vanshikagera · 1 year
i left and maybe now I'm just adrift
i agree, our love was definitely a gift
i miss the midnights, talking about our dreams
my mornings all about you too, all those daydreams
well but now what's left for me to do?
overthink nd feeling so askew
I wish I'd spoken and not felt so needy
but when I did everything went so speedily
was I jus crazy or were you playing games
towards my heart, your lethal arrow aims
wheres the truth in what you say?
I trust you still, my minds in disarray
i spend hours tryna know the truth
hoping you're right, might help my heart soothe
but you were wrong with excuses so new
yet I trust you maybe you're what u say is true
why would you think I'd go so low
to sexualize you, you should've known
I'd never do that, but now you twist your words
"i never meant that". haha okay alright my love
my bad, that I asked you
you seemed to mean it before though
my bad that i overthought about it
because at the end, it's probably my fault
flirted with my friend didn't know until it was over
never blocking your ex, you both might just become better lovers
Following her private too, the reason's unclear
forget it though, my bad that i had so much fear
but ig friendships with exes are your decree
then why not with me? Explain that to me?
just hid your story, not wanting to talk
replied to others, I recall it all
there's never a point in saying sorry later
what do I do with it love? doesn't make shit better
I said my feelings faded the reasons, they're clear,
You can't hurt me now, I've lost the fear
but honestly, I miss the guy I once knew,
The love and peace, forever true.
not sure when I'll move along,
so I'll cry the nights away, missing our song
you'll find a new girl, won't take you long
i hope ur treated right, I hope she feels like she belongs
you're amazing, you deserve the love
but only if u be the guy you once were,
i honestly wish you the best even if u dont
i hope shit works out at home
I'm sorry for everything I did wrong too
and I guess this is goodbye, so i love you and I'll miss you
thank you for existing every time I told you to
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vanshikagera · 1 year
i hate you
i hate you and the way you speak
i hate the way you keep your hair
i hate them, the dimples on your cheeks
i hate the fact i thought you cared
why would you care?
i am no bright star midst the darkness
something everyone loves to stare at
someone who'd leave you breathless
i hate that you made me feel flattered
i hate all the hobbies we shared
i hate the way your opinion mattered
i hate the way you would get me scared
so scared that you might leave me
scared that you'll hate me
scared that you already do
scared that it's all untrue
i hate the way you had that hold on me
i hate the way you made me feel
i hate that nobody else can do it
touch me and get my skin lit
made me feel like a fool
also made me feel so lucky though
made me feel so cool
you made me feel so pretty too
i hate the way if i see you again
and you say the words I want to hear
I'll let you do it all over again
even if it's something my heart can't bear
even though you left me there
with a broken heart, in a broken state
struggling for air, eyes blurred from tears
my fault I guess, I took the bait
and god knows why I'm willing to take it again
i hate everything and everyone
but there's one thing i hate most
i hate the way I could never hate you
i hate that without you I feel lost
i hate it, i hate that i love you
and how i love the way you speak
love the way you keep your hair
love those dimples on your cheeks
i will never hate you
my hearts too adamant
it's still thinks it's you
the new asshole inside your skin
low effort poem bcs why not 💪
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vanshikagera · 1 year
*pata nhi kya bakchodi likh di*
not so long ago
I'd wait for your call
a simple hello
made me feel so loved
the way you looked at me
it was something different
somehow you could see
things never said or shown
just that look of yours eyes
could keep me up at night
i would get so mesmerized
your eyes could hypnotize.
but today i sit and look
as you give the same smile
while i stand there; shook
because your eyes aren't on mine
admiring the other woman
unaware of my presence
boiling rage inside me
unseen for i stay silent.
the same look i loved
the one that felt like paradise
was being desired by her
a devil in disguise.
i felt betrayed but more shocked
i had the urge to ask
how could someone be so fake
heartless monsters under pretty masks
not so long ago
I'd loved him; trusted him
let him see through me
my demons and my hurt
all the trust drowning in an ocean
an ocean of lies and fake promises
the betrayal broke a part of me
the love of my life was a menace
all your twisted games
all your twisted lies
made me wanna walk to her
save another heart's cries
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vanshikagera · 1 year
i saw a star.
