair , a need to cling on to a notion of being needed, of not being alone...
Just as the pain faded, you felt Jungkook s thrust falter , moaning loudly.
His face stayed beside yours as his panted , sweat dripping onto your shoulder.
As he pulled himself off you, the first thing you felt was the cold air that replaced his warm body.
Sitting up quickly both of you made no efforts to look at each other.
With his lips pursed, Jungkook looked confused and lost.
You looked around you searching for your clothes and sensing your movement, Jungkook picked up his t-shirt at his feet and handed it to you without turning towards you.
You wanted to protest, to remind him that it was his and not yours but you also didn't want to spend another minute there so you pulled it over yourself. You quickly pulled your underwear back on and stood up.
Picking up your strewn clothes as quickly as possible and rushed into your bedroom, ignoring the soreness between your legs.
Jungkook barely moved for a few minutes. He felt like he was going to be sick. What had he done? He looked around the room and a were spot on the leather sofa caught his attention.
As of wanting to erase all evidence of what had transpired there, he jumped up and pulled on his pants after snat hing it off the floor.
He rushed to the bathroom and returned with a washcloth and rubbed the wet spot. He immediately disposed off the cloth and ran his hands through his hair.
Jungkook wanted to go check on you, make sure you were OK, apologise to you. There were so many things he wanted to say and yet he couldn't find himself to move towards your door.
He wasn't sure you would want to see him anymore forget gear anything he had to say. He doesn't blame you. He hated himself for what he had done.
He quietly went back to his room , shutting the door behind him.
When Jungkook decided to leave early the next morning to the agency, though it was his rest day and he wasn't officially required to report back, it was actually his way of avoiding you.
But just as be was wearing his shoes to leave the house, you entered the house, having finished up your morning run.
The awkwardness that filled the air was tangible before Jungkook noticed the pharmacy bag in your hand.
Noticing his eyes on the bag, you tried to hide it in your hoodie packets but you were too late.
"Are you OK?" He asked, worry showing in his face.
"Yea.. I am fine," you replied, lookong down and removing your running shoes.
"Tell me, please," he said quietly moving to stand infront of you , blocking your way in.
"I... I am not on the pill. I went out to get the morning after pill," you replied, your face going red with embarrassment.
"Oh," was all Jungkook managed, still not budging.
"Mira.. I..." he started, wanting to get a lot of things off his chest.
"Stop... don't.. please.." You begged. "I won't automatically assume you think of me as a wife or take liberties with your family. Please. Let me go," you continued.
Jungkook opened and closed his mouth as if he was going to disagree with you but when he saw the tears welling up in your eyes, he quickly moved out of your way and watched you walk away.
Jungkook thought he probably was imagining your voice when he heard you softly calling his name.
It had been almost a week since New Year and you both had managed to find a way around th awkwardness after the incident and went back to ignoring the presence of each other. Or that's what you thought.
Yoongi, who had been at the studio when Jungkook had come on New Year s day was pleasantly surprised to see the maknae. Known to be a workaholic , it was no surprise Yoongi himself was there but he had imagined the younger members having fun somewhere.
But one look at his youngest member s face told him that something was haunting him. Yoongi wasn't one to probe so he simply waited for his brother to open up as he quietly sat next to him and worked on his music.
"Hyung..." he finally heard Jungkook call him softly. When yoongi turned towards Jungkook, there were tears rolling down the maknae s cheeks.
"What happened, Jungkook ah? Tell me..." he prompted.
Jungkook s shoulders shook as be burst out crying full fledgedly.
"I.. I.. last night, I.. mira.."
Yoongi closed his eyes and sighed.
He knew his youngest member well enough to say that Jungkook never cried for himself. He only cried when he felt bad for someone else. So something had happened between him and his new wife.
Yoongi patted Jungkook s back and sat beside him waiting for him to calm down.
"Hyung, I am so bad," Jungkook managed to splurt out first, wiping his eyes and nose onto his hoodie.
"Jungkook ah, sometimes in life the best of relationships start unexpectedly in the most bizarre way. But you need to give the relationship, the person a chance. I am not saying that Mira was meant to be your wife or anything but maybe she came into your life for a reason. She has apologised for whatever she did that landed you both in this situation. She seems to be doing the best of the situation. What more do you expect from her? Huh?"
Jungkook stayed silent. He remembered how you looked at him the previous night when she asked if having sex with him would be her only way of apologising to him.
Yoongi ordered food for the both of them and Jungkook stayed in yoongi s studio for the rest of the day.
From then there has been a slight change in the way he has treated you but you were oblivious.
You didn't notice the fridge loaded with the chocolate ice cream that you seemed to prefer and steal from. You didn't notice that whenever your favourite fruits were on the verge of getting spoilt , new fresh ones always appeared in its place.
It's not that you didn't notice , it's just that you didn't notice that Jungkook was doing these for you.
So when he heard you say his name, he wasn't so sure he heard right. He kept eating before he heard you can him again.
"Jungkook, I need a small favor?"
Jungkook looked up to see you standing there looking hesitantly at him.
"What is it?" He asked , surprised. Even in Korea , a place you didn't know so well you had managed pretty well by yourself, finding causes you were interested in and engaging yourself.
"There is this Charity Art Auction next month that I am co hosting and the other hosts think it would benefit if you could , maybe, make a small appearance there? " You had been reluctant to ask this of him but the other organisers felt that this would benefit the auction more more even you were stupid enough to argue with the popularity and influence Jungkook could bring to the event.
Jungkook could see how much it meant to you.
"Hmm. Sure.. but I need you to do something for me this weekend," he added.
"What?" You haven't forgotten the last time he asked something of you and you looked at him skeptically.
"We have an agency party this weekend. I want you to come. Its to celebrate the success of our last album and its just to thank our staffs for their hardwork."
"OK," you agreed. You were anyways looking for ways to unwind this weekend after the hectic week of work and a party sounded good. Anything was better than being alone at home.
