verosmoonshine-blog · 5 years
// Wrote this for Discord, wanted to share here ^u^
"You know, it's been a long time since I saw you."
"A few months isn't a long time, Moo."
"To those not like us, it is. I'm offended you never visit anymore!"
A harsh tug on the bandages deft hands handled elicits a small 'ouch!' from Veros, and he knows the movement is deliberate. He laughs off the sting, looking up at the Shal'dorei woman's scarred face, smile fading when he recognizes the tension that he knew meant she was upset. He's had thousands of years to learn all of Fifi's habits and expressions -- the quirk of her lips, flick of her brows, the muscle that tugs her long, fine nose -- and though he tries to maintain an aloof composure, he knew she would have none of it.
She tightens the bandage around his bloodied forearm, the sting replaced when chi flows through him, and she hovers over him, tilting her head and forcing a grin. "Well, I've visited now, haven't I?"
He sighs, sitting up on the couch once she had finished with him. He was worse for wear, his runic tattoos still glowing from overuse of mana and vaguely burning against his skin, lacerations and wounds marring his violet skin. He had fully intended to return home, plop on this very couch with a simple warpfield, and drink 'til he was asleep to forget the pain of a less than favorable mission. Coming home to Fifi Vitale in his living room, judging, was the last on his agenda.
"Should have told me you were stopping by, I would have--"
"-- would have tried harder not to wreck your damn self?"
Veros holds a finger up, brows raised. "And gotten us some food."
She huffs, but there's a touch of humor in her expression he catches. She drags out the small seat closer to him, plopping down and crossing her legs, staring at him. Her gaze is enough to make him wary; she has something to say, but it was unlike her to spend so much time choosing her words. His curiosity and impatiences gets the best of him.
"You really don't come by often. Why are you here?"
Now, she regards him with a foreign expression, and it does nothing to settle his worries. Hurt? Anger? Confusion? Say something.
"When I heard you weren't going to be in the military anymore, I was hoping it meant an end to all of... this." She gestures to his sorry state, and he drops his head back against the armrest of the couch. "No offense, Moo, but you're not a fighter type. Never have been. It's so wrong to see you like that."
"Believe me, it's equally startling to see you take on a healing role, given how far from gentle you are," Veros retorts, prompting a pillow to be thrown at him.
"You're welcome, asshole." She puffs her hair out of her face, shaking her head. "I'm serious. I came by to check in and chat, and just finding you like this only confirmed my worries. This life is eating away at you."
He sits up straight now with a groan, eyeing her as she stares right back. Usually, Veros would find himself grateful to see the softer sides of the cold-hearted woman, but today, it did nothing but aggravate him. "Aren't you actively fighting with the Horde's army, Miss Honorbound? Why am *I* suddenly too fragile to do what needs to be done--"
He shrinks back instinctively when she's suddenly on her feet, grasping at the strands of black streaked hair and tugging it for him to see, his eyes almost forced to cross as she holds it to his face. Her expression is serious, eyes dark with something words can't speak, and he's surprised when her voice still comes out calm and even. "The entire time I've known you, you've been nothing but reckless and self destructive. The people out here only enable you to be an idiot further." She shakes the black hair she held. "Are we going to have a repeat of this? What would you have done if I didn't stop by here? Drink and hope you didn't bleed out?"
"How many times does this shit happen when I'm not here? You don't owe these people shit. You don't need to be putting yourself out there and bleeding for *nothing*."
"It's not for nothing!" Veros shouts back, swatting her hand away. "I have my purpose, and I'm fulfilling my duties --"
"Yours? Are they yours, or just orders?"
"What the fel is your problem?!"
They were both glaring at each other, lips curled back in a snarl, angry and hurt in so many ways. Five thousand years they had maintained a friendship with one another, living off frivolities and cynical banter, scamming businesses and ruining parties, running shops and drinking until there was no coherent string of thought. How so much changes so quick with just the drop of a spell, and now, for a moment, a fleeting, terrifying moment that seized his heart, he worried that they didn't know each other at all anymore.
She's the first to settle and calm down -- another thing that takes him by surprise, more fuel for the fear that he was losing a friend. "Something is happening, Veros." So rarely, did she ever use his first name. Every word keeps sinking further, and further. "I don't know what it is. Something more, beyond this fucking war. I don't care if you hate the Horde now or whatever the fel it is you feel, but there's something... darker. And I don't want to come back and find out that your dumbass got yourself caught up in it and killed."
