venusinvenom · 4 years
i can’t wait to be a successful hermit … no interviews, minimal presence … the only time u see me is when i publish a new book then i go back to reading or wandering through gardens or whatever money and free time permits me to do
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venusinvenom · 4 years
i understand why old people sit outside just to sit outside
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venusinvenom · 4 years
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Astrology Series | 6. Virgo [Earth] // August 23 - September 22
observant, intelligent, responsible, generous 
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venusinvenom · 4 years
♐️Sagittarius in the houses
🏠1st house (= your ascendant)
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You embrace new experiences and people with optimism and an adventurous/curious spirit
you stand strong in what you think and don’t hold anything back, can be super frank and too honest at times
curiosity and knowledge motivates you! 
can be an amazing leader
you give off/project interested and curious energies 
can be very self centered and restless and sometimes you act cold and unemotional 
you usually perceive the world in connection with yourself and not always how it affects other people
freedom and being able to do whatever you want is super important to you but sometimes you use freedom as a way to avoid responsibilites in life
restless and might have a constant desire for change 
has a desire to learn about the world so that you can become aware of beliefs and values of people around the world, it interests you deeply
you want to experience life fully and discover the truth about everything so that you can then tell people about it, you love sharing your experiences with people but can come off as feeling better than everybody else because you might believe you have more knowledge or life experience than the rest
🏠 2nd house
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wants to be financially independent and not having to lean on money to survive, you need to feel free from money and it’s controlling effects
there’s a risk that you make people feel dependent on you and that you control them or treat them as possessions to get ahead in life
you use knowledge to advance, create stability for yourself and to help you create opportunities that will benefit you (which might mean that you don’t get a broad perspective on everything because you only focus on the knowledge which will benefit you personally)
can be too generous and carefree with money and possessions
you’re restless with money and possessions so you can quickly change between saving money to being a crazy spender
you put much value in traveling and gaining knowledge 
you feel productive and more self-worthy when you engage in philosophical and spiritual things
🏠 3rd house
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has a broad range of interests and you always manage find something new that you get super invested in
witty and optimistic when communicating
can at times be too blunt and outspoken which can give you negative responses from other people
can be very spiritual when talking with people and almost too deep, maybe not the best person to have small-talk with if you just want to talk about the weather
you love expanding and growing your mind
passion for information!!
not only do you love to learn and know - you love proving to everybody what things you know. so can come off as a smartass or “know-it-all”
might be so stuck on learning that you forget to practice it and use it in real life
super active mind that craves mental stimulation and challenges!
🏠 4th house (IC)
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you love being at home! it’s one of your favorite places
has many projects going on at home at the same time
might have a messy home life
wants a comfortable and kind of open home space, you want to feel free and able to move around a lot (maybe a big ass garden were you can roam around? or a lot of open spaces in your house/apartment?) 
can either be one of those people who consider everywhere to be home as long as you’re free or you need a secure and stable home in able for you to be comfortable to go out into the world and explore and take on adventures
the objects you keep at home are usually memories from some adventures/travels you’ve made in life
you can be a bit possessive of people close to you and have a hard time letting go of them
your beliefs and values might start to grow at home or be affected by family at some degree, maybe you have a deeply rooted belief system that is inspired by your home life or you take on the same beliefs and values as your family especially if you are really close with them and they’ve inspired you
🏠 5th house
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you love living in the moment!
has a playful and free-spirited approach to romance, you might have partners from all sorts of places in life which will expand your romantic experiences even more
enjoys having an active social life and a lot of different interests and hobbies
loves entertaining people and usually the life of the party
can be overconfident and reckless with love but your generosity and honesty might make up for your uncommitted behaviors in love
whenever you experience something exciting or fun you want the next experience to be even better!! 
