vcriths · 5 years
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vcriths · 5 years
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Kristine Froseth in Apostle (2018)
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vcriths · 5 years
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no matter how many rainstorms she witnessed , the view never seemed to get any less enthralling . wearing boots special for the weather , her footsteps were rather tender as she pranced in the puddles , golden orbs wide and eager before they became heavier and less careful the bigger she found them. unfortunately , her innocent fun was cut short when she’d jumped into a particularly big pool that made a mess of herself .. and the undeserving person . “ my deepest apologies. ” aerith began , cheeks warm with embarrassment . “ i should be the very least of your concerns .. i did not harm you , did i ? ” maybe the water was poisonous ... ? raising her sights to focus on the stranger , a glint of recognition sparked in her expression — she knew this man , this was robin’s father . “ ah ! hello , sir . ” 
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My fucking shoes. Lucien’s dark eyes shot up in a hard glare, outraged by the fact someone else’s clumsy step into a puddle might have compromised his Ferragamos. “My, my, that must have been cold,” He remarked. “Are you alright?”
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vcriths · 5 years
JULIET: Do you happen to know any 24/7 vet clinics?
JULIET: I think my dearest Siegfried is unwell...
AERITH : i am afraid i do not know of any
AERITH : if i am not mistaken , there is a place called a room of emergency ? i think that may be adequate for your friend , siegfried .
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vcriths · 5 years
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“ What is trolls ? ” Aerith queries suddenly, big golden eyes widening to the size of the moon. She did not frequent bars, not at all, but for once, she made the humble exception. The girl was meant to be waiting for her neighbors, a bunch of kids roughly around her age, who had invited her out to have one of those strange fizzy tasting drinks. Unfortunately, the alien was well over an hour early due to her own innocent miscalculations, ultimately deciding to wait around until they decided to show up. “ Are you alright, friend ? ” The princess mumbles softly, head tilting some as she listened to their woes, unknowing of the fact that when people drank alcohol, their worst demons tended to come out. Perhaps her seatmate’s was in the form of wallowing. “ Is something I could do to help.. ? I would be happy to lend a hand.” 
Saeran rested their head in their hands, obviously inebriated as they -for the first time in a very long time- sat at the bar. “Everything sucks.” They had mumbled, the surgical mask they always wore tossed down on the countertop rather than over their features. Things were stressful and they were tired. 
So. They were getting drunk. Which, when you’re undead, took a long time. 
“Everything absolutely sucks and I can’t fix it so I give up. I’m going to… go live under a bridge with trolls or something. something really wild and far away. That would be better.” 
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vcriths · 5 years
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If he wasn’t in quite the bad mood, the introduction to the headquarters would’ve been something to celebrate, something to be proud of as he pulled her around like and excited child showing her everything; but his desire to celebrate and enjoy even the smallest things was still very dead and he was ( selfishly ) hoping that being with her would turn up his attitude a little bit.
Robin was fixing his power inhibitors around his wrists as she addresses him and as obedient as ever ( just with her, don’t test your luck, stranger ), Robin stopped what he was doing to look upwards; Aaah! How he loved that spacesuit of hers! Her words, though, do little to calm him down. He didn’t want to hurt her, he didn’t know how his own abilities would react upon being released after so long; but this was better than asking his sociopathic father for help, for sure.
He leans onto the touch of her hand, looking for some comfort as their eyes lock into each others’. “I trust you more than anyone”, he admits with a little tired smile, “promise me that if I lose touch of myself, you will knock me out”, the boy insists as his hand covers her, allowing the particular tingling feeling between their connected lives to calm down his nerves a little bit. “Let’s begin”.
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Golden orbs flicker expertly across his mien, a soothing sense of relief quietly washing over her features once she notices the bruises that once peppered all across his skin were no longer present. Her thumb affectionately caresses his cheek for a moment too long, perhaps as a way of self-indulgence, before finally ( not that she would have ever, if given the opportunity ) letting go of him to begin their vigorous and possibly dangerous training session. Upon listening to his response, a beam as bright as a supernova adorns her previously somber features, a sharp nod quickly following suit. 
“ That makes me happy. ” Aerith admits gently, taking note of the tiredness that clung onto his entire body. She knew he had immense power within, which is why she wouldn’t let her guard down even for a second. Despite having Legion on her side, for once, the princess did not want to rely on them for guidance. She would sort out her powers on her own, with Robin’s assistance, and vice versa. Even after a couple of minutes, her skin continues to buzz from touching his, bright eyes focused on her bare hand until she glances up at him, the thought of having to purposely harm him aching her bones. “ I.. ” Loose fingers coil into a fist almost anxiously, an exhale soon escaping her lips announcing her reluctance before offering him a sharp nod of agreement. 
