versatiletwink · 2 months
having friends who you discuss and write niche pornography with is like. ok here’s the nuclear launch codes for my psyche. don’t do anything weird with it haha
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versatiletwink · 2 months
Alright y'all, thinking about a return from hiatus. Lmk if you got writing prompts, DMs should be back open!
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versatiletwink · 6 months
On hiatus
Hey folks, I'm taking a break from porn for a sec. I think my consumption habits are getting a little out of control, and I need to find better balance in my life before I can go back to this hobby. If creative fever strikes, I may come back on sporadically, but you can expect not to see much content from me for at least a few months. Looking forward to smutting around when I get back tho!
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versatiletwink · 6 months
Been writing a lot of hard kinks this week, which has been fun! Would love to try smth soft n sweet p soon, tho, if y'all wanna send prompts! (:
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versatiletwink · 7 months
I want to sign a contract for complete bimbofication for a set period of time. Make it the last thing that I am able to read before getting too dum. When the time is up I want to come back to myself and look at what a stupid whore I was and then have to admit that I'm better as a bimbo and I want to be that way forever.
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versatiletwink · 7 months
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versatiletwink · 7 months
First Contact
CW/Tags: BAD END, monster, dubcon, mind control, alien, mindbreak, forced orgasm, personality tf, technically scaley? Idk, the alien's a 10-foot tall lizard who fucks, you've been warned. (Also a LOT more plot than porn in this one? I get self-indulgent with my scifi, tbh)
Val's mission was straightforward, if daunting. New technology had detected planets in the debris disk around Denebola, practically in Earth's cosmic backyard, just 36 light years away.
She was to travel there, scan for signs of life from orbit, and return. If scans proved inconclusive, she was permitted other observation methods at her discretion, but under no circumstances was she to make contact. Denebola-1 had no history of broadcasting signals of any type: if there was life there, it wasn't ready for extraterrestrial contact yet.
Not that it would matter. Denebola waa a young star with an irregularly wide radius. The odds of life developing there by now were slim to none. But it was Val's first solo mission for the Orion Arm Interplanetary Alliance: she would handle it with the utmost care.
The ship's Mk. II Quantum Conduit Engine mercifully made the trip in 13 Earth Hours, just over half the time Val had projected for the inherently unpredictable technology. Pleased to be ahead of schedule already, she eased into a low orbit and flipped on a dozen scanners for methane gas, unnatural heat signatures, various alloys, and any other indicator of something with a prefrontal cortex.
And then she waited. Standard procedure called for 10 orbits worth of data collection, but she would use the extra time to make at least 15.
With everything in order, Val looked up and took a glance at the planet. Too often, she'd get caught up in her instruments, forgetting to take in the natural beauty of the universe she sought to explore. It was a habit she was trying to break.
The view wasn't especially rewarding this time, however. A gray, rocky expanse with a few points of orange and red light suggested extensive volcanic activity. Initial scans were already picking up a decent amount of water on the planet, almost certainly all below the surface, given the lack of greens or blues visible from space.
The next several hours heralded ever more perplexing findings. The planet had abundant oxygen despite its CO2-spewing volcanoes, suggesting not only plant life, but highly evolved species of plants one would expect to accompany sentient organisms.
There was methane in the atmosphere as well, a hint of organic components living and dying and decaying somewhere on the mercury-sized rock below.
Subterranean scans showed sophisticated tunnel systems reaching deep into the planet's crust. The ship's AI suggested an 98.2% chance the system was an intelligently designed road network, with identifiable nexus points in massive, open caverns, smaller roads to smaller places, and regular detours that accessed water. But travel engineering didn't make much sense either.
Material analyses, for instance, showed zero trace of steel, cast iron, or even primitive alloys like brass, after 10 orbits. If anything was alive down there, it couldn't possibly have the tools needed to carve such an extensive underground network.
On top of that, Val had yet to ping a heat signature out of place. Nothing popped up on infrared imaging suggesting a body, or surface of any kind really, that was off-temperature for its surrounding environment.
The spacefarer considered her options. Almost every variable pointed to an empty, backwater planet, virtually incapable of supporting life without major terraforming. But those tunnels? WIth 98.2% assurance of intelligent design? The ship's AI didn't make mistakes that big.
She would have to check it out. Not because there was any reason to expect humanoid life, but because something about the planet had apparently caused a bug in the onboard computer's probability mapping. She needed to find out what, for her eventual report.
