velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
Wayward Arrow
Slightly mentioned:  @chandreiunderbrush
It had been a while since her wandering had brought her back to Quel’thelas. She’d been avoiding the area until certain matters regarding her title had been resolved. However an exception was made on this night. Her footsteps came naturally as she made her way through Eversong to the seaside cliffs west of Silvermoon. She perched herself at the edge and peered down the sheer cliff face towards the turbulent sea below.
A glance both bitter and forlorn was given to her right as if she expected to see a figure beside her. This is where they used to come to talk, her estranged mother and her back before she considered her a mother at all.
She hadn’t returned to this spot in years. And she could not recall if she’d ever visited it on her own. She took a deep breath and leaned back, palms kept her torso propped up and allowed her to recline. Her eyes drifted towards the sky and she questioned why she had even come here. Had she hoped - she might cross paths with her mother? Perhaps she was simply doing as she told Chandrei and expanding her area of wandering in order to possibly run into Kaidon. She had been wandering to wider variety of places since they spoke.  Still, when she tried to find an answer for why she had wandered to the places she had - she could not seem to find one.  
She hissed quietly to herself.
The words of the Shal’dorei woman she’d met earlier that night in Duskwood stirred in her mind.
“Chasing the butterfly, you underestimate the gusts. Her wings flap. This one was brought here like a leaf. Naturally. Guided by the wind.”
Vel frowned. The words were those given to her when she asked the Shal’dorei void-priestess what had brought her to Duskwood. It was the sort of thing she would say.
She let out a heavy sigh as she flopped her back onto the ground and reached into her bag for the gift the priestess had given her. She held the vial up and peered at the dark liquid within as the pale moonlight illuminated it.
A gift of blood. It was unexpected. And it meant enough for her to offer a gift in kind. She closed a fist and ran her fingers over the cut she’d made in her palm, sealing the wound with a jade mist. She closed her eyes as she recalled those mismatched purple hues that had stared back at her. What were the odds she’d encounter another corrupted being, with mismatched eyes? From the way she spoke, Vel assumed she had been exposed to the void far longer than she had.
“Voices of the many. They tell her things. They whisper. They yell. They scream. They laugh. They are always here. To close the eyes is to make them louder. This one's cursed head always hears them. Never end.”
It was hard for Vel not to feel like she had been staring at the future she had to look forward to herself. Once she’d been listening to the whispers of the Void for long enough.
She opened her eyes and took a deep breath and stared up at the sky again, she tucked the vial of Nira’s blood away. Some words still haunted her.
“Getting slapped around by the cold wind is fun! This pale skin inhaled a lot of different air! What's the point of aim, if your hands are shaky? If you can't hold the bow straight, do you have to? Just shoot and let the arrow go wherever it goes! Fun! Life is an ant. Trapping yourself in someone's dirty soles is not what this one wants to be. Nira is free! Captured by the own skins of her home hive for thousands of years, the cursed one wishes no more.  Suramar. Ugh.”
Vel sat back up and stared out over the waters. While she’d been wandering through Duskwood, elsewhere the Lunar festival was being celebrated. Yet, she had chosen to drift instead. She had chosen to let the cold wind slap her around. She was the arrow that had been fired by shaky hands. No aim. Just - headed wherever it happened to head. Like Nira, she too was free, but - she couldn’t help but notice that Nira had been sitting alone in Duskwood, talking to the whispers in her mind. Disconnected from the world, and just as content to ramble to herself as she was rambling to another.
And that was a future Vel wasn’t sure she sought for herself. Still. She as she stared out over the sea she didn’t know what else to but dissolve into mist and drift away on the next breeze.
An arrow fired by an unsteady bow.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
When you wave at a stranger, sometimes it goes bad, a lot of times it doesn’t go anywhere at all. But Vel will continue to wave at strangers because occasionally, you get lucky and find a Zephi! <3
A Vital Moment AU: Subtract a vital moment from your OC’s life. How are they different? What is their life like?
