vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
Dahlia had been feeling a little better lately, had started going for jogs in the morning with Ghost again, had picked up doing meditation and even the occasional bout of yoga to try and help herself feel better. She was on a jog with Ghost through town when she heard someone call out to her. “Uh, sorry. I don’t smoke.” She said softly, Ghost whined lowly and pressed himself into Lia’s leg, the woman looked rough. “Are you sure a cigarette is what you need though? Cuz you look like you need a doctor.”
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The woman had been running... running with a dog... Why the hell had Veda thought for even a second that someone so clearly interested in her health would have a cigarette? Maybe she didn’t have it as together as she thought... She didn’t meet her eyes for a minute as a result of her own embarrassment, but the woman was very, very pretty, so honestly she couldn’t keep her eyes off her for long... Her dog was very pretty too, although something told her she shouldn’t reach out to greet it like a regular dog... It seemed wary of her... and probably for good reason...
“Uh... yeah I just came from one actually... I’ll be fine I just needed to get... out... y’know? Cooped up too long... And that place is too.... clean... But you’re right, a cig probably isn’t the best idea... Wish I had the motivation to exercise or something like you but uh... my strength’s not quite back yet...” Veda stopped and glanced down at herself awkwardly, she was in a hoodie about four or five sizes too big for her, and an extra pair of scrub pants she’d pilfered from the employee room of the hospital, and it was probably obvious. But she didn’t know what else to do to stop herself from blabbing everything about herself to this total stranger, because apparently she had no filter right now. Before she knew it she’d probably be telling her all about her blackouts and lost time... wouldn’t that be fun?
“I like your dog,” she said, changing the subject suddenly so maybe she’d shut up about herself. “What’s their name?”
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
Sara felt anger bubbling in her, today was not a good day. Too many idiotic men at work caused her temper to be frayed to the point of she was actually looking for a victim to lure towards the water. That was something she hadn’t done in quite some time. She huffed in annoyance when someone called out to her and turned to look at the woman, a faint scowl on her lips. She took in the woman’s appearance and her brow furrowed at what she saw. The woman looked horrible and briefly Sara wondered what was wrong with her. “Sorry, I don’t smoke.” She sighed lightly and tilted her head at the woman. “You look a little rough … you need a doctor or something?”
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The girl turned and Vedika was mentally assaulted with the sensation of a red hot poker spinning to meet her instead. She almost flinched at the clear annoyance this girl was projecting, but managed to hold back her reaction, if only to avoid projecting some nervous energy back at her. It was clear this girl had not had a good day, and she clearly hadn’t made it any better by pestering her for a cancer stick. Shit, was she even old enough to smoke?? Veda wasn’t sure, but there were plenty of supernatural creatures around here, so maybe she just looked younger than she was. She still wasn’t too good at picking up on their energies yet, although this girl seemed like... something...
Veda laughed a little under her breath at the girl’s comment. “Well, ‘rough’ is putting it nicely, I’m sure but uh... no, I just came from the doctor so... I’ll be fine... eventually,” she dismissed with a little wave of her hands. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?” Although she felt terrible self-conscious at this moment, she forced herself not to cross her arms over her chest or appear defensive in any way, so maybe she could counteract whatever was making this girl’s energy so raw and angry. “What about you? I mean... looks like you didn’t have the best day... Not off to murder anyone are we?”
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
It Was You | Self-Para
It was early afternoon when she got the call. Normally, she loved to hear from her sister, but when she saw Anandi’s name pop up on the screen, Veda frowned and checked the time, just to be sure… it must have been nearly four in the morning her time… With a twisted sort of feeling in her gut, she picked up and put the phone to her ear.
“Andi… is something wrong?” she asked, slipping back into her Nepali seamlessly, although she’d been speaking English for longer than she remembered now.
“V-Vedika…!” her voice answered, and far too distraught for Veda’s taste. It was clear she’d been crying, and the anxiety in her voice felt like a thousand knives to the heart. “It- It was you!” Suddenly, Veda was confused, and for some reason the knot in her stomach became tighter, and larger, and more involved. It was almost as if she knew what was coming, although certainly that was impossible. She’d never possessed any precognitive abilities that she knew of… although there were certain things to be said about the connection between siblings, especially twins and triplets…
“Vedika… It was you...” she repeated, almost trancelike. “You killed her…” Vedika’s hand clenched the phone tightly, so tightly that she heard the metal and glass creak as if she were moments away from shattering the thing in her hands. For what seemed like hours, she could not speak in response… and yet it seemed her sister was waiting on the other side of the line for some kind of response… After eons, she managed to find her voice, and force it out of her throat raw from the very concept of the evil this single sentence condemned her to.
“Wh-What?” was all she could managed for several seconds. But Anandi apparently knew there was more coming, because she remained silent in the extra seconds it took for Veda to formulate a more coherent question. “What do you mean, Andi? …… Who… Who are you talking about?” She scarcely recognized her own voice at this point, it sounded so deep, so heavy with dark emotion in a way her regular speaking voice was lacking… She felt that she had to wait centuries for her sister’s answer again, but she could not move from the spot she stood in… In fact she couldn’t move a single muscle, her whole body clenched tightly with the anticipation of the accusation Andi was forming on her tongue almost half a day away from her. She knew the words would fly to her faster than an arrow, and hit her in the heart ten times more soundly. At the same time, she didn’t want to hear the answer, she had simply forced herself to ask out of concern for her sister. And even over the tens of thousands of miles, she could feel Andi quivering, the very skin and bones and pure matter of her disturbed and displaced by the knowledge she was yet to impart on her waiting ears. The millennia that past previously waiting for her to answer seemed like nothing compared to the time she spent waiting here… Vedika almost thought she might die, rather than hear her answer, which was sure to rip her apart.
“Maina…” she said, finally. And all at once it was a breath of relief, and a shock of absolute horror. For part of Veda had entertained the idea that she might have said “Rini”, her purest love from those other days of fire and lost memories. But her own sister? The idea was both equally terrible and tenfold as much, the idea that the first and most profound loss in her life had been because of her own doing. She might have asked her to clarify, but she found she absolutely didn’t want to know. Despite this, Andi’s voice persisted on the other line. “Maina…. You killed her Veda… It was you…”  She didn’t elaborate on how she came to know this, what she saw or what happened, but it hardly mattered. Veda didn’t need proof to believe her. In fact, she found that there was a part of her that already knew what her sister had seemingly just discovered… and this was the most horrifying of all, the idea that she had known all along… But still, something inside her was angry, didn’t want to believe it, didn’t want to listen at all anymore.