By the time you and Jungkook reached, the party was in full swing. People were pleasantly surprised to see you there but soon enough you were comfortably joking around with them.
".... and if BTS loses what will be the penalty?"
There were games happening between different departments of the agency and it looked like BTS was also participating in the last game.
The rest of the crowd slowly migrated towards the place where the games were being conducted and you moved moved them.
Yoongi whispered something in Jin s ears and Jin answered for his group.
" Jungkook will be twenty pushups with his wife sitting on his back," Jin announced.
Jungkook s head shot up in shock and he tried to object but noone seemed to paying attention to him. Jin s statement created such a uproar.
The female staffs you were chatting with looked at your shocked face , your eyes wide in surprise and consoled you, "Don't worry. The members are very good at all games and Jungkook hates to lose."
Your eyes searched around the room and finally caught Jungkook s. He looked as stunned as you, his doe eyes wide in horror.
Controrary to popular beliefs, that day the boys, except for Jungkook, looked like they were playing to lose. Jimin and Tae spent half the game sabotaging the others.
You couldn't do anything but watch in horror as the winners roared in delight and you were pushed to centre towards the members.
The members and people taunted Jungkook saying that he was probably saying no because he was scared he would fail. Ofcourse that proved to be it.
Jungkook dropped down to the floor and got into the high plank position. With the crowd cheering, you stood there unsure of what to do.
Jungkook looked up at you and nodded in encouragement.
You gingerly sat on his back , with the crowd goading you into taking your feet off the ground.
Jungkook was stronger than you expected. He slowly and steadily, with hardly a grunt managed to complete the ten pushups.
Gif not mine.Credit to gif creator.
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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Destiny Intervenes
Chapter 5
Warning : dubious consent
You were struggling to fall asleep as your stomach grumbled in hunger but the buzz of your vibrating phone was the one that made you give up sleep and sit up.
You were surprised to see the caller ID and hesitated for a second before attending the call.
"Omoni, is everything OK?" Trying to keep your voice casual.
"Mira, I have been trying to reach Jungkook for sometime. Is he with you?" the panic in the voice made any sign of sleep and tiredness leave you immediately.
"Oh. Let me see if he outside, omoni. Is anything wrong?" Even though the smart side of you told you to stay away from anything involving his family, you found yourself being concerned.
Jungkook was nowhere to be found in the house.
"Omoni, Jungkook is not home. Maybe he went out for a walk or something. Please tell me what's wrong."
"It's his brother, Mira. Hyorin called me now . She is worried about Jungkook s brother. He seems to be in some sort of financial trouble and it seems he went to meet the person who had loaned him money to ask for more time but he hasn't returned and he is not answering his phone. She is very worried," your mother-in-law s voice trembled in fear.
You thought quickly.
"Does she know where he went, omoni?"
"Some pub called The comet. Please Mira. Help me find Jungkook. He will know what to do," you could hear the sobs escape as the mother feared for the safety of her first born.
"Omoni, give me five minutes. I will call you again," you consoled the woman and without wastj g time you cut the call to make another outgoing call to the last person you hoped to talk to.
"Oh my god. Look who finally found the courage to call me. Mira darling, at this time of the night, isn't it inappropriate to call your ex? What will your husband think? Hmm?" Jason Lee s voice mocked you.
"Jason, we can do this another time. Please I need your help now," you snapped.
Jason and you had been friends for a long time and he knew you well enough to know when not to play games.
He was quiet for sometime before you heard a loud sigh.
"My parents will diswon me if they know I am even talking to you. I don't know why I haven't blocked your number yet. ... tell me.." he conceded
"You know that pub your friend Krish Wu owns? I need you to get someone out of there safely."
"Not much good happens in that place. You should have warned your friend to stay away from there," he answered, assuming you wanted to get some female friend of yours to safety.
"It's.. its not a friend. Its my brother in law. I think he is in trouble. Please... just this once, Jason. For old times sake," you pleaded.
"OK. But you owe me for this. Also why are you getting involved in this. I am sure your husband is more than capable of getting this done , what with his newly earned world class star status," he mocked you again
"Seriosuly, Jason? You want to ridicule me now? Just do it and let me know how to solve this problem for good. I will wait for your call."
You didn't have to wait for long.
You knew that your ex fiance was someone who always delivered on what he promised and he didn't disappoint you.
He managed to get your brotherinlaw out of the place unharmed and also managed to get a deal out of the loan sharks who were behind your brother in law.
By the time you went to sleep, you had managed to eat the entire tub of ice cream in Jungkook s fridge and pay off the loan shark and legally getting your brother in law out of their hold.
The immense gratitude and praise that your in laws showed you after seeing their eldest son safe brought a smile on your face till your mother in law started praising Jungkook for choosing a great girl like you.
Your frown returned to your face and you managed to bid them bye and get to bed.
You woke pretty late next day and as you went into the kitchen to get something to eat, you stalled at the sight of Jungkook sitting and having his lunch by the looks of it at the dining table.
You almost turned around not wanting another round of confrontation regarding how much rights you had with respect to his family when you heard, "Thanks."
You paused in your track and wondered if you had merely imagined the sound when you heard Jungkook say it again.
"For yesterday. Thanks."
You turned around and took a step tentatively towards the kitchen.
"I am really sorry for everything. I ...I just want to pay you back for all the trouble I have caused you in any way I can... " you said not wanting to disturb the temporary peace in the room as you walked past him into the kitchen.
Jungkook didn't show any emotion to your attempt at an explanation.
"But stay out of my family next time. Manager hyung will wire you the money today," he said in an expressionless voice.
"Got it," you replied as you rummaged through the shelves and found a box of cereals.
As the limousine approached the venue, you felt your hands get clammy with your stomach threatening to empty itself any minute.
This was going to be your first appearance with Jungkook as a couple and the line of limousines waiting to drop off celebrities as they got photographed by what looked like hundred of cameras bought no solace to your already anxious self.
