vertraumend ยท 2 days
general life update, just letting everyone know what i'm up to :
Frosty is just fine. we paid off her bill a while ago, got her medicated, and this past monday her stitches were taken out. she's still got the cone of shame on bc she gave us a little scare earlier this week when we initually took it off. she had licked the newly healed skin enough to cause it to become inflamed and swollen. so back on went the cone, and back to using baby wipes to clean her. on friday we took her in for a last checkup, and she was given the okay to remove the cone this upcoming monday. but i might personally wait until tuesday just to be extra cautious.
i have absolutely be fully consumed by ff.14 when i'm not babying frosty. she did bite my middle finger and broke skin at the knuckle to punish me for taking her the vet, and i believe this wholeheartedly.
will i come back to rp? yes and no. i don't think i will return this year. i don't think i'll return to this blog. i think i need a fresh start to be happy. it's hard to be excited to write here some days, and i don't have the muse for mary ann. i think she has run her course. but next year might be different.
i do rp on dis.cord. that's always been an option. if you want to do that, just reach out to me.
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vertraumend ยท 2 days
how's 14 treating you circe?
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its fine. everything is fine
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vertraumend ยท 20 days
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BIG UPDATE : Frosty was given the okay to come home after wound treatment, instead of remaining with the vets overnight, which is a relief. Here's a rundown of what happened: At around 1:30 my spouse received a call from Dr. Bunch who explained that while he was treating the wound, he believed it may have been caused by a spider bite, and given that black widows and wolf spiders are very common in our area, both my partner and I can agree to the possibility. He did take a sample from the tissue for a biopsy, but he wanted to ask whether we wanted to send it off for testing because there is a chance that the results will come back inconclusive. It may be able to tell us what was wrong, or if the tissue is cancerous, but it's also possible that it comes back and we don't really know - so we agreed to hold off on it for the time being as not only would it take weeks to get the results, but the fee for the test would have pushed even further than our goal. But otherwise, Frosty was doing good, behaving great, and was ready to be picked up today. The total bill turned out to be 330$, which we did not have on hand, but so long as we were able to pay at least close to 80$ today, they could send her home without medication. This has put us in the negative, but we were willing to bite the fee just to bring her back. I've already begun the process of transferring the gofundme money to our account, however, this can take anywhere between now and Sept. 10th. Hopefully sooner, so I can at least get Frosty her medication. Once again, thank you all for helping us take care of Frosty. We've almost reached the full goal, which will now not only pay for the remainder of her bill, but also her checkup in another week.
We're just shy of that full 330$ amount now, which is a huge relief that it was just over half of her last bill. If we can hit the full goal, that would be amazing.
If you don't mind, would you please help with Frosty's medical bills?
As you all may know, I'm genuinely a very private person, and I don't like bringing up my personal life if I can help it, but currently, Cermit and I are in need of help. Our cat, Frosty, is an older cat, she's 15 yrs old, and recently she has developed an open sore on the back of her right leg that is causing her issues moving and going to the bathroom. The moment we discovered the wound, we began to focus on keeping her comfortable and clean. We've been using antiseptic wound wash on the area, and have been keeping her backside clean to keep it from becoming infected. But home care is nothing compared to veterinary care, and for Frosty's sake, she needs to go to the vet.
However, Cermit and I have just paid our rent and other bills, so we have no funds to cover her vet bills. We've set up a small gofundme with a goal that matches Frosty's previous vet bill. Admittedly we do not know for certain how much this will cost, but her previous bill was for an invasive surgery and overnight care, and because of this wound's location and the possibility that Frosty may develop sepsis even with our constant care, we believe this bill could be close to the same amount, if they decide to keep her for multiple nights.
We do not believe that Frosty can wait two weeks for us to get paid to go to the vet, so we do intend to take her on Tues when the local vet's office will be open and she can be seen by her vet. In the past they have allowed us to make payments to cover her bills, which I'm very thankful for, and I hope they'll allow us to do so again while we gather funding.
If you can donate, we would be absolutely grateful. And if you can't, please just spread this around.
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vertraumend ยท 22 days
If you don't mind, would you please help with Frosty's medical bills?
As you all may know, I'm genuinely a very private person, and I don't like bringing up my personal life if I can help it, but currently, Cermit and I are in need of help. Our cat, Frosty, is an older cat, she's 15 yrs old, and recently she has developed an open sore on the back of her right leg that is causing her issues moving and going to the bathroom. The moment we discovered the wound, we began to focus on keeping her comfortable and clean. We've been using antiseptic wound wash on the area, and have been keeping her backside clean to keep it from becoming infected. But home care is nothing compared to veterinary care, and for Frosty's sake, she needs to go to the vet.