“No,” she answered. And she didn’t even know what she was saying ‘no’ to, to Andi? Or to the very idea that their youngest sister died at her hands? “No… No, no , no…” Her voice quivered with terror and anguish and an anger so deep she could feel her heart turn into a boiler, cooking her blood. “No! Andi, no I didn’t! How could you…? Why would you say that to me??? You fucking bitch!”
“Veda-” Andi’s hurt voice was softer now, trying to explain.
“It was in the cave!-”
“Shut up! I don’t want to hear it Anandi!”
“The demons, they-”
“SHUT UP!!! What are you high?? What the fuck?! Think about your fucking kids, Andi! They need you, you can’t do this!”
“NO, you listen to ME Andi! It was one thing when we were younger, when we just lost her but you can’t fucking do this with your kids around, I’m fucking serious!”
“I’m not! Vedi-”
“FUCK! Just- fucking call me back when you’re sober again, okay?”
“Vedika, plea-” Veda hung up before she could finish, and she felt a horrible crushing feeling immediately. What had she just done? Accused her sister of getting high and blaming her for something terrible with no cause…? She knew Andi would never do that… they’d done a lot of terrible things together in their lost days, after Maina’s death… But Andi was different now… she’d been the one to settle down and have kids… a family she’d do anything for, and would never risk just for the thrill of doing drugs again. No, that was much more Veda’s speed… She was the fuckup, the one that ruined things… And now she had perhaps just ruined her relationship with her remaining sister, because she hadn’t wanted to listen.
Her phone began to vibrate again, which she wasn’t expecting, and it made her jump. She saw Andi’s name on the screen again, and frowned bitterly, feeling her heart sickly skip a beat. Instead of answering, she turned her phone off completely. But still, even just holding it, she could feel her sister calling as if the phone was still vibrating in her hand. And with every call, the voice in her ears got louder and louder- “It was you- It was YOU- IT WAS YOU IT WAS YOU IT WAS YOU!!!” And before she knew it she was screaming and throwing her phone across the room where it hit a mirror, which shattered along with the phone screen and left a mess across the room, and a thousand shards of glass with her own despicable, pathetic fucking reflection staring back at her with hatred.
It was only a moment after that and the panic hit her like a fucking truck- she was scrambling out of her bedroom and away from the fucking shadow she could feel bearing down on her, ready to pounce and rip her throat out. She crashed into the kitchen, uncoordinated already, knocking things out of her way from fear and in her rush to find what she was looking for. There was hardly any alcohol in the house… primarily because she usually drank it all as soon as she got it, but there was one bottle of something left- there had to be. She ripped her kitchen apart looking for it, bowls and glasses crashing to the floor and breaking as she went. Finally, above the stove pushed so far back it was almost out of her reach, she found a half-empty bottle of Wild Turkey. 
Her heart raced as she fumbled to get the cap off, and without pretense she put it to her lips and started drinking. Then, when the shadow caught up with her and came crashing down on her, she was prepared. The fire in her throat had trickled down to her heart and she was burning inside, she was a fucking inferno. She’d drown the beast in her, the killer, with this whiskey. She’d drown the voice inside, echoing from thousands of miles away calling her a murderer. Or in the very least, she would forget. She closed her eyes, already planning her route to the local dive bar, and how she could bribe the bartender to hand over a full bottle. But for now, she couldn’t chase it away. With every swallow and the pulse of her heart, she heard it again, louder and louder.
“It was you. It was YOU. IT WAS YOU. IT WAS YOU!”
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
Sonya was somewhat distracted. Not that anything too dramatic had been going on in her life. But she had a busy day, though her days were always fairly busy. She liked it that way, busy work was her favorite thing. She could use it to keep herself occupied. But as she walked, with a purpose, she heard a voice and turned. Her eyebrows knitted together before she spoke. “No,” she informed the stranger who she now realized did not look to be in the best of states. 
“Are you okay?” She said with an arch of her eyebrow as she stopped turning fully towards her. She took a step closer. “Do you need some help or something?” She wondered aloud as she glanced around. 
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Vedika wasn’t expecting the pure light energy she felt reflect off the girl as she turned. It was like getting an eyeful of the glare of the sun off a car window or a mirror when you weren’t expecting it. It almost made her stagger back or wince, it had been so long since she’d met someone with such an energy. She supposed the people on this island called it “White”, although she still didn’t know exactly what that meant... All she knew was that it immediately summoned visions of schoolgirls from her past, both when she had attended herself and when she had returned to teach. Visions of schoolgirls on fire.
“N-No,” she said, a bit too nervously, a bit too sharply. She took a shaky but deep breath and tried desperately to soften herself, to remind herself that this girl was not a ghost from her past, but a real living thing before her that might call someone to lock her back up in the hospital if she acted too crazy out here on the street. She tried to smile politely, if she could even remember how to make her face move that way. “No... thanks I’m... I’m fine now I’ve just been... in a kind of rough spot lately...” she explained, trying to brush it off as the kind of problem anyone else might have. Yes, certainly nothing strange about waking up in the woods after being missing for countless weeks, and then sneaking out of the hospital...
“Thanks for your concern though um...?” She meant to ask the girl’s name, but for some reason the exact words to form the question failed her. “I’m Vedika,” she said instead, extending her hand for the girl to shake, if she wasn’t too creeped out by this conversation already.
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
Grace and a natural dominance carried Miku, but so did smolder and slow burn. Life was about the hunt, the chase to get what she wanted. Her fiery inner strength allowed her to calculate, measure, re-evaluate for what someone could give her too. Pleasure, knowledge, increasing her power.. all things that drove the black witch.
She sized up Vedika quickly. A nepalese statue, masculine and feminine energy swirling around the tips of her fingers, lingering at the corner of her eyes. And beneath it all - the truly delicious part - a dormant, primordial energy lurked in Vedika. Miku didn’t know what was more enticing to think about: the thrill of being between her thighs or experiencing the rippling, dark power at her core. 
But then again, Miku was greedy. Reducing her options wasn’t in her vocabulary. Why settle on the one when you could have it all? 
‘’Impressive? That remains to be seen.’’ Miku spoke with a wicked grin, eyes locked with the other, a playfulness stirring inside. Yes. She liked this one. But her nose crinkled in distaste while watching the identification band being torn away. Vedika’s obvious escape from a hospital was admirable, but the hoodie had to go. ‘’Follow me.’’ No introduction. Not even an ask if the other wanted to come along, because Miku knew she would follow regardless.