You weren't exactly new to being photographed per say but to appear as a couple and know that millions of fans out there were going to tear you apart for every gesture , feature and breath of yours was terrifying.
Noone would be good enough for their perfect Jungkook.
Your husband sat across from your perfectly poised and unrealistically handsome in his suit.
You both had been tutored multiple times on the best ways to pose for the cameras ad even while practising under the critical eyes of his publicists, he was cool and composed and completely professional.
Ofcourse he was cool, you told yourself he has probably done with hundreds of models and fans and you were not even one of those.
When it was your turn, Jungkook got out first before charmingly turning around and taking your hand , helping you out of the car.
Camera flashes blinded you for a few minutes and if not for your husband s guiding hands you would have been completely lost.
The custom made Valentino Haute couture white gown was supposed to make you innocent and sensuous at the same time while your husband look dapper and handsome beside you.
Jungkook placed a hand gently on your lower back and guided you to the podium.
You both could have fooled anybody for the next few minutes as you took turns posing for the cameras on all sides.
Jungkook even turned and said something to you and smiled which completely caught you by surprise as you looked up at your husband with a dazed look.
Once inside the arena, you nothing went seperate ways as you sat with the other guests and Jungkook went to join his members.
The online forums, fancafes had a field day with the pictures of you both that days and the next couple of days with a vast majority finding the picture of you looking stunned at your husband as he smiled down at you very romantic.
Once again, as soon as the award function was over you returned back to your home country, back to work.
You were involved in charities that helped make the thousands of immigrants life safer and easier by helping them get jobs and admissions in schools and colleges.
Your friends pitched in and you were often involved in organising balls and fundraisers with them.
You hoped in your small way, you could use your famous family name and influence to improve the life of the people who needed help.
You shuttled between Korea and your own place as soon enough you found worthy causes to throw yourself into in Korea as well.
Though you stayed in Jungkook s apartment, there was a clean demarcation of what you could do and couldn't.
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Jungkook read the article as waited for his members to get ready for their New Year s Eve concert.
As he finished reading, Jungkook realised that things wasn't as bad as he had thought it would be.
Except for not having the house to himself, Mira never bothered him. Infact, of late he found that his parents and even his own dog, Bam seemed to prefer her over him and though initially it had irked him, now he found the silent company comforting.
The concert hall was completely full and the members were one again overwhelmed with the amount of love they garnered during their every performance.
But after every performance came the withdrawal symptoms that came with the quiet and loneliness they felt after the event.
Going back to an empty house, eating alone , backbreaking hardwork and practise all pays off during their performance but once that was done, they were left scrambling to find out who they really were off stage.
Welcoming the New Year with fans, it was almost 2a.m. by the time Jungkook reached home.
Jungkook was surprised to see Mira in the house. He knew she had been busy preparing for the audition but he had thought that she would jet off to her country to welcome the New Year with her friends and family.
It seemed like he wasn't the only one surprised as you too were quiet startled to see your husband home.
You thought that surely the world famous kpop star had a better place to ring in the New Year with instead of being alone at home.
Jungkook plopped himself exhausted on the sofa. You were watching a fluffy romcom on TV with wine and strawberries for company and you certainly wasn't expecting your husband to show in any interest.
He sat there quietly watching your movie before grabbing the entire bottle of wine and guzzling it down.
"Are you OK?"
You really didn't want to start anything on the very first day of the year but you couldn't help yourself. Jungkook looked pathetic, still very handsome, but very sad and lonely.
He hummed in response as he bent down to grab a few of your strawberries.
You turned your attention back to your movie and soon enough it came to an end with the leads doing a sappy love confession and make out session.
As you turned off the TV and got up to clean the table and leave, you felt Jungkook grab your hand below your elbow.
"Stay," was all he slurred.
Your eyes met his doe eyes pleading you not to leave.
"Please..." he drawled.
You heart clenched as he slowly pulled you down near him. Unable to take your eyes off him, you were thrown off by the musky scent of him at such close proximity.
Maybe it was the wine or maybe it was the movie, but when Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off Mira s perfectly plump lips.
It was nothing at first.
Just a ghost of his breath on your face.
There was barely any room between you two.
You closed your eyes as Jungkook s upper lips fell between yours and his tongue gently ghosted on your lower lips.
The thought of protesting didn't even occur to you.
The kiss was light and full of questions and doubts. There was desperation there. A plea for more.
Slowly you bought your hands to his face and opened your lips to let him in.
Jungkook s movement grew frantic as he pulled you closer to himself, pressing you against him.
He tore his mouth away from your lips and moved to your throat, his hands moving down and under your t-shirt.
Suddenly your brain was flooded with words he had thrown at you in this very living room. You knew that if you went through with this, you would be only one to blame even though you were both drunk with wine and emotions.
Jungkook felt you freeze under him and clenched his jaws as he pulled away from you.
"You told me you were sorry. You told me you would do anything to make up for it..." he growled accusingly.
Your eyes widened in horror as you realised what he was asking of you.
"This is how you want me to show you how sorry I am?"you asked shakingly.
"What if I said yes?" He challenged back.
You wanted to be horrified. You wanted to protest hut you instead found yourself accepting his challenge.
You slowly reached down and pulled your t-shirt over your head.
Jungkook waited for a second as his eyes roamed your face looking for any sign that you were against what was about to happen and all he saw was resignation.
He wasn't in the mood to over analyse your feelings. He wanted to stop feeling the pain of loneliness.
The intoxicating taste of wine and strawberries greeted him as he latched on to your mouth and his hands grabbed your waist and pushed you down as he hovered above you.
Despite the conflicting emotions running through both your minds, the hormones played their part in the consummation of your marriage mere months after Jungkook s declaration that you were never going to be his wife inspite of what the marriage certificate bearing both your names said.
Gifs are not mine. Credit to the creator.
Thanks a lot for asking to be tagged.
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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Destiny Intervenes
Chapter 4
"I have already released a statement condemning the action," Jungkook said as he sat down opposite you, "A doctor is also coming here," and you felt his gaze flit towards where your shirt had torn.
