velvetdaydream1 · 11 months
okay but a spiderdeku fiction where Deku is Peter Parker, Ochako is Gwen Stacy, and Bakugou is MJ?? I already wrote chapter one! It's not the best written thing but oh well
Chapter 1: Izuku Midoriya
Midoriya Izuku. He was a 1st year at the top school in Japan, UA. The school is best know for their incredible their academics. All their students go off to have high end jobs. Engineerings, Policemen, Scientists, Doctors, and some even go on to working in the government. The entrance exam is always called brutal, even by students that got in. Izuku's always dreamed of getting into that school. He planned on becoming a great scientist like the man he looked up to, Yagi Toshinori. The man made some amazing discoverys and worked with pretty high up agencies. Yagi was also known for creating books of his own. The man pretty much did whatever he put his kind too. A lot of people loved his one and only fictonal book about a hero named All Migh, which he based off himself. That became pretty popular. So yeah, Izuku aimed on going to the school he did, UA.
Izuku was a smart kid, always passed and had amazing grades in all his classes. He even had his own notebook full of his own theories and noted his own discoveries. He knew a lot about science and anatomy. He was just smarted when it came to those things and they interested him the most. He loved learning new things and discovering how things work and why they work that way. It was incredible. Though, middle school, people bullied him for it. They called him "weird" or made fun of him for being so nerdy and how lonely he was. Izuku didn't understand why, some of these people even use to be his friend. Like Bakugou Katsuki, who he calls Kacchan. Bakugou and Izuku were close as kids, yes, but once they hit middle school, everything changed.
Bakugou was popular. Bakugou was good at sports. Bakugou was one of the top student. He was so much better than Izuku. Well, thats what everyone thought and said, including some teachers. When they got older, Bakugou started getting more athletic and signed up for multiple sports. His favorite was soccer and baseball. So the boy did sports all year. People were amazed with how he worked his way around being on two teams for different sports sometimes, depending on what he wanted to play that year. He was taller, standing at 5'11 and was pretty muscular.
Izuku was nothing like him. He wasn't good at sports. Trust him, Bakugou, when still keeping up with his friendship with Izuku, tried getting Izuku to sign up but Izuku could not do it. He had horrible asthma and having glasses while doing this was just annoying. He was just a 5'5, skinny nerd. The only thing he had going for him was his grades. Eventually, when Bakugou gave up on him and joined in on the kids who bullied Izuku, he started competing with everything. He even started the whole "Deku" nickname. He grew a huge ego, thinking he was better than Izuku and everyone else. He started tormenting Izuku when he got a high grade than Bakugou so Izuku started getting some things wrong to go down a couple points. Not to the point he was barely passing, just enough to get Bakugou to stop. Bakugou would still comment, yes. The occasional "look, you got stupid" or "HA, i did better than you damn nerd," but nothing more than that.
Bakugou told Izuku not to apply to UA, but he did anyways which pissed Bakugou off. But Izuku didn't care. He would accomplish his dreams no matter how many times Bakugou and his little friends would tell him that he wouldn't. He would never be as good as some of the other big named people like Todoroki Enji, Yagi Toshinori, Usagiyama Rumi. But he could try. Besides it wasn't like he would be in the same class as Bakugou.
But he was wrong. They both ended up in cpass 1A. To his luck, Bakugou had barelt talked to him despite being sat sitting in front of Izuku. He would still call him Deku, but the name grew on him. Why? Uraraka Ochako is why.
She was one of the first people Izuku befriended. She was a short, blubby, brunette which the most beautiful eyes, Izuku thought. She changed the reason she likes the name Deku. So he let her call him that. Izuku befriended almost the whole class. Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, and Uraraka Ochako were his closest friends. Ochako was close to all plus Ashido Mina and Asui Tsuyu. Izuku loved his class. He loved his teacher. He loved his friends. He loved who he was becoming.
Then he realized he grew feeling for his best friend Ochako. Everyone already knew Ochako had feelings for him, they were shocked it took Izuku almost all school year to realize his own feelings for her. He was very awkward about it. He would over think it too. Say things to cause them both to get flustered. Mina encouraged Ochako to confess and Kirishima and Shouto encouraged Izuku to confess too. They eventually confessed at the same time. They both smiled and blushed then became an official couple.
