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Are you looking for a cost-effective software solution with international features for your MLM business? #Ventaforce #MLMSoftware might just be the thing for you.
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A well-suited MLM plans can be determined by the right MLM software. Direct selling businesses need the right MLM plan to manage their demand-supply flow during market penetration and product saturation.
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Are you planning to start an MLM business today? 5 points to remember.
Multi-Level Marketing Business is kind of a business strategy that can make an organization become successful with a very short span of time. The MLM business has become a popular concept over all these years and it slowly has influenced all the top business tycoons to rely on this to grow their companies. 
However, it requires proper tricks and techniques to follow in order to stand out amongst other competitors in the market. So, if you’re planning to start an MLM business, here are 5 top points to remember to beat your competitors.
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1. Understand the concept and try to merge it with your ideas
Before starting any kind of business, it’s very important to have the clarity and understanding of the concept. To make an MLM business successful, one needs to go through all the scopes and possibilities and also be prepared to face the repercussions associated with it. 
The network marketing industry is such a powerful medium to grow, and understanding the core of it can actually become the first step towards achieving your goal.
2. Planning is the key
By fixing a goal and working towards it to achieve the target becomes the next step while growing the business. And then comes the need to make a proper action plan in order to achieve the target of a multi-level marketing business. In this part, the planning includes creating a proper team, making them understand your vision and long-term goals, resonate with their ideas to grow the business and motivating them to learn time management. 
The perfect plan doesn’t exist until there is a zeal to maintain the consistency of one’s small accomplishments.
3. Go for the perfect MLM software
Multi-level Marketing Business is very much dependent on a perfect MLM software that can help the business to run smoothly and without creating any glitch. MLM software is such an important tool that creates an easy path for the admin to manage the revenue, network and fulfill clients’ requirements.
 A lot of MLM software is available in the market, but the idea is to choose the one that has all the necessary features that can generate maximum number of leads and eventually gets the organization its required revenue. get a free mlm software demo.
4. Choose a perfect Compensation Plan
The perfect compensation plan is very much required in order to keep your MLM business going. A compensation plan includes the proper detail of employees’ wages, all the bonus and incentives, and other benefits they will be getting while working for the organization. For an MLM business to cross its set standards it’s very important to think about employees’ benefits because that is the main thing that attracts them to work towards achieving goals. 
The ideal compensation plan makes them take the business more seriously and the HR management should elaborate on that before recruiting new people.
5. Proper Marketing of the MLM Business
No business can grow overnight, it requires tons of research and strategies to follow in order to top the game. In case of any kind of business, proper strategies and tactics must include proper marketing of the business. 
The MLM business has a lot of scopes for marketing, starting from using social media to promote the business, to hiring distributors to communicate with the customers directly to attract their attention, to emailing the customers to inform them about the latest sales or discounts.
The entire marketing strategy plays a significant role to grow any multi-level marketing business. The process becomes clearer once the consumers are well fed with the information regarding where the business comes from and how it is different from others. In order to reach the target, the marketing should be used as a bridge between the business holders and the customers.
Having a clear vision to set the business is the most important thing to keep in mind, and then comes the latter parts. 
These are all the basic tips to follow in order to make any business successful, apart from that hard work and team management make it more promising. 
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 As a #MobileAppDeveloper, we understand our liability towards #AppDataSecurity and put extra efforts to ensure that our #mobileapps are completely secured and insulated from any malware attack
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Ventaforce - Trustworthy & Highly Secured Direct Selling Software. 
At Ventaforce, We Value Our Client’s Trust and Security. Ventaforce - A proven Direct Selling Software Solution since 2001 
Why Ventaforce is the Trustworthy & Highly Secured Direct Selling Software
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What is Matrix MLM plan? How Does it Work?
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) or Network Marketing is going through an upswing across the world as more and more people are joining in fulfilling their financial goals. Different companies in different countries choose the business/marketing plans that serve their purpose effectively. Some of the popular plans that the companies deploy include binary, matrix, board, generation, hybrid and differential plan, among others.
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Today, let’s talk about the Matrix Plan in detail.
The Matrix Plan
The Matrix Plan is a popular MLM plan, mostly prevalent in the African markets. There are two types of matrix plans – Forced Matrix & Auto-Matrix. In the auto matrix plan, the newly recruited member gets placed automatically in the available space under the sponsor.