"Thanks. I have a flight back hoke tonight so... if you need anything , your manager has my number."
Jungkook nodded.
Just as you got up to leave to your room, he said nonchalantly, "I am not doing any of this because you are my wife. Our marriage exists only in paper. I would have done the same for anyone."
You waited for him to look up at you but when he didn't, you replied in the same emotionless voice, "Ofcourse" and walked off to the guest room.
The doctor came and checked the wound and left you with a couple of creams. You stayed in you room for the rest of your time and when it was time for you to leave, you couldn't find Jungkook in the living room.
The light under his bedroom door indicated where he was but the shut door also gave you the feeling that it would be OK to lave without informing him.
The next time you met your husband was almost four months later.
You had spent the last few months, working towards a project that was close to your mother s heart. You put your own heart and soul into it, with a few of your friends help and you had almost forgotten all the dramatic events that led upto your wedding.
After all you had almost received what you had wanted. Except for the platinum diamond ring on your finger , nothing said that you were married.
You didn't need to report back to anyone. You were making all your decisions independently. Not having go report back to anyone.
So four months later, when you received a call from Jungkook. Apparently it was Chuseok festival at his country and his parents expected you and Jungkool to visit them for a couple of days.
Jungkook was polite enough to ask if you were free and could make it as his parents still belived your married to be real.
During the drive to his parents home in Korea, Jungkook told you that his father had suffered a stroke a year back and he didn't want his parents to be worried about him.
Just as you reached his place, he parked the car and turned to you for the first time in hours.
"Just... please be polite to them. I have spent a large part of my life away from them and even now, other than helping them financially, I can't visit them and be with them or support them as much as I would like to. Even last year, when my father was in the hospital, my parents never told me because I was away on tour and they didn't want me to worry. So..."
You didn't let him complete the sentence.
"I understand," you said in a soothing voice.
His family was very polite and kind to you. Jungkook s mom commented on how pretty you looked and kept touching you hand and hair as she sat looking at you lovingly
"Our Jungkookie has grown so much so quickly that we didn't even realise that he wanted to marry someone till he told us. If we had known earlier, we would have asked to meet you before marriage and got to know you sooner."
His father said as he patted his youngest son affectionately.
"Everything happened so fast, uncle. Its my fault really, uncle. I should have insisted to meet you and aunty . I am sorry, uncle."
"Please call me abeoji. We are family now," he insisted.
Jungkook s mom got up to prepare food and you followed her into the kitchen.
You offered to help her with the preparation but she refused your help and only insisted that you chat with her as she prepared the food for everyone.
His mom kept telling you all the naughty things Jungkook had done as a kid and you were quiet amused at all the tales you heard.
Soon Jungkook s brother and his wife joined in on the celebrations and the family dinner was simple but scrumptious.
After dinner, the men stayed in the living room watching a baseball match while you and the other ladies sat in the balcony, watching the beautiful bright moon and drinking tea.
"Mira, tell me how you met our Jungkook and how you both fell in love," Hyorin, Jungkook s sisterinlaw probed, all excited at the prospect of hearing a romantic story.
You suddenly felt like a deer caught in the headlight.
"Umm.. unni.. its not such an interesting story really," you tried to wave it off.
But Hyorin was intent on getting a story out of you. Even Jungkook s mom looked at you eagerly.
You hoped Jungkook would come and rescue you for you really didn't want to get him more entangled with the lies that you would be forced to spurt out than necessary.
Seeing no way out, you decided to say as much of the truth as possible, albeit in the romantic manner that they were expecting.
"Actually, unni, the first time I met Jungkook was when he saved my life. That day changed our lives forever. Ours was a whirlwind affair. Just months later we got married," you blurted out.
"Ah... some relationships are like that. It's like it's written in the stars. You just have to meet the right person. You don't need to have known them for years. You just know that they are the ones for you. It was the same with Jungkook s dad and I. Do you know that I am elder to my husband by 2 years? But I knew he was for me as soon as I met him," Jungkook s mother said as she smiled at you lovingly.
It was soon time to go to bed. Hyorin showed you the way to Jungkook s old room.
You quickly changed into your pajamas and looked around the room, trying to figure out the sleeping arrangement.
You and Jungkook had never slept in the same room forget the same bed but his old room was only big enough for one double bed.
You were rummaging through the cupboards in the room for some extra blankets that you thought you could spread on the floor for yourself when the door opened.
Jungkook closed the door behind you and sighed.
"I can sleep down. I just need some extra blankets. The floor is very cold," you tried, as you continued to look through the cupboards.
"I don't think you will find any there. Just sleep on the bed, I will sleep down, " he offered as he pulled out an old hoodie from the cupboard and pulled it over himself.
You watched him close the windows and adjust the furnitures around around the room to make space for lying down.
You wanted to refuse the offer but the determined way in which Jungkook was moving around the room showed that he wouldn't listen to anything you said.
You quietly went to bed and pulled the think blanket over yourself guiltily.
After almost an hour of being in the dark , you couldn't ignore ignore noises Jungkook tried not to make as he tossed and turned to keep himself warm.
Losing all patience, you sat up and looked over the other side of the bed.
"Jungkook, please come to bed. The bed is big enough for both of us. Please," you pleaded.
When the silence dragged on, you assumed he was going to ignore you and was getting ready to get out of bed and switch on the lights when you saw the silhouette of Jungkook stand up from the floor and stretched himself.
He hesitated before approaching the bed. You scooted to the edge of the bed and lay down, burying yourself inside the thick blanket.
You felt the bed dip on the other side of the mattress. Satisfied that your weren't causing more discomfort to Jungkook than necessary you dozed off.
When you woke up the next morning, both of you hadn't moved much from your respective corners and Jungkook was still fast asleep.
You quickly showered and went out to meet his mother.
Noone else was up yet so Jungkook s mother and you had some quiet coffee time sitting in the living room.
"Mira, can I ask you something?"
Jungkook s mom asked you gingerly.