We'll do a Zephi moment :V
Sometimes vital moments in someone's life are small. Something that branches out into a million different possibilities that just weren't quite possible before that moment. Sometimes all it takes to be a vital moment is...
Velerodra waves at you.
Zephidra's life completely changed because she met that strange group of elves all sitting on the park bench that evening. Zephidra's core personality would be much the same. She'd still be cheerful, supportive, willing to help anyone, strive for some type of peace, be a talented ice mage, and enjoy baking just as much as she does now.
The difference would be it would all happen under her sister's control. Without Dead Sun, it would have taken Zephidra far far longer to break from Taliorra's overprotectiveness. She wouldn't have confidence in her ability to stand up for herself, others, and have the ability to back it up. She wouldn't be as powerful of a mage because she just wouldn't have pushed herself as she has. Zephidra would still be stuck in Stormwind, off an apartment by the Cathedral district, handing out baked goods to anyone that would take them and spending all her time between helping the refugees and orphans.
She wouldn't have been an instructor to befriend a troubled teen. She wouldn't have been there to offer her walking staff to him when he was limping to school. She wouldn't have been there to fight to bring him and Eilonwy back. She wouldn't have been there to sit beside him and promise him she wouldn't leave.
She wouldn't have Silthas.
She would be a lesser version of herself. And her life would be happy, yet without her friends and family in Dead Sun... Empty. She'd still be asking herself every day why she survived those years of the orcs hunting her people down. And saying she shouldn't have.
Velerodra waving at her put Zephidra on the path that she doesn't ask herself 'why' so much.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
When you get your soft, italicized, “oh.”
Prompt can be found here.
Tagged by: @shaeshine & @eilitheandiel
Tagging: Everyone
The Unrelated Moment
you tend to be more preoccupied with practical things, to the point where you've been blinded to matters of the heart. sure, you're close with this person. you like to be close with people. it is rewarding to know and be known in return. you leave realization no choice but to sneak up on you. they're not even in the room when it happens. someone or something else spells it out for you, an observant friend's passing comment or a particular sentence you were reading in a book, and suddenly it hits you, what it all means. the person your feelings have been building themselves around. Oh. it's them. it's time. it's them and you, here and now, and you have to decide what to do at this crossroads. luckily, you're practically-minded.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
the parting glass
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Down a side street at the Darkmoon Faire, patrons could easily happen upon a stall covered in lepidoptera in all shapes and colors. The scent of drying herbs was potent in the air, or perhaps the scent radiated out of small mortar and pestle which always seemed to have something burning inside of it. 
The roof off the pop-up stall was bright red, sun catchers made of glass and mirror pieces hung around to catch what little light the dark skies above the faire offered. 
For those who came to the House of the Red Moth, they rarely left empty-handed. The madame of the stall of small notoriety for giving strange gifts or bits of advice to all who visited her. At a distance, her stark white hair made her look far older than she was. She was a Kul Tiran small in stature, unimposing– and though she was no longer a young woman, her face still held the amount of youth one might expect from a woman in their early forties. The most unsettling thing about her was the milky-white eyes which always stared vacantly ahead.
Another fixture of the Darkmoon Faire had become Lymantria’s “sister”, Corva. One glance at the Kaldorei was enough to reveal they weren’t related remotely. Her hair was the color of wheat ready for harvest, decorated with baubles and black crow feather. Her eyes bright and golden and a smile almost never left her lips. Her lips which never imparted words.  They  had been with the faire for long enough that it felt as though she were a fixture there– and perhaps that was why it was time for something new.
‘What will we do there,’ Corva knit her brows and signed at her blind companion. 
“What we have been doing these last years. Ensure they are prepared. Ensure we are prepared,” Lymantria responded packing in the stall. “And yes, we can still come to the faire. I know you enjoy it here.”  Corva scrunched up her face and gave an awful huff at her sister’s predictions. ‘What about R-A-Z?’ Corva spelled out the letters of their final sister’s name.  “She will come with us when the time is right, hurry now. The cart needs loaded  if we’re to make the ship in time.”