The searching method used in the matrix plan: top-to-bottom and left-to-right formula. Whereas, in a Forced Matrix plan, the member can be placed by his/her choice.
The most significant benefit of this plan is its limited width and a limited number of users.
How MLM Matrix Plan Works?
The way the matrix plan works is simple. The default members are added to the first level, and when new members are recruited, they spill over to the next level and even to other levels after that as the plan may permit.
There are two types of matrix-based structures which are commonly used, and they are either – 1-2-4-8 (2×2) or 1-3-9-27 (3×3), however, there are exceptions like 2×3, 3×7. A binary plan is nothing but a 2×2 matrix plan. Some companies also apply a 4×4 matrix structure or even a 5×5 matrix structure depending on their requirement. Ventaforce is specialized in implementing the MLM plans as per the needs of the clients.
Just like the binary plan, there are fixed members in this, but if the members’ count increases, then they might not have a place. In a Matrix plan, when the front line is filled up, the newly recruited distributors are placed deeper in the available slots.
Generally, income distribution for a matrix plan can be a pre-defined amount per member per level, just like a generation plan. But in some cases, it is dependent on the level completion.
Some Matrix Plans also have added features like adding members and distributors directly generating income for you. It is up to you how you want to make your plan look like. Adding extra features make this plan more powerful, productive and eye-catching.
Benefits of MLM Matrix Plan
For MLM companies who wish to start making money in the least possible time, Matrix Plan is the best plan option. This is because the Matrix Plan is one of those MLM plans that have the highest potential to make money right from the beginning. You start earning as soon as you start the business, and you continue earning as long as your plan runs.
All you need to do is, find some good network marketers to be part of your core team. Begin with these as founding members, offer them lucrative bonuses, and you will be on a path to attaining your financial freedom!
Other Benefits from the Spill Network:
The speciality of this plan lies in ‘spillover’ because distributors can sponsor a favourable number of other distributors in there down the line. This helps in building a deeper network.
Easily Understood:
This plan is straightforward to explain, and new members can understand it very quickly.
Secure Handling:
This plan is easy to handle and also free from risks because of its limitation in width.
Quick Money:
You start earning from day one of the business as this plan overgrows in no time. As the members start multiplying, so does your income too!
If you are planning to start your MLM business and want to make lots of money in the quickest possible time, the Matrix Plan is the best choice for you. The Matrix Plans takes very less time to expand. If you have all the elements in a place like high commissions, training, rewards and recognition, bonuses and great MLM software, nothing can stop you from being super-successful with millions of people joining your company.
Also Read: Ways To Choose The Right MLM Plan
Ventaforce is the leading MLM software developer in the world with an impressive client base of 4000+ across 40+ countries.
Ventaforce is an ISO certified company that has been the top choice of MLM companies around the world for the last 19 years. To become a leader in MLM business, partner with the leader in MLM software.
To get a detailed quote, get in touch with us today!
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The Truth and Myths About Network Marketing Industry
It is a fact that the network marketing industry is one of the largest sectors that touch millions of lives around the world. It is also a fact that innumerable people have found their financial goals through network marketing. Sadly, it is also a fact that despite being one of the biggest employment generators, network marketing is mired by many myths.
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This is unfortunate because as per Statista, the volume of the direct sales market worldwide is $192.9 billion. This indicates that market size is enormous, and the industry is thriving.
Just because some people do not find success does not mean that there is something wrong with the industry itself. The root cause is that most people join a network marketing company in the hope of quick money. Whereas, just like any other business, it requires lots of business skills, patience and grind to succeed.
Here, we will try to bust the myths that surround the network marketing industry by bringing facts in front of you.
Myth 1: Network Marketing is based on illegal pyramid schemes
Fact: Whether it is a political structure or a corporate office, there will be one person at the top of the pyramid. For example, the government of a country is headed by the Prime Minister or President. Similarly, a corporation is led by a chairman or CEO. The fact is that the shape does not determine the legality of a company. The problem arises when unscrupulous companies, owned by crooks, launch companies that do not sell any product or services but make money through people adding more people in the network. Any company that is selling high-quality goods or services through direct sales or network marketing route offer employment to millions of people legally.