"Sure, omoni," you replied softly.
"Are you and Jungkook in a fight? " She enquired.
You were sos joked you almost spilled the piping hot coffee.
"Omoni..." You dragged, knowing for sure you were caught.
"I know my jungkook very well. He likes to keep his feelings inside. He doesn't express himself easily. I can see that he is holding back something," she continued, as if she didn't hear you just splutter.
You stared wide eyed as she turned towards you and placed a hand soothingly on your shoulders.
"My son never does things he doesn't want to do. So I trust his reasons for marrying you. If he trusts and loves you enough to make you a part of our family, I will trust you too. So please, give my son the love he deserves. He might seem difficult and impossible at times but your husband is worth it."
You didn't know what to say. You felt terrible for deceiving someone who had seen you only a couple of times but was ready to hand her precious son over to you just because she thought her son trusted and loved you. She didn't feel the need to judge you...
You felt tears well up in your eyes and Jungkook s mother immediately got up and hugged you to herself and patted your back.
"Aigo.. look at me making you cry on an auspicious day like this. Sorry, Mira. Go and refresh yourself. We have so much to do today. Wake up that lazy husband of yours as well," she said and hurried off to the kitchen.
You spent the whole day walking on eggshells , not wanting to spoil the day in anyway for the wonderfully naive family.
"What the hell was all that? Why are you sucking upto my family like that?"
Jungkook seethed with barely contained anger.
You both were back at his apartment and the ride back was anything but comfortable. Jungkook had been in a bad mood all through your stay at his place so you hardly uttered a word.
"I don't understand what you are talking about. Why were you such a sourpuss? " you dropped you totebag onto the armchair and turned to face him.
"You.. I am talking about you.. acting all nice and sweet. I asked you to be polite to them not play the role of a perfect daughter in law. How will they feel once they know all this is fake? Huh??"
He thundered. He suddenly picked up your bag and threw it across the room.
"They are not your family. This is not your house. You will never become my wife," he shouted as he ran his hands through his hair.
You stood rooted to the spot both in shock and disbelief. You couldn't understand why he was suddenly angry when you felt you did exactly what he had asked you to.
You turned around and stomped back to your room and collected your suitcase and marched out.
You picked up your bag and turned to the man pacing the room.
"I don't know what you want from me. I know I made a mistake that day, sneaking the photographer into the hotel but I was planning to get out of a marriage not get into one," you fumed.
Jungkook paused and turned around with a shocked expression.
"You? You had those photos taken??" His disbelief showed in his voice as he lunged towards you and grabbed your elbow.
You tried to pry his hand from your elbow but his hold was too strong for you.
"I was only hoping to cast a smidge of doubt on my character so that the Lee s would withdraw their marriage proposal but what I had in mind and what happened there were two different things. I didn't want to marry anyone. Period. I only married you because my father threatened to character assassinate you if I didn't. Don't flatter yourself into thinking that I ever wanted or would want to be married to you!"
You managed to snatch your arm away from him as he plopped down on the sofa , still not being able to stomach your confession.
"Let me know if you still need me for the award function this weekend. "
You marched out of the room, leaving your stunned husband behind.
The gifs are not mine. Credit to the owner.
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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the most wanted man
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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Destiny Intervenes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
There were many things a bride is allowed to feel on her wedding day- happiness, excitement, overwhelmed or even fear. But you felt frightfully numb to the happenings around you.
From the peonies in your hand to the lace Alexander McQueen wedding dress on you, no expense was spared in making this the wedding extravagant.
All designed and formulated to make it picture perfect.
You had been dragged on to multiple dermatologist and aesthetician visits to make sure you had that glow to your skin. You really couldn't blame them for the pale , ghastly look you had going for you today.
The oaths that your publicist had written for you, the kiss where your lips barely touched his, the pictures taken with guests with the fake smile on your face, the limousine ride to some posh suite at a five star hotel...
It was all a blur of activity around you.
Jungkook sat at uncomfortably, looking down at his shoes as he heard his wife of mere hours throw up in the bathroom. As soon as they reached their honeymoon suite, she ran past him into the bathroom and she had been there since then.
Jungkook had wondered if she was one of his secret saesang fans initially but if what was happening in the bathroom was anything to go by, he doubted.
Jungkook looked at the sauvignon blanc sitting in the ice bucket and poured some into the wine glasses placed nearby and hoped it gave him the courage to say the things he felt needed to be said before they started this journey together.
When Mira came out of the bathroom, she found her husband with a glass of wine, looking outthe balcony, still in his wedding attire.
For the first time that day , you really looked at your husband as he stood facing the city. He ran a hand through his hairband rubbed his neck and you saw his tattoos for the first time. You noticed a lot of rings in his fingers and you were sureties probably meant more than the wedding ring he wore on his left hand.
He turned around casually around, spotting you standing there with your crumpled dress and ruined makeup. You wiped your sweaty hands on your dress and waited for him to unleash his anger on you for having spoilt his life.
But jungkook walked casually to the fridge and pulled out a water bottle after placing his glass of wine on the counter next to fridge. He opened the bottle and passed it to you.
"Drink. We need to talk, " he said and retrieved his wine glass and sat on the leather sofa.
Your throat hurt from having expelled what little you had eaten today and you were grateful for the water.
He waited till you emptied the whole water bottle.
Looking at his wine as he swirled it in his glass, he started.
"This marriage is only for the public. The bunch of lies we fed to the media.. its just that.. lies. Let's not pretend otherwise. I am here to protect myself and my members and I am sure you have your reasons too. So... I am going to continue to do the things I have always wanted to do and you can do the same. I will never use this marriage as an excuse to interfere in your life and I expect the same from you."
"Ok.." your throat was still scratchy and raw.
Jungkook continued, "I have just one request. Right now we have a lot of attention from fans and media. I don't want you to get caught doing anything that might jeopardise my public image. "
"Ok" was all you could manage again.
"Do you have anything to say?"