always lit; always stood out
in a sky so vast and dark
it's presence would shout
a healing to the eyes
a cure to my pain
looking at it
made me feel sane
i built a way to reach it
so I could know it; see it
but with every step closer
increased the reddish hue
the closer i got the more it hurt
under the pretty view
was hiding a raging monster
it all felt untrue
i was on fire, burning helplessly
the thing i wanted most
was now hurting me
that's when I died; almost
that day was astounding
my hardwork , now hurt
in form of ashes infront of me
not just physically i was mentally burnt
the star wasn't perfect
beautiful but lethal
attractive but dangerous
enchanting but evil
you were that star
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vanshikagera · 1 year
everything has a result
you will live the dreams you see
i tell myself every time
from all the pain you will be free
i work for it; i yearn for it
the sweetness of success
but after every step forward
i fall back to the mess
feeling like a blunder every night
the air filled with anything but vanity
hatred for oneself; aftermath of failure
no words for oneself but profanity
what i could have done
what all i couldn't achieve
though i did my best
there was nothing i recieved
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vanshikagera · 1 year
teenage love doesn't end pretty
everyone says that, it's correct
feels like heaven; ends like hell
you break into pieces you can't collect
you love; knowing the future
knowing the person you hold will leave
knowing you'll be different; grown
it's all a game of make-believe
you hope for a happy ever after
you hope of the teenage dream
grow old and get buried alongside
but that's not as easy as it may seem
streams of tears down my cheeks
drifting into the arms of morpheus
just to end up in a nightmare
broken over that angel face
overthinking every single instant
knowing it won't matter one day
for the love is so great that you remain
aware that its going to end anyway
if there was a way to remain
in your arms with your love till our end
i would obey to every torture you name
if that's what it took? i wouldn't be scared
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vanshikagera · 1 year
shielded from pain, a girl grew.
sunshine and love
they described her well
until life gave her a shove
she was hit with burdens
heartbreak and harshness
unable to think
unable to process
she broke down into pieces
to the point where she
was shook and gloom
she had no energy to be.
what she needed was care
where she had always been
but her comfort was gone
she was drained within
but the craziest part
of this anecdote is that
she didn't let anyone know
the place she was at
she still loved she still hugged
people unaware of her hurt
her struggle unknown
her tears soaked by her shirt
she grew up though
stronger with her mended scars
she didn't change a bit
she still smiled at twinkling stars
life still hurt her a lot of times
but she didn't let the downs
define her whole life
for she was tired of the frowns
the girl was back
strong and grown
sunshine and love
they described her well
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vanshikagera · 2 years
I think back to the 25th of July I sat on the passenger seat, my head feeling light two kids in love; both of them high speeding through the city in the dead of night out of nowhere, there is a downpour of rain you park at the side of an abandoned road I could smell the scent of wet dirt and cocaine we got out of the car while the road overflowed you pulled me to the middle of the empty route then bowed and asked for my hand like in shows we danced in the rain and it was honestly so cute I loved being with you, especially this close we went back to the car, cold and wet clothes dripping with water, bodies shivering aware of how we would be sick with zero regret I held your hand and felt it quivering the memory of the day is carved in our head and whenever it rains the memory recollects every time it happens i wanna hug you again and unlike most tear-jerkers, you're always there
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vanshikagera · 2 years
amaranthine love
oh darling where are you? it's been a year, and I'm feeling a bit alone everyone seems to have forgotten you but I'm still waiting for your phone why is everyone saying you're gone wasn't it just yesterday? we were walking and laughing from dusk till dawn. I don't believe them, you'll show up one day. so hence I wait, I long for your presence in your favorite park, on the wooden bench A bird's chirp breaks the silence I hear someone singing, probably french "tu me manques mon amour" sings an old man reminded me of you, you'd know what it meant a brown-haired, 5 feet 4 Frenchwoman why would god want you dead? you were my world and i miss you even your scent I can no longer smell i miss it, your generous soul you were so lovely. so benevolent. "Please come back, I beg you" i sob while i hear the musicians i see the bench i sit on, our acronyms carved by you i imagine im touching you as i touch the etched initials.
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vanshikagera · 2 years
what changed?