Myth 2: Only founders make money in network marketing
Fact: It is akin to say that only the CEO of a company makes money in a corporation. Whereas, the truth is that everyone in a corporation earns an income depending upon the skill level and experience. Similarly, in network marketing, the amount of money people make depends on the hard work and skill level. Unfortunately, most people who join a network marketing company are not good at interacting with people, either they are too shy, or they are reluctant to speak with other people. One needs to be skilful in sales as network marketing is a sales business, where you are selling a product/service.
Myth 3: Network marketing is all about using innocent people to one’s benefit
Fact: it is the most beautiful model of business where you have people (mentors) to help you at every step. In the corporate world, people envy their colleagues. Whereas, in network marketing, one’s success depends on the success of people recruited by him/her. This ensures that people always get help from their mentors in conducting business meetings or seminars. There are countless examples of people from around the world who made it big by helping others in network marketing.
Myth 4: Eventually the program will get saturated
Fact: Amway was founded in 1959. As per Statista, Amway was the leading direct selling company in the world with global revenue of about 8.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2018. It is doing well till date all around the world because it sells quality products every household need. Same with all other top-notch direct selling companies who sell quality products like Avon, Nutrilite, Tupperware and many more. Direct selling is not any money-making program; it is a legitimate business with a different sales model.
Myth 5: Most network marketing companies fail
Fact: most studies show that 90% of start-ups fail! That means it is normal for a business to fail. Any business, if not appropriately run, is bound to fail; network marketing is no exception. Successor failure has nothing to do with the mode of a business model. Whether it is conventional or direct marketing, a business will survive and thrive if it is run with the right earnest, hard work and dedication. If a milk factory fails, will you blame the milk industry? Similarly, if HMT (manufacturer of watches) failed, will you blame the watch industry as a whole?
Also Read: Top 10 Must-Know Network Marketing Industry Statistics of 2020!
The network marketing industry arguably offers employment to a considerable chunk of people across the world. It has helped millions attain financial goals while working from home, being their own bosses. We have busted the prominent myths so that nothing should stop people from joining a network marketing company. If you can commit time, work hard and have necessary sales skills, you should consider joining a company that matches your preferences for the product line and commission structure.
If you are a business owner, thinking of starting your own network marketing venture, the first thing you will need is a robust network marketing software to run your business efficiently. Ventaforce is the world’s most loved network marketing solution provider that could help you get off to a flying start.
For a detailed discussion and price quote, please get in touch with us today!
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4 Things You Need to Know About Ventaforce Security
When planning software for a company, many aspects need to be looked into before going ahead. Some of the essential elements include performance, scalability, domain expertise, after-sales support, security, and pricing. Each of these parameters is important as these will chart the way the company moves ahead.
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When talking specifically about MLM software or network marketing software, these aspects become even more pronounced as MLM companies thrive on a considerable number of people joining as independent contractors. Independent contractors should be able to add new people from the field, access the commission payments bills, access their downline trees, order products on the go, receive commissions flawlessly, check their reward and recognition positions in the territory, zones or at national levels.
From the company’s perspective, the top management should be able to add, modify or delete products, see the number of people who have joined in real-time, uploading training videos, conducting webinars, access to revenue sheets among others. While these aspects are essential from the company’s perspective, the most critical feature that the company is looking for is the robustness of the software. The software should be secured from being hacked as it could contain data of 100s and 1000s of people from all around the world.
Let’s discuss the importance of software aspects before moving on to software security.
Since the MLM companies bloom when a massive number of people join them as independent contractors to promote the products and influence other people to join. This is like a chain where people recruit more people. The more, the merrier for the individuals who sell more and hire more people. The top-notch MLM companies around the world Like Amway, Herbal Life, and Avon have millions of independent contractors. The success of any MLM company will depend on how fast it can add people in its fold. To cater to this, companies need to have reliable software, which acts as a backbone for a company. Ventaforce has have been successfully tested for 7 million records, so whether you are a startup or a growing company, Ventaforce will keep you in good stead at all times.