Val donned standard beam-down survey equipment. Tight, carbon nanotube bracers and leggings that reached the top of her thigh assured lightweight flexibility for her limbs, while a slightly heavier Tritanium alloy breastplate covered her chest, midriff and dignity in case of unexpected combat. Standard procedure dictated she wear nothing underneath: the suit could pressurize on command, and thus was molded to perfectly fit her body. It was adjusted slightly before each mission, adjusting for minute weight changes so it could lock into the carbon fiber seals on each limb.
She opted against a helmet: the planet had a breathable atmosphere, and it was better to use one's own senses than a nano-second delayed visor and microphone.
The laser pistol was more a formality than anything else. She holstered it in favor of a handheld scanner, which could make more precise measurements than the ship's systems from miles above the ground.
She picked a spot far from any magma flows, reading at a nice, habitable temperature, and activated her tele-pad, re-appearing on the planet a microsecond later in a flash of neon blue light.
The cave was empty, as expected. A small pool of water was surrounded by bio-luminescent plants, which produced enough light to render the space visible, and apparently produced enough energy to photosynthesize a veil of moss lining the ceiling. Fascinating.
The scientist kept her eye on the prize, however: a tunnel leading out of the opening represented her best clue of any local intelligence. She flipped on her flashlight and saw-
Claw marks.
The rock walls of the cavern were anything but natural, instead showing directional, consistent scrapes that penetrated the rock by several inches.
Val's breath caught in her throat. Something was not only alive down here, it was alive, intelligent enough to carve tunnels, and apparently had claws that could cut through solid, igneous rock.
It was time to go. Val turned back to eye her teleportation landing zone, eyeing the ground a few hundred feet away where she'd left a signal booster to ensure her atoms would all return to the ship in one piece, given the rocky interference overhead.
The pad was programmed to dematerialize into its component atoms after 30 minutes, a safeguard to ensure no trace of advanced civilization was left behind. Taking a deep breath, Val took a holo-scan of the clawmarked surface for future study, and walked back to the pad.
She stopped in her tracks when she heard movement from behind, instinctively killing the glow from her flashlight and powering off her softly beeping, gently glowing handscanner.
The cavern plunged into darkness. The bioluminescent plants had apparently ceased their glow when the much brighter lightbulb was activated. Val could see nothing.
But she could hear. And she heard a large animal's footsteps approaching.
No, not quite footsteps. More like the sound of metal grinding into rock, with all the measured timing of footsteps. She swallowed hard. That must be the sound of claws against the stone floor.
The adventurer's heart raced. It could obviously detect her, it was a subterranean creature, after all. It would make less sense if it didn't have the ability to detect its surroundings in the dark.
She would have to even the playing field. She'd flip on her light, get a good look at the alien, and haul ass back to the portable tele-pad for a quick beam-up.
She took another deep, shaky breath.
And was paralyzed with fear as she saw the lifeform. Black scales covered a hunched, lizard-like shape, probably about 10 feet tall if it stood at full height. A powerful, spiked tail and shining, metallic-looking claws adorned the figure, stating in nature's universal language something like, "fuck off, this thing is dangerous."
Its bright yellow eyes reflected the beam of her flashlight almost hypnotically, as the being stared her down.
She could sense in its gaze, another universal language of nature, emotions. She saw curiosity, cunning, calculation behind a lens of urgent, desperate need.
Well, this was it. Like it or not, first contact had been made. A green indicator light on her wrist indicated the universal translator was running: it was her time to shine.
"I'm... I'm Val," the woman said slowly, careful to keep a friendly, but neutral tone. "I come from a planet called Earth, 36 light years away from here. I come in p-"
She barely had time to scream as the creature pounced on her, its claws slicing away her tritanium armor like tissue paper, but leaving her torso unscratched. Whether that was thanks to careful precision or dumb luck, Val would never know. The sheer shock of vacuum-sealed pressure being replaced by damp, cool cave air caused her to drop the flashlight in shock.
The other claw wrapped around her exposed midsection and lifted her effortlessly off the ground. Its scales, touching the small of her back, were pleasantly warm, but the metallic extensions of its fingertips were ice-cold. They must not receive much circulation, she idly realized, her scientific mind still running as normal despite her bodily peril.
That part of her mind, the analytical, curious, intellectual side, hungrily soaked up information. Her eyes darted across the alien lifeform's body.