The pink-skinned alien takes a few steps back and begins to tie her hair into a tight ponytail, eyes unwavering from Robin’s form. Upon finishing, stretches her limbs rather quickly before positioning herself in a battle stance, hands not quite yet glowing, waiting for his first move. “ Treat me as your equal, Robin. Do not hold back. ”
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vcriths · 5 years
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It was her very first time stepping foot into the League’s headquarters, the building was much more vast and technologically advanced than she could ever begin to imagine. It even excelled her wildest expectations. Remaining true to her word of wanting to grow stronger ( with him by her side, always and forever more ), the extraterrestrial was steadfast in finally bringing the promise they shared back in that dreaded hospital to life. The sound of her boots were heavy on the arena-like space of the tech savvy training facility, slender digits adjusting the ties of her makeshift vigilante costume ( which was really just the spacesuit she first arrived in with minor alterations ). “ Robin, ” Aerith calls out to him softly, her golden-eyed attention long abandoning the unfastened details of her suit to assist her dearly beloved. “ I will do everything in my power to prevent something bad from happening.. I swear it. ” She naturally steps closer to the anxious boy, warm fingers tenderly finding a home on the side of his face, eyes unfaltering from his deeply earthen ones. “ I trust you with my life. Do you trust me ? ” 
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“I’m not really sure if this is a good idea”.
Robin was inside the sturdiest training room the League headquarters could offer; it had been the first time in WEEKS, months even, since he dressed up in his costume. It felt good, it felt HELLA good and the rotting ichor in his veins knew it. His forearms were itching to release all the held back power from all this time in a self-imposed break from being a mutant.
                                                 “—–what if something bad happens?”
He wasn’t quite the pessimist, neither one to have doubts in himself, but the trauma had left him with scars in his confidence and the last thing he wanted was to hurt her.
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vcriths · 5 years
★★★★★★★★★☆ — strength ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ — offense ★★★★★★★★☆☆ — defense ★★★★★★★☆☆☆  — speed ★★★★★★★★☆☆ — durability ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ — accuracy ★★★★★★★★☆☆  — agility ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ — stamina ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ — teamwork ★★★★★★★★☆☆ — stealth ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ — close combat ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ — bladed weapons ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ — blunt weapon ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ — ranged weapons ★★★★★★★★★☆ — superpowers / abilities [life-force manipulation] ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ — traps/setups ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ — medic
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
commander  / duelist  / honorable  /  dishonorable  /  would have others do their fighting / stealthy  /  long-ranged  / melee  /  technological  /  sorcery  / superhuman abilities /  has fought in a tourney / a lover of fighting  /  a hater of fighting  /  cowardly  / reckless / strategic  / uses underhand tricks /  renowned for their skill /  trained  / untrained  / keeps what little skill they have secret / won a battle  / lost a battle  / merciful / unmerciful
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vcriths · 5 years
  some  one  word  prompts .    (    send   one   of   the   words   for   our   muses   to   interact   based   off   that   word   )
goodbye :  my  muse  kissing  and/or  hugging  your  muse  goodbye.
secrets :   my  muse  sharing/confiding  their  deepest,  darkest  secret  with  your  muse.
nightmare :   my  muse  coming  to  your  muses  aid  when  they  awake  from  a  nightmare.
push :   my  muse  pushing  your  muse  out  of  the  way  of  danger.
embrace :   my  muse  abruptly  throwing  their  arms  around  your  muse,  hugging  them  tightly.
bloody :   my  muse  coming  to  your  muse  with  blood  stains  on  their  clothes  and  hands,  shaking.
drunk :   my  muse  takes  care  of  your  muse  while  they  are  in  a  drunken  state.
bed :   my  muse  wakes  up  in  the  same  bed  as  your  muse  with  little  recollection  of  the  night  before.
slap :   my  muse  slaps  your  muse  across  the  face  out  of  anger.
gone :   my  muse  stays  by  your  muses  side  while  they  take  their  last  breath.
scream :   my  muse  hears  your  muse  scream  and  quickly  runs  to  their  side.
sleep :   my  muse  falls  asleep  on  your  muse,  making  it  hard  for  my  muse  to  leave.
stalk :   my  muse  gets  caught  by  your  muse  trailing  behind  them,  watching  them.
