vertrue · 6 years
❝   -  ( S. FALCONE ) ;
Closed Starter for @vertrue
Sofia sat at her desk, working through some documents that needed signing for the orphanage. While she was having as little to do with the place as possible, her name was still on all the documentation, which legally meant it was her responsibility. And so long as she wanted to keep up her public face, it meant taking some time to fulfil that responsibility.
“Miss Falcone? Harry Osborn for you.” Came a voice from the door, and she nodded at the man, putting the papers away. Another who had arranged a meeting with her father, which now fell to her to deal with. As soon as she had the name, she’d done her research - he’d inherited Oscorp after the death of his father, and what he wanted with Carmine Falcone was unknown for the time being.
“Take him through to the lounge.” She said firmly, walking there herself. Smiling at Harry once he entered, she poured herself a glass of wine, before offering one to him as well. “We can’t talk business without whetting the palate now, can we?” She laughed. “I’m sorry if you were expecting my father. There’s been some changes, but I assure you whatever you wanted to say to him can be said to me.”
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          GOTHAM WAS NEW TERRITORY but it was about time harry got familiar. got acquainted with the faces. & so he settles on the newly tailored suit ( selected specially for his endeavors in the hell that was gotham ) chooses some of the files from oscorp’s finer projects & prays he makes an impression. he expects to meet with the man in charge but what he had imagined is MUCH different than who he comes to face. he anticipates that she’s ten steps ahead of him, already aware of his arrival, who he was & harry’s left feeling like he isn’t even on the board anymore.
         ❝ THANKS. ❞ hand reaching out to accept the glass, he’s soft spoken, ( finding ground ) offers the faintest of smiles with a nod of appreciation. he should know the feeling - having visitors expect someone else.  like he’d already squandered potential partnerships by just being harry instead of norman. he can give her a chance. it’s only right. 
            HE STANDS A LITTLE TALLER, eyes casting a glance at the liquid in his cup & then back to her, ❝ it’s fine, ❞ he’s truthful in his reassurance, ❝ i was just hoping to meet someone with some gotham expertise ---- or at the very least someone who cared. gotham’s not a safe place, but shouldn’t it be ? regardless, i think things are heading for change & not necessarily for the better ------  ❞  there’s a shake of his head with a growing smile, he sets down his case & extends a hand,  ❝ let me try that again. i’m harry osborn. ❞  
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vertrue · 6 years
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---------------- when the prof says you get ONE cheat sheet. you best break out that 0000.03 font. i can’t wait to watch her shred it in front of my very own mortal eyes. 
 (   i’m going to go work on drafts now smh i have so much due but the test is tomorrow !!! but the gc is WAY too stressed over it & i need a break ----------- not that i’ve ever stressed about a thing in my life but ??? )
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vertrue · 6 years
❝   -  ( PETER PARKER ) ;
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“You want me to try again? I’ll say please next time.” Peter jokes gently, as he starts moving inside of the suite that Harry was staying in. Which was something far nicer than anything he could personally afford. He doesn’t mind though, he likes the place he’s sharing with Mary Jane. “I’m not a savage for the record. I did walk though, yeah, what’s wrong with that? It wasn’t far, and I like the exercise.” Peter insists as he shrugs his shoulders. Even if someone tried to rob him, he could easily disarm them, avoid the blow, and break their wrist before they tried something. “You know me, always living life on the edge. What’s going on though, Harry?” Peter asks as he slides into a seat on one of the chairs.
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          WHAT’S GOING ON ? wouldn’t harry love to know. thinks he has it all sorted out, sticks his nose in something else & he’s finding another skeleton in the metaphorical closet. ❝ i wish i could tell you, pete, but i feel like i’m trying to put together a puzzle i only have HALF the pieces to, ❞ he pushes shut the door, makes sure to latch it shut, ❝ but i’m hoping that you can help me figure the rest of it out. ❞ he crosses the room before settling down on the arm of the sofa, not the most professional attitude but it’s what he’s comfortable with at the moment. ❝ it’s about my dad. ❞ bites down on the inside of his cheek, his tone is somber but not for the obvious reason. there’s the fear he’s going to lose everything. ❝ when he died i had to pick up everything - the business, the house. . . there was only so much he could take to the grave. ❞ a pause, he scratches at the bridge of his nose, ❝ i sorted through a lot & i think i got more than i bargained for. my dad had an arsenal, peter. personal projects, for the most part all oscorp based but HEAVILY modified. he was at war with SOMEONE. ❞ someone. harry knew. ❝ i know for A FACT it has EVERYTHING to do with spider-man. i can’t get into the details ------ but you run with STARK sometimes, right ? has he ever said ANYTHING about him ? new york is big - but these heroes, they must communicate. anything, peter. i just need SOMETHING. ❞
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vertrue · 6 years
what's your opinion on superheroes?
———- ANSWERING ASKS !!  ( accepting on meme days )
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         ❝ ———- WHAT KID DIDN’T MARVEL AT LIVING LEGENDS ?  there’s always a little part us that wants to SAVE the world - and isn’t that what they do ? earth’s mightiest delay doomsday !! little boys & girls don their tiaras and capes and dream of the day the weight of the world should be carried on THEIR shoulders. 