They were cute and sweet. They would study together and bring each other over to each other's home. Their parents adored them. Inko would always cook for Ochako, always her favorite and would even buy her mochi. Ochako's parents always made sure to mention something Izuku liked and listened whenever he would ramble on and on about it. That's what he could appreciate about the Urarakas. They listened to his rambles. They were such a kind family. And Ochako. He could and would go on about her beauty. He loved her pink cheeks, how she tap her tips on her fingers together when she's nervous, how she was passionate on becoming a doctor, her love for anything sweet, her favorite animals being dogs, her favorite colors being purple and pink, how non judmeental she is.
Ochako actually helped Izuku realized he was bisexual. The whole night was interesting. They were talking about past crushes and Ochako made him realized he definitely had a crush on Bakugou when he was younger. When it finally clicked that was what she was telling him it was, he just stared at her causing her to laugh. She didn't care though. He realized it and then moved on with his girlfriend.
Now, present time, they were starting their second year. It was the first day back. Izuku told his mom by after getting ready then rushed to Ochako's home to they could walk together. He saw her waiting. He ran over and when she saw him, a smile grew on her face.
"Deku!!!" She started waving.
"Hi, Ochako." He smiled as he reached her, he bent down and gave her a small peck on the lips.
She held his hand as they began to walk. "I'm so excited to see everyone again!" She said cheerfully.
He nodded. "Yeah, I got to see Iida and Todoroki over break but evergone else will be exciting."
"Yeah!!! Plus they finsihed the dorms so we can officially move in next week." She smiled. "It'll be nice to see tou everyday."
"Yeah. I can't wait for what this year will bring!"
They made it onto the school ground where they saw some members of their class. Denki immediately saw Izuku and rushed over to him.
"Hey man! I'm glad to see you again!" He said with a grin and threw his arm over his shoulder. "Glad to see you and your girl are still doing well."
Izuku and Ochako blushed, "Mhm, good to see you too." He said
"Did you make any progress with Jirou?" Ochako asked leaning over to face Denki.
He made a face. "I haven't exactly been brave enough to. What if she doesnt like me?"
"Don't worry, Denki! Maybe this year me and Deku can help you!" She smiled.
Denki formed a small smile on his face. "You guys would do that?"
"Of course, you're our friend after all, plus Ochako's friends with Jirou."
He trapped them both into a hug. "I own you guys so much!!!" Then he ran off.
Izuku looked down at his girlfriend, "You're a great person, you know." He kissed her forhead.
She giggled, "I'm only helping my friends."
"Yeah, getting into a relationship, that can change a person's life. Like how you changed mine, you're probably the most important thing to me."
Ochako softly smiled at her boyfriend. "You are to me too. That's why I'm never leaving you!!!" She tightly hugged him.
He started laughing and almost fell due to how hard she hugged him. "Yeah yeah, I'm glad you aren't."
They continued their walk into the school, making it to their class. Mina immediately pulled Ochako away from her side to caught up. Izuku watched his girlfriend laugh with her friends as he made his way to his seat. He accidentally bumped into someone, while not paying attention to where he was walking as he looked at Ochako.
He fell to the ground. "Ah- I'm so sorry-" He looked up to see who he ran into. Katsuki.
He hasn't talked to him for the longest time. The most they talked was for school work or if Kirishima decided to hang out with Izuku during class. Bakugou was always with Kirishima. It was odd to see, Bakugou following someone around. Though, he acted as if Kirishima was the one following him.
"Kacchan! I'm so sorry. I should been paying attention." Izuku's voice cracked a bit. Last time he bumped into him during middle school, Bakugou pushed him and yelled.
To his surprise, Bakugou reached his hand out. "You're fine, nerd. C'mon, get up before sensei comes in."
Izuku hesitated, but took his hand as Bakugou pulled him up. Bakugou didn't say anything else, just moved past him to take his seat. Izuku stood their a little surprise. He took his seat, staring at the back of Bakugou's head. Sure, it seemed dumb, but why did Bakugou do that one nice thing for him?
Aizawa had walked in, breaking him thoughts as he heard everyone running to their seats. He looked over to Ochako who was already looking at him, giving him a smile. He smiled back then turned his attention back onto their teacher.
"Welcome back class. Glad to see you're all here. We're going ahead and beginning with the assignments. You know how classes work, you'll see the other teachers later, however we have an assignment for me." Izuku looked over to Ochako who mouthed 'I hope its a group project so I can see you more,' he smiled and nodded. "You'll be spilt into groups of three. Before anyone says anything, yes that means they'll be one group with two, but we decided to have Shinso join that group since he is switching into this class later this school year. Anyways, this project is simply to see how well we all work together. Last year, you all filled out a sheet explaining what exactly you want your career path to be. This will be an exercise for that. We picked your groups out depending on what you want your career to be. Even if its something similar, you all wanted something different. So, for the past months there has been crimes happening that are all similar. We decided while the police figure out and actually take action, we want you all to come up with your own theories and figure out things you have spotted that could genuinely help the case. You come to me. Even if its something you spotted on the crime scene photos."