sacrifice :   my  muse  jumps  in  front  of  your  muse,  sacrificing  their  life  for  your  muses  life.
trail :   my  muse  watches  as  your  muse  traces  one  of  my  muses  scares,  asking  them  about  it.
love :   my  muse  confronts  your  muse  about  why  they  never  say  ’ i  love  you ’  back.
piggyback :   my  muse  jumps  on  your  muses  back,  my  muse  gives  yours  a  piggyback  ride.
jump :   my  muse  runs  to  your  muse  and  jumps  up,  my  muse  holding  yours  up  by  their  thighs.
dance :   my  muse  holds  their  hand  out,  waiting  for  your  muse  to  come  out  and  slow  dance  with  them.
carry :   my  muse  carries  your  muse  to  their  house,  either  drunk,  or  a  weakened  state,  can  specify. 
lighter :   my  muse  pulls  out  a  lighter  and  lights  it  for  your  muse  to  use  to  light  their  cigarette.
shot :   my  muse  gets  shot  and  struggles  to  your  muses  house  for  aid.
wound :   my  muse  patches  and  bandages  a  wound  your  muse  has  gotten.
fight :   my  muse  stops  your  muse  from  getting  into  a  physical  fight  with  someone  else.
arrest :   your  muse  finds  my  muse  arrested  in  cuffs  with  swarming  police  everywhere.
hospital :   my  muse  awakens  in  a  hospital,  finding  your  muse  by  their  side,  asking  what  happened.
gun :  my  muse  pulls  out  a  gun  on  your  muse,  your  muse  tries  to  talk  them  into  putting  the  gun  down. 
betrayal :  my  muse  finds  out  that  your  muse  has  betrayed  them  in  same  way  and  confronts  them  about  it.
nude :  my  muse  walks  in  on  your  muse  accidentally  seeing  them  naked.
karaoke :  my  muse  pulls  your  muse  up  on  stage  with  them  to  sing  some  karaoke  songs. 
laughter :   my  muse  hears  your  muse  laughing  uncontrollably  and  approaches  to  see  if  they  are  okay.
murder :   my  muse  walks  in  on  your  muse  committing  a  gruesome  murder.
wet :   my  muse  strips  down  to  their  under  garments  and  runs  into  the  water,  motioning  for  your  muse  to  join  them.
21K notes · View notes
vcriths · 5 years
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26K notes · View notes
vcriths · 5 years
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211 notes · View notes
vcriths · 5 years
if anyone would like to plot for threads or maybe even some connections between our muses, please like this post and i will come to you via tumblr ims ! xx
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vcriths · 5 years
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“it’s good to know i’m not the only one who knows about long evenings.” if anything that had made rosella feel better. “yes, i suppose humans are rather particular when it comes to that.” even if she wasn’t sure that was the right answer, but aerith hadn’t been wrong about that. “i’m glad, or else i’d feel even worse. i appreciate that, right back at you.” that makes the brunette give a bright and genuine smile. “i did well, if you count last night and this morning. you see i’m a nurse, and i had to do my shift and someone else’s too. so it was just a lot.”
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it was always the simple things in life that caught the extraterrestrial’s attention, but there was nothing aerith liked more in the world than to hear about other people’s days. with the knowledge that the feeling of comfort was mutual, the taller of the pair couldn’t fight the urge to smile, her eyes glistening with a certain kind of happiness. “is there anything i can do to help you feel better? fizzy drinks always make me feel funny on the inside. perhaps you would like one of those?” soda. preferably to orange kind. her head tilts to the side in curiosity, not at all understanding what it meant to do someone’s shift. what was a shift? more importantly — “what is a nurse?” 
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vcriths · 5 years
Her fingers felt like a delicate breeze against the back of his neck as she fiddled with the whirlwinds of hair, causing him to lose his the string of thoughts and words that he was following, completely immersed and hypersensitive at her touch and he almost complained when she removed her hands from there, but his possessive heart found comfort as soon as she cradled his face and he almost emitted a quiet purr of utter calm and satisfaction as their eyes melted withing each other in an exchange of emotional stares as he repeatedly apologized for his actions.