Domain Expertise
When it is the question of MLM software, you will find Ventaforce in the top bracket. This has not happened overnight; we have been delivering successful projects for the last 19+ years to the 4000+ clients across the globe. Ventaforcehas the highest rating of 4.9 (out of 5) in the category on Software Suggest, one of the top-notch rating organizations. GoodFirms, another highly reputed research, and rating organization have rated Ventaforce as #1 Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) software in the best MLM software category.
After-sales support
This is the most crucial aspect as delivering a project is one part, but the most vital and essential aspect is after-sales support. Most companies fare poorly when it comes to post-sales support. We are known to work with our clients as their success partners rather than vendors. Our engineers are always available (24 x 7) to the clients through real-time chat, phone, and email support. On average, we make up to 9 changes/customizations in the software for our clients within the first year of delivery. This speaks volumes for Ventaforce, and we couldn’t be prouder of this fact.
Understands Stands for Security
We value security at all levels – right from the software architecture to secured servers. Ventaforce is the most secured MLM software, akin to having a military-grade architecture. Here are the four things you need to know about Ventaforce security:
1.Security architecture: Ventaforce is developed using level 7 level security and 3 level architecture which ensures the highest data security. There is virtually no chance of cyber threats.
2. Data backup and recovery: database mirroring and server cloning are done for disaster recovery and in case of an emergency, we maintain the backup so that your data can be recovered smoothly.
3. Secure servers: as the server password keeps changing, it is saved in an encrypted format which makes the software safe on shared hosting.
4. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA): Sankalp, brand-owner of Ventaforce MLM software, always signs NDAs with the clients to maintain the confidentiality of the information.
Final Words
We understand the value of the security at all levels, that is why we have got you fully covered through our iron-clad security regimen. We are proud that Ventaforce is the numero-unoMLM software, that is feature-rich with un-matched security. To date, there has been no reported attack in over 4000+ software installations around the world.
So, you know when it comes to finding the best software for your MLM company, Ventaforce is the answer. We are surprisingly delightful when it comes to pricing.
Do not delay, get in touch with our experts today!
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Don’t Let Any Virus Affect Your Business
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What is a Two Factor Authentication or Multifactor Authentication?
What is the first thing you do when you wish to log in to your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts? You enter your login ID and password to authenticate your credentials, right?
Similarly, while making a debit card or credit card payment for purchases on Flipkart or Amazon you enter the card details as well as OTP (One Time Password) that you receive on your registered mobile phone to complete the transaction. This is two-factor authentication (2FA) that is widely used in most online transactions these days. We have become so used to these authentication processes that it has become a new normal for us.
But why do we need authentication at all?
What are the different modes of authentication?
How do we define two way and multifactor authentication?
Let’s make a deep dive into all these concepts.
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The internet is evolving fast, and so is the internet economy. When we say the internet economy, it implies all the commercial activities that are carried through the internet like internet banking and online payments, e-commerce, tax filings, to name a few. On the one hand, internet-based services have provided convenience and faster services, but, on the other hand, they have also created avenues for the fraudsters to make quick money.
There is a long list of threats in the form of malware, trojans, ransomware, spyware, keyloggers, worms, rootkits and other types of risks that keep emanating from the fraudsters. Almost every day, you hear the cases of people being duped by imposters and their bank accounts being emptied. We also see regular emails and text messages from the banks to be aware of phishing and urging not to disclose our passwords to anyone, including the bank employees.
So, the question is – why do we need authentication? Well, authentication is required to ensure that only genuine customer/user uses the platform to complete a transaction, so the unscrupulous people do not misuse the system. Safety and security of real customers is the primary concern for any service provider, that is why so much emphasis on the authentication.
Simple Authentication or Single Authentication
This is the simplest form of authentication where the user matches one thing to get online access. Your Gmail password is an example of single or straightforward authentication. Here, the user is providing one detail against the user name created earlier. This is among the most common access grant systems in use that you use daily to access all the major social media accounts.
Two Factor Authentication
This is a little more complex, and as the name suggests, the user needs to supply two pieces of evidence to gain access. For example, if you have activated the Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to get access to your online banking account, you will need to enter the password as well as the OTP (One Time Password) which you receive on your registered mobile phone. The 2FA makes the life of bad guys a little difficult as you have added an extra layer of security to safeguard your account. Slowly, 2FA is becoming a new norm for all the vulnerable services that have financial implications.