Her eyes are on his black and white streaked hair again, a remnant still of the Void corruption he barely manages. His shoulders sag, and he doesn't know how to respond. She continues. "You're the only person I have left from Suramar. You know this. I'm just asking you this as your friend, Veros. Because for some reason, I fucking care about you. But... come back to Suramar. Please."
He can only stare numbly. It was the last thing he expected to hear, and it takes him a moment to process it. She already knows what the answer will be, the look in her face says that much, but the question still weighs heavy. His silence seems to take its toll on her, and she straightens up, smoothing her regalia out and putting on that face she always wore when she's desperate to preserve her dignity.
"Nevermind. I don't know why I came here." She packs her things noisily, storming for the door before Veros can do anything about it. "Don't let that get infected. I've got shit to do -- hopefully you know what you're doing."
The door slams, and the roaring silence envelops him, drowning him. There is nothing left to say.
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verosmoonshine-blog · 5 years
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Casimir ( @nightelftrash ) - Taerus ( @lambylingames) - Anais
Yukiriel - Alsiardo - Rialeda ( @mika-processing )
Railo - Teru ( @magnetari ) - Aldunith
Not all of them have tumblrs but i taGGED THE ONES WHO DID, i love all of their characters, i love my guild sm,,
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verosmoonshine-blog · 5 years
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The Magic Lore & Canon Discord is throwing a Cross-faction roleplay party!  Thursday May 30th, Kicking off at 6:00 PST/ST!
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verosmoonshine-blog · 5 years
Talents: Veros Moonshine
   Repost with your character’s specializations and talents. Bonus points if you include why the character would make any particular choice. These don’t have to be actual talent/abilities that your character has, nor even the most ‘viable’ from a gameplay standpoint. Just whatever choice would make the most sense for their personality or skill set.
   Wowhead’s talent calculator: here.
tagged by: @acherys​ tagging: @hinahinagray​ @divinists-daughter​ @alyssandeur​ @drunkenworgen​ and anyone else who wants to! this is fun yo!
Class: Mage
Primary: Arcane Secondary: N/A, there is only arcane
First tier: Amplification    Veros is able to cast more than the average arcanist due to his skills honed in the arcane and mana pools. Where one caster can hurl a couple missiles, Veros can hurl double in the same amount of mana. 
Second tier: Shimmer     Veros can use the arcane to blink and shimmer multiple times in rapid succession, successfully evading attacks and uncomfortable situations.
Third tier: Mirror Image    This is a spell Veros loves to utilize. Need to clean? Duplicate yourself. Want to throw off your enemy and deal devastating blows? Duplicate. Want to play a quartet but you’re by yourself with four instruments? Duplicate. His favorite way of utilizing his mirror images is by having them wield swords and surround an enemy target, slashing furiously at every angle while Veros regains his arcane charges.
Fourth tier: Charged Up     Speaking of arcane charges, Veros, as a leywalker, is able to instantly transfer power and energy from the leylines directly into himself, filling himself with power as a quick, devastating arsenal without ever missing a beat or draining from his own mana supply.
Fifth tier: Ring of Frost     This is actually a spell his water elemental, Laekus taught him! Summon a runic circle empowered by frost, but with his own twist, fueled by the leylines. Typical temperature manipulation by encoded arcane means, drawn into the right runes to create a frozen trap. Elementary!
Sixth tier: Reverberate     Arcane explosion is where Veros excels. Of COURSE its explosions would grant him benefits, especially as a conduit for power. Though arcane explosion can cause a burning pain after overuse, the benefits of it include a faster regeneration of mana to produce more explosions, making each attack more and more deadlier. At the expense of himself.
Seventh tier: Overpowered    Did I mention he’s a conduit for power and exceeds beyond the average arcanist? This talent is the embodiment of that. Less mana usage but same firepower, if not better. More damage, more force, but not nearly as taxing as a normal magi. If it takes an hour for a mage to tire of their spells, it takes a day for Veros to tire of his.
PvP Talents
First Tier: Adaption    Be quick on your feet, take each blow but don’t stop, adjust, improvise, adapt, overcome.
