veritascnoir · 13 days
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veritascnoir · 2 months
James and Sirius would sometimes disappear for a few days and sometimes a whole week together, for 'bonding time' with barely any informations. They kiss their boyfriends goodbyes because they aren't animals but they have happened to suddenly leave as if they both got struck by the need at the same time.
Remus and Regulus never really complain about that co-dependence of theirs since they always come back in one piece, without dragging troubles, so they also take the time for themselves. Of course they miss them but they rarely leave for long so it's fine.
Apparently they do many different things during their 'bonding times' but they only discover the truth when Remus and Regulus decide to take a walk through Muggle London, chatting about books and joking that their boyfriends have anniversaries like couples, when they see James and Padfoot winning the first prize of Crufts, the largest dog competition in the world, on the TV of the cafe they stopped by.
Sirius and James first applied as a joke but they took it personnaly when Padfoot lost against some b*tch.
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veritascnoir · 2 months
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veritascnoir · 3 months
James going for an eye exam/checkup and the optometrist is some new young guy who’s all stone-faced business, barely looking at him, flipping through paper work, “are you having any problems with your current glasses,” etc and James is just stumbling over his words practically drooling at this man and also flirting unashamedly with terribly cheesy lines. Something about “the eyes are the windows to the soul you know? see anything you like in mine?” and reg’s just like “well your vision sucks so they’re pretty shit windows if you ask me” and then he watches James’ pupils dilate cartoonishly in response and is like where did this man come from and why does he clearly have a degradation kink of some sort. And then he does the thing where he makes James look at him while he moves his finger back and forth to test his peripheral vision or whatever but James keeps accidentally following his hand instead of looking straight ahead because he’s getting distracted by all the rings and picturing how they’d feel on him and and Regulus is like “please for the love of god just look at me” and James is like “oh I’ve been” and then he finally averts his attention from his hands but now he’s just staring into his eyes, jaw slack, down bad and regulus is like “okay can you see my finger still. Mr. Potter. Mr. Potter are you listening to me.” and James is just mumbling “oh I’m listening baby I’m all ears” and it’s the longest fucking checkup regulus has ever had to give but he secretly doesn’t actually mind at all
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veritascnoir · 3 months
THE iconic tomarry fic on AO3, Full Circle by tetsurashian, has updated 🎉
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veritascnoir · 4 months
“You know I had always assumed dear cousin Bella would be the first one to go to Azkaban.”
Great. One week in and he was already hearing the voices of people who have been dead for 2 years.
“Oh come on Sirius don’t tell me Azkaban broke your brain in less than a week.”
Sirius had almost forgotten how insulting Regulus could be when he put his mind to it. Sometime after his death he had forgotten - can’t speak ill of the dead and all but Azkaban really seemed intent on not letting him sulk in peace
“And you called me the soft one.” Sirius opens his eyes, annoyed, prepared to roll his eyes at thin air when he actually laid eyes on Regulus. He looked older, finally having grown in his regal futures yet he also looked more cut up and bruised, hair longer and wilder than would ever be appropriate for the most noble and ancient house of Black.
Great. He was visually hallucinating too. “Serves me right that I can only properly remember how you look like in literal hell.”
Not- Regulus snorts. “Oh this is pathetic. Are you really so far gone you can’t tell I’m real?”
Sirius raises an eyebrow. “Fuck off. You’ve been dead for almost 2 years.”
“Aw. You do care about me.”
Sirius bristles, the familiar annoyance raising up in him. “Fine then if you’re so real prove it.”
At that Regulus laughs, loudly. “Sirius, you can literally turn into a fucking dog. Your mind might be lying to you but your animagus? It’s impossible.”
Sirius stares shocked. Regulus shouldn’t have known that. Only three people did. “How the fuck do you know that?”
Regulus stares at him, expression unreadable. “I kept tabs on you too you know.” He swallows and looks away.
Sirius blinks the sudden tears away. Regulus had always been too smart for his own good.
He didn’t need to turn into padfoot - Regulus had always been the only person who could make him feel this way.
Sirius blinks. “Well what?”
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Turn into your animagus form so that we can leave this place. I don’t know about you but this isn’t my type of vacation.”
Regulus just stares at him incredulously. “You’re telling me you haven’t tried?”
Sirius feels chastised. “Well the war is over -“
Regulus cuts in. “So you fancied staying in Azkaban? When we have things to do?”
Sirius feels very unprepared for the conversation. “What things?”
Regulus ‘s smile is all teeth. “Killing Dumbledore and Voldemort for good.”
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veritascnoir · 4 months
If any of you ever feel like what you're doing for Palestine isn't helping anything, I'll tell you right now it's helping me. I know it is fortifying all of us who have been in this fight for years to see so many people willing to speak up. It has never been like this before.
The tide has already turned. The fact that #free palestine will have new posts everyday, that helps me. It helps my mental health knowing that Palestinians are less alone now than ever.
Yesterday I read some verses from the Quran talking about how "the blame" is not with those who wish to help but cannot, but with those who CAN help and do not.
Truly I do not care if all you do for Palestine is post in that #free palestine everyday, that is still more than many people with the means to do even more would do.
We see you. We see you standing in solidarity with us and with Palestinians. We love you. Thank you.
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veritascnoir · 4 months
If King Charles dies on or before March 25th, 2024, he will technically be the shortest-reigning king in English history.
Anyway, like to charge, reblog to cast.