However, Cermit and I have just paid our rent and other bills, so we have no funds to cover her vet bills. We've set up a small gofundme with a goal that matches Frosty's previous vet bill. Admittedly we do not know for certain how much this will cost, but her previous bill was for an invasive surgery and overnight care, and because of this wound's location and the possibility that Frosty may develop sepsis even with our constant care, we believe this bill could be close to the same amount, if they decide to keep her for multiple nights.
We do not believe that Frosty can wait two weeks for us to get paid to go to the vet, so we do intend to take her on Tues when the local vet's office will be open and she can be seen by her vet. In the past they have allowed us to make payments to cover her bills, which I'm very thankful for, and I hope they'll allow us to do so again while we gather funding.
If you can donate, we would be absolutely grateful. And if you can't, please just spread this around.
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vertraumend ยท 1 month
so I gave in, I'm going to be elbow-deep in FF.XIV. I'd show yall my beloved Falke but she's just a little baby and isn't her perfect self yet ... I might make a blog for Falke bc I'm possibly shelving Mary Ann for the time being, I've lost her voice and I just am generally unhappy.
but I'm on Crystal in Malboro, stuck in Gridania, officially getting my bearings with controller. I had to switch from keyboard to controller bc keyboard kinda sucks?? at least imo
umm i guess once i get Falke looking the way i want, i'll show yall? and when i get her blog up, i'll let yall know. and if i come back to Mary Ann, i'll let yall know
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vertraumend ยท 4 months
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guys im trying to cook but i am, in fact, just burning the house down
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vertraumend ยท 4 months
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im also not here right now, i am on the longest hiatus ever bc i honestly have no drive to give my absolute attention to Mary Ann atm and it has nothing/has everything to do with the possibility of bringing back this best girl or writing my drakania
i just hit a really nasty depressive low and it's affected my ability to even think of Mary Ann, so i figure it'd be easier to turn my attention elsewhere.
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vertraumend ยท 4 months
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i am working on something
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vertraumend ยท 5 months
I've been working on comms as of late, and I've been sucked right back into Black Desert. (I made my spouse's OC in it as a scholar bc why not, and then it turns out that the scholar is sick and I love her lore and moveset like holy fuck ... the overarching story is still shit but I'm over here bludgeoning enemies with two huge hammers.) ANYWAY I'm behind on PtN and HSR.
incoming rant below
but ... I am most likely going to stop playing Twst. I'll keep up with it via translations from JP, but the game just??? It's not fun for me. I'm tired of the continuous disappointment when I pull on any banner. Like since the year started I haven't pulled a single SSR, and trust me I've blown through more than enough pulls that at some point I should have gotten at least 1 or 2. But pity doesn't work in twst like it works in PtN or HSR or even F FUCKING GO. I think in total I only have like 27 SSRs since I started playing, which feels like a lot until I am harshly reminded that I had to put down over 500 in cash to get that amount. And the grind isn't fun. The official localization is mindbogglingly bad at times. The mischaracterization ... ughhh I could go on.
I hate bouncing between twst and PtN, doing only like 50 pulls or less on PtN and walking away with up to two S-ranks, while twst gives me nothing. it's kinda disheartening. ummm also PtN's localization is really good?? like really fucking good. HSR suffers a little because honestly, it takes a bit to get a 5* to show up, at least with my luck. but frankly for games that I've put less money into, I tend to get more bang for my buck than I have with twst. Why does it take 100+ pulls to get a fucking SSR?? is this f/go??
so yeah, I'm probably going to drop twst bc I can't do it anymore. the game isn't fun for me. I'll keep up with it bc I'm invested in the characters, and the overarching story, but I'm just not into the gameplay.
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vertraumend ยท 5 months
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I lied, I needed her. Now to save for Jolyne.
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vertraumend ยท 5 months
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Ive only had this spicy chicken for a minute
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vertraumend ยท 5 months
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when you get to the boss fight with Mary Ann I'm HSR and she looks like this, what do?
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vertraumend ยท 5 months
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So HSR!Mary Ann? HSR!Mary Ann
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vertraumend ยท 5 months
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I love yall, you're all so amazing.
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vertraumend ยท 5 months
how are things going w/ hsr circe?
oh, you know ...
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she wasn't supposed to come home. i had no pity after Acheron, but i am the biggest fool after all
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vertraumend ยท 5 months
I've got so much on my plate atm, so as always still on that hiatus. I do intend to redo Mary Ann's carrd on top of everything but first commissions.
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vertraumend ยท 6 months
It is something to note, for a later in-depth look at Mary Ann's past in hsr, but I will be playing with gender, gender identity, and themes of rebirth. Mary Ann was not always who she is now, and assimilating with/becoming the Emanetor of Stagnation may play a part in why she appears as she does.
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