Multifactor Authentication
To make things even safer, usually, banks add another layer for authentication to transfer money from one account to another. For example, SBI, India’s largest Public Sector bank, asks for a transaction password in addition to the other credentials when you send money through NEFT/IMPS/RTGS.
Similarly, when you try to make any change like increasing the transfer limit to a payee, it asks for the profile password. Also, many banks have recently introduced thresholds, after which you have to use OTP while withdrawing money from an ATM. The bank employees also use multifactor authentication commonly where finger scanners are widely used in addition to the normal login process.
So, what do you make out from the above? Well, it can be safely concluded that the 2FA is a type of Multifactor Authentication that’s among the most popular and widely used authentication mechanisms used across industries these days. Not only these mechanisms give peace of mind to the users, but it also adds a sense of pride to the service providers for being customer-centric.
If you are looking to have an impeccable network marketing management software with 2FA or Multifactor Authentication, you need not look further as Sankalp is the # 1 choice that has a rich experience of about 20 years in the business with over 4000+ happy clients in over 40 countries!
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What Are The Key Factors Driving The Global MLM Software Market?
The MLM market has been proliferating from the past many years, so is the MLM software requirement. Direct selling or Network marketing is one the fastest growing industry producing revenue of$192 billion around the globe in 2018. To pace up with the industry, MLM companies are also shifting to online businesses with new trends and strategies. For holding their horses in the online market, MLM software has become the necessity of network marketing business.
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Success is never a one-way street. With the continuous growth of the direct selling industry, MLM software has become the backbone of the global network marketing business. Before understanding the reason behind the elevated demand for software, you should know how MLM software helps in the success of network marketing.
The Multi-level marketing software manages all the operations efficiently, be it revenue management or customer status. It generates reports on sales, income, tracking customers, analytical and pictorial presentation in a hierarchical structure of direct selling customers. Hence, every entrepreneur of network marketing can keep a visual track of important things.
Apart from customer satisfaction and other pivotal roles, multi-level marketing software supports the growth of direct selling companies along with global expansion. The ease of running and managing the companies is driving the market for the rise of MLM software. Every direct selling organization entering the business starts with the MLM software. Read further to know the benefits of network marketing software in any MLM company.
A whole new MLM approach
The old-fashioned approach of network marketing includes the technique of connecting people one by one through phone, email, or even physical outreach. With new generation MLM software, all that is history. Incorporation of MLM software into your business helps you acquire more leads and reach larger audiences in a shorter period.
Time saver
More the lead you have more is the money. Just like every other business, time is crucial in multi-level marketing too. In MLM companies, handling the tasks manually from joining any associate to the payout of commission is repetitive and time taking.
MLM software is designed to reduce the workload and ease the monotonous task. Furthermore, it saves a lot of time to focus more on core work. Hence, the software facilitates regular tasks by automating it rather than doing it manually.
Increase in Productivity
When it comes to productivity for any business success, it must be a hundred per cent. But, how to maintain your productivity with a repetitive and time taking task. Monotonous work affects a person’s productivity. Coming like a saviour, MLM software heightens productivity by automating dull work. So, every minute you have saved can be poured into generating potential leads and focus on other essential tasks.
Ease of training for new joiners
Traditionally, after welcoming new associates on board, training them was a whole new series of huge tasks that required in-person training. With the course of change in the market, the training sessions have also been upgraded to online study material. This does not require in-person training programs, hence saving time and money.
Report generation
Reports are an in-depth analysis of your business that helps in determining the next decisions to be addressed in any business. Creating an analysis report manually will not only consume time but will also have more chances of human error, which in return shall impact business growth. In a multi-level marketing strategy, the data and reports produced by MLM software expedite the entire process and contributes to the development of the organization.
Easy update and scheduling
If existing customers are required to renew their subscription/order on a timely basis or track an account, performing any of these manually will be tedious work. MLM software will accomplish these tasks with easy management. The software allows you to schedule tasks and manage your business regularly. Furthermore, it will keep the count of sales and manage the customers and their accounts.