And she lead Vedika to her stall on the pier. Even from the outside, Miku’s sanctuary at the harbor stood out among the others. Sheathed in rich, other-worldly textiles, it was meant to be a visual portal to another dimension. Her inner life expressed through oils, acrylics, and mixed media. Some paintings and pieces held themselves together by turbulence - raised, darkened streaks on canvas begging to be read more closely. Others seemed to be created with a delicate and firm serenity, with the tensile strength of spider silk.
Inside, Miku walked around gingerly, eyes searching, fingers lifted and dancing through the air as if guiding the witch to the correct location. She finally picked up an ornately decorated wrap dress - long on Miku’s small frame, it would work nicely for the other woman. She dangled it just out of Vedika’s reach before clutching it to her chest, the barest hint of a grin on her lips. ‘’Before I let you borrow my clothes.. tell me why were you in the hospital.’’ 
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The shaman was utterly entranced by the woman before her, felt a deep and dark connection down to the very core of her that she couldn’t quite find a way to explain. It was almost like meeting a stranger and then suddenly realizing she was your long lost sister, or your lover from another life or dimension. It seemed against the odds that their paths would have crossed, and yet here they were, brought together by their own power, or by the ever-tangled red strings of fate... She was intrigued to see where this went, where this familiar shadow would lead her, and what they could build or destroy together.
Everything the woman did seemed perfect, whether it was the result of excellent control of self, or simply her natural graces, Vedika wasn’t sure- but the effect was utterly seamless. She was watching something ten times more graceful than a ballet, and a hundred times more deadly than a prowling tiger, and for the first time in too long, she felt her energy spike with exhilaration and excitement. She felt like her wild self again, transported back to her school days when she roamed the halls and ruled over the others with... not so much an iron fist but a killer set of steel claws. She felt... ferocious again, in a way that had escaped her for a long time. If this would could bring that out of her just by standing near, Veda could only imagine what might happen when they started to show off for each other. Her eyes twinkled with eagerness and hungry curiosity, even after a somewhat cold comment from her new acquaintance. 
Oh yes, she hadn’t done anything impressive yet- that was exactly it, and the look that came over Veda’s face in that moment was one that said she was aching for a chance to prove herself, and promised she wouldn’t be disappointed when she finally saw what she could do. She followed wordlessly, immediately companionable with her powerful new friend and willing to follow her into the very mouth of the monster’s cave, if that’s where they were headed. She had no way of knowing really that the real monster within her was just as intrigued, and fed her eagerness all the more from the dark depths of her soul he dwelt in.
Somehow, she wasn’t expecting to be led towards the sea... Water was the one element she could never quite get control of. As the smell of salt water hit her nose, she was assaulted with the vivid memory of kneeling in a cave, her hands cupped as if to sip out of, but the water she tried so desperately to move through the air quite literally fell and slipped through her fingers. And just like that, the torchlight of the cave melted away again, and she realized she was standing at the entrance of the woman’s grotto, adorned with paintings and fine fabrics, and all kinds of beautiful things that made Vedika yearn for another time of her life. A time when she’d surrounded herself with similar things, or more specifically when she fled from beautiful place to beautiful place, finding whatever she could to distract her from a pain and loneliness that seemed to travel with her. 
(The demon in her belly laughed at this mental image of hers- it had been him all along, eating at strings of her heart. He loved the aged wine taste of her deep dark blood, and the exquisite bouquet of her misery. Every story she had lived, every life she stepped in and out of had been of his design and authorship- she would exist in no other world but his until her death, and it was so satisfying. He growled pleasurably in her stomach, and if the witch was very astute she might have felt it in the way Vedika seemed so natural in her air of sorrow and desolation as she looked over the painting, and all the fine distracting things around her.)
Inside, however, she and the demon had eyes for nothing but Miku again. Her energy was so strong, it was as if she could tell exactly where she would be moving to, and what she would be doing, as if it was her natural place in the world, the thing she was most destined to do in that moment. Veda hardly understood it, but as long as that destiny involved her, she couldn’t be bothered to care. She reached out for the beautiful dress dangled tantalizingly before her, even though some part of her knew it would be snatched away again in a second. Steeling herself with a breath, she knew this was part of her test. Not only would the woman evaluate her story to identify any strengths and weaknesses, but she would know outright if Veda tried to lie. Not that she wanted to... she found herself wanting to tell Miku everything, even the parts she thought no one would ever want to hear.
She started at the beginning, or what she could make of it, at least. The thing was, she remembered more than she’d ever let on to anyone else, including the police and doctors that had interviewed her at the hospital... Having been through the wringer a few times, Veda knew better than most that some things were better left unsaid... but not this time. Not to her new friend.
“I was... at home last I remember... And something woke me up... It was the middle of the night, but I could hear... a voice calling me,” she started. She could picture herself rising from her bed and walking trancelike to the door, bringing nothing with her but her body and the dark soul attached to it. She thought if she concentrated enough, she would be able to make Miku see it too- some of the witches she’d studied with had such a power... 
“I think it was my sister...” Sure enough, the voice of Maina, the ghost of so many years now, began ringing through her ears as clear as a birdsong. “It lead me... to the forest... Deep in the forest...” She had walked barefoot in nothing more than a nightgown down into the darkest parts of it, the parts that no path could lead her to but her own black heart. “I- I don’t remember much after that but...” 
She hesitated... This was the part of the story she didn’t exactly remember. And it was the part that demonstrated her shocking lack of control when it came to her magic. How could she explain this to the witch before her without being seen as weak and pitiful. Nervously, she fiddled with the glass vial around her neck that housed her sister’s bone shard and a pinch of black ash... And naturally, as soon as she was distracted with the bauble, this was where the demon stepped in to.... fill in the gaps as it were.
“A Black Circle,” Veda continued, her eyes focused on something far away, not of this room or even of this land, but in a cave thousands of miles away, her master and the parasitic entity that lived in her. Her voice was still her own, but with something... else... An extra quality and tone that her regular speaking voice distinctly lacked. The demon, using her tongue to speak. And he continued. “A Black Circle, and Black Ones around it... A deal struck in blood and bone... and a demonstration of power. My power.” The possessive word was drawn out and emphasized, the demon clarifying again that he was something else wearing Veda’s skin, and he was not to be trifled with. 
With this last declaration, he surrendered control of her body to her again as suddenly as one releases the throat of someone they were until a moment ago suffocating with their bare hands. She came back to herself with little physical change but a bewildered blink, and the sudden realization that she was standing in the exact place and time that she was, and that she had until recently been speaking... She resumed her sentence perfectly, as if no time had passed at all, as if she hadn’t really been present in the previous few moments, her necklace falling delicately against her throat again as it slipped unnoticed out of her fingers.