with each adventure or fun thing you do you want to learn something new and because of this you can be really up for and open to trying new things in life as long as they sound fun and exciting
you love taking chances in life and hope that the chances and risks will allow you to live life to the fullest but this can of course backfire if you take too many risks in life
you have this underlying worry that you might miss out on things in life or not experience life to the fullest, you always want to get the truest and most authentic experience out of everything, you have a deep desire to explore life to the fullest
the way you express your creativity is usually connected to your spirituality and beliefs and you love exposing the truth or showing the depth of things with your creative expression
Keep reading
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venusinvenom · 4 years
hello i made a quiz !! what song you are from pure heroine (2013) !! i spent a while on this one have fun :-)
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venusinvenom · 4 years
Introduction to Egyptian Astrology ☥ (Part 1)
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🇪🇬 Egyptian astrology has 12 signs just like Western astrology, except instead of being based on constellations, they’re based on Egyptian gods/goddesses - with the exception of the first sign, The Nile. The Egyptians believed that the gods they worshipped not only predetermined their life, but also imbued their qualities into an individual’s character. There are two different ways of calculating your Egyptian sign; using the traditional ‘decan’ method or the Greek influence method. The traditional method says that signs cover different days of different months in decans. The other version is based on what the Ancient Egyptians learned from the Ancient Greeks about Babylonian astrology, assigning dates in a similar way to Western astrology. This post will cover the traditional dates, I will do a post on the signs following the Greek influence if requested.
The Nile
Traditional dates: January 1 - 7, June 19 - 28, September 1 - 7, November 18 - 26
Ruled by the River Nile.
Characteristics: Like the river, those born under the sign of The Nile are nurturing and giving. Likely to succeed in a teaching career. Peace-loving and quiet, they often avoid any form of dissension. Emotional nature can be a disadvantage, but their calm and observant character makes them good at mediating and communicating. Endowed with a practical, diligent and analytical mind. Lovers of refinement. Receptive to riches and prefers to live in an ‘awakened’ state. Wise, tolerant and capable of motherly tenderness. However, The Nile people are subject to changing moods. Can be impulsive and domineering.
Keywords: Caring, loving, gentle, calm, peace, wisdom, perception.
Benefits from vivid red and deep blue colours. 💙
Compatible with Amun-Ra and Seth.
Traditional dates: January 8 - 21, February 1 - 11
Ruled by Amun-ra - the Egyptian god of creation.
Characteristics: Optimistic in nature, their natural leadership is boosted by their intuition and good decision-making ability. Endowed with talents and luck. Carries an aura of royalty around them. Strong, tough and hardworking. Humanitarian and concerned about the world, often devotes themselves to solving its problems. To be born under the sign of Amun-Ra is both a challenge and a gift; either way, life is rarely shallow or mediocre. Generous and inspiring, guided towards great opportunities. Often meditative, disappointed by less-than-spiritual feelings and experiences. The inclination to detach from loved ones as well as secretive tendencies likely causes problems. May have an ego.
Keywords: Powerful, strong, domineering, secretive, distant, royalty.
Benefits from yellow and orange colours. 🧡
Compatible with The Nile and Horus.
Traditional dates: January 22 - 31, September 8 - 22
Ruled by Mut - the Divine Mother who is also associated with water.
Characteristics: Like Mut, people born under this sign tend to be motherly and often make good parents due to their nurturing and protective character. Likely to succeed as an accountant. Wise, logical and practical yet full of hope; great role models for young minds. Secretive nature, shy in opening up to others. Sensitive and reserved, but generous and patient. Full of irony. Those born under the sign of Mut are vulnerable and often go through bouts of melancholy. May be prone to emotional outbursts as it takes them a long time to get out of feelings of pain. Seeks protection and goodwill from others. The inclination to be deeply involved in relationships should be controlled in order to avoid getting hurt.
Keywords: Vulnerable, caring, protective, reserved, distant, logic.
Benefits from brown and carmine colours. 🌹
Compatible with Amun-Ra and Thoth.
Traditional dates: February 12 - 29, August 20 - 31
Ruled by Geb - the Egyptian god of the earth.
Characteristics: Highly sensitive, intuitive and impressionable. Sharp intellect. Likely to succeed in careers involving teaching, writing, administration and counseling. Strong sense of what is ‘correct’ and appropriate. Honest, caring and fair. Can be obsessive, anxious and egoistic. Trustworthy and modest with an engaging personality. Often struggles with saying ‘no’ - placing boundaries is important for those born under the sign of Geb, as they can be easily influenced by energies around them and may therefore invite negative energies into their life. Deeply affected by the environment and others’ moods, can go from being elated to dispirited; the ability to empathize with the upsets of others can be a disadvantage. Usually concerned about the wellbeing of people and the earth.
