verticalturtles · 7 years
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verticalturtles · 7 years
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So, uh, yeah, I was messing around with tailgate’s extra parts, and things got morbid fast.
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verticalturtles · 7 years
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I’ve always dug the whole robotic-bad-cop aesthetic barricade’s got going on, so I impulse bought the new deluxe. Long story short, it’s kinda terrible.
He's short, keeps tipping over backwards because of his tiny heels, is missing a waist for no particular reason, and has half a car hanging off his back. Normally I don't get too riled up about paint apps on mass market toys, but when they put it in a box that says "premier edition" and charge twenty bucks for it, we're gonna have problems. 
His knuckledusters are something though, and 10 seconds of drybrushing really brings them out.
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verticalturtles · 7 years
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It is now officially LIT
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verticalturtles · 8 years
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Revol mini solid snake
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verticalturtles · 8 years
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1/12 Synthetic Hipster. It’s a pretty obscure toy, you’ve probably never heard of it.
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verticalturtles · 8 years
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Zoom in... 
Now Enhance
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verticalturtles · 8 years
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verticalturtles · 8 years
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*Record scratch*
Yep, that’s me. Sector 12 patrol, third shift. You’re probably wondering how I got myself into this mess...
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verticalturtles · 8 years
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S.H. Figuarts Han Solo. Brief thoughts after the break.
He’s pretty good. The final promo shots had me a little scared, particularly the face, but I think he turned out alright in the end. The articulation is all there except maybe the ankles, and the sculpt is solid. I really wish he came with a smirking face though, ‘cuase I rewatched ANH a couple weeks ago and I had kind of forgotten how much ford hammed it up.
My biggest gripes are probably the holster and the vest. The holster is a separate piece, which I’m not opposed to in principle, but it’s not a tight fit to his hip. The vest likes to ride up above his collar because it’s not really attached to anything. You have to be particularly careful about where his shoulders are, because they’ll push the it up like how I didn’t catch in that last shot.
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verticalturtles · 8 years
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verticalturtles · 8 years
Well, it was worse than I thought.
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So it occurred to me that I have no idea what people actually do with anime body pillows. I mean, just from cultural osmosis I’m pretty sure, but even that doesn’t check out.  There’s probably someone reading this thinking “oh, you sweet summer child”,  but nobody out there is actually fucking a pillow, right?
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verticalturtles · 8 years
So it occurred to me that I have no idea what people actually do with anime body pillows. I mean, just from cultural osmosis I’m pretty sure, but even that doesn’t check out.  There’s probably someone reading this thinking “oh, you sweet summer child”,  but nobody out there is actually fucking a pillow, right?
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verticalturtles · 8 years
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verticalturtles · 8 years
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The positron rifle that came with this set was kinda trash, but hoooo boy is that a nice shield.
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verticalturtles · 8 years
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“Is every superhero 12 now?”
“Maybe you’re just old”
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verticalturtles · 8 years
Oh shit figuarts han and MP cheetor are out right the fuck now, aren’t they? This is a bad time to be broke.
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