Her words don’t do much to make him feel better; Robin sketches a sad little smirk as she declares utter confusion about his apology and it is precisely that what bothers him the most; the way she manages to stay loyal and caring, no matter the situation or how much he pushed her apart; he even felt bad of how endearing and lovely she was being and how much patience Aerith had to possess to give him that kind of chance.     “I know everybody copes differently, but—– ”, and he has to stop because the eagerness of refusing the excuses she was giving to HIS behavior caused him to pull slightly closer, but close enough to briefly share her breath and he even gasped in silence for air and some sense; still, he doesn’t pull apart, because no proximity is ever enough with her, but that was something he still needed to realize entirely. “—–but keeping you apart is something I have learned not to do. I simple CAN’T do it”, he admits in a mutter as he manages to still look into her eyes. It is there. The chance, the impulse, the feeling and Robin almost dares to close the distance between them out of a selfish ( ? ) desire, but due the amount of emotions he was experiencing, the energy waves of his powers knock off the flower vase on the night table and the tv turns on, startling him and attempting to break the little moment they were sharing. The boy pulls back lightly affected by the now poisoned atmosphere, but he manages to reach for the remote and turn the device off.    It is only then when her next words hit him and a turmoil of emotions flutter in his stomach as he blinks repeatedly. His head is far from logic right now, he can see it, but his brain and thoughts are still drowning in pure emotion. “I guess we are a bit connected, then”, he comments with another little smile, finding himself to shy now to recover their previous closeness. “I’m sorry if the situation or me hurt you somehow; you know that’s the last thing I’d want”, he replied with a little frown because no, she doesn’t deserve that and still, she is here painting everything around them in pink.
Managing to go back to the previous position, almost forgetting entirely about the broken vase and flowers, Robin has no urge whatsoever to break their contact and to say good bye to this wave of strange, yet relieving oxygen filling his lungs. One of his hands go behind her head and tangle within silver locks as he sighs and closes his eyes, “it wasn’t your fault, Aer’i and… maybe we could try a little harder”, Robin replies dropping a soft chuckle, “we can train together and become stronger so nothing like this happens again”, he suggested.
The change of tone in her skin is easily noticeable to him, who has accidentally learned every inch of her face and a smile inevitably shines through him as he finds the scene incredibly adorable and even knowing how prone she was to honesty and to use strong words so casually, something inside him melts in adoration as she expresses her feelings as well. Suddenly, the old poisonous idea of joining the Syndicate hit him like a train because he knew that being a villain was a full-time thing, that being with the bad guys would probably affect his relations with most of the people he had around him at the moment.    Would Aerith stop being his friend if he took such decision? Would they stop seeing each other? WOULD SHE HATE HIM? Anxiety and fear suddenly start to ball inside his stomach, killing butterflies and warmth alike as his expression drops for a couple of seconds.   No, no, FOCUS!  His lips open and his tongue rolls out the words before he even has the time to think about them, to at least expel them in a different way, “Stay with me”, Robin blurts out, “I don’t care if the doctor says I need rest or whatever, I just want you to stay with me until I leave this stupid hospital bed and even afterwards”. Their noses brush again and the proximity if back, her words send another wave of celestial heat across his body as he engraves all of her words into his memory; her giggles cause him to briefly pull back, curious about the funny part of what he just said and… “a different dress?”, he asks confused, “well… yeah, I mean… you… you look radiant in any way”, Robin chuckles nervously, pulling back instinctively as she reaches for his hand and the blush finally appears on his face. “Will I get to see this different dress you are talking about?”
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It came as no surprise, with all things considered, that the pink-skinned girl was rendered completely speechless beneath the grace of his newfound tenderness. Every last fiber in her body glowed with unmistakable affection for the boy as her fingertips roamed across the horizon of his skin, golden eyes fixated on the entirety of the universe standing in front of her. Unable to do anything but bask in every little sound that she coaxed out of him, Aerith found herself smiling softly, her attention flickering between the finest flecks of amber dusted across his eyes down to the enticing way his mouth moved around every syllable he pronounced.
A rush of tense air quietly releases from her lungs once the heaviness of his words register properly inside her head. Should a lucky star fall from the sky in that very moment, the princess would have blindly wished for his sorrows to melt away. Regardless of the situation that they were in, deep down in the upmost secret place inside her chest, she would have waited for all eternity if she had to. There were few earthly things she understood expertly, but if there was one thing she was undoubtedly certain of, it would be her unyielding loyalty to the boy made of winter and chaos. Without as much as a second thought, she easily allowed herself to get lost in the warmth of his soul, her eyes fluttering shut as she gently seeks his touch. Any form of contact was comfort enough for the girl, keeping him near and dear to make up for lost time was more than enough to mend her aching heart. 