“...that was about the time the fire started... And I guess I’ve been missing since then. I hear the fire did extensive damage to the forest... but I don’t remember where I was or what I did while it was happening... They just... I mean... this guy found me, recently... He felt me in the woods and I... I mean I just woke up the other day... I don’t know where I’ve been since the fire began... or since it was put out...” Her confession complete, Veda felt there was nothing left but to be judged by the witch. Her stomach worked itself nervously into knots at the idea that she might be rejected because her story was so unbelievable... or because it was an example of such a serious lapse in control and consciousness. But at the same time, she wasn’t going to beg to be forgiven for it. She knew somehow that Miku wouldn’t be swayed by begging, although she might find a sick satisfaction in hearing someone beg... 
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
Tallulah felt an automatic need to protect Carissa, despite not being in any obvious immediate danger. But, as the woman apologized, she shook her head, not wanting to create enemies. There had been many points in her life when she wouldn’t’ve cared. Her automatic reaction would have been to nearly create an enemy. It was shocking to her how Carissa had changed her already. “No, it’s okay,” she shook her head, waving off the apology with her hand that wasn’t holding Carissa against her hip. “Understandable,” she nodded, having no place to judge the woman for her vice. Tallie had had her own vices in life, that was for sure. The coke, the drinking- had she not been so concentrated and hyper-aware of herself in the moment, she would’ve winced at the thoughts.
Carissa opened up from Tallie’s side, speaking in her gibberish to the new woman. Tallie almost wished Carissa would have the same skepticism of people as she did. For a moment she was going to correct the woman, but she assumed that Carissa was … kinda her’s now. “Thank you,” she smiled softly, adjusting Cari on her hip, “Her name’s Carissa… But, I uh- I call her Rissa… or Car’.” Tallie swallowed and cleared her throat, trying to take away the nervous feelings, “I’m Tallulah, are you.. uh, new here? I haven’t seen you around.”
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The woman standing before her was still so nervous and unsure around her, it made Vedika wonder if she was giving off some kind of bad vibe. Then again, she heard that the magic users around here could sort of sense each other’s power...maybe that’s what this was. She’d had others react oddly to her before, especially when they discovered her control over fire magic. She kept forgetting that for some reason certain kinds of magic were seen as more dark and evil than others. It just simply wasn’t the case where she was from. Shamans were encouraged to know as much as they possibly could, and to learn every kind of magic they encountered. It was just so hard for her to understand why everyone here was so jumpy about it... She didn’t feel like there was something wrong with her... well other than the obvious recent lapse in health she’d just had...
Realizing she was lost in thought for a moment, she shook her head again to clear her thoughts and smiled at Carissa as she opened up to her. She didn’t have a lot of experience around babies honestly, her younger cousins had all been extremely fussy whenever she and her sisters were around... but that was likely because the triplets were little hellions as kids. She laughed a little at the memory, and made a silly face at the girl in the woman’s arms. “Carissa’s a lovely name,” she said in a delicate voice she heard women talking to babies use in movies and commercials. “And she has her mother’s eyes...” That was a thing people said about babies, right? (Of course, she had no way of knowing the truth...)
“Erm... umm... yeah... kind of? I mean... I’ve lived here for a while but I’ve been sort of.....uh... gone for a bit... recently...” she explained awkwardly. She winced a bit at just how shady she sounded. It was obvious she was still off her game if she couldn’t even come up with a suitable cover story for her leaving the hospital... This just made her sound like a psych ward escapee... “Uh... My name’s Vedika... I actually work for the police force here too just uh.... not recently...” Hah...she was just making it worse wasn’t she? This nice Tallulah woman must have thought she was a nutcase...
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
Annael was trying to do many things at the moment- avoid anyone from the EVPD, avoid her brother especially, her father since she’d seen him too much lately- both of her parents, actually. She was avoiding both of them. And, attempting to get some fresh air and breath away from everyone she knew. She sat on a bench under a tree along the street, staring past everything, and glimpsing at the ocean from her perch. In the back of her mind, she could sense a dark presence nearby. She flexed her fingers and took in a deep draw of the cigarette stuck between her lips. Her mother was still trying to get her to quit, but she figured she’d do it a little longer, having only just picked it back up when all the shit hit the fan. After all, it helped keep everything down.
When the dark presence got closer, she glanced around, finally making eye contact with the disheveled woman. She was mildly familiar, and Annie tried to rack her erratic mind for the answer, but she couldn’t catch it. Her question hit her ears, but it took her a moment longer to register what was said. She paused for a moment, blinking at the woman, before pulling the pack from her hoodie pocket, and holding it out towards her. “Wanna… sit?”
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It wasn’t until the sitting woman turned that Vedika realized she knew her. She blinked blearily, taking a moment to place her, but then the eyes hit her and she remembered all in a rush. She laughed a little nervously, having just been in Gabe’s company not too long ago when she was barely clinging to life... Wasn’t exactly something she wanted to recall right now. But Annael had always been nice, when she’d seen her before. It had only been a few times, if her memory served her right. Her energy seemed a bit off at the moment, but she didn’t dwell on it. Everybody had their off days. Hell, she was pretty off herself right now... “Uhmm... mmsure...” she answered eloquently.
Sitting beside Annie on the bench, she took a cigarette out of the pack and then handed it back to her. “Thanks it’s been....” She stopped for a moment, considering, and then realized she didn’t know how to finish that sentence. “Actually I honestly don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve had a cigarette... Fuck...” She dug around in the pocket of the pilfered hoodie she was wearing, stolen from one of the orderlies at the hospital, and luckily a lighter was there. She wasn’t in the mood to use her magic right this second...she was still feeling... well... off really was the only word that came to mind... She lit up her cigarette and took a long, deep drag, forcing herself to exhale slowly. SHe coughed a little, but damn did it feel good... Too much clean air would be the death of her, she was sure of it. She was quiet for a moment but eventually supposed since she was sitting there she should try to make conversation, although she didn’t recall having many conversations with Annie before. Every time she saw her at the station she seemed pretty itchy to leave. 
“Meant to thank your brother by the way... I was sort of unconscious while he was still at the hospital with me... but he didn’t have to come out all that way for me...” she remarked. “And I heard he got kinda roughed up recently... Some perp get to him or something?”
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
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Vedika’s Tattoos | an (ongoing) masterpost
Right Arm: (from shoulder to elbow/half-sleeve) A red tiger ripping its way out of a complex chain/net trap.
The Red Tiger is a reference to one of the Five Tigers of Chinese myth that balance the cosmic forces and prevent the universe from descending into chaos (White, Black, Blue, Red, & Yellow); it represents Summertime, and the Fire element. Furthermore, tigers represent power and royalty, and are said to be protectors of the dead. The tiger is meant to represent Vedika, escaping from death on more than one occasion, or more specifically the deaths of her loved ones.