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The sleeping down of Duskwatch was the only place that truly made sense for the first ever, stationary location for House of the Red Moth. Its strange and sleepy nature was attractive to anyone that claimed to be a mystic or a purveyor of odd objects. Energy was so thick in the air that Lymantria could taste it. 
In the month prior, she’d arranged for a storefront at the edge of a main street. Not that there were many streets to choose from in Duskwatch. Velerodra had selected the place based on Lymantria’s requests. A large window in the front, a place to hang a sign, and a humble apartment up above the shop itself. 
Though she could not see it, not really– Lymantria found the place to her liking. She stood there, seeming to stare up at the sign which bore the shop’s namesake in raised calligraphy. Something was cold about the air there, it sent a shiver down her spine. “Hello,” she greeted someone unseen. “I do hope that we can get along,” she said, before she heard the wheels of the cart Corva drove come to a stop behind her. The chill left the air and Lymantria merely smiled before going to begin the arduous task of unpacking all of her things into their new home.  @velerodra-valesinger​ @deadsunharbor​​
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
💘Vel + Aydri, Aydri + K
💘 5/10 Vedri
This would be an interesting relationship, but one that might not last long. Where Vel is patient, Aydri is gung ho and very much impatient. They share many similar experiences and natural inquisitive natures, so taking small adventures and chilling would be nice.
Much like others, the bedroom is all about experimentation. Some requests that might come across either of the two would probably have to be tested out and it would probably get a little crazy.
Aydri and Vel are pretty open, but Aydri never fails to hold back what’s truly on her mind. She’d likely get more annoyed than anything else if Vel persisted to ask - which Vel asks a lot. It would be appreciated to some extent, but likely just make her blow up and be a grumpy ass. Velly doesn’t deserve that!
Friendship between the two has Aydri considering Vel to be a good, if not a bit close friend. Perhaps its mutual feelings and thoughts - paired with Vel’s ‘go with the flow’ attitude makes for nice conversation more often than not.
💘 2/10 Ayk
Aside from brief interactions in the past, Aydri hasn’t seen K too much. A shiny offered in tribute every time is always appreciated though. Aydri would definitely take K out into the world more and probably get into a lot more chaos than what she bargained for. Or bargained, who knows?
Assuming that K is also open, the bedroom life would be a bit more casual or kinky depending on the style of the two. Aydri’s very flexible when it comes to that.
Aydri has liked the few times she’s met K and considers her a good acquaintance. Where is she, anyways? No shinies in a while.....
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
Vel + Azu, Pyri + Azu
💘 8/10 Velzu
Get ready. For wholesomness.
These two would likely get along well and compliment one another with their calming natures. Azura would absolutely spoil Vel with whatever she might like, cook, massage, and just enjoy time spent. Vel’s curious nature often brings up her own and they’d probably find themselves in interesting situations at times.
Bedroom-wise, there would likely be experimentation and a good flow. Azura might have to be a bit more open depending on what Vel wanted and it would be a stretch for her to try something new. Spicy.
That said - There is a certain stubbornness that both Vel and Azura possess that could make things tense at times. Once Azura’s mind is made up on a matter, it is near impossible to convince her otherwise. She’s fiercely loyal and even a  bit jaded at times - which could make it difficult to approach topics despite the easy going nature otherwise. They would probably be able to work it out though.
As friends, they’re very supportive and open with one another. Azura always appreciates Vel hugs or massages - touch is her language of love and expression, so she’s always happy to receive. She thinks the world of Vel and cherishes her close to her heart with the knowledge that they can rely on one another.
💘 2/10 Azri
Azura can respect and admire the strength that Pyri possesses on multiple levels. She believes her to be an excellent Warden and comrade, but the feelings don’t extend too much beyond that. If there were ever a chance that they did come together, it would be a bit of a strange mix.
There’s the concern of brash action that Pyri likes to take in any aggressive situation, leaping in and charging enemies with the might of a bull. It’s simultaneously thrilling and worrying. Fel is another issue - as a druid, Azura is very much weakened to Fel and easily susceptible. Which means there probably woudn’t be much going on in the bedroom, sadly.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
💘Vel + Morth(idk where to put this one), Pyri + Rev
💘 - Velenel, Morodra
3/10 - Vel's... Ideology would clash with Morth's beliefs.