Keywords: Balance, calm, proud, perceptive, responsive, reliable, a contributor.
Benefits from violet and orange-red colours. 🦑
Compatible with Seth and Horus.
Traditional dates: March 1 - 10, November 27 - December 18
Ruled by Osiris - Egyptian god of the underworld who is the symbol of rebirth.
Characteristics: Symbolizing rebirth, people born under the sign of Osiris often have dual personalities. They can be both extremely strong and vulnerable. They can make great leaders because of their charisma, passion and outspoken nature. Always willing to help others and has little trouble starting new things. Optimistic, generous and full of energy. However, they can also be restless and impatient with a hot temper. It is difficult for people under this sign to take criticism. There is a tendency to avoid responsibilities when emotionally disturbed, which can get them into trouble. This must be addressed for the sake of the native. You waver more than others in moments of adversity. Can be bossy and overbearing.
Keywords: Optimistic, fiery, vulnerable, outspoken, passionate, restlessness.
Benefits from yellow and green colours. 💚
Compatible with Isis and Thoth.
Traditional dates: March 11 - 31, October 18 - 29, December 19 - 31
Ruled by Isis - the mother goddess/goddess of nature who is also the protector during childbirth.
Characteristics: Straightforward, logical and often misunderstood. Endowed with practicality and ambition. Playful. These people often have a great sense of humor and are full of energy. This may lead to restlessness and cause them to turn to escapism despite responsibilities, which can invite negativity and problems. Beware of this tendency and the inclination to be demanding. You are likely to be very hospitable. Go where you can give and protect life. Be receptive to people, but don’t allow your motivations and intentions to be muddled by others. Don’t let disappointments get in the way of this; they often hurt more under this sign. Can be demanding.
Keywords: Logic, straightforward, hospitality, humor, clarity, purity.
Benefits from white and blue colours. 🔹
Compatible with Osiris and Thoth.
Traditional dates: April 1 - 19, November 8 - 17
Ruled by Thoth - the Egyptian god of knowledge and wisdom.
Characteristics: Communicative and creative, usually comes up with fresh new ideas. Endowed with courage and honesty. Loyal, it is unthinkable for people under this sign to break their word or cheat others, often has stable relationships due to this. Lovable and respectful, but can be naive and difficult to work with. Opinionated, struggles to accept others’ points of view. Likes to take risks provided it helps them improve themselves; usually competes with themselves. Enthusiastic and enterprising but strongly dislikes meanness and mediocrity. Their reliability and ability to communicate means they can be efficient when it comes to solving problems. However, those born under the sign of Thoth are strongly affected by betrayal and must work on seeing others’ points of view or it could disturb the stability in their life.
Keywords: Loyal, honesty, courage, communication, ambition, wisdom.
Benefits from pink and white colours. ⚪️
Compatible with Isis and Bastet.
Traditional dates: April 20 - May 7, August 12 - 19
Ruled by Horus - the protector of the pharaoh.
Characteristics: Extremely dedicated to their community. Brave, daring and optimistic. Endowed with charisma, fierce will and intelligence, their vast knowledge makes them appear capable of understanding and uncovering everything which is often how they make their way in the world. Courageous and loyal. Extremely stubborn and domineering, they can force people to work their way. This eagerness to dominate may get them in trouble and must be tamed, as well as a tendency to get overprotective and jealous in relationships. Needs to work on inflexibility. Hardworking & loves security and peace.
Keywords: Dedicated, knowledge, stubborn, hardworking, willpower, domineering.
Benefits from carmine red and gold colours. 🔑
Compatible with Bastet and Geb.
Traditional dates: May 8 - 27, June 29 - July 13
Ruled by Anubis - the Egyptian guardian of the underworld.