(from elbow to wrist) Coming Soon
Left Arm: (from shoulder to elbow/half-sleeve) A black rabbit surrounded by thorny brush which is covered in flames.
The rabbit has many symbolic meanings, the most significant here being love, cautiousness, intuition, curiosity and deep emotionality. Also, black represents silence and unconsciousness, especially hidden desires or dreams. The black rabbit depicted here represents Vedika’s student Rikona Matsuda, who was one of three casualties from the Brightmoor Academy fire, and the only student to be killed. She was also romantically involved with Veda at the time. Her nickname, Rini, means “little bunny” in Japanese.
The rabbit also represents herself and her sisters to a degree- as triplets they were all born the same day in 1987, the Year of the Rabbit. Specifically, they are known as Fire Rabbits. Those under the sign of the Fire Rabbit are said to be especially broad-minded and intelligent, with a particular ability to adapt and form unique ideas and perspectives.
(from elbow to wrist) Coming Soon
Chest: (just below throat and clavicles) Three eyes- two that are closed below her clavicles, and one in the “third eye” position that is open, just below her throat.
(above breasts) An ornate scene of lotuses with intricate linework.
Torso: (beneath breasts) A bat hanging from a flowered branch with its wings open, ready to take flight.
The flowered branch represents Professor Jasir “Mizhir” Abbasi, and the bat represents Professor Anthony Luis De León, who were the two professors killed in the Brightmoor Academy fire. They were close colleagues and confidantes of Vedika’s.
Stomach: (between hips from belly button to pubic region) A night scene with moths fluttering between a moon on her left hip, and the flame of a candle on her right hip.
Back: (complete back piece) A six-armed, three-faced goddess in the style of Vasudhara (or Lakshmi), seated on a lotus throne. In her hands she holds- a golden vase, a conch shell, a sheaf of grain, a book of ancient wisdom, a precious gemstone, and finally, a songbird taking flight. One of her feet is folded beneath her, and the other extends down off the throne. The foot on the ground has two snakes coiled around her ankle. Of the three faces, one is watching the bird fly away, one looks serenely out at the viewer, and one is looking down at the snakes.
This piece represents herself and her sisters as three aspects of the same energy. The goddess also specifically symbolizes the eldest triplet, Anandi, whose name means “jovial goddess”. The songbird taking flight from her hand represents the youngest, Maina, whose name means “innocent songbird”. The ornate background and lotus throne could be taken to represent Vedika herself, whose name means “altar”.
Thighs: (front and rear) Coming Soon
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
If Veda had felt cocky at the fact that Sophia’s attention had been dragged to her, the feeling running through Sophia must have been the same. She couldn’t help it when she puffed herself up, feeling a pride in her own looks, it wasn’t like she was trying to be that way, she just had a lot of thoughts about herself, perhaps that made her arrogant, but she couldn’t help it, despite everything she tried she had always been that way. Overconfidence extruded from every part of her, and yet when she was younger, much younger, so much had happened that tore down those walls of confidence and it had taken her so long to get those few parts of her that she really cherished back to a more normal level.
A smile found its way so easily against Sophia’s initial wonder about the woman in front of her. She really needed to stop getting so distracted because this time it was her that followed with a quiet “hmm?” Shaking her head slightly when she realized she really didn’t have much of an idea of what she was saying because she was just so distracted. She shook herself back to her focus, the smile finding its way back onto her face with so much ease. “The only hot stuff I see around here is you, maybe if we get a mirror we can both see the hot stuff.” She teased, raising a brow at the way she said her last words. “Around here…? What do they call it where you’re from then?”
“Well troublemaker is pretty accurate, but I’m a faerie. The kind that has troublemaker laced into their genes.” She said, giggling and allowing the light about her to naturally float out, creating almost little fireworks that floated up and off of her. Her eyes returned to raking over the form of Veda in front of her, she couldn’t stop hereslf, there were tattoos all over her body and Sophia found herself being drawn even closer to her.  she sat up a little, pulling her hair away from her back so she could see the wings that decorated them. The flirty comment definitely didn’t go unnoticed and Sophia couldn’t help herself, it was like a constant push and pull of needing to comment about these kinds of things.
“Well I was never a formal person,” her brow rose. “Well don’t worry, I know exactly how to make a girl scream… Over… And over again.”
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As she studied and was studied in return by the gorgeous Sophia, Veda took a few more light puffs of her dented cigarette, messing around with her smoke tricks like the french inhale, which she hadn’t done in quite a while. She was a little rusty, but it was fun to try, and it relaxed her greatly to let her breath out slowly. She could use some calming down right about now... because things were getting out of hand very quickly and she had just met this girl... Then again, she seemed just as enthusiastic about this situation as she was... Maybe she could just see where this was going and try not to worry about things too much... maybe it could be different here, and she wouldn’t somehow ruin this very very good thing she had in front of her.
She shook her head a little to clear her mind of dark thoughts and cloudy memories, concentrating on the ball of light in front of her in the form of a person. Her energy was utterly intoxicating, she forgot after a moment of two that she was even holding her cigarette, and the ash on the end grew longer and longer the more she left it untouched. “A mirror, hmm? That could be interesting...” she said. She leaned in a little closer to Sophia companionably, as if sharing a secret... as if they weren’t already sitting half naked on her front long for everyone to see... maybe she was just looking for an excuse to get closer... “Ever have sex in front of a mirror?” She laughed a bit. “...or under one? It’s the best.”
“We’re called Jhankri back home... or shamans,” she explained, finally noticing the short cigarette in her fingers still smoldering. She put it out next to her and tucked it back in her crumpled pack to dispose of later. “I’m actually from Nepal originally... Magic’s pretty common there, like here, but it’s a lot... darker, I suppose. Lots of caves and mountains... Most of the supernatural creatures there are basically monsters that might gobble you up as soon as they see you. So shamans protect the villages. The more powerful a Jhankri is, the safer the village is...” Veda stopped abruptly after realizing all she’d just explained to this girl. It was easily more information than she’d readily given anyone else upon first meeting them. She wondered if it was part of the girl’s magic, to make her more open like this... or maybe she just felt comfortable for once. As she considered it, she began absently fiddling with the glass vial around her neck, and her gaze grew more and more distant the more she did so until she was staring off into space.