Easy compensation track
The base of the direct selling industry runs on compensation and leads. Working with a whole lot of people and keeping track of their compensation manually will eat up the crucial time. MLM software takes care of this vital aspect with ease by keeping track of each salesperson’s earnings and their overall monthly achievement efficiently.
MLM software has endless benefits that will support the growth of your business. Apart from the above-stated advantages, MLM software helps in speeding up the process and keep the information intact with high security. If you plan to move up on the ladder of success in MLM business, you should be software ready. Ventaforce has been the top choice of MLM companies around the world for the last 19 years. To become a leader in MLM business, partner with the leader in MLM software.
To get a detailed quote, get in touch with us today!
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What Are The Key Factors Driving The Global MLM Software Market?
The MLM market has been proliferating from the past many years, so is the MLM software requirement. Direct selling or Network marketing is one the fastest growing industry producing revenue of$192 billion around the globe in 2018. To pace up with the industry, MLM companies are also shifting to online businesses with new trends and strategies. For holding their horses in the online market, MLM software has become the necessity of network marketing business.
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Success is never a one-way street. With the continuous growth of the direct selling industry, MLM software has become the backbone of the global network marketing business. Before understanding the reason behind the elevated demand for software, you should know how MLM software helps in the success of network marketing.
The Multi-level marketing software manages all the operations efficiently, be it revenue management or customer status. It generates reports on sales, income, tracking customers, analytical and pictorial presentation in a hierarchical structure of direct selling customers. Hence, every entrepreneur of network marketing can keep a visual track of important things.
Apart from customer satisfaction and other pivotal roles, multi-level marketing software supports the growth of direct selling companies along with global expansion. The ease of running and managing the companies is driving the market for the rise of MLM software. Every direct selling organization entering the business starts with the MLM software. Read further to know the benefits of network marketing software in any MLM company.
A whole new MLM approach
The old-fashioned approach of network marketing includes the technique of connecting people one by one through phone, email, or even physical outreach. With new generation MLM software, all that is history. Incorporation of MLM software into your business helps you acquire more leads and reach larger audiences in a shorter period.
Time saver
More the lead you have more is the money. Just like every other business, time is crucial in multi-level marketing too. In MLM companies, handling the tasks manually from joining any associate to the payout of commission is repetitive and time taking.
MLM software is designed to reduce the workload and ease the monotonous task. Furthermore, it saves a lot of time to focus more on core work. Hence, the software facilitates regular tasks by automating it rather than doing it manually.
Increase in Productivity
When it comes to productivity for any business success, it must be a hundred per cent. But, how to maintain your productivity with a repetitive and time taking task. Monotonous work affects a person’s productivity. Coming like a saviour, MLM software heightens productivity by automating dull work. So, every minute you have saved can be poured into generating potential leads and focus on other essential tasks.
Ease of training for new joiners
Traditionally, after welcoming new associates on board, training them was a whole new series of huge tasks that required in-person training. With the course of change in the market, the training sessions have also been upgraded to online study material. This does not require in-person training programs, hence saving time and money.
Report generation
Reports are an in-depth analysis of your business that helps in determining the next decisions to be addressed in any business. Creating an analysis report manually will not only consume time but will also have more chances of human error, which in return shall impact business growth. In a multi-level marketing strategy, the data and reports produced by MLM software expedite the entire process and contributes to the development of the organization.
Easy update and scheduling
If existing customers are required to renew their subscription/order on a timely basis or track an account, performing any of these manually will be tedious work. MLM software will accomplish these tasks with easy management. The software allows you to schedule tasks and manage your business regularly. Furthermore, it will keep the count of sales and manage the customers and their accounts.
Easy compensation track
The base of the direct selling industry runs on compensation and leads. Working with a whole lot of people and keeping track of their compensation manually will eat up the crucial time. MLM software takes care of this vital aspect with ease by keeping track of each salesperson’s earnings and their overall monthly achievement efficiently.
MLM software has endless benefits that will support the growth of your business. Apart from the above-stated advantages, MLM software helps in speeding up the process and keep the information intact with high security. If you plan to move up on the ladder of success in MLM business, you should be software ready. Ventaforce has been the top choice of MLM companies around the world for the last 19 years. To become a leader in MLM business, partner with the leader in MLM software.
To get a detailed quote, get in touch with us today!
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