"I.. I .. am so sorry my father did this to you. I promise I will never stand in the way of your life. In fact, you can forget we are even married," you gushed out before you lost the courage.
Jungkook hummed in acknowledgement and stood up to pour some more wine into his glass.
With his back to you, he stated, " You can take tbe bedroom."
You didn't wait for him to say anything further and left.
Your honeymoon at a private resort in a remote Spanish village was spent in you exploring the village alone during the day and retiring early at night.
You never knew whee and what Jungkook did but judging from the noises you hear at night , he was probably up all night and slept during the day.
A couple of days before your return back home, a photographer had been arranged to take candid pictures of both of you to post on the agency's and personal social media accounts.
You were made to wear multiple flowy summer dresses and pose in cafes , beaches and gardens. Jungkook was a natural at these photoshoots ofcourse , casually talking to you about the local climate or food with a smile on his face , as if he was saying the most romantic of things to you.
Even when you arrived back in Korea, the publicists insisted you both be photographed together.
But what you hadn't expected was the throng of fans holding signs in Korean and clearly not positive from their agitated body language. As you walked past one such mass of unruly group, one girl pushed past the security and made to grab your hair.
Sensing a movement too close to , you turned. Your mistake. The girl s hand scratched your face and grabbed your white shirt.
The force of the pull caused the buttons on the shirt to pop out.
Flashes of cameras around you blinded you as you felt, rather than see your front exposed.
Using your hands to pull the torn shirt together, you felt a hand over your shoulder pulling you towards them and rushing you towards an open limousine waiting for you.
As soon as the door closed behind you, you looked down at the damage done.
Most of the buttons on your shirt had popped out causing an indecent amount of exposure of your lacy bra and abdomen..
There was also a thin line of blood starting from your shoulder to the centre of your cleavage probably left behind by the sharp nails of the frantic fan.
Jungkook stared unbelievably at your state and immediately took off his denim jacket to drape over you.
"Are you OK? Does it hurt?" He asked concern showing in his face and voice.
Holding his jacket against your chest
The manager seated in the front passenger seat turned towards the both of you.
"Are you both OK? Jungkook, to your apartment right?" He confirmed before turning to the driver and giving directions.
"Hyung, can you please look into the pictures they took after the girl attacked? Please make sure that no improper pictures of Mira are published."
The manager nodded in understanding .
At her apartment, Jungkook pointed you to a guest bedroom at the end of the corridor.
Once you changed into a changed into a t shirt and jeans , you came out of the room to see Jungkook pacing the living room with his phone attached to his ears.
From the few words you could grasp, you understood that a video of the attack on you in the airport was already online in a forum.
A quick search online showed that it was true. Not only was a thirsty seconds video of a hand pulling your shirt open online, it also showed you being completely exposed for the last few seconds.
Some comments below caught your attention .
Anon123 : omg .. she looks so ugly.. why would kookie marry her?
Min_mon: he probably knocked her up
Teasgf : yea.. they will probably announce it as honeymoon baby soon..
Anon123 : but he deserves better. She looks so fat...ugh... just go back to where you came from...
Btsforever111 : I think she looks pretty.. the way he rushed back to protect her...
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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Destiny Intervenes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Jungkook knew something was off as soon as the flight landed in Korea.
He had slept through most of the journey but he felt the unrest in the group when he woke up.
Granted all the members were tired and cranky but some of the older members seemed to be very much awake and alert and disturbed about something.
If it was something he needed to know, they would tell him, Jungkook decided.
When they finished the immigration, Jungkook s manager approached him and told him they were to report to the agency right away.
It was when he saw that only Namjoon hyung and Jungkook had been called, he felt the unease grow exponentially.
He tried to recall if something had happened during the artist meet last night but then he had retired early fromt he meet and gone for a swim instead.
Once in the agency, they were rushed into a meeting room and Namjoon hyung, Bang PD and a few others he wasn't familiar with were waiting for him.
Jungkook bowed politely and went to sit beside Namjoon.
"OK. Now that everyone is here, let's not waste time. Jungkook ah, last night this picture was taken in the hotel. Can you confirm it's you?"
Bang PD sounded tired as he slid an ipad across the table towards Jungkook.
It took sometime for him to connect the picture with himself because the picture looked very much out of context from what had actually transpired.
Realising everyone were waiting eagerly for his response, he swallowed and looked up.
"Yes, PD hyung. That's me," he answered.
Bang PD sighed loudly and leaned across the table and swiped the picture. The next picture that appeared showed the face of the girl.
Jungkook looked at the face of the girl clearly for the first time. He had never seen before last night and she had her eyes closed as she was pushing her hair away from her face qith one hand and another hand on his shoulder.
"Hyung, its not how it looks," Jungkook s voice shivered.
He felt a hand on his back and turned to see Namjoon hyung nod at him.
"We know, Jungkook ah. Do you know this girl? Is she one of those saesangs that follow you? She doesn't look korean though," he asked.
Jungkook shook his head.
"It's my first time seeing her,hyung. I think she fell into the pool by accident. I saw her struggling the pool and went to help her. I have never seen her before," Jungkook responded.
"Her name is Kim Mira. Her father is Korean but her mother is not. We don't think she was ever in Korea before. She seems to have attended a few of your older concerts in the U.S when she was studying but we couldn't find anything else connecting you with her, which is good," the head publicist of the agency spoke.
Bang PD nodded and looked up at Jungkook again.
"Are you sure there is nothing more? Anything we need to know before we meet their lawyers?"
Before Jungkook could reply, Namjoon interfered.
"Why haven't we made a statement about what had happened and denied the rumors yet?"
The publicist replied," Because as of two hours ago, things got a little heated. The girl in the picture was engaged to the youngest son of a political family in her country and they decided to break off the engagement publicly, stating these pictures as the reason."
Namjoon pursed his lips in frustration. Things were getting more scandalous by the minute.
Jungkook stared wide eyed at the people sitting around the table. He didn't know what they expected from him.