I think Morthenel and Vel could be good friends but Vel's ideas of how the world should works and some of her personal beliefs would clash entirely too much with Morth's belief in Elune for this to ever work out long term.
The one redeeming factor would be sex. I think they could give each other what they were looking for and enjoy that aspect of things.
Otherwise, these two are like trying to push matching magnets together.
💘 - Revri, Pyria
0/10 - Reveria would literally die.
Pyri is a good lady but Rev is severely allergic to Fel. This ship would be doomed to fail because of that. Rev's inability to touch for more than a passing moment would slowly drive a wedge off irritation and anger that would end with a weeping Reveria exploding in an emotional outburst about her feelings.
Rev likes Pyri though and thinks she does a good job with her duties as a sun warden!
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
Vel + Cichol, Vel + Thanfred
Velfred - 8/10 initially, -100000/10 by the end; good/10 friends
After being defended literally one time, he would probably lay his life on the line for Vel.
Okay maybe a little exaggeration but close enough.
Initially, Thanfred would be super pumped and enthusiastic. He's just a little despie for any sort of affection that if someone showed romantic interest, he'd go all in. Not so much that he needs romance but he wouldn't want to ruin a good thing by denying it. Also, Vel is attractive to him, quirky in a cool way, probably would be understanding of his predicament, and he'd just like spending time with her. Even if most of what she says just confuses him.
Not sure if Thanfred has anything to provide for her, but watching him squirm can be a little entertaining. I don't think he's the right level of eccentric for the excitement she looks for on the regular. However, the things that happen to him might suffice.
But, provided I don't have the wrong idea about Vel, there would just be one day he'd wake up and say.
Now I realize why we get along."
And immediately leave and never talk about it again. But still remain close friends.
Also, if the bedroom stuff that E brought up in her ask is anything to go by... Thanfred too nice for that. :(
Velhol - 8/10 if you ignore some key factors
Cichol doesn't exactly know what to think of Vel at this moment. Even after getting to know her, he may never. But that enigmatic draw would likely reign him in more. Just as his husband's did.
And, on the flip side, Cichol can certainly provide an entertaining time. The more he has someone to egg him along, the more likely he'd be to act a fool and make even more excitement. There would also be some point where they might be able to vibe with each other on a deeper level, and I think both have the patience to find it.
Where things would fall apart is all that comprises Vel. The fel. The death. The void. The nobility. The being-under-6-feet. The Other Thing. Things that on a fundamental level don't mesh with him.
But on that final note where Thanfred failed, at least he'd succeed. If for entirely motivations.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
💘Vel + Zephi, Vel + Tali
💘Vel and Zephi (Velphi)
This would be an interesting one. Zephi sees Vel as having a bit of a flighty nature. Not like a bird flighty, but like a butterfly that just sorta flaps around place to place without much care where it lands or has been, or when it'll leave again. A very chill butterfly. Ethereal is another word Zephi would attach to Vel. Which all means; Zephi would likely never be confident Vel wouldn't just flutter away. Which would leave an uncertainty that would probably eat away at Zephi.
Vel is the definition (usually) of chill and Zephi loves that in friends, but needs more loud excitement for long-term partners. I'm not sure either would find much captivating about each other to hold their attention long-term. Also Vel is adorable to Zephi and pretty, but there would be no sense of physical attraction.
💘 Vel and Tali (Talirodra/Velorra)
Tldr; just this:
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While Vel's chill attitude would mix well with Taliorra on most days, it'd only take the second time for Vel to want to talk to [Insert murderous person here] before Taliorra decided she has had enough. Not so much crash and burn as I don't think it'd even get off the ground as a ship. I feel like they don't have a lot to connect emotionally on.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
💘Eilithe + Vel, Eilithe + Rubi
Evel 10/10 Ship name, terrible ship itself.
