Not ALL the time.
It's just been a while since I last did it myself and I'll probably cut myself everywhere.
[Grips front of the ginger's shirt.]
theempprofessor replied to your post:So, are you planning on shaving, or are you…
Well? [tugs a mustache straight]
[Huff. He leaned away and crossed his arms before muttering.]
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theempprofessor replied to your post:So, are you planning on shaving, or are you...
Well? [tugs a mustache straight]
[Huff. He leaned away and crossed his arms before muttering.]
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varrick + text posts (2/?)
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So, are you planning on shaving, or are you growing a beard in protest of the war?
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Varrick flinched at the mention of Zhu Li and glowered more into the floor with his arms wrapped around his legs. He would have said it wasn't his problem anymore but if they DID get here...he'd be indirectly the cause.
"Can I not think about all the worse possibilities for a little bit? I know what she's capable of. I worked for her for three years. She choked me out with my own metal uniform. She's completely crazy and obsessed with power. And this whole thing - it's not my responsibility anymore. Let the Avatar deal with it, I don't want to get involve. I'd rather stay alive. I'm not a one man army and neither are you or Ben. So just stay out of it. It's not your war, either."
He went to sidle a glare at Rook. "And don't bring Zhu Li up again."
Varrick shrugged and frowned down at the floor. “It’s fine. I deserved it.” He snuffed and scratched at his stubble with a bigger frown. Mostly a pout. Zhu Li would have reminded him to shave this morning.
"You shouldn’t go back there. Heck, I’m never going back.” What reason did he have to go back? If things end up going Kuvira’s way, there would be nothing to go back to.
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It’s been such a long time coming, I don’t know why I never drew Varrick, he was my favourite part of Book 2 and continues to be my favourite character of the series.
So yea, have some smug Varrick.
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[Varrick gave her a very dull eyed stare before squinting.]
No. Spirit energy made from spirit vines. Pure energy. When abused, it can destroy anything in its path.
[That just made him scowl more and rest his chin on his knees.]
A giant laser beam of spirit energy.
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Varrick shrugged and frowned down at the floor. "It's fine. I deserved it." He snuffed and scratched at his stubble with a bigger frown. Mostly a pout. Zhu Li would have reminded him to shave this morning.
"You shouldn't go back there. Heck, I'm never going back." What reason did he have to go back? If things end up going Kuvira's way, there would be nothing to go back to.
Rook ended up sitting down next to him. Gently placed an arm over Varrick’s shoulder.
"Look. I was jus’. Worried about Ben."
He sighed.
"S’not like I don’ appreciate what y’done for ‘im. If it weren’ f’you, I prolly wouldn’ be with him now. Only reason he felt comfortable is ‘cause y’like seventy thousand times better’n his old bosses. Y’given him freedom an’ a place t’work properly. Helped him fix his limbs. It means a lot."
A pause.
"So, y’know, y’can stay here while y’get back on y’feet. You an’ Ben migh’ be too conspicuous t’go back t’y’bendyland or whatever, but… I could prolly go get y’some clothes or whatever from back there. If y’needed me to. Or y’can borrow mine."
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[That just made him scowl more and rest his chin on his knees.]
A giant laser beam of spirit energy.
[That earned a scowl from him and an indignant cross of his arms.]
I didn’t do anything WRONG, like you’re implying.  There’s a war going on and I was being forced to build a super weapon. I made sure they couldn’t use it, though.
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[That earned a scowl from him and an indignant cross of his arms.]
I didn't do anything WRONG, like you're implying.  There's a war going on and I was being forced to build a super weapon. I made sure they couldn't use it, though.
I was being held captive somewhere and Ben got me out.
[Didn’t want to say TOO much. Huff. He didn’t know this gal.]
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I was being held captive somewhere and Ben got me out.
[Didn't want to say TOO much. Huff. He didn't know this gal.]
eyeslikerubiesandpearls replied to your post: “*Watching the new guy. Hello new guy. You look like food.*”:
Why are you in my house?
Ben brought me here. Thought this was Rook’s place.
[He folded his arms, nose a little busted but he’d gotten it treated after he was done with being stubborn.]
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eyeslikerubiesandpearls replied to your post: “*Watching the new guy. Hello new guy. You look like food.*”:
Why are you in my house?
Ben brought me here. Thought this was Rook's place.
[He folded his arms, nose a little busted but he'd gotten it treated after he was done with being stubborn.]
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*Watching the new guy. Hello new guy. You look like food.*
[Just stares back at her, or really THROUGH her. He's kind of a mess and misses his partner, so...
But then he was starting to to feel the heebee geebies from this lady and blinked.]
Can I help you?
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[He knew who Ben meant and didn't really make eye contact either.]
She made her choice.
[But a part of him wanted to go back. That maybe Zhu Li hadn't meant it, or maybe if he apologized and she'd see he was genuine and she'd leave with them but at what cost?
Kuvira would destroy them if given the chance. He rubbed at his face. Tired.]
[Watches him quietly a moment, then leans back, not looking at him.]
We’re going to go back for her, aren’t we boss?
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I think I will use this phrase as my life motto
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theempprofessor replied to your post:You alright there, Varrick?
Look, uh. I’m sorry Rook socked you like that
[Just going to scratch at his five o'clock shadow.]
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You alright there, Varrick?
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Yeah, Ben. Just peachy.
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