Its lack of clothes suggested evolution that either contradicted human social habits, or simply enough environmental adaptation that clothes weren't needed. Scales and a lack of nipples suggested reptilian nature. That would explain the genetic success on a planet with so much volcanic activity: warm-blooded traits would be too energy-exhaustive, but soaking up ambient heat from inside the planet was a viable strategy for predators here.
Blackish grey, small scales on its body likely served as camouflage with the dark, subterranean environment. Humanoid abdominal muscles and pecs - wow, it really did have an defined v-shape - hinted at a musculature well suited to bipedal posture, though perhaps also the core strength needed to climb rocky surfaces at odd angles.
The cock ... oh fuck, it was huge. A sizable pair of hemipenes protruded from between the creature's legs. And the seemed to be growing bigger as Val's eyes lingered on it. With trepidation, she looked up at the creature's face.
With the flashlight beam not quite reaching the alien's head, she couldn't make out facial features like a mouth or sensory organs, except for the being's eyes,. A bright, golden shade of yellow, with tiny pupil slits, they stared back at her and cut through the darkness. They were almost hypnotic, now that she viewed them up-close.
The rest of her brain had started to catch up, however, along with its survival instincts and a barrage of overwhelming panic. Val's breath caught in her throat, she tried to scream but found herself to muster the air. She tried to move any muscle to push out of the creature's grasp, but she was utterly trapped within its hand. She tried to reach for her laser but felt only a massive, scaly finger covering the holster.
And she just couldn't tear her gaze away from the alien's eyes.
They were so bright. So unlike anything on Earth and yet, so vaguely human, conveying intelligence and observations not fit for a mere animal.
Then they flashed red for a moment. Just a blinking change of colors, so fast Val would have thought she was seeing things, if she hadn't felt the immediate physical sensation to follow: her legs jolting up as they did when she jolted awake just before falling asleep. Another flash of red, and Val's mouth fell open and tongue stuck out, leaking copious amounts of suddenly-produced drool, before she managed to snap it shut, blushing profusely.
It must be doing something to her, it must be, - another red flash had Val laughing harder than she'd ever laughed before, only for a second, before she regained control of herself.
The scientific mind was back in the driver's seat. This creature was clearly some sort of telepath! Of course! Was this it's way of trying to communicate? That would certainly explain its apparent inability to understand her greeting, despite the universal translator field.
Another red flash, and Val forgot how to breathe. Fear rushed back through her entire body. Whatever this creature was trying to say wasn't coming through. It clearly had a radically different brain biology from Val, it was a miracle its telepathy elicited a response at all.
Or perhaps a curse, Val realized, as she struggled to recall how to use her lungs. She opened her mouth but... but nothing. Whatever was supposed to happen next wasn't. And it wasn't the kind of thing she remembered learning in the first place.
The being's eyes flashed red again and Val coughed as she gasped for air. Whatever it had done, the affected part of her brain worked again. It continued to stare quizzically as the spacer heaved. The next time it blinked, Val saw its eyes glow even brighter, with the next surge of crimson.
Immediately, she felt wetness between her legs and her nipples harden. She was already on the brink of orgasm, the latest telepathic message instead triggering whatever nerves were reserved for making her cum her brains out.
This time, the creature seemed to react. Its free hand moved, gently, to press against Val's lower abdomen, then her chest. She couldn't quite stifle a moan as it brushed against her exposed nipples.
Its eyes flashed red again, and Val came so hard her eyes crossed. Her body seized up as she instantly squirted, a sudden gush of fluid now coating the 10-foot tall reptile in front of her.
Another flash, and it happened again. Val screamed in ecstasy.
Then the creature's eyes went red, and stayed that way. Val writhed, immobilized in its grasp as wave after wave or orgasm rocked her body and brain. Distantly, some part of her recognized that she was moving, that the creature now held her by the skull as it turned her around. She could've finally fought back, if she weren't seizing with ecstasy.
"P... pplee-" she gasped. "It's too- AAAAAAATOOMUCH- I CAN'T--"
Val could feel her mind frying from the telepathic shouting she was unequipped to comprehend. The creature had found a way to illicit the response it needed, and it either didn't understand or didn't care what toll it would have on this strange life form.
The reptilian humanoid, meanwhile, saw only one thing: a heat source. One with two holes it could use to keep the mammal close.
