veristudyblr · 2 months
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Study inspiration :)
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veristudyblr · 4 months
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Studio Ghibli + Drawing and Writing
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veristudyblr · 7 months
桜梅桃李 (o-bai-to-ri) “never compare yourself to others”
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This yo-ji-juku-go (Japanese 4-character idiom) is comprised of 4 beloved Japanese trees. They are:
桜 = cherry (sakura)
梅 = apricot (ume)
桃 = peach (momo)
李 = plum (sumomo)
桜 (sakura) are of course the cherry blossom trees famous for blooming spectacularly and incredibly briefly once a year, usually in April. Sakura trees in full bloom is an annual event, and people go to their local park to see them, take photos, and have picnics underneath them. It's such a big deal that it's reported on the weather forecast, with reporters commenting on how quickly the "sakura front" is moving northwards across the country.
梅 (ume) is the "ume" in umeshu! This is a sweet liqueur which is made from soaking ume in sake. It tastes amazing, and is one of the things I miss most about Japan. Japanese learners will no doubt recognise "ume" as usually being translated as "plum", however it is technically closer to the Western apricot.
桃 (momo) is one of the best-loved fruits in Japan. There is even a fairy story called "Momo-taro" about a little boy who comes from inside a peach. He grows up to be a great hero, of course, and saves everyone from a demon. "Momo" is also a fairly common girls' name.
李 (sumomo) are known as "Japanese plums" or "Asian plums". The trees are famous for their delicate white flowers. They usually bloom just before the sakura. Whilst not as famous or as showy as sakura, they are well-loved for their elegance, and for being a sign of spring.
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veristudyblr · 8 months
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good luck with all upcoming exams + work 🍀
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veristudyblr · 1 year
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veristudyblr · 1 year
"I always suggest students, if you are not clear about your careers, take 1 year, 2 year time to think if you can afford; despite people telling you the only way is- study, get a job, get married. Revolt against traditionally set paths. Go against chartered paths. You'll live more meaningfully then, a much more interesting life"
-a physics professor from grad school
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veristudyblr · 1 year
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veristudyblr · 1 year
it takes years to develop your craft. do not romanticize the idea of an ‘overnight success’. be a student. grow organically. get really good. hate your work. start over. find new ways to express the same ideas. the student becomes the master. your time will come.
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veristudyblr · 1 year
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Day 2 🥘
📑: 국어의미론 보강 과제 제출
👩‍🏫: 대청교 21번째 근무
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veristudyblr · 1 year
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scenes from the past couple months | oxford, united kingdom
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veristudyblr · 1 year
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The bookstore price tag said "$19.95" but the employee said "thats absurd, nobody's ever gonna buy that, I'll give it to you for three bucks"
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veristudyblr · 1 year
Culture is so obsessed with the idea of lone geniuses that it doesn't really appreciate that most of the progress of science (and likely every other discipline) occurs collaboratively, in babysteps, and usually through a lot very tedious, utterly unsexy, work.
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veristudyblr · 1 year
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monsoon, books and the sea
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veristudyblr · 1 year
congrats to et al. for their very quantitatively impressive contribution to every scientific fields
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veristudyblr · 1 year
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veristudyblr · 1 year
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Books on books on books
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veristudyblr · 1 year
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