He looked down at the pictures before him. He felt pity and guilty towards the girl.
For no fault of hers, her marriage , probably to her boyfriend, was cancelled.
If it had been anyone else in that pic but him, it won't have become such a big deal. She would still be getting married to the man she was engaged to.
Jungkook and the members were used to the invasion in privacy their popularity bought but he felt sad that it had to affect an innocent person like her. He personally felt that he had bought this on her.
When he looked around the table, Jungkook noticed talking amongst themselves.
Namjoon hyung and Bang PD looked tired with dark circles around their eyes.
Soon enough the meeting ended and the members were asked to go wait at their dorm for further news.
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You knew your father and brother were selfish bustards but this was taking things to a whole new level.
Though you were initially humiliated with the pictures , atleast it had done what you had planned to do anyway so you did feel a little relieved
But that was before your dad demanded you and your brother attend a meeting at his office. You brother had actually come to your place to pick you up as you were attending your calls anymore what with your phone lying at the bottom of a pool.
Inside the sprawling office space, your authoritative father sat behind his desk, with a malicious grin across his face.
" Mira, ofcourse I believe you when you say you fell into the pool by accident but come on, you know I am not one to let a great business opportunity slip through my fingers! While with the Lees the partnership would have been mutually beneficial, they were more to gain from your inheritance than me. But if you marry this kpop guy, by association we have a lot to gain. I heard that band is going places!!" He chuckled.
Your brother shrugged his shoulders and nodded.
"But why should I agree to this? I mean, I just got out of one marriage and you are already forcing me into another where I know nothing more than the name of the guy!! And let's not forget Jungkook. Why would he agree to this?" You tried to reason with the business manic, your father.
"Because I would otherwise say that he forced himself on you! I have friends who control the press around here and ofcourse they will deny it but you know how entertainment industry works. I can throw some serious doubt on his character and they will be history after that." He said as he spread his hands explaining his master plan.
Though just a day earlier, your plan was something similar , it wasn't so sinister. All you wanted was a picture of you flirting with someone of immense popularity to cast a doubt on your character to get out of an unwanted marriage.
"Please. Don't. I will do anything you say, " you begged.
"Great. Then stay out of my way as my lawyers and I deal with this. Remember one way or another you are getting married soon," he dismissed you with a wave of his hands.
The tension in the air was palpable as Jungkook sat before his agency heads and members.
Bang PD took a deep breath and started.
"OK. So we spoke with the lawyers from the Phoenix Group and they have a proposition. They want to save face in front of all their business partners and want Jungkook and the girl to get married. In return, they have promised to heavily promote and produce all our future collaborations with any artist of our choice during the duration of the marriage. If we don't agree to this, they will take legal actions against Jungkook saying he forced himself on the girl."
The members sat too stunned to speak.
Suga was the first one to snap.
"This is so screwed up. Marriage? Why not just say that they were dating or something?"
"Because that would reflect badly on the character of the girl as she was due to get married to someone else in a month or so," explained the publicist.
"So the girl is OK with the sudden change in the groom? She doesn't have a say?"
The publicist shook his head.
"We only spoke with their lawyers and her father. But from the look of it, her father is the driving force behind this. Its purely business for him."
"Is there a chance we can win the lawsuit if they file changes against Jungkook?" Namjoon asked.
The lawyer sitting next to the publicist leaned forward.
"We probably can. But it will take time and affect our current global image a lot. You are representing about 20 different brands right now and all of it because of your squeaky clean past. We can't be sure how many of them will stick with us if this goes public."
Silence engulfed the room and all of them were waiting for the one person to talk.
Jungkook who had been starinf at his hands in his lap for so long , looked up with conviction.
"I will do it. I... I am OK with the deal."
"Jungkook ah, don't be rash. There should another way around it," Namjoon intervened.
"No , hyung. You have all suffered a lot to get us here. I don't want to jeopardise it for everyone. I will do it," Jungkook declared .
He looked directly at Bang PD.
"PD hyung, please proceed either the arrangement and make statements on my behalf. I will standby my members and do whatever is needed of me. Now please excuse me," he declared and bowed deeply before exiting the room.
Jeon Jungkook, the golden maknae of BTS the first to be married. In a recent turn of events, the youngest member of the world's biggest boy band is to marry Kim Mira, the daughter of CEO of The Phoenix Group of Hotels on November 25th. Further details on the venue and timing yet to be revealed.
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vanilla-sky01 3 years
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Destiny Intervenes
Chapter 1
"Kim Mira.. Yah... you are scaring me with that vacant look on your face!! Snap out of it already!!!" Your best friend, Yoona screeched at you just as she sent a magazine hurling in your direction.
That's when the idea struck you. Literally, struck you.
The magazine landed sprawled across your lap, a familiar face staring back at you from it.
Jeon Jungkook... from BTS.. and another name caught your attention.
Your family hotel name, The Phoenix group of hotels.
Apparently the world s biggest kpop band was staying at your family s hotel franchise during their short stay in your country, a few weeks later.
Curious to see what finally snapped you back to reality, your friend snatched back the magazine from your hands and huffed as she saw who you were staring at.
"Don't tell me you are a fan too.." she rolled her eyes at you.
You weren't listening to her. A stray thought gave way to a plan that as much as it seemed impossible, also felt plausible.
"Yoona.. I got it!!! Oh my god!!! I know what I should do!!!!" You whispered.
"Pack your bag and disappear? Yes! That's what I have been saying for the past two hours!! Its not too late even now."
"Shup and listen, Yoona. You know, I can't get far without my father knowing about it. With the number of paparazzi following me everyday, it's near impossible. But what if I used it to my advantage? " Your excitement showed in your face and voice.
The enthusiasm in your voice must have caught Yoona s attention.
She looked at you curiously and wondered aloud, "And how would you do that?"
Your plan was simple, really. It was your father s hotel so surely it won't be difficult for you to enter the hotel inspite of the heavy security the place will gave during the band s visit.