It sank Val, slowly onto its cocks, one penetrating her flooded pussy as the other pushed into her tight asshole. The woman screamed even louder as she was pushed down, taking all of the alien's monstrous length.
And still, the telepathic messages flooded her brain. Val could feel the synapses frying, she knew she couldn't handle this for much longer, understood that sooner or later, she'd run out of brain cells to process this still-growing sensation.
She didn't even have time to process the implications. She was about to stop thinking, possibly for good, or at least until this creature went to sleep, depending on how much damage it did to keep her warm.
Her scientific mind finally slowed as her animalistic instincts took over. She couldn't think. She could only cum, and cum and cum.
The second-to-last thing Val observed - before her mind finally broke, and she truly ceased to be the space-exploring, brilliant adventurer with 27 years of life and promise and dreams and passion - was the tele-pad dematerializing just a few feet away.
She had no chance to panic, or mourn, or dream of escape: just a nanosecond of recognition, before her final observation: a high-volume burst of cum, deep in both of her holes, blasting from the lizard being's cocks.
And that was it. That was the moment that Val lost whatever it was in her brain that made her, "her," the deepest reaches of her mind giving in to the onslaught of merciless orgasms, as her mind broke.
The Orion Arm Interplanetary Alliance would send no more scouts to Denebola-1. After the disappearance of a promising young captain, the planet was deemed too hazardous for exploration, and left to the whims of the stars.
And the natives never knew any better themselves. Very few of the solitary creatures ever saw the stars overhead, much less the visage of an off-world humanoid. Save for one, a lucky reptilian that had managed to stumble upon his own personal heater and fucktoy, which he carried for the rest of his days.
Thanks to @tamamo-noma-e for the inspiration! If you like this story, get in my DMs and send more prompts!
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versatiletwink · 7 months
Would you ever help out a mutual and edit their smut for them?
Bestie I'd suck a mutual's dick if they asked. Get in my DMs.
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versatiletwink · 7 months
hey if we’re mutuals you can literally interact w me whenever. send me whatever u want i will probably be very excited
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versatiletwink · 7 months
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versatiletwink · 7 months
letting a boy slide inside of me, but not letting him move. then i use my vibrator to make myself cum while he squirms and trys not to fuck into me, begging me to let him move
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versatiletwink · 7 months
I want to sign a contract for complete bimbofication for a set period of time. Make it the last thing that I am able to read before getting too dum. When the time is up I want to come back to myself and look at what a stupid whore I was and then have to admit that I'm better as a bimbo and I want to be that way forever.
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versatiletwink · 7 months
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versatiletwink · 7 months
Self control
Thanks to @mangosmoothiepussyv3 for the inspiration on this one! Tags/CW: edging, denial, (gentle) femdom, implied bondage, trying not to cum, orgasm control, choking, bratty (boy) sub, some light CNC, some degradation.
"You mean, you'll let me fuck you this time?"
Sean was already rock-hard with excitement. If he was ever lucky enough to be graced with Angel's pussy, it was only ever while securely tied down, unable to do anything but watch and writhe as his girlfriend of now 1 year rode at her own pace, mocking him for getting desperate and laughing as he begged for his orgasm.
It was certainly hot, every single time, but Sean was starting to get new urges. A desire to change things up, flip the switch on his more dominant side, and claim Angel's body as his toy for once, instead of the other way around.
"Not quite, all I said is I'd let you be untied" his girlfriend giggled, tightening her favorite belt around Sean's neck. "This is a test, to see if you deserve other privileges."
Removing her robe to reveal black, crotch-less lingerie underneathe, she let Sean catch her eyes staring hungrily at his length. Six inches of manhood that was the perfect fit for her, and always so sensitive to the touch.
She knelt down and smiled, biting her lip deviously, still staring at the cock now just inches from her lips.
"What are you to me when you're naked?" she asked in a low voice, before slowing taking the tip into her mouth, staring back up at her boyfriend's eyes as her tongue played across his tip.
Sean took a deep breath, letting the sensation wash over him, before replying with the practiced words she'd drilled into his head.
"I'm your favorite dildo, ma'am. Just a toy and nothing more."
Angel hummed approvingly, sliding her mouth slowly down and up the shaft before speaking again, holding her boyfriend's dick so it brushed against her moving lips.
"That's right. Now kneel for me, like a good boy."