Second Tier: Temporal Shield     Temporal and chronomatic spells are not used frequently, but when it is, it’s purely for support and healing. With this shield, any damage he would suffer is rewinded in time.
Third Tier: Kleptomania     In a swipe of a hand, Veros can steal every buff, enchantment, and helpful magical plus added to you and apply it to himself, empowering himself with dangerous ease. 
Fourth Tier: Dampened Magic     If he’s trained himself for thousands of years to control, absorb, and retain energy like some kind of sick power sponge, with every single leyline ink runic tattoo on his body designed specifically for holding onto a larger mana supply, wouldn’t you think that magical spells that hit him would be absorbed and reused for his own arsenal? You’re just making him stronger, it’s not hurting as much as you think it is. Reduce, reuse, recycle, bitch.
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verosmoonshine-blog · 5 years
pure of heart!!!!!!!!!! dumb of ass...............
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verosmoonshine-blog · 5 years
We all need mantras, I guess - stories we tell ourselves to keep us going.
Lauren Oliver, Pandemonium (via books-n-quotes)
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verosmoonshine-blog · 5 years
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Our guildies Valdrisan and Alsiardo decided to tie the knot tonight, and held their wedding at the Knights of Repentance’s base! Veros got to officiate the wedding which was a huge success, and the groom not only fainted after being married, but then proceeded to fall down the stairs as they tried to leave.
They unfortunately had to leave early due to ooc reasons but watching the bride and groom take off on foot was hilarious anyways
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verosmoonshine-blog · 5 years
TAGGED BY :  @acherys TAGGING :    anyone who hasn’t done it! steal it from me do it idk how many of y’all are active around here
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wealth  —
$  FINANCIAL.  // wealthy /  moderate /  poor  /  in poverty ✚  MEDICAL.  // fit /  moderate /  sickly  /  disadvantaged  / disabled /  not applicable ✪  CLASS.  //   upper  / middle-working  /  poor  /  slave  /  unsure ✔ EDUCATION.  // qualified /  unqualified /  studying  /  other ✖ CRIMINAL RECORD.  //  yes, for major crimes  /  yes, for minor crimes  /  no /  has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet
family  —
◒ CHILDREN.  //  has one or more children  / has no children /  wants children  / verse dependent /  unable to bear children ◑ RELATIONSHIP WITH FAMILY.  //  close with sibling(s)  /  not close with sibling(s)  / has no sibling(s) / siblings are deceased ◔ AFFILIATION.  // orphaned  /  adopted  / disowned  /  raised by birth parent(s)  /  raised by a family member  /  not applicable ♡ ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP.  //  single  /  dating  /  engaged  /  married  /  it’s complicated /  verse dependent
traits  +  tendencies  —
♦  extrovert  // introvert  // in between ♦  disorganized  //  organized  // in between ♦  close-minded  // open-minded //  in between ♦  calm // anxious // in between ♦ disagreeable  // agreeable  // in between ♦  cautious  //  reckless  //  in between ♦  patient // impatient // in between ♦ outspoken  // reserved  //  in between ♦  leader //  follower //  in between ♦ empathetic // indifferent //  in between ♦ optimistic  //  pessimistic //  in between ♦  traditional  //  modern  // in between ♦  hardworking //  lazy  //  in between ♦  cultured  //  uncultured // in between ♦ loyal //  disloyal  // in between ♦ faithful  //  unfaithful  //  in between
beliefs  —
★  FAITH.  //  monotheist  /  polytheist  /  atheist /  agnostic  /  it’s complicated / antitheist ☆  BELIEF IN GHOSTS OR SPIRITS.  // yes /  no  /  don’t know  /  don’t care ✮ BELIEF IN AN AFTERLIFE.  // yes /  no /  don’t know  /  don’t care ✯  BELIEF IN REINCARNATION.  //  yes /  no /  don’t know /  don’t care ❃  BELIEF IN ALIENS.  // yes  /  no  /  don’t know   /  don’t care ❀  PHILOSOPHICAL.  // yes /  no  /  sometimes
sexuality & romantic inclination  —