First and foremost, E thinks of Vel as a daughter-- so any attraction is just not there. Sexually, they are incompatible, because E cannot provide what Vel likes. Particularly present day Eilithe tries to leave REAL violence out of the bedroom anything like punching/kicking/beating is a hard no for her. Emotionally, however, they'd be a good ship-- which is why they are a 10000/10 Friendship. Vel is one of the few people on Azeroth that E can be 100% unapologetically herself with and she's grateful to Vel for it.
Eubi (Ew-bee) because it'd be a -100000/ 10
Eilithe can barely stand to be around Rubi's overwhelming positivity let alone be around her long enough to form a relationship. The ONLY way they'd fuck is if Eilithe got to stuff a sock in Rubi's mouth. Even then, Rubi is the anthesis of what E likes. BAD SHIP. Good character though.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
Five Headcanons
Five Headcanons
Tagged by @eilitheandiel and @moonbaki. This ended up taking forever and going into more detail than I intended it to. But it does help me fill in the blanks of what Vel is spending her time on off screen.
1. Countess of Duskwatch: Vel really doesn’t behave like traditional nobility would when it comes to the overseeing of Duskwatch. The title itself is one she is fond of but her approach to governing the region of the Golden Isle is modeled on the way Dead Sun itself is governed. As Dead Sun is governed by a council of Sun Speakers, Duskwatch has a council made up of various voices from the community. Council meetings are held once a week and any citizen may attend for the sake of transparency. A second weekly meeting is held for anyone to bring up any issues to the council.
While she makes final decisions on important matters, Vel tends to accept the will of the council and only uses her authority in the event an issue is particularly contentious. Even then she will encourage more discussion over the issue in hopes of reaching compromises before just using her authority. This can lead to extra meetings.
This approach to handling things was influenced heavily by Dead Sun Harbor, Eilithe and Kurel in some ways and is much different than how the Vel of a few years ago would have approached things.
2. Lady of Darkwake Oblique: Vel approachs Darkwake Oblique differently than she does Duskwatch. More like the Vel of the past would have handled things. It is also more of what she was familiar with. It is meant to be a contrast. And while her approach to Duskwatch is representative of her current influences and present self, her approach toward the Oblique is representative of her past influences and aspects of her past self.
Vel is far less concerned for the input of others in governing the Oblique, far less transparent, and very controlling. Vel inherited the title from Lady Quel’vuran, and since has struggled to establish her legitimacy among other nobles of Quel’thelas. To many traditionalists she is shunned for being a commoner who inherited a title. Lady Quel’vuran’s reputation was not particularly positive to begin with, so Vel has had to spend time rebranding a bit. Given that the Oblique could easily be targeted by rival houses, Vel has also felt pressured to build up some forces to discourage intimidation tactics from more militant houses. Additionally she inherited some of Lady Quel’vuran’s personal enemies (this ties into headcanon 5).
The process has been slow, but Vel has been able to start to gain a few allies and ward off some critics, and is starting to be seen as legitimate. She still lacks firm connections among the nobility in Quel’thelas. And even just useful contacts in the area, as she spends less time there. She has a few, but much needs to be done still.
She still takes overseeing the Oblique quite seriously but has been pushing a rock uphill to be seen as legitimate and improve the public perception.
3. Contacts: Vel still maintains various contacts she’s made from her time as a diplomat, and still has some legitimate political connections that she’s made. She also still maintains some less savory connections from some of the other circles she used to run in, but Vel has never been one to write anyone off if they may still be useful.
This rarely comes up in rp, but networking used to be a large part of what Vel did. And I feel like it is still a big part of who she is, and even though she may not actively be networking as much, she still has a few important contacts for when she finds herself in a pinch. And is always looking for more.
4. Parents: Vel’s biological father (who she has zero memory of) is still very alive and still a bastard. He has sold Vel off - twice when she was a baby, and would probably sell her again if he could find a way to do it.
She is oblivious to his existence and she would find him to be a very disappointing creature as he is not even an ambitious criminal, he is just a criminal, who is just kind of a shit person.