Characteristics: Solitary and creative. Clever and full of compassion, however harbor a darkness; represented by the god who symbolizes death, they have an understanding of the dark side of life. Due to their sufferings, they can be deeply ambivalent, often with a fatalistic outlook. Endowed with a strong sense of confidence and honesty. Passionate and creative, but controlling and overly competitive. No pushovers, yet readily trust others and quite affectionate with their loved ones. However, the Anubis personality’s tendency to wear their heart on their sleeve may get them into trouble and cause them to become inhibited in their relationships. This along with a domineering streak must be controlled. Can solve complex psychological dilemmas.
Keywords: Introverted, domineering, trusting, honest, creative.
Benefits from sienna and purple colours. 💜
Compatible with Isis and Bastet.
Traditional dates: May 28 - June 18, September 28 - October 2
Ruled by Seth - the Egyptian god of chaos.
Characteristics: Active and strive for perfection. Endowed with charisma, tenacity and strength. Strong thirst for knowledge that aids them in times of adversity. Their need for freedom and constant desire for change may backfire and cause them to break rules or invite negative elements into their lives. For this reason, people born under the sign of Seth need to control their adventure-seeking tendencies. When it’s important, the passion and courage they have is unrivaled. The Seth personality is called upon to lead the way into unexplored dimensions and bring about great changes; it embodies metamorphosis.
Keywords: Change, adventure, experiences, life, knowledge, chaos.
Benefits from turquoise blue and black. ⚫️
Compatible with Geb and The Nile.
Traditional dates: July 14 - 28, September 23 - 27, October 3 - 17
Ruled by Bastet - the cat goddess of pleasure and fertility who protects women.
Characteristics: Endowed with inner strength, endurance and agility. Likely to bring great insights into business ventures as well as affairs of the heart. Intuitive, psychic and mysterious. People born under this sign love peace, constantly seeking out balance and harmony in their relations with others. Conflict-avoidant. Likes to enjoy the good life and help others. Clingy. There is a tendency to be possessive and influenced by greater power. These people can snuff out the most obscure psychic forces. They may be inclined to ignore their needs in order to devote themselves to others and loved ones, so people born under the sign of Bastet must learn to prioritize their needs for self-protection.
Keywords: Psychic, peace, intuitive, harmony, balance, strength.
Benefits from yellow-ochre and gray colours. 💿
Compatible with Sekhmet and Horus.
Traditional dates: July 29 - August 11, October 30 - November 7
Ruled by Sekhmet - the lioness goddess of war who is also a judge.
Characteristics: Down-to-earth and protective. Endowed with majestic grace, the ability to lead, and an inner sense of beauty. Likely to have success in their professional lives due to having a perfectionist streak. Jovial, talkative and welcoming. Honest and sensitive. Self-destructive egos with dual personalities. They can alternate between being strict, controlled and disciplined to being extremely free-spirited and carefree, extremely pure to most impure etc. Strong moral code that may be hypocritical due to their ‘impure’ side. There is a love for luxury in life that must be controlled, as well as a tendency to stifle/control loved ones out of overprotectiveness. Those born under the sign of Sekhmet need to work on these areas for balance. Can be impatient and easily offended.
Keywords: Observant, sharp, critical, telepathic, authoritarian, equity, justice.
Benefits from clear green and turquoise blue colours 💎
Compatible with Bastet and Geb.
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venusinvenom · 4 years
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venusinvenom · 4 years
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venusinvenom · 4 years
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venusinvenom · 4 years
cannot sleep too busy thinking of scenarios
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venusinvenom · 4 years
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venusinvenom · 4 years
A person with an abusive nature will always register you standing up for yourself as an act of betrayal. Betray them.
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venusinvenom · 4 years
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venusinvenom · 4 years
air and earth signs summed up in one photo
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venusinvenom · 4 years
i hate when ppl make fun of me for trying 2 be positive and spread good vibes like fuck your bitter ass i spent a good portion of my short life being bitter and angry and suicidal if i wanna shoot sunshine out of my ass then i fuckin will 
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venusinvenom · 4 years
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venusinvenom · 4 years
There comes a point in life where you just want better for yourself. A better life, better people, better energies, better routine, better faith, better health, better mental progression. 
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