Sean felt every dominant thought leave his body as the leather tightened around his neck, forcing him to his knees. He watched with hungry lust as his girlfriend got on all fours, pushed her ass seductively into the air, then leaned back to slid his cock into her warm, wet folds. He'd never seen Angel take his dick from this angle before.
Her body looked so inviting. He could just reach out and grab her waist, and all of her curves would be his for the taking. He wanted it so bad. He needed it so bad.
He started to rationalize the thought. Maybe this was Angel's way of letting him take her. She said she wasn't letting him do the fucking yet, but maybe she wanted it to be a bratty thing, where she pretended to fight back?
Fuck, she felt so good on his cock. He reached out and grabbed a handful of her hips in each hand, ready to plunge himself in to the hilt and-
"Hands off," Angel snapped.
Sean stammered. His arms reflexively flew behind his back and his face grew hot with embarrassment. Had he fucked up? Did he fail the test? Would Angel ever let him take charge?
He breathed a sigh of relief when she seemed to forgive him, moving on from the moment without anger in her voice.
"Good toy. I know you want to take me so bad baby, but I need to make sure you can control yourself first," she said breathily, clearly enjoying the dick she'd taken almost all the way, although she'd notably left about a half inch of wiggle room between her hole and Sean's base.
"I'm gonna use you to cum, just like always, but you'll need to be on your best behavior," she explained, relishing the feel of Sean's pulse through his dick. "Since you're not tied up, you'll need to focus very, very hard, on being a good toy. Don't move. If any part of you besides your pretty dick touches me, you get a strike. Three strikes, and you fail the test.
"...and that was strike one."
She turned her head to see the switchy boy's face, warm with excitement and arousal and perhaps a little residual embarrassment.
"Nod if you understand, toy."
Sean did.
"Good boy."
Angel flipped on a vibrator, and reached beneath herself to press the device against her clit. She gasped as the sensation shot through her sensitive bundle of nerves, waving her backside seductively in front of Sean.
He took a deep, shaky breath.
He could feel the gentle buzz of Angel's toy through her body, resonating across his cock with a pleasant hum. He could also feel her warmth squeezing and shifting as the pleasure made her body ache for stimulation, and in turn led her move up and down his rod.
Sean clenched his hands together to keep them behind his back. She felt so good from this angle, and without her touching anything but his cock, there was no distraction from the sensation of pleasure between his legs.
The man tried to focus on his breathing instead, drawing deep, measured inhales and shaky, careful exhales as Angela writhed with bliss in front of him.
His next few minutes felt like hours as Angel upped the vibe's power, her wetness shifting and squeezing as she let the pleasure wash over her body from her clit. Sean felt the same intensity as his girlfriend's hole leaked around his length.
A stream of "oh" and "oh god," and "baby I'm gonna" and "FFFFUUCK"s later, and Angela was cumming on his cock. Her warmth clenched down, milking Sean for all he was worth, and he felt her creaming on his shaft.
He couldn't help himself. Before he knew what he was doing, Sean let out a deeply intimate moan and involuntarily bucked his hips, his pelvis slapping against Angel's ass as he thrust himself deeper.
"That's strike two" Angel teased between gasps for air, her arousal building once again as she pushed the vibrator back between her legs and carefully rode the rest of her boyfriend's rigid cock.
"You'd better be careful, or you'll never get to take charge," she moaned, before smiling wickedly to herself. "Not that I ever thought you'd pass. You've never had much self control, have you? Just a simple fucktoy that only knows how to cum. And if you can't control yourself, how are you supposed to control me?"
She let herself moan louder for a performative flourish, riding the top half of Sean's cock faster and teasing him as she heard him stifle another moan.
Angel glanced back over her shoulder and saw her beautiful boyfriend still knelt obediently behind her. She locked eyes with him, and felt butterflies as she registered utter desperation in his eyes, big brown circles pleading with words he knew he was forbidden to speak.
She made sure to hold his gaze with theatrical pity as she spoke again.
"I could stop the test right now. I already came, you were so good while I did, maybe I should just let you off easy, see what you're like when you're dominant. It'd be so easy, all I'd have to do is stop fucking you."
Sean knew better than to hope for mercy. But his eyes betrayed a glimmer of it all the same as he felt his partner's vibrator power off. Angel placed her now free hand on the ground in front of her for balance.
"Too bad you're just a dildo for me. You exist for my pleasure alone. And dildos. Don't. Deserve. Mercy."