“I forgive you, Robin.. do you not believe me?” Her heated whispers are filled with song as she brushes her nose with his. Couldn’t he see she was being her most sincere? That she would always want him by her side regardless of their fate? For a brief and helpless moment, Aerith finds herself drawing closer to the boy, closer and closer like a moth to a flame until something practically startles her awake. The tiniest of gasps escapes her lips as she looked in the direction of the shattered vase. “Did you—” Her eyes slowly trail away as she watches him switch the television off, her fingers gently touching his face so he could look at her once more. “Do you need more rest?” She queries suddenly, looking sad at the prospect of having to leave so he could sleep. “I would like to think we are. Somehow.” Her eyes remain lowered in a bid to hide the sadness that she felt. She didn’t want to leave now.. or ever. As pathetically clingy as it sounded. “I know you would never hurt me..” Her voice lowers, cheeks growing warm again at such a childish proposition. “Will you.. c-can you promise me not to do it again? Please?”
Welcoming their previous proximity with such happiness and eagerness, she nods slowly and wraps a hand around his wrist, the ends of her fingertips touching that godforsaken hospital tag, fingers even retracting some as if it burnt her. How she wished to tear that thing away from his skin, to erase all the harm those evil people did to him that landed him in this situation in the first place. The bitterness leaves her gnawing on her lips, fine brows furrowing at the very prospect of the problem not being her fault. Of course it was her fault. How could it not be? Perhaps her feelings would resonate should he experience the same thing she did. “I would love that very much..” Aerith hummed, a genuine smile slowly cracking through the solemn facade she held so tightly onto. “I want to protect you.” She announced suddenly, with unmistakeable resolution to her voice, eyes glistening. “I will never let them hurt you again, I swear it.” And her oaths to him were not meant to be broken.
The visible affection in her eyes soon swayed towards worry the moment she spotted anxiety coating his features. Nothing seemed to come out of her mouth as soon as she heard his innocent request, if anything, it took her by complete surprise. All he managed to do was cause a magnetic charge in the air, it electrified her body until she was suffering from a frenzied heart and a brand new fluttering wave to her stomach. “I will stay with you forever and a day.” Aerith promises lovingly, basking in the fuzzy sensation he ignited within the hidden valleys of her body. It was but a surprise she wasn’t glowing in absolute mirth just yet. An easy, lopsided smile washes over her features once again, golden orbs timidly delving into his until it becomes all too much. Still, the girl refuses to look away even for a second. 
“For a gala..” The girl informs shyly, feeling so inconsiderate for even bringing something so trivial to his attention. The sound of his laughter feels like sweet music to her ears, her expression and worries melt into one of wonder. She didn’t realize just how deeply she missed him until that very moment, her need to pull him into her arms growing more and more. “You are.. so kind to me, Robin.” She hums sweetly in reaction to a compliment he had long explained to her, the softness of her voice trembling some from how loudly her heart clashed against her ribs. Could his heart feel the excitement hers felt too? Another giggle escapes her lips at his expense, noticing the sudden nervousness in his visage. With his hand in hers, she quietly brought them up to her lips until she was brushing a series of featherlight kisses against the bruises on his knuckles. “I want you to see my dress..” Aerith admits tinily, face flushed in a deep rosy hue as she peers up at him from behind their joined hands. “I want to go with you. I-If you.. want. Should you feel better.”
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vcriths · 5 years
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At the insinuation, Rohan blushed. He disliked the thought that this person believed that he had intentionally been looking at this, and not because it had been inflicted upon him against his will. “What? N-no!” He sputtered. “I’m not sick.” Rohan squirmed in his seat, wanting more than anything to reach forward and snap the lid of his–now severely infected–laptop shut. 
He turned suddenly in his chair, mouth now a wide-spread beam. “You really want my honey? You’re not just saying this because you feel bad for me?”
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“admitting to needing help is so b—” the pink-skinned girl paused mid sentence, her callow attention flickering between the new pop up window on the screen and the strange yet flustered disposition he suddenly began to exude. “did.. did i say something to make you feel discomfort?” the girl queried gently, tilting her head in a confusion not too dissimilar to that of a puppy. upon seeing him light up, she let out a tiny noise of amusement, the fact of the matter being that she found joy in his infectious smile. “i would love to acquire some of your honey, yes please!” she stressed eagerly, nodding along excitedly. “ah — there is no reason for me to lie to you, vendor. i really would like to buy some.”
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vcriths · 5 years
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Oleg Vassiliev (Russian, 1931-2013), A Road, 1988. Oil on canvas, 80 x 90 cm.
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vcriths · 5 years
if anyone would like to plot for threads or maybe even some connections between our muses, please like this post and i will come to you via tumblr ims ! xx
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