varcolax · 2 years
“Geez. What’s got your panties in a twist, Councilman?” Lovell asked with an arch of a brow as he stared at the man he came across lounging in the pool. The varcolac had come by the same place for some relaxation after a long day at work.
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Skye was…tired. He hadn’t been at the castle in some time, but being back only reminded him of the mountain of paperwork that was probably on his desk. He would get to it all later, wanting to procrastinate just a bit longer before he would go inside and see familiar faces and work on the things he’d put off. Plus, he preferred working at his own mini castle back home where there was nothing but greenery around and not high walls to keep all inhabitants inside. He made his way to the pool, at first just letting his feet settle into the water while he laid back against the concrete, arms on either side of him. There was a calm in being alone, and it was rather unsightly for a councilman to be seen in such a way, but he didn’t care. He wasn’t always just suits. Feet seem to slowly approach him, but he keeps his eyes closed, not really caring or wanting to see who it had been. However, it seemed they had another thought in mind. “Yes, I am back and no I do not care.” Plus, he really didn’t want anyone to see the golden hues of his eyes and what it had meant. 
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varcolax · 2 years
drunk kisses | wren & lovell
Wren’s absolute revulsion for Lovell didn’t falter, and he didn’t hesitate in bringing his hand up to Lovell’s face, fingernails and all, and shove him backwards. “God. Desperate much!” The drunken faerie slurred, “Go and find someone else to latch onto.” Wren started, though stopped to jab his finger hard into Lovell’s chest, “But not Medhi. You don’t get him. He’s mine.” Wren drunkenly told him.
“Nooo... But I want to kiss you,” Lovell pouted even as Wren was actively trying to shove him off. “Pfft. I don’t care about Medhi right now. I just want us to make out. Medhi can watch..” he guffawed and closed his hands around Wren’s wrists in an attempt to tug them away so he could lean in again.
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varcolax · 2 years
mine now | taras & lovell
Okay, yea he remembered that a little. This was going to be different though, now someone who had claimed him was picking. Taking a breath, he nodded, eyes watching the want. The motions were making him a bit dizzy and he was sure whatever the spell was would be more entertaining for the master than for him. 
As soon as the spell hit him, his mind started whirling through different thoughts, all along the same theme. “I-” At first, he tried to stop himself, but between his own mischievous nature and the effects of the spell, he couldn’t. “I want to get on you and have your dick in me, then I’m going to ride you, maybe leave a few bites. Why do vampires get to have all the biting fun?” 
“Oh... Is that so?” Lovell’s grin widened as he leaned back on the couch and looked his new slave up and down. “Because biting’s fun. Come on then. Since you’ve described it so nicely, why don’t you come over here and get on my lap?” The varcolac was very much an omega in the physical sense, but it did not mean that he did not enjoying topping from time to time, especially if there was a chance that Taras was going to be so enthusiastic about it.
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varcolax · 2 years
flesh | gareth & lovell
Gareth growled sharply, his hands moving to twist in Lovell’s shirt and he used the grip to push him against the wall.  There were very few people that the lamia let dominate any aspect and the other man certainly wasn’t on that list.  He shrugged out of his shirt and then practically ripped the other master’s off of him.
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“That’s hot,” Lovell laughed as he was all but shoved into the wall instead. It did not matter if he was rough or his partner, as long as they got more physical than usual. His clothes were torn off his body to leave him naked and he growled up at the other, fangs flashing as he grinned. The varcolac’s hands gripped at Gareth’s arms as he lifted his legs up and around the lamia’s hips. “Let’s break the castle, Bradbury...” he challenged, fingers twisting hard in Gareth’s hair to yank his head back before he leaned in for another bruising kiss.
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varcolax · 2 years
mine now | taras & lovell
He belonged to this master now? Okay. It wasn’t like he had any say in what happened. His job was to go where he was needed and not get himself into too much trouble. Keeping trouble at zero was impossible. As the door closed, he tilted his head back, feeling a bit nervous. 
“Thanks,” he replied, then blinked. A welcome present. His eyes went to the wand and his nerves were back. “What’s the going to do?” 