Sophia’s voice snapped her out of it a bit, especially the news that she was a faerie. She had to laugh a little at that. The only faeries she knew of were in children’s books, although she had met others here before... they just didn’t seem like faeries in the way Sophia did now. “Oh wow... we definitely don’t have faeries in Nepal... little house imps maybe, but they generally come to steal food and if you catch them they might do you a favor in exchange for your stuff...” She tried to picture Sophia like the faeries she’d seen in old English books, with flowing gowns and pretty wings and flower crowns... It would definitely suit her... But then again sitting here in next to nothing definitely suited her as well...
Speaking of which, Veda caught the flash of wings on her back and was completely entranced, leaning back a bit to get a better look at them. “Wow, those are gorgeous,” she said, and before she could help herself or ask permission she was reaching out to brush her fingers over them. Her touch seemed to ignite an almost electrical connection between them so that once she started tracing the lines of her wings she didn’t quite know how to stop. Her own tattoos weren’t quite as delicate- they were all in various Asian styles, and they tended to be more graphic than anything, but they were certainly ornate. Several of the patterns on her own back certainly seemed to be begging to be touched...and she wouldn’t mind a pretty girl like Sophia touching them, although she tended not to let people do that when she didn’t know them. Her smirk grew a bit at that last comment of hers... oh they were going to have a lot of fun together, that was for sure...
“Promise?” she said a little breathy. “Well... I’m certainly looking forward to that...”
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
Veda still wasn’t feeling 100%, but she was itching to get out of bed, despite the fact that she probably should have kept resting. She felt well enough for a drink or two at least... Usually she could take more but she was feeling a little unsteady even after those few, and so she made the responsible decision to head back home once she was finished, although she did take a weird route home that she didn’t normally venture on. Seemed that it as lucky she did though... she heard some commotion ahead of her before long... A very, very loud drunk guy yelling at someone, and then the unmistakable sounds of someone being punched...
As Veda approached, she could see the drunk guy wailing on some other person on the ground, and didn’t hesitate to approach ready to stop it. “Hey, what are you doing, you asshole?” she called to the guy, much louder than she probably needed to if he’d been sober. But this wasn’t her first time dealing with drunks, and luckily she knew how to handle herself. She wasn’t even scared to see he was almost twice her size. Her call managed to distract him for a moment so that he stopped punching the guy on the ground and instead staggered around to look at her. Ugh, he absolutely reeked... She scrunched her nose in distaste.
“Do yourself a favor and go sleep it off, buddy,” she said. The guy stepped towards her and by the dopey look on his face it seemed like he was going to come after her next, but probably not to beat her up... And she was not in the mood or the physical condition for that right now.... “Seriously, back off,” she warned. He stopped, teetering on his noodle-legs and furrowed his brow in anger.
“You can’t stop me!” he said, stepping towards her a bit more. Here, she pulled open her jacket to reveal the gun on her hip, as well as her shiny cop badge.
“You sure about that?” she said seriously, putting her hand on her gun. The guy’s eyes opened about six times wider, and after a moment he backed up a little, putting his hands up defensively. 
“Oh I- Okay sorry lady... I mean officer I... I was just-”
“Get out of here before I arrest you on drunk and disorderly charges, and assault,” she said authoritatively. The guy drunkenly slurred something else she didn’t understand and then hightailed it out of there. She breathed a little sigh of relief and then laughed a tiny bit, visibly relaxing. 
“Oh man, I’ve always wanted to do that...” She turned to the man on the ground, who looked a little worse for wear, and winced sympathetically, crouching to look more closely at his injuries. “Hey, you alright man?”
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It was late, Mason didn’t know how late, looking at the time served to only be seen as a blur. His eyes were burning from the amount of time he’d spent awake. He was just ready to go home and fall into a deep sleep for a few hours, that being said his sleeping wasn’t exactly amazing lately, maybe if he managed to get some sleep tonight he’d feel a lot better for it in the morning, he knew he’d be sleeping in tomorrow.
“Hey man, you wanna go?” Mason was immediately thrown off by the sound of a drunken man attempting to lure him into a fight. “No, no thank you I don’t feel like a round thank you.” The man wasn’t having it, “yeah? You think you’re funny? Think you’re a big shot with your hot words?” Mason was blindsided when a punch knocked him sideways. If he had of been asleep before he wasn’t now. “Stop. Stop right now.” He wasn’t listening, then he felt another punch blowing him sideways, and then a kick to the ribs. “What the fuck.” He groaned, only to be greeted by a kick to the teeth. He couldn’t speak, he was too stunned or he’d be yelling for help.
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
Tallulah had been taking her time making her way home from the hospital. It was probably the fourth or fifth time she’d visited friends in the hospital. It had become habit now to bring along Carissa. She loved making people happy, or so it seemed. At the very least, the little girl loved to make people laugh. She was starting to get fussy, now, though- as any baby who was tired would get. But, she was being distracted by Tallulah’s hair, twirling it in her uncoordinated, chubby fingers. Tallie was glancing at some directions to remind herself of how to get somewhere when she felt Carissa tuck her face into Tallie’s shoulder. “What’s wrong, ba-” she was cut off as she caught her eyes with the person walking towards her. 
The question threw her off, and she shook her head briskly, “No, I don’t. I don’t smoke anymore. Quit.” she said, a little too quickly. The woman’s aura had Tallulah on edge, and made her want to protect Carissa. Tallie decided then this woman must be a Mataku… and not one like Gabe, either. “Can I help you.. otherwise?”
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Vedika could tell right away that she’d made the woman uneasy, which she was sorry about...but she was also a bit offended by her uneasy answer. It’s not like she was a dope fiend or anything... although she supposed after a moment that she might kind of look like one at the moment in the baggy shirt she’d swiped from the hospital, and with these huge bags under her eyes. And she had a kid with her... well that had just been dumb on Veda’s part, asking a young mom like that for a cigarette while she was holding them... She felt like an asshole for that. “Ah, sorry I didn’t...” She shook her head after a moment and tried to put on something of a smile to be polite. “It’s alright, I should probably quit myself... Things have just been..... stressful lately...”
Shrugging and trying to look a bit more lively and not as... grimy as she felt, Vedika smiled sweetly at the child. She had always liked kids, enough to become a teacher, although obviously she was used to dealing with older ones... “Your kid’s a real cutie,” she said with a friendly smile. “What’s their name?”
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
The witch wasn’t certain if she should turn, if the request was being made to her. Miku knew only one person around town, and because of that she liked to imagine she could float along the sidewalk in her own world, undisturbed until absolutely necessary. 
However, she decided to come to a halt and then turn back. Miku eyed the other, honed in on the creature. Dark, exceptionally dark, with a lick of something ancient laced right through them. 