❤  SEXUALITY.   /  heterosexual /  homosexual  / bisexual  / asexual /  demisexual  /  questioning ❥ SEX.  //  sex repulsed  / sex neutral /  sex favorable ♥ ROMANCE.  // romance repulsed /  romance neutral  /  romance favorable ❣ SEXUALLY.  //  adventurous  /  experienced  /  naive  / inexperienced  /  curious /  inhibited  /  disinterested ⚧  POTENTIAL SEXUAL PARTNERS.  // male  /  female  /  other  /  none  /  all ⚧  POTENTIAL ROMANTIC PARTNERS.  // male /  female  /  other  /  none  / all
abilities  —
☠  COMBAT SKILLS.  //  excellent /  good  /  moderate  / poor /  none ≡ LITERACY SKILLS.  //  excellent  /  good /  moderate  /  poor  /  none ✍  ARTISTIC SKILLS.  // excellent / good /  moderate  / poor  /  none ✂  TECHNICAL SKILLS.  //  excellent  / good  / moderate / poor  /  none
habits  —
☕  DRINKING ALCOHOL.  // never /  sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess ☁  SMOKING.  // never / sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess ✿  OTHER NARCOTICS.  // never  / sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess ✌  MEDICINAL DRUGS.  // never  /  sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess ☻  INDULGENT IN FOOD.  //  never /  sometimes  / frequently  /  to excess $  SPLURGE SPENDING.  //  never  /  sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess ♣  GAMBLING.  // never /  sometimes  / frequently /  to excess
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verosmoonshine-blog · 5 years
The <Knights of Repentance> are recruiting!
          “We are the defenders of the future.”
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The <Knights of Repentance> is a faction of heroes who have banded together to preserve innocent lives and lessen the casualties of those fighting in this war. We are dedicated to missions in reconnaissance, search and rescue, research and artifact hunting, and more. While not outright treasonous or anti-Horde, we are not supporters of either faction in this war, and intend to simply ensure a future remains in the ashes of the war no matter the cost.
To the public, KoR appears only to be a group of search and rescue specialists and mercenaries, nothing more – only those inside know their true motives.
Commander (GM): Seaandra Sunblade
Champions (Officers): Alyssandeur Wrenwood, Vyrial Soneireux, Coriadrei Thistleblade, Tesran Lightslinger
Chancellors (GM alts): Dana'thor Dawnstrider, Veros Moonshine
The Knights can be called upon to help save your comrades in danger, or to assist in research or magical anomalies, or to help guard and escort anyone requesting it.
Discord? Yes, upon joining KoR Website: https://knightsofrepentance.shivtr.com/ Locations: Eastern Plaguelands or The Royal Exchange Activity: Casual
How to Apply?
Visit our website, and fill out our application there, or approach one of our officers in-game. You can also send an in-game letter to any of the following: Seaandra, Moonshinier, Dawnstrigoi, Alyssandeur, Aldunith, Tesran, Coriadrei, or Vyrial, or message us here on Tumblr!
After approval, you’ll be invited to the guild and our Discord server, and will be able to attend any and all of our events!
More information on our Ranks and Divisions under the cut. We hope to see you all around with us as we build this new community!
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verosmoonshine-blog · 6 years
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Part Two of “Into the Tides” began Saturday night, picking up from their last lead in Azshara. With a solid clue of where Alsiardo may be, the Knights venture into Aszuna, where they would trek and search for naga for hours before finally stumbling across an encampment in Kaldorei ruins. Outnumbered heavily by these forces, the Knights were forced to sneak their way in, sabotaging and destroying their supplies before being discovered by the guards who upheld the command of one known as Lady Se’vana.
 The Knights quickly found themselves overpowered, and were thrust into the Lady’s domain as nightfall began to envelope the Knights into darkness. She proved to be a valiant foe, overwhelming the Knights with ease as they made their strikes, and eventually, taking control over the will of Champion Vyrial. In a devastating display of his gravitational powers under her control, Vyrial lay ruin to the battlefield, disrupting the pull of gravity for the Knights, Aldunith shot high into the air, and Shen detonated and dispersed into an imploding black hole. Se’vana released Vyrial of her command and retreated, leaving Vyrial’s weakened state to crumble and retreat into his tesseract.