"I love you so much," you said I believed you, I did too but something is changing I can tell whatever you say seems untrue dark skies, tearful eyes I cry in bed unsure what to reply because I just got a text I have nothing to say, so I sigh now whenever it strikes midnight I gather myself up ready to cry ready for you to tell me something new like "did you know, my ex said hi" I love you but I hate your white lies   I deserve to know so much but you love to hide the truth, I wonder why. so for the old you, I will search. I search day and night I miss the man who had nothing to hide who hugged me when I was not fine who showed me off full of pride I can't ignore my care for you I adore you no matter what you do I hate it, I hate myself for it "she loves me" tell me something new. of course, she loves you, but wait. wasn't it you who got her to? so why do you add fuel to fire is my love for you too few?
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vanshikagera · 2 years
I love the time we spend together every moment amusing. forgetting about all the pain his presence genuinely soothing. I don't know how he does it his words have some occult power the feeling of love is superior. you don't believe in love? coward. I can never be sad around him my smile secure and permanent his company I always long my comfort around him abundant honestly, I'm such a fool for him and everyone says we're too young for this but I don't think I really care because every second with him is bliss we are inseparable, our love immeasurable love can be destructive, love can be scary but I will take the risk if one day maybe it's beside him where I will bury.
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vanshikagera · 2 years
by my side
loneliness is something I hate I try so hard to fit in but being alone is my fate. I make friends easily, I don't find it hard. still the next second I'm left out am I that easy to discard? help everyone, it's how I am. but when I need a hand why does the door slam? I need a friend who will care if I die someone with whom I can share my joy not one who laughs when I cry it really hurts I won't lie I won't ask for much but, I just need someone by my side.
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vanshikagera · 2 years
The scars you left
I'm so drained, everyone tires me. I'm done being used and feeling stupid. Drinking in private, parties aren't really me. I should have just stuck to being the cupid.
I remember not being so fucked up. Were you at fault or was it me? I'd rather be your backup than be your enemy.
I really don't recognise me. I've changed, agreed. Why do I let you define me? By the way, it's not you that I need.
I just need you to realise. You really hurt me. It's me who you despise but i really don't deserve it.
I hate the way I could never hate you. If you come to me, id hug you still. Though you don't deserve it, ill still forgive you because the void you left will then fill.
But we have now perished. So i guess this is the end. Our memories I will forever cherish. Will the scars you left ever mend?
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vanshikagera · 2 years
The night that destroyed me
I will never forget that night,
For it was the night that destroyed me.
Those words filled with abhorrence,
came from someone who once treasured me.
 For a minute, my head was in chaos.
Next minute? emotionless.
You demolished my soul.
Oh, how could someone be so heartless?
 The world moved on with life.
And so did you, but me?
I’m still hurting in that cold, dark room.
I still am right where you left me.
 Do you maybe regret it?
Was it maybe my fault?
Will I ever be able to love again?
Questions that will forever haunt me.
 I want to be happy again.
Explore every place and not stare at this ceiling.
But every place in this town,
Only reminds me of our being.
Now every person I love,
Doesn’t see me the same way as before.
It makes it all worse.
I just want to feel adored.
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vanshikagera · 2 years
The way I was
He didn't see the tears I cried, his words still stab me like a knife. He probably thinks I never tried but hell, he literally ruined my life. Oh, how did I love you so much, change to she was ugly anyway? Was there ever any love as such? Or was it a game you liked to play? The face I found so pretty is now the one that disgusts me. It's really such a pity. because that face isn't yours, it's me. The face in the mirror seems too flawed. I remember loving the way I was. When I didn't care if my shoulders were broad, back when I was blind to all my flaws.
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vanshikagera · 2 years
Under the Stars
Late-night picnics under the stars, the icy breeze making us shiver. Talking and laughing hysterically, surrounded by bottles of liquor.
We were young, chipper, and free. What the world thinks? We didn't care. We just wanted to be distracted, and didn't want to be in despair.
We couldn't stay like that forever. We grew up, I'm afraid. But our bond was unbreakable. The love will never fade.
I wouldn't say we grew apart. You're still my best friend. You saw me cry, laugh, embarrass myself but everything has an end.
I miss you under the stars, shivering as I feel the wind on my skin. It reminds me of you and us. I cry but it's all within.
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