Izuku genuinely was excited about it. I mean, it was a weird assignment and it definitely seemed like this was a way if finding information the authorities don't know. Either way, it'll still be fun.
"Okay, here are your groups. Kaminari, Kirishima, and Shinso. Sato, Koda, Mineta. Sero, Todoroki, and Tokoyami. Ojiro, Hagakure, and Shoji. Ashido, Asui, and Aoyama. Iida, Yaoyorozu, and Jirou. And the last group, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Bakugou. You'll have by end December to finish your assignments. You'll start working on them after school today. I'll leave you alone for you to work with your partners and figuring what you want to do and how to set up your stuff."
Everyone got up and went to their partners. Izuku was happy to work with Ochako, but he felt his stomach drop when he realized he had to work with Bakugou almost everyday. What if Bakugou made it hell for him and Ochako.
Bakugou turned around to face him. Izuku, expecting something rude to fall out from his mouth. But instead..
"So I gotta third wheel with you and cheeks?" The tone Bakugou use made it sound like he was attempting to joke, there was an awkward smile plastered on his face as well.
"Heh, i guess.." He said awkwardly.
Ochako ran over and stood behind Izuku, wrapping her arms over his shoulders, putting her chin on his head. "Yay! I get to work with my smart boyfriend. Oh and you too, you're pretty smart, Bakugou!"
"Pretty smart?? I'm SUPER smart!" He said, like usual yelling. No more of the awkward kindness he showed Izuku.
"That's what I meant! Either way, I'm excited. Maybe after school we should wait for each other by the entrance and then we could go to a coffee shop that me and Deku usually go to! That way we can talk about what all we need to do!"
"That's not a bad idea, 'Chako. I could work with that, what about you Kacchan?" Izuku asked smiling.
"Tch, yeah that'll work."
They talked for a couple more minutes. Izuku was kinda shocked to see how well Katsuki and Ochako were getting along. He did see Ochako as sweet and kind so he couldn't see anyone not liking her.
The school day went on, Izukh kept his mind on the assignment, thinking of what they could do. The day eventually came to and end and students were clearing out. Izuku started packing when he saw Bakugou and Ochako standing over him.
"Are you ready to go, Deku?" Ochako asked.
"Just give me a minute, you two go on."
"Okay, don't take forever nerd!!" Bakugou shouted as he walked off.
"Alright, see you in a minute," She kissed his head. "Bakugou wait up!" He heard her call out as she ran.
Izuku was getting his stuff packed when he noticed as spider when he went to grab his pencil. It aas pretty big. Very fuzzy too. It eas emerald green with black legs and huge, blue eyes.
"Wow, aren't you pretty." Izuku said out loud. He grabbed his phone taking a picture of it. He had never seen a spider like that before. Once he snapped a picture, he put down his phone seeing it was gone. He shrugged and grabbed his pencil, then he felt a bite. And it hurt.
"OW!" He yelled. He looked at his hand to see the spider, biting him. He slapped the spider causing it to fall to the group. He grabbed his bag and left the school.
Izuku saw the two standing at the door bickering about something. "Hey guys!" He called out as he walked over.
"Damn, took you long enough, Deku!" Bakugou shouted.
"Sorry, I saw this spider-"
"HA, your excuse is because of a stupid spider?" Bakugou scoffed.
Ochako sent him a glare. "Dont mind him, what did the spider look like?"
"I got a picture of it." He pulled out his phone, showing them the spider. They both looked at it and raised their brows.
"I never seen a spider that looked so damn ugly. Or even that green." Bakugou said.
"Awww it's green like you! But yeah, I've never seen a spider like that."
"Me either. The dumb thing bit me though."
"Welp. Let's hope its not venomous and kills you."
Ochako hit his shoulder. "Bakugou!"
"What?? I'm being serious, I'm not wishing death upon him at least!" He defended.
"It's fine, Ochako. Let's just go to the coffee shop. The bite just itches but it'll be fine."
Little did Izuku know thag one spider would change his life forever.
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velvetdaydream1 · 11 months
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