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veritascnoir · 4 months
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DERRY GIRLS (2018-2022)
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veritascnoir · 4 months
arthur: this is leon. he is loyal to camelot. he is noble and honest and just. he has always been at my side. he is one of the best knights in camelot and-
merlin: this is gwaine, i found him in the trash.
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veritascnoir · 4 months
Merlin: *Sneaks into the castle at 2am after fighting a magical evil*
Arthur: *turns around in a swivel chair* care to tell me where you were?
Merlin, hiding magical object behind his back: uh I was… with Gwaine!Tavern nights you know…
Gwaine: *also turns around in swivel chair* Care to- *keeps spinning* wait- help I can’t stop-
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veritascnoir · 4 months
Lancelot: You know, Merlin is the strongest person I've ever met—
Arthur: Merlin? He can't even lift a sword without accidentally cutting his pants
Agravaine: Yes, this boy is so weak, I don't understand why you—
Arthur: SHUT the fuck UP, don't you DARE to talk about Merlin like this, he is the bravest person I know or I'll fucking kill you right now
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veritascnoir · 4 months
I just feel like we don't talk enough about how much arthur just genuinely loved merlin and how much he did for him
there is no big destiny, no alternative motives. Arthur was genuinely just.... willing to sacrifice his life, go to war, give his mother's sigil away JUST BECAUSE. He just really liked his lil guy.
He loved Merlin's company, trusted him, has open conversations with him and he put Merlin's opinions above a lot of other things.
He's so fucking committed to Merlin and he doesn't even know 68% of the things that Merlin does to deserve it????!!!!!!??!?!?!?!
It blows my mind EVERYTIME I realize that homeboi just loved cause HE WAS PURE OF HEART. Arthur didn't need to know all the things merlin did for him to love him HIS LOVE WAS UNCONDITIONAL
if you wanna make things sadder then think about how big and full of love arthur heart was but meeting merlin was the only chance he got to pour all that love into someone and not have it thrown away
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veritascnoir · 4 months
People are still out there thinking Arthur wasn’t devoted to Merlin the way Merlin was devoted to Arthur 😭 besties, he thought Merlin was some random useless servant, he didn’t know shit about their destiny, and he STILL risked his life and his kingdom for that boy again and again, what show are ya’ll watching
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veritascnoir · 4 months
It would have been so fun to see the opposite of the George scenario with Merlin. Some nobles are visiting and Uther forces Merlin to serve one of the new princes who's so well-behaved and polite, and Merlin's like... this one isn't a lil bitch and can't take my sass, I'm so bored
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veritascnoir · 4 months
i bet that after their first fight arthur couldn't get merlin out of his head that night and he probably thought "i have to meet that dark haired guy again so tomorrow i will casually wander around the lower town's streets... just to teach him a lesson of course, not because i find him cute or anything haha" like i KNOW he left the castle the next day with the intention of finding merlin and flirt- i mean fighting him
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veritascnoir · 4 months
country bumpkin merlin not knowing anything about city life and accidentally courting arthur without knowing
merlin, watching gwen give lancelot her favor: why do you do that
gwen, heart eyes at lance and not paying that much attention to the conversation: so he knows i’m rooting for him
merlin, with an Idea: ah.
gwaine, lover of chaos, pisser offer of nobles and royals alike, ultimate wingman: merlin…you have such lonely lips. shall i introduce them to mine?
merlin, unaware of the game gwaine is playing: so you can steal my breath away? i think not, scoundrel
arthur, crushing his goblet in his hand:
merlin: arthur’s been in a bad mood recently :( i should cheer him up
merlin, remembering when arthur was put out when merlin brought morgana flowers and not him: i know just the thing
merlin, bringing a bouquet of carnations, roses, and tulips and setting them on arthur’s table while he’s eating breakfast: good morning, sire
arthur, trained on flower language in hopes that one day when he was to take a queen he could woo her easily, trying not to audibly choke on his sausage as he reads merlin’s declaration of love sitting in front of him:
arthur, who recently found out about merlin’s magic and was trying to find a way to bring it up, catching him in the act and watching merlin panic to explain himself:
merlin, Freaking: and i swear to you arthur, i have only ever used it for you. my magic is yours. my life is yours. i am yours. i would never do anything to harm you. i have protected you for years and will continue to do so at your side if you’ll have me
arthur, already believing them to be courting, desperately trying to figure out if that was a proposal for marriage or not but tired of being confused and deciding fuck it: here.
merlin, taking it: i…uh…huh?
arthur, watching merlin with hawk eyes and trying to figure out what he’s thinking and feeling: it’s my mothers sigil
merlin, confused as FUCK but is focusing on the fact that arthur is handing him something of his mother rather than a death sentence: my…my lord?
arthur, realizing how scared merlin’s must be about him finding out about his magic and trying to comfort him while also proposing, killing two birds with one stone: i will always keep you at my side, merlin, so long as we both shall live. if you’ll allow me.
merlin, almost collapsing with relief and tearing up, smiling at arthur as if he had parted the storm clouds to allow sun to shine down on them in that moment: of course…of course, arthur. always and forever.
merlin, watching the castle staff rush this way and that: wow. this banquet must be incredibly important
sir leon the long suffering, day one ride or die, one of the original merthur shippers: banquet? merlin, this is for your wedding
merlin, overworked and exhausted: my WHAT? to WHO??
leon, regretting everything he’s ever done in his life that led him to this moment: to…arthur?
merlin, over joyed but also absolutely befuddled: i’m getting married to ARTHUR?????
leon: you two have been courting for the past year or so, have you not?
merlin: i’ve been COURTING ARTHUR?????? FOR A YEAR?????????
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