And once inside, all you had to do was make sure that the fans or paparazzi which are always badgering the members take some pictures of you with any particular member of the group and maybe start a gossip about an alleged relationship with the said member...
It can't be too hard. Once they eagle-eyed gossip forums get a picture of you and a member, it won't be long before they dig up more pictures of you attending their concerts the couple of times you went with your friends from social media.
It's not like these forums like to check the authenticity of the news right?
And its not like its going to hurt the group. They must be used to such fake news by now.
This should give you the perfect opportunity to escape from the marriage proposal your father has been arranging for you.
Because in your part of Asia, the groom can sow as many wild oats as he could, but the bride had to be squeaky clean!
"Buf why them, though?" Yoona asked doubtfully, staring at the pages of the magazine.
"Because they are the biggest boy band in the world and this will hurt my reputation bad enough for atleast the next few years!" You replied with conviction.
"You do realise that their agency and the member himself will vehemently refuse any and all rumors," Yoona, the more logical one of you both, started tearing apart your half baled plan.
"Let them. As long as I am able to create an ounce of doubt in the Lee s family, I am sure this proposal won't go through."
The Lee s were one of the most politically people and they wouldn't dare look towards you after even a small scandal.
You would finally be able to save the millions of dollars you inherited from your mother from their greedy hands.
You had better plans for the money and you wouldn't dishonor your mother s memories by handing over your inheritance to them.
You just needed Yoona to agree to this and help you to plan.
You parked your Lexus at the entrance of the hotel and the valet recognised your car and hurried towards you. You threw your car keys at him and tried your best not to turn around and see the dozen paps settled across the street with high end cameras focused towards the hotel.
Your friend, Yoona had somehow managed to get an insider to take insinuating pictures of you with a member.
For the first time in your life, you hoped one of them would capture in you in a compromised position.
The commissioniare at the entrance of the hotel opened the majestic glass door with with small bow.
Today was the band s last night at the city, having finished their final concert last night. You had already enquired and learnt that the band was staying the extra day to interact with local artists and producers for potential collaborations.
You smoothed your knee length dress and looked around. You should be feeling at home at such occasions, having born and bred in high society. But the tight knot in your stomach said otherwise.
It was easy for you to mingle around. People always recognised you. You walked around the room and picked up a flute of champagne and scanned the place.
You were gradually introduced to the members and they were nothing but polite and chivalrous towards you.
As you walked around and was being hit on by everyone but the members, you couldn't help but notice how down to earth the boys were.
You were hoping to catch the boys alone or maybe get an opportunity to visit one of the rooms of the boys and be caught with the boys privately.
But it was easier said than done. The managers were always hovering over the members making it impossible for you to near them.
Almost on the verge of giving up, you walked dejectedly towards the luxurious indoor pool.
There was noone at the pool and the solitude gave way to memories of happy times spent in this very pool on your last birthday.
Your mother had been alive and happy. Nobody would have predicted the sudden decline in her health and eventual death then.
As tears welled up in your eyes, a new born determination also appeared within you.
You got up and adjusted your dress and started walking back towards the party outside when a loud crash startled you.
You watched in horror as the phone in your hand felll from your hands and bounced a couple of times on the floor as it made its way to the edge of the pool.
You tried your best to stop the fall but there was only so much you can do on stilettos and before you knew it, you were following your phone into the water.
The cool water muddled your senses for a few seconds. You tight dress didn't help you any ad you found your movement restricted.
Panic and fear rose within you as your thrashed around.
Suddenly a pair of strong hands grabbed your around your waist and moved towards the surface of the water.
As you broke through through surface, you grabbed the shoulders of the person holding you to steady yourself and sputtered and coughed.
When you finally managed to move your hair out of your face and open your eyes, the face that greeted you was the very same one in the magazine all those weeks ago.
Except this one spoke to you.
"Are you OK?" Jungkook asked hesitantly.
You bobbed your head, the sudden turn of events throwing you off guard.
Keeping his hands on your body, he slowly swam towards thw stairs at the edge of the pool. You felt ashamed of the way you were clinging to him and let go off him as soon as your legs could feel the floor below you but with high heels it proved impossible to walk underwater.
Once outside the water, you stumbled back to the lounge chair. Jungkook quickly grabbed a towel and offered it to you.
Thanking it, you draped it over your shoulders and removed your stupid shoes.
Any thought of the plan forgotten, you walked wordlessly out of the pool.
Thankfully for you, a female hotel staff saw you exiting the pool drenched from head to toe and rushed towards you offering to help.
In a daze, you took up her offer and reached home an hour later , sans your phone and any hope of a scandal with the boys.
Next morning, you woke up to the continuous ringing of your penthouse doorbell.
You found your brother standing on the threshold, his face red with anger. He pushed past you into the living room and sat down on your plush velvet sofa, crossing his hands across his chest.
"Still tired from your rendezvous last night, is it?"
"You have be clearer than that, Mi Sun," you replied, as you walked towards your fridge to grab a watter bottle.
"Oh, I can do that. In fact I can show explain to you what I mean in details along with pictures..pictures that the whole world is seeing as we speak," he said as he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through it.
You had drunk yourself to sleep last night and your head was pounding and you definitely were not in any mood for his childish banters.
Suddenly a phone was shoved into your face and you snatched it from his hands and frowned.
It took you a minute to reciginize yourself in the picture.
It was you and Jungkook in the pool. The picture was taken from such a view point that it looked as if you both were having an intimate moment in the pool.
It didn't help that because of your off shoulder dress, the part of your body visible above the surface of the pool was naked.
For anyone seeing the phone, it would look like the both of you were naked inside a pool at night!!!
You suddenly realised that what you had accomplished what you had meant to do after all..
But the photos are supposed to insinuate a romantic relationship between you and any member not make it look like you guys were going at it in a public indoor pool!!!!
Below the photo were the words
A month before the most anticipated wedding of the century, the bride, the daughter of The Phoenix Group of Hotels, seen naked in the pool with the golden maknae of kpop band BTS...
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