While Vel is oblivious to his existence, he does keep track of his daughter and her successes and feels entitled to some of that success.
This is just a plot idea I have never fully pulled the trigger on - as I am unsure how I want to handle it. But it is always there. Waiting. Much like this next one,
5. Enemies in Waiting: While Vel is far better at making friends than she is enemies, she has a few figures from her past that seek her out as an enemy.
There are members from rival sects (cults), from back when Vel was in one of those. There are also others who seek items from her archives. There are a few groups of under the radar Light types that just want to purge Vel from existence.
Like Vel’s father these are just potential conflicts I have for possible Rp in the future. Vel’s past coming back to mess with her present is an idea that I play with a lot, but haven’t really tapped into much (as I have not fully fleshed out the ideas), but yea. There are enemies - laying in wait. If they ever tie into something going on, I may make use of them. Otherwise it just stuff in headcanon. She is aware of a few of them but some are likely to blindside her. There are plenty of reasons to see Vel as an enemy for those that - knew her in various phases of her life.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
aquamarine: where my muse feels most calm/relaxed
“I am not sure if there is a -where- to it. I suppose some places help my mind settle more than others. Cemeteries and tombs, if they are fairly quiet…. Other places too - can bring me calm, but not - consistently.” Vel tilted her head. She considered things a bit longer but decided this was the best way to answer the question honestly.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
"If I ask nicely, can I fuck you?"
Vel raised a brow, “Depends on if you are still in the mood after I am done responding to you -asking nicely-... I can not predict the future but I have a feeling even if you were to ask me very nicely - my answer would likely leave someone very ... not in the mood... but - feel free to test it...”. Her smile twisted into the slightest hint of a menacing grin. Though it faded as quickly as it arrived.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
From the ephemeral happenstance that crossed our stars, you've piqued my interest on the non-euclidean gears that twist in your mind. I look forward to a day anon that we might hold pleasant palaver.
“Well, that is a rather elaborate way to say you’d like see me soon... but I do appreciate it when more words than required are used to say something fairly simple. I am quite guilty of it myself at times....”. She trailed off.
Upon finding a train of thought (though perhaps not the same train of thought), she continued. “And I am glad you find my thoughts to be of interest... for whatever geometric or non-geometric reasons...”. She nodded.
“I am not that difficult to find... most of the time... so feel free to find me whenever... unless you are going to try to murder me, in which case - I would prefer you try to do so sooner rather than later as i have not had an assassin in quite a while, and it would really mix things up...”
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
"You're fuckin' weird but that's kinda cool."
Vel blinked and was silent for a moment before she offered a genuinely warm smile, “I am - and it is... thank you.” She seemed pretty happy to be reminded of her coolness. And her weirdness. They kind of went together.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
I have no idea how you became the countess of an entire area on an island and I'm just more confused at how well the place fits you. But I'm glad for it.
“The world is filled with mysteries... I would like to think it’s because I am surprisingly competent ... but it may just be because I know the right creatures... or perhaps a mix of both...”. She smiled lazily and tilted her head from side to side.
“It does suit me though... and I appreciate you being glad for me!” She nodded appreciatively.
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velerodra-valesinger ¡ 3 years
You seem alright, but I can't tell if you're going or coming. I think it's an act.
“As if I’d ever limit myself to coming -or- going. There are more ways to move than merely coming and going, there is drifting, wandering, returning, retreating and many other verbs that at any given moment... I like to think of myself as doing - simultaneously. With regard to different things... so if it is hard to tell which way I am going - it’s likely because in some way of another - I am going in a myriad of directions...”. She paused and winked playfully.
“But I could be wrong... so do not take that answer too seriously... I am not known for being consistent about these things...”. She sighed and tilted her head to the side.
“As for being an act... I hope you think I am an enjoyable act to watch, if nothing else... though if you’d like to peak behind the metaphorical curtain, you’re welcome to do so... I am an open book... But I do lack an index... and I am quite sure I was edited out of order, but I am open none the less...”. She smiled and dramatically took a bow. Probably just looking playing along with the ‘act’ theme.
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