As the silence and the darkness weighs on the Knights while they reel from their crushing defeat, a voice is carried on the wind. Faint at first, hard to pinpoint if it was real, but as it rang out, a man’s voice weakened and wavering, singing a forlorn, mournful tune, the Knights were able to recognize who it belonged to: Fardevir. Though losing two of their Knights left them paralyzed, Veros managed to rally those remaining to meet with Fardevir, who was at the very brink of death upon being found. They tend to his wounds, and decide to camp out here overnight and recover from the emotional turmoil they just endured. Though they had lost this battle, Shen being missing for the time, and Vyrial needing time to regenerate, they had located one of their long lost agents, and were on the road to finish this once and for all, and bring Alsiardo home.
(Part One is here!)
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verosmoonshine-blog · 6 years
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pass out drunk on a bench in smc, get approached by your cranky bastard vampyr superior, and then (not pictured) get robbed by a void god for more booze. all of his flasks have been emptied or stolen
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verosmoonshine-blog · 6 years
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verosmoonshine-blog · 6 years
5 Characters - Veros
List 5 Characters that fit YOUR character!
Tagged by: @spell-steal <3
Tagging: @exspiravitae do it dammit. And anyone else that wants to do it! I never know who’s been tagged in these or not
Shouta Aizawa from BNHA. His general cynical behavior and tired attitude fits well, and his beliefs and combat style is something I take a lot of inspiration from for Veros
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All Might also from BNHA. His outlook and good natured belief is similar to Veros’ own. Veros isn’t in his prime anymore, but was still well renowned and a powerful caster, and can make a decent enough mentor, like All Might.
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Coran from Voltron. They’re both very whimsical and lighthearted, their sense of humor and outlandish behavior lines up well.
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Uncle Iroh from A:TLA. Iroh is also a very lighthearted character and whimsical, but like Veros, still wields great power and warrants respect. He’s a powerful character with a loving, nurturing side and I admire him for it, and is also great inspo for Veros
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Lotor also from Voltron. I swear it’s not cause they’re both purple. Lotor is an intelligent man with a knack for strategy and tactics, and has a thirst for knowledge. Though Lotor is definitely more physically capable and stronger than Veros, they do share the same methods of thinking and plotting.
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verosmoonshine-blog · 6 years
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ay Veros makes red and gold look good
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verosmoonshine-blog · 6 years
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Part One of “Into The Tides” began last Tuesday night, and the Knights ventured down back into Azshara where the Shal’dorei Knights’ former military endeavor, Operation: Erosion. Two of their brethren have been missing since, and it’s up to them, now backed with this new organization, to trace where their missing warrior Fardevir and monk Alsiardo must be.
They investigated the ruins of the battlefield, discovering various clues and debris left behind, but are constantly disturbed by the lingering fissures and afflictions of Void and Arcane left seeped into the soil from their battle, clouding their judgement and thoughts. Eventually, they had to move on and enter the Temple itself where Alsiardo was thrown into a Void rift – only to find there were a group of naga sorcerers still remaining.
With the element of surprise, the Knights attack them, easily overwhelming them with their numbers, and the naga are forced to retreat within the Temple, opening the sealed entrance and rushing in. The casters begin sabotaging the naga’s attempt at a portal, scrying the chaotic energies in an attempt to trace where the rifts have led, while the rest of the Knights strike down the naga left behind. However, as the spell escalates, and the final naga makes her strike, the rift destabilized, nearly pulling the Knights into a black hole of Void before the visions assault their minds, and they learn of the naga’s true base in Aszuna.
Knowing Alsiardo lives, the Knights now have a solid lead on where he may be, and must rest and gather supplies for their journey to the Broken Isles…
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verosmoonshine-blog · 6 years
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he got fired by the government
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verosmoonshine-blog · 6 years
The Fall: Epilogue
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The words of the Suramari officials echo through the dark chamber, distant and haunting, filled with venom and accusatory tones. The Head Archivist sits hunched over the board room table, piles upon piles of documents laid out before him as fingers pointed and fists slammed upon them.
“The Agents of Suramar was trusted with the fate of the capital!”
    “An exploration team should not have dabbled in such powers or questions!”
“You put the Shal'dorei to shame with this legacy!”
    “Do you remember the names of the men and women you sent to their deaths?!”
All he could do was endure the outrage and shame, eyes glued to the battlemaps and reports of the Agency’s final mission.
         Operation: Erosion.
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