Without a word, Miku removed a silver cigarette case from the pocket of her leather jacket. With a pop of the button she chose one of the slender sticks to place between her lips. The tip suddenly glowed red on its own - no lighter, no fire starter other than the petite woman herself. 
Miku took the first drag, filled her lungs, and exhaled a thin, clean stream from pursed ruby lips. Then she handed the cigarette over to the other. ‘’You look like you have been to hell and back. More precisely, you look like shit.’’
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As soon as the woman froze in the street, Veda was suddenly overcome with the feeling that maybe she shouldn’t have asked or imposed anything on her at all. She was so... powerful, that much was obvious in the energy she could feel radiating off of her even before she turned. But when she did, the feeling was practically overwhelming. Veda blamed the fact that she’d recently been incapacitated for blocking her ability to sense it before, but damn that was a pretty big red flag to miss. Luckily, the woman, who was honestly gorgeous... just... wow... didn’t seem interested in obliterating her for daring to speak so abruptly.
Watching as she lit the cigarette for her without a lighter, Veda suddenly felt her guarded apprehension towards the woman melting away in favor of curiosity, which glinted like a spark in her dark eyes. She was dying for a little fun with magic, after being cooped up for so long. Maybe if she was willing, this woman could help her sharpen her skills a bit- she certainly seemed to have admirable control of her own abilities. As she took the cigarette from her, she let their fingers brush just barely, to give each of them just a bit more of a glimpse into what the other’s power was like... And the glimpse she got of this stranger was more addicting than the cigarette she was about to take a puff of.
Playing it casually, and already feeling more like herself by having someone supercharged with such similar magic around, Veda took a puff and glanced over the woman for a moment, considering what to say. “Who says I haven’t been?” she challenged, and then the corner of her mouth turned up in a sly smirk. It was more true than even she knew... “But trust me, I’m much more impressive than I look right now...” 
As she lifted her hand to hit the slender cigarette again, she noticed she still had her hospital band on, and with a grimace of displeasure she ripped it off and shoved it hastily in the pocket of the hoodie she was wearing, which was about three sizes too big for her and may or may not have been stolen from one of the orderly’s lockers...
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
This Mataku was dark, Sophia could feel the dark magic rolling off of her body as she looked closer, and yet she wasn’t scared, even though she probably should have been, and she wasn’t worried, when she should have been. Something about the woman in front of her intrigued her, she couldn’t help but want to draw closer, instead she chose to do it in a far more… Inviting way. She rolled slightly, allowing herself to remain almost entirely on show apart from the obvious bottoms she was still wearing which, if she was being honest could do with being removed as well, but that would come at a later time, just when she wasn’t sure, maybe minutes, maybe an hour, but they definitely would.
“Yeah, especially when it’s what you’re a part of.. You are too right? A Mataku?” Sophia asked, if there was one thing that she could say it was that she was never afraid to ask directly what she thought she already knew, in her past it had proven to be unwanted, and left her with marks that showed how unappreciated, but that didn’t mean she could give it up so easily when she had been around so many of them herself, their energy shone at her like a beacon. And right now her skin was glowing with a fae light, that could only be described as happiness while she watched this show, biting her lip, appreciating just how little she was wearing beneath the fabric. “Well I like you already, someone who agrees to follow with my idea of what a challenge is.”
“I mean here I was going to take everything off, but hey I guess introductions are important.” She chuckled, nodding. “I’m Sophia.”
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Vedika couldn’t help but take another appreciative glance over her new acquaintance’s beautiful form. It was so odd how she seemed to be glowing golden in the sunlight, surely it had to be whatever magic was running through her system... If she could just touch her for a second, she was sure she’d be able to identify exactly what she was... it was just that she was still so unfamiliar with the supernaturals on this island... She could pick all different kinds of witches out of a crowd, but there weren’t many fairies or mermaids or other things like they seemed to have here back where she was from. As she studied her, she noticed she was being studied in return, and a little smile found its way to her lips again, both flattered and slightly cocky that she had managed to capture the girl’s attention so well.
As she considered what she might be, she reached back to her jacket and dug out a pack of smokes from the pocket. They were a little crushed- she hadn’t worn this jacket in forever- but still intact enough to smoke, although they weren’t the prettiest. She put the cig between her lips and let it drape there casually as she searched for a lighter.
“Hmm?” she said, at the girl’s question, an eyebrow quirking slightly at the slightly unfamiliar word. It took her a moment to remember what it meant, but it came to her. Damn it, no lighter... looks like she’d have to resort to magic then. She supposed it wouldn’t hurt, since the girl had already sniffed her out. “Oh, yeah...” She snapped her fingers and just like that the tip of her pointer finger was on fire just like a Zippo. “You got it, hot stuff,” she joked with a little wink. She lit the end of her cigarette and blew out her finger hastily, then took a short drag, careful to blow the smoke up out of the space between them. “At least that’s what they call it around here, I guess...”
“So what are you exactly? Other than a troublemaker I mean...” She smirked, considering the way her companion bit her lip and spoke of challenges. This girl was dangerous, that much was certainly true... Veda’s eyes raked down her form once more and finally settled on a tattoo that splayed butterflies all over her hip and thigh... Oh yes, very dangerous indeed... She made herself look away before she got any unsavory ideas that couldn’t be ignored... But of course, she couldn’t stop herself from making one last flirty comment...and by flirty she of course meant downright naughty.
“Please, don’t let the formalities stop you,” she laughed. “I just like to know what name to scream out during sex.”
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
While Sophia hadn’t been expecting to be interrupted by anyone, the more she looked up at the woman that had interrupted her and her book, the less she was concerned about the interruption. Pretty women didn’t often appear on her front lawn, quite the opposite in fact. Rather the people who usually appeared in her front lawn to complain about her scantily clad figure seemed to be the type with their noses so high she wasn’t sure if they were trying to sniff God’s asshole or trying to look exactly like the dogs they carried around with them. But this woman, wow, she was blown away, and she would be lying if she said that she herself couldn’t help but let her eyes graze up the curves of her body before settling on her eyes, it was almost like she was a vision standing in front of her, and she was rendered momentarily tongue tied.
The smile that formed on Sophia’s face now was more of satisfaction, she knew that she had caught the woman, but she couldn’t help herself from feeling like she herself was a little caught. Sophia shrugged lightly as she pulled the top off, rolling over and grinning toward the woman that was now standing there. “Well, the book is a folklore book, never much harm in knowing what you’re made up of. You know, if you want to join me I wouldn’t stop you either.”