“Weren’t you here last year for this annual event? I get to hit you with a magic spell of my choosing and you can entertain me with its effects,” Lovell grinned and twirled the magic wand between his fingers again. This one was decidedly more innocent than some of the others, but not entirely. 
He twirled it once more before pointing it straight at the slave. The spell shot out of the wand to hit Taras’ in the chest and the varcolac grinned. “Now, tell me what you’re thinking?” He had chosen the spell that invoked dirty thoughts in its recipient so it would be fun for Taras to figure that out for himself.
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varcolax · 2 years
Species Change: human
Lovell felt his entire being change when the spell hit. The usual vigour of his varcolac body had dissipated and he was left feeling much weaker. He looked up at the man who hit him with the spell and snarled, willing his eyes to turn red but the change never came.
"Ugh... What the hell?" he growled, but even that did not sound like his usual more menacing one. Lovell tensed and used one of the fingernails he usually kept sharp to slice a line into his arm. It stung and did not heal itself immediately like it usually did.
"Putain de bordel de merde! I'm human?!" he shrieked.
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varcolax · 2 years
Lovell enjoyed a good hunt just like any other vampire or werewolf. The fact that he was comprised of both of those species made the spell that hit him that much more pronounced. He was skulking silently around in the forest outside the castle after having followed an unsuspecting person in there, his crimson eyes and the fangs that flashed from behind his lips betraying the wild state he currently found himself it. He wanted, no, needed to tear into that man to sate the gnawing hunger inside his belly...
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varcolax · 2 years
sensitivity | charlie & lovell
Once again, Charlie had been hit with a spell that made him horny, only this time just a couple of rounds of sex didn’t seem to be enough.  He was trying his hardest to not think about how the stupid injections Raphael was giving him would probably make something like this permanent and instead was focusing on finding someone else to distract him.  The dragon stumbled across one of the master’s just as the man groaned and an amused smirk slid across the slave’s lips.  “Are you enjoying yourself?  Sure as hell seems like it.”
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cont’d from here
"Yeah, I am,” Lovell grinned at the man who spoke to him. “My whole body feels electrified,” he groaned as another wave of arousal went through him from the way the hair at the nape of his neck brushed against his skin. “Wanna play?” The varcolac grinned a mischievous grin as his eyes flashed lustfully at the other man.
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varcolax · 2 years
flesh | gareth & lovell
Gareth grunted as his back hit the wall, eyes narrowing slightly for a moment while he stared at the other man.  The lamia snorted and leaned in closer, raising an eyebrow.  “Who isn’t down to fuck in this place?”  Well, some of the slaves, probably, but that wasn’t the point.
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cont’d from here
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“Good,” Lovell grinned before practically launching his face at Gareth’s for a hard and messy kiss. The spell that wracked his body was all for pushing him to go rough as his fangs split the skin of Gareth’s lips and his hands started tearing into his clothes.
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varcolax · 2 years
It was really rather fun throwing spells at everyone he came across. Lovell managed to hit a slave with what appeared to be the drunk spell and he watched and laughed as the man fall over.
“That looks fun,” the varcolac chuckled and moved to crouch down next to the slave. “Hey slave. Do you think your blood will get me drunk too?” 
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Deliriously Drunk (from @varcolax)
Cisco could feel his head spinning as he reached for the wall to balance himself upon it. He chuckled softly as he looked around the room almost too quickly, which made him fall to the ground, which caused more laughter to erupt from the man, looking up at the other and smirking. "I am so fucking drunk"
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varcolax · 2 years
drunk kisses | wren & lovell
“You sure about that?” Wren narrowed his eyes determinedly, though they widened as he was suddenly pushed back against the closest wall. “Hey! No—“ Wren shoved Lovell’s shoulders hard. The alcohol taking away anything that told him to ‘behave’ around the doctor. Not that there had been much there to begin with. “Ugh, what is wrong with you!?” Wren exclaimed loudly as he swiped his lips with the back of his hand. “You are vile.” He added without hiding his disgust.