Now on all fours, Angel became cruelty incarnate, virtually twerking on the top half of Sean's aching cock.
She knew full well what she was doing: penetration wouldn't make her cum very quickly in this position, it was too shallow and too fast. But it would stimulate Sean's tip much faster than she had been, and before long, he'd blow his load.
And after that, he was fucked. He'd have to endure Angel's post-orgasmic ride on his cock without flinching, without pushing her away. At best, he'd manage 30 seconds after the creampie before the overstimulation grew too unbearable.
Sean knew it, too. Angel was certain. She knew how long it took for him to start begging for mercy when he was tied down and unable to stop her, just as well as she did.
Drinking in his gaze of unspoken pleas, Angel turned her head back to the front to focus on the sensation of the moment: the power she had over Sean, the heat of his cock impaling her from behind, the slippery friction as she moved her slit from the head of his member to roughly halfway down the shaft, then down and up and down and up, again and again, over and over.
Satisfied in her control, the dominant woman decided to gloat, offering her victim a prize they both knew was just out of reach.
"You're so hard when I ride you like this baby. Fuck. I promise if you... oh god... if you can make me cum like this, you'll pass the test."
Sean was no longer managing to contain his moans.
He was far too close to the edge.
"Angel," he pleaded. "Baby I'm gonna bust. Please slow down, just a little. Please baby. Please. Please!!! Fuck just a lit-"
Angel interrupted him with more taunts.
"Then cum for me, pretty boy. Fill my pussy with your hot cum, and then fail my test. You'll be a fucktoy for the rest of your life. Just a personal cock I ride when I want to. That's all you're fucking good for baby, you're just a cock that makes pretty noises when I fuck it. You'd be better off accepting that before you fill my pussy with cum."
She couldn't see any more, but Sean's eyes now betrayed panic. He was going to cum, it was now an inevitability, seconds away at best.
And if he came, he would fail.
Which meant failing was an inevitability.
Which meant... he had no reason to keep following the rules.
Panic became an angry, primal lust in Sena's eyes as he unclasped his hands. One snapped to Angel's hip, squeezing it hard, as the other clenched her gorgeous black hair, pulling it painfully in his grasp.
"Strike Th-Sean what the f-?!?" was all Angel managed to say before he pushed her face against the floor,
"Shut the fuck up," he snarled, and began pounding her pussy with all his might.
"Who's the toy now, you fucking slut?" he demanded as his clapped against Angel's ass. "Hows it feel to get pounded, knowing you're about to be my fucking cumdump? How's it feel to be a fleshlight I fuck hard and fast and deep?"
"Sean-" Angel gasped, cut off with another gasp as he squeezed her hair harder.
"That's not a fucking answer," he spat, a smile crossing his face. "I don't need to here it from you. You must love getting your brains fucked out, you certainly haven't tried fighting back!"
Angel was silent for a half second. Her arms had collapsed hastily under her head when Sean shoved it into the ground.
"That's what I thought. Put them behind your back."
She did, clenching her hands the same way she'd taught him to do, and breathed a sigh of relief when her boyfriend released his death grip on her hair.
A sigh that was cut short when he grabbed her neck instead, using it to lift her upper body in front of him as he continued to plow her from behind. Angel was frankly surprised he still hadn't blown his load.
"Now answer me. Tell me how much you love getting your hole used."
Angel tried to draw breath but couldn't with the grip around her neck. She could only sputter her next words.
"I... c... cccccumming," she rasped.
Angel's moans died in her throat as she orgasmed once more, again looking into Sean's eyes as he blew her back out. But this time she saw a look she'd never seen before.
Complete, dominant glee. He was in complete control, and he knew it.
"I fucking knew it," Sean said with a wicked grin, holding Angel's gaze as his cock erupted within her, pumping a load of cum deep into her pussy then fucking it deeper. "I knew you'd love being my fucktoy."
letting a boy slide inside of me, but not letting him move. then i use my vibrator to make myself cum while he squirms and trys not to fuck into me, begging me to let him move
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versatiletwink · 7 months
Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, it is up to I, the only fucking cishet on tumblr, to drag this out to a wider audience.
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We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.
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versatiletwink · 7 months
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versatiletwink · 7 months
Been writing a lot of hard kinks this week, which has been fun! Would love to try smth soft n sweet p soon, tho, if y'all wanna send prompts! (:
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