vannbanker · 7 years
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[[Vann is not back quite yet BUT that wont stop me from drawing him!]]
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vannbanker · 7 years
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[[Secret Santa gift for @window-service ~! 🔔MERRI CHRISMIS🎄]]
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vannbanker · 7 years
[[ AAAAAAAAAAHHHH THANKYOU, ohmygoshthereheis- ]]
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(( Aaaaand here’s a Secret Santa gift for @vannbanker / @drawotion hope you likey <3 MERR CRIM <3 ))
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vannbanker · 7 years
[[ Yo, i’m not a dead nugget, people! May be a tad quiet around here because of the event that is going on and i want this blog focusing on that currently. Also doing responses on other blog is other reason too so- *COUGH*- ]]
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vannbanker · 7 years
Vann listened what Yelloneus spoke there to all of them, first he was confused like everybody else and when it finally began to settle in what their boss had just done...  
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“Damn it Yelloneus, for all the things you did was time rewinding-!? FFFUCK-...” 
Vann cursed some more under his breath while his upper body was trembling, hands covering his glowing eye what had ink like black liquid leaking from around it and it seeped through his hands where it could as more of it kept coming out.
Meanwhile in the Yellow Dept...
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-Siiigh- “Reddington, I admire your passion but sometimes you make such a mess.” The  dreamon of false awakening wiped some dust away from his glasses before returning them to their original place. “I try to handle these situations with subtlety but my office has been reduced to rubble, my employees severely injured and still facing further injury so now I have to be a little more obtuse. You and I are going to have some words after this, Reddington.”
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vannbanker · 7 years
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?????? ????? ?  ??? ??????
[if anyone is wondering what is Vann’s computer mimic’s situation…]
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vannbanker · 7 years
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Vann was on his way running to other departments to check if anyone was in need of help, on his way quickly glancing around and listening carefully in order to not to miss anyone on his way. Through hole in the fall the first one he noticed was Nike who looked lost and scared while clinging to their mimic. 
There was also something else he had noticed besides Nike...
At this sight he was quick to react and not wasting any second he jumped through the hole to get to other one as quickly as possible, he wanted to call out but there was no time for words yet. He had to get beside her now which he did and fastly raised arms above Nike before anything could happen to her or her mimic.
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Right when he felt the debris hit his arms he used to protect the other he swatted those pieces quickly away with strength and then on another moment in protective manner he moved his arms back to above Nike again, speaking calmly to her. 
“Don’t worry, I got you now.”
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Nike ran through the building that was crumbling all around her. Lost, scared, and confused she tried to find a way out before she got crushed under the falling debris.
(open rp btw)
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vannbanker · 7 years
[[ continual from this ]]
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“I’m heading to other departments, you take care of others here!” 
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“LOOK we both know people are panicking and there could be someone in need of help or guidance AND IM GOING TO HELP!!! I’LL BE FINE. I’LL GRAB SOME MIMICS ON THE WAY TOO IF POSSIBLE!! 
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vannbanker · 7 years
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[ Reddington’s rampage already getting it’s first victim in yellow department... ]
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vannbanker · 7 years
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vannbanker · 7 years
Monster Office Event: Red’s Rampage Part 1
Alarms start blaring throughout the building as REM goes on Red Alert. 
The head of the Red Dept., Reddington, has become enraged and is currently making his way from the lower levels of the Red Dept. to the rest of the building. He has the power and capability of bringing the entire building down. His current ascent is already causing tremors in the building which is resulting with flooring becoming unstable, cracks spreading through the walls and ceiling, equipment falling down and more. Because of the danger a building wide evacuation has been issued. 
The Department heads have been briefed about the situation and will be helping to escort their employees/visitors to the exits. They will be the last to leave the building once everyone is securely out. If you notice other employees unaware of the situation or stuck do your best to assist them but not at the risk of your own safety. If possible alert a Dept. Head or Blue Dept. Security member to help. There will be a week to reply to  Part 1. Part 2 will be posted next weeken. You can have your character safely evacuated or if you would like them to be trapped in the building when Red arrives that is also an option.
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vannbanker · 7 years
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“...... Sheesh... You people need to stop doing that...” 
[ @mail-monster-mr-chim ] 
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vannbanker · 7 years
@bus-from-it : Hello there, I'm Bus. New to the tech department. Someone sent me a message. Having some mimic troubles?
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vannbanker · 7 years
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“And I don’t want to even know how you got it and you better delete it from your phone.”
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vannbanker · 7 years
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[[ Couple set of clothes Vann owns + some sketches~! ]]
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vannbanker · 7 years
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( @thefairygodmonster )
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vannbanker · 7 years
"Uhh hey you're new right? Just thought I'd come by and say welcom- ....Is...Is you're computer trying to kiss you?" -cursedmouthgall
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