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The Mataku’s eyebrow just barely spiked as she watched the woman on the lawn make quick work of her top. Well... that certainly hadn’t been what she was expecting. But with this added vulnerability, Veda sensed something she hadn’t before, likely because of how dazzled she’d been by the first impression of her. It was like she was glowing in the sunlight, and more than that there was a sort of palpable wave emanating off of her. Maybe she was a supernatural of some kind...? Or maybe Vedika was half in love with her already... That would certainly be an interesting development... At the mention of the book’s topic, she found a way to fish for a little more information hopefully without being entirely obvious about it...
“Folklore, hmm? Seems like a necessary volume to read in this town...” Veda commented casually, as if the two of them were in a coffee shop and this gorgeous girl in front of her hadn’t just taken her top off at the slightest provocation. After a quick appreciative glance over her..... generous body, she locked eyes with her again and smirked slightly at the challenge. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to have all the fun without me...” Stepping onto the lawn, Vedika slipped her leather jacket off and let it fall behind her, maintaining eye contact as she grew closer and teased the idea of taking her shirt off by playing with the bottom hem a bit. She sat herself down first, nearby but not close enough to be a total creep, she hoped. When she slipped her own t-shirt off, she was bare underneath, and she turned slightly to toss the garment on top of her jacket before looking back to her new... bosom buddy again.
“We should probably introduce ourselves before this gets out of hand, huh?” she said with a tiny laugh. “I’m Veda.”
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
It was cold... was it always this cold?? Vedika felt like she was shivering the more and more she got away from the hospital, which probably wasn’t good... but she needed to get the hell out of there. Too long in a sterile box did bad things to her psyche, as if it wasn’t weak enough already from her long stint in the woods... And it was so damn bright and clean, it was driving her crazy. Her apartment was never clean... not that it was disgusting or anything, just messy. Still, she needed something... dirty... something unhealthy even. Honestly, a burger sounded like the best thing ever, but she’d settled for a cigarette if she could get one.
Catching sight of a person passing her by on the street as she subtly fled from the direction of the hospital, Veda didn’t even look too closely at who they might be before calling after them. “Hey! Do you happen to have a cigarette I can bum from you?” she called, realizing belatedly that she felt like shit warmed over, and probably looked twice as bad.
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
Veda had essentially just stepped out of the hospital after being cooped up for far too long, and far too many tests for her taste. She was itching for comfort that usually only booze and sex could provide for her. But she was out of booze at her place, didn’t have her wallet on her, and there was a distinct lack of potential sexual partners around at the moment, so she supposed she’d have to clear out her energy with a nice brisk walk. She hadn’t been going for very long before she felt the distinct energy of magic being discharged nearby, and when she looked up she saw a young girl’s book bag rip out of nowhere, spilling the contents all over the street. The Mataku stopped in her tracks, stunned at the display, and stood with her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket as she traced the girl’s gaze over to the apparent perpetrator... a kid who frankly looked like the type to pick on defenseless little girls.
Shaking her head slightly, Veda approached and put herself between the guy and this young girl, crouching down to help her pick up her things. She turned her back to him, mostly because she wasn’t concerned about what he might do to her, but also so she could have a private and uninterrupted conversation with her out of earshot.
“Don’t let that guy bother you,” she said. “Bullies are all the same slimy slugs on the inside anyway...” She handed the girl her things, wondering if she could somehow do something about her bag without completely blowing her cover... Maybe not up close, but she supposed a little long-distance magic wouldn’t hurt... 
“Hey, wanna see a trick?” she said in a hushed tone. The girl nodded a bit, and Veda smiled wickedly and with a little flourish of her hand- enough for Grayson to see from where he was, she snapped her fingers. And just like that, she ignited his pants pocket with flames. Nothing too harmful of course, just enough to startle him if he wasn’t expecting it. The girl looked absolutely gleeful when she saw it, and so Veda considered her job done. She patted her head softly. “Alright run along now, you should get home.”
She saw the girl off and then turned on her heel, leveling the boy from earlier with an unimpressed glare. She crossed the distance between them with her hands casually in her leather jacket again, as if she hadn’t just lit his pants on fire from ten feet away. “So this is how you get your kicks, huh? Picking on little girls just minding their own business? Pathetic.”
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Grayson sighed and rubbed his tired eyes as he finished the last of his paperwork and shoved it all aside. That was the one part of his job that irritated him the most: all the damn paperwork. He stretched and made his way to the front of the store, leaving instructions for his employees as he stepped out. He needed a break and he was taking one whether they had a handle on things or not. He made his way down the street and nodded dully at people he knew. He was feeling an itch under his skin, a pricking of his magic and needed some way to vent it out. He glanced around the street and spotted an easy enough target, a tiny blonde girl with burn scars on her face was digging through her school bag looking for something. With a twitch of his fingers the seam on her bag split and her things spilled to the ground. He started to chuckle and was startled when her haunted blue eyes locked on to him. He ducked his head and moved further up the street. “Creepy ass kid.” He mumbled under his breath.
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vedikapriyam-blog · 7 years
She wasn’t long out of the hospital, and more importantly, she was barely back in her own wits, but damn it she was tired of being cooped up. She needed fresh air, and a chance to stretch her legs for fuck’s sake... If the doctor’s were to be believed, she’d been in a near-comatose state in the forest for months, not that that made any sense. In any case, the first thing she’d wanted had been a cheeseburger, and after she’d gotten that, she’d wanted to be as far away from anything even remotely resembling a hospital as she could get. So, here she was, walking through a nice area of town full of pretty houses and lots of wonderful gardens and trees and hot girls lying half naked on the lawn and.... Well... Somehow she hadn’t been expecting that but... there she was... just lying there. Wow, she had gorgeous hair and her skin was just... wow.. Wow... 
Yeah...Vedika had definitely been staring, and this girl had just caught her doing it. She had nothing to say in her defense, and so she supposed she should just own up to it. She pulled herself together again and metaphorically wiped the drool off her chin, adopting a more confident stance instead of the stunned-still one she’d been displaying moments ago. “Actually, I was wondering what book that was you were reading... but if you want to get naked I’m certainly not gonna stop you...” 
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A result of her upbringing meant that Sophia found herself being far too open, far too free, and yet when she felt like she was being reserved, she felt herself being stared at, being looked down on. But the good thing about it was it had taught her just how to have a thick skin, so lying here on the front lawn reading in next to nothing she simply managed to roll her eyes when someone made a tutting noise. The great thing about living in one of the fancier parts of town was people who were too stuck up to even stop and talk to her, and she took liberation in that fact. She looked up when someone walked past again, not paying all that much attention, and her eyes fell back down to her book. It really was a great book. A smile formed on her face as she looked up at the person still standing there. “If you stare for too long I might get naked and depending on you that could become awkward, then again if it doesn’t you never know where you might end up.”
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