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“Yeah, talk dirty to me, dumb faerie,” Lovell grinned, not at all caring about what Wren thought of him when his entire being was consumed with wanting to make out with him even more. He pressed his body against the slave’s and leaned in again for another kiss, this time a more bruising one.
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varcolax · 2 years
“Raiden!” Lovell gasped when he bumped into the alpha, slight wariness colouring his emotions. The man was probably the last person he wished to see right now, especially with the spell that had been cast on him to pursue a life of chastity while it was in effect. It was so against his nature to do so, but the magic had somehow made it make sense in his mind. 
“Are you okay?” he could not help but ask as he took a small step away from him to put some distance between them.
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Power Bestowal: Empathy
"The fuck is this shit"
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varcolax · 2 years
flesh | syd & lovell
With her body snatcher following behind, Sydney burst through the door of Lovell’s office without a knock as usual. Maybe the doctor wasn’t the smartest choice given this was obviously magic, but Ilias had left and there was no one else she could think of to complain to. “Uh…Lovell, we have a problem.” Syd spoke first, nervousness clear in his tone and threw a glance at Sydney. “Yeah, a real fucking problem! Why does that have my fucking body?” The woman roared, pointing accusingly at Syd. “Calm down, Sydney. It’s not that bad.” He tried to placate her but should’ve known that wasn’t possible. “Don’t call me that! That’s not my fucking name! And says the thief wearing my skin,” Sydney shouted at her twin before returning to Lovell. “Answer that damn question, Doc!”
cont’d from here
Lovell looked between the two people who burst into his office, recognising one as Syd and the other as a rather hot yet scary looking woman. The varcolac decided that he quite liked the way she looked.
“Whoa there... Obviously there’s some magic afoot,” the varcolac grinned and pushed himself up from his desk. He had been hit by a spell himself that made him extremely horny and if these two were going to barge into his office like this then he was going to make the most of it. 
“So you’re saying you’re the same person? You make one hell of a hot lady, Whitechapel,” Lovell moved to start circling them both. “Are you both down to fuck?” he grinned.
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varcolax · 2 years
insanity | lazarus & lovell
Yet another spell washed over him to consume his every thought. There was rather a long list of people he could have sought out but one pinged his mind almost immediately. Searching for him meant leaving the Undercroft, and so he did. He wasn't sure where to even start looking for one singular person in such a large place but he had no choice. He needed to find him just so he could get rid of this desire as quickly as possible. One hallway, room, dead end after another until he was found. Stopping just a few feet from him he spoke. "Found you, finally"
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cont’d from here
Lovell did not know the slave but he hit him with this specific spell just for the heck of it before he ran off to hide. He decided not to make it too difficult for the man because he soon found him in an empty playroom.
“Hello to you too, slave,” the varcolac grinned, flashing his fangs at the other man was he drew closer. “What’re you gonna do now?” he challenged, wanting to see what this spell was like in action.
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varcolax · 2 years
mine now | taras & lovell
Being taken out of the cells, Taras was very sure he knew where he was going. There was only one person he saw anymore. Maybe this was the fun part of being claimed. Even though Lovell was rather scary, the merman at least was becoming familiar with the type of scary he was going to encounter. The known was far better than the unknown. 
After the strange future nonsense, he wanted to just sit down and keep to himself. However, that was clearly not possible when he was wanted. The guard led him through the halls to the now familiar door and the slave was shoved inside after a quick knock. 
Waving, Taras put on a bright smile that was only about thirty percent fake. “Yo, master,” he greeted. “You bored?” What was going to happen to him today? 
“Hey, slave. Turns out you’re mine now,” Lovell grinned when Taras was shoved into his room, the door closing behind them to shut out the rest of the castle.
“Aren’t you gonna thank me? I’m about to give you a welcome present too,” he added as he twirled the magic wand in his hand, a brow arching curiously at the other man. 
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varcolax · 3 years
"Huh... I don't feel any different. Are you DTF though?" Lovell growled and shoved the other man against the wall.
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varcolax · 3 years
Freaky Friday (Faust)
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"This is fuckin' great! Who’s your daddy now?"
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