vasarcadia · 9 years
Ever had one of those “no, don’t do that; that’s stupid” kind of ideas?
So did I.
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vasarcadia · 9 years
OC meme thing
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I might do this more than once. Been meaning to get more information out there about my OCs other than Eris.
Tagged By: @taxes-draws
Full Name: Eris’Takara vas Arcadia nar Shellen
Gender and Sexuality: Female - Heterosexual
Ethnicity and Species: Fleetborn Quarian
Birthplace and Birthdate: One of the medical cleanrooms on the Shellen, 2166.
Guilty Pleasures: You know those low budget sci-fi B-movies or TV shows? Yeah, Eris loves them. She’ll gladly wrap herself in a blanket with a warm cup of some semi-sweet warm somethingorother and go through an entire season if given the chance. She also has a thing for happy, plucky music, too, and she oftentimes will be so absorbed in what she’s doing and the music playing that she might not notice what’s going on around her. Do not give her candy.
Phobias: Surprises. Don’t sneak up on her unless you want to see how high a Quarian can jump. Bugs, especially the small, jumpy ones, are equally fascinating and terrifying to her. Anything out of the horror or slasher genre (or any related genre) will scare her, too. 
What They Would Be Famous For: Invention. Engineering and technology is her passion, and she’s already got a few things going on with patents and products near the market. If anything brings her into galactic fame, it would be her having her name on a few popular products.
What They Would Be Arrested For: Disturbing the peace, trespassing, patent infringement, and malpractice. Possible all at the same time.
OC You Ship Them With: For personal OCs, Isil’Daema vas Arcadia, but if and only if he gets over being a bitter asshole.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Honestly not sure. Unless an OC has a pathological hatred of Quarians, I don’t think she’s really made any enemies. If anything, she’d most likely get killed as collateral damage in a fight between other OCs.
Favorite Book Genre: Sci-Fi Romance
Least Favorite Book Cliche: Machines are always evil bad. Good guys are the ones that destroy them.
Talents and/or Powers: She’s extremely mobile, at least over short distances. Very fast on her feet. Though by no means professional, she’s got the standard fleet combat training, including weapon use and hand-to-hand. Most of this is just defensive methods, and puts her ahead of random civilians, but still a long way off from being an expert. She thinks pretty quickly too, and has a tendency to come up with unusual but effective solutions. Sabotage is one power she uses, and is currently working on upgrading her suit to support built in mobility systems like those used by the Turian Armiger soldiers. This is not likely to be finished any time soon, though.
Why Someone Might Love Them: She likes to find the good in everyone. If there’s even a shred of goodness in even the most violent of criminals, she’ll find it. She doesn’t start shit with other people (intentionally, anyway), and avoids conflict. If you earn her friendship, you’ve got a loyal friend for life, and she’ll go out of her way to help you.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Well, she finds the good in everyone. This means she might not necessarily hate someone that someone else hates, and would likely be too merciful by someone else’s standards. Her reluctance to hurt people or cause conflict can be infuriating to the more physically, ah, ‘impulsive’ people out there. She doesn’t really go out of her way to check on people, too. Sure, she’s extremely loyal to her friends, but she expects others to come to her with things. For example, she’d never organize a night on the town for her and friends; she’d expect someone else to do that.
How They Change: It wasn’t that long ago that she was just a young girl. She wasn’t through her Pilgrimage when the Reapers struck. She’s had to move on from a lot. The ship she was called back to was destroyed, and she lost a lot of friends. For a long time, Rannoch has been a graveyard for her, and she hasn’t returned for anything longer than a few days at a time. But she’s growing to like it more and more every time she returns. She also only recently grew out of the stuplidly-romantic teen phase, too, having been quite attached to her childhood friend Isil. When Isil took shrapnel to the head and was comatose for half a year, she got rather depressed and ran from Rannoch and her crew. The time she’s spent apart, and his more negative personality post recovery, helped her grow out of that stage and is more independent than ever.
Why You Love Them: I have a thing for cuteness, and Eris is basically that. It’s also a bit of a change from my other OCs. From Vayu’s emotionless machine logic, to Vera’s unbridled brutality, most of my characters are rather negative. I wanted to create someone who would be happy more, and would see good in people. Plus, the squad needed a mechanic.
Tags: @jesterdk, @lady-turiansexual, Only if you guys want to, of course. uh, I think everyone I follow who has OCs has already been tagged by someone else (curse you, taxes!). So, I guess, anyone who sees this and wants to do it.
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vasarcadia · 9 years
★★★★ GO!
Early week is a bad so I do this late.
★ You can tell what Vera’Mal thinks of you based on what she does if you give shake her hand. Though you may expect her to offer her biological hand rather than her prosthetic if she trusts you, it’s actually the other way around. 
Because her hand is an augmented prosthetic, and rather weaponized, if she offers it in a handshake, she’s putter herself at an inherent disadvantage and giving the other person an advantage. Basically it means she trusts you.
If she offers her real hand, her prosthetic is free to do whatever she wants, including possibly beatin’ yo’ ass.
★ Vera and Ael both have badges on their suit for their “valiant” work during the retaking of Rannoch and for sacrificing their own ship to distract fighters from the liveships. Vera wears it pretty proudly at first, but grows to hate it for a period of time. Ael doesn’t really mind it one way or the other and continues to wear it despite the rather serious feud that erupts between them all and the new Rannochian leadership. Eris and Isil were never given these badges. Eris left Rannoch before they were handed out, and didn’t return for at least five years. Isil was in a coma and effectively forgotten by everyone for around six month or so after the end of the Reaper war.
★ Isil is really good with his voice. Like, really good. He can mimic other accents extremely well. If he wasn’t also a gigantic asshole, he could’ve been a really good singer, but no, he’s intent on being a salty asshole.
★ Despite being one of the main engineers behind the Arcadia’s drivecore, he has no idea how to actually use it to fly the ship. Even with VI/AI assistance, he can’t, and isn’t permitted, to fly the ship. Unless everyone likes flying into buildings. Seriously just don’t ever let him drive anything ever.
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vasarcadia · 9 years
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Have fun 
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vasarcadia · 9 years
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vasarcadia · 9 years
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vasarcadia · 9 years
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vasarcadia · 9 years
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vasarcadia · 9 years
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vasarcadia · 9 years
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feh whos into romance these days anyway that stuffs overrated
Okay so this wouldn’t happen until far further into the Vas Arcadia storyline. Still. 
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vasarcadia · 9 years
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Finally got the first tri-set out. Geth protector is best buddy!
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vasarcadia · 9 years
<3 Eris plz stahp ur too cute
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vasarcadia · 10 years
Walking animations. Yey.
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vasarcadia · 10 years
Would you mind talking a little more about Ael and Eris? Personally, characters and background maybe?
Sure thing! Probably scribbled out in a lower writing quality than I’d like, but I think I’m about to go insane if I keep this unfinished any longer. Almost 2500 words. My fingers. Ow.
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vasarcadia · 10 years
Soooo, I have noticed you seem to have a few ME OCs and being the curious person that I am, I was curious as to whether you could give a summary?
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vasarcadia · 10 years
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Eris'Takra vas Arcadia in Bioware's own marketing poses.
DA link
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vasarcadia · 10 years
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I'll Miss You...
Deviantart Link, for those who want the full size version.
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