                                     ———-   ISN’T THAT JUST THE DREAM. 
           ❝ ———- but they’re not looking for peace. O captain, my captain ! born from WAR and no man wants to be put out of the job. heroes & gods who level cities. so look to the sky for your MAN OF STEEL. i’ll look to the ground ———- where she’ll never leave. GWEN STACY -  CONDEMNED BY YOUR HEROES. 
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vertrue · 6 years
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                 & ———————— RISE UP LIKE GLITTER & GOLD !!   ( an aesthetic for stephanie brown & harry osborn )  @sp0ilers                  $ ----- ( send  ♢ for an aesthetic of our muses ) accepting on meme days
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vertrue · 6 years
❝   -  ( BAT OUT OF HELL ) ;
@vertrue ||  🛑 - stop my muse from doing something reckless
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crime never happened when it was convenient anymore. with all the heroes in gotham no one really was out at night partaking in illegal activities but that didn’t mean they stopped, instead it felt like they happened at all the worst moments. stephanie had only gotten out of class 20 minutes ago and now she was chasing after some purse snatcher down the streets of gotham without her costume on. they were easily a good 20 steps ahead of her but she wasn’t one to give up, disguise or not. turning the corner of a building, the blonde was going a bit too quick for her to stop the collision she had with the innocent bystander coming her way. now laying flat on the ground the girl could feel bruises forming without having too look. “ i am so sorry. ” she groaned before she even opened her eyes again. “ i really need to look where i’m going ”
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          HE FEELS IT BEFORE ANYTHING - knocks the wind right out of him. counts his blessings that his fall wasn’t too awkward, though it does little to ease the pain. but a broken bone in gotham city ? with the way their hospitals probably were ? the thought alone makes him feel ill. ❝ JESUS CHRIST. ❞ is uttered as the boy leans back, takes a second to count the stars he’s now seeing. what had her tearing off like a BAT out of hell ? ❝  don’t s’pose you want to take turns holding up fingers ? right after the world stops spinning ‘course.  ❞ lazily drawled as he begins to sit upright. cocks a brow at the blonde - she’s obliviously tougher than she looks or at least momentum was in her favor. ❝ i’m scared to ask, ❞ it’s gotham city, she could be up to ANYTHING, ❝ why were you going so fast ? is someone after you or something ? ❞
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vertrue · 6 years
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                  & ------------------------ DOMINO WITH YOU !!   ( an aesthetic for party hardy y harold osborn )  @thiefborn
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vertrue · 6 years
send ♢ for an aesthetic of our muses!
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vertrue · 6 years
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-------------------------------- listen. i’m a mess nothing new. this weeks a toughie i’ve got two papers due by monday ( have i started ? no. ) but then i’m on reading week break !! anyway i’m probs gonna scrap most of the event starter i posted,,,, tragic,,, ik. but i feel bad. i just don’t think it’s that relevant now & a sister is STRESSED. 
* but i am going to get on my responses for pre-event stuff & i’m going to finish up the starters i owe on my STARTER CALL. so like if i dropped a thread on you 4 the event or something,or you just want a starter feel free to like it or tell me because hi, i feel bad. :/ otherwise ya. school fam. making me too broke for the therapy i’m gonna need afterwords,,,, 
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vertrue · 6 years
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vertrue · 6 years
❝   -  ( DEEP FRIED ) ;
“Spectator, huh?” he asked, beginning to eat the fried chocolate oreo in his hand, something he had never had before. Face scrunching, he threw it in a nearby trash can. “Not everything fried is good, quick fact to keep in mind. But c’mon, it’s kind of like a weird party. You should at least get something to eat and feel your arteries clog while it eating it”
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           ❝ SPECTATOR. YEAH. ❞ harry’s quick to fold his arms across his chest, phone now tucked safely out of sight. watches the kid start to consume that horror for his heart & listens to him try to coax harry into joining the festivities, ❝ trust me. i know. stay away from deep fried butter. ❞ tilts his head, he doesn’t have to be so cold, ❝ i’m twenty-four. i’ve partied before. plenty of times. i know the drill. ❞ says it like it’s something to prove. ❝ sounds... pleasant. you’ve got any recommendations ? ❞
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vertrue · 6 years
❝   -  ( FELICIA HARDY ) ;
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felicia was still gaining her bearings in gotham, hoping to learn the lay of the city as well as she knew her home in queens. it made grappling from building ledges when fleeing from a certain spider all the more easier, she found. elbows are rested upon the counter of the kissing booth, chin rested in her palm as she people watched, an oddly satisfying way to pass time during her breaks. when a familiar voice is sounding, dark hues immediately lift to fall upon none other than harry osborn. “harold!” she chimes playfully, a smirk already forming to her features. despite watching him dismiss someone just moments ago, she’s motioning for him to join her, hoping the offer will be far too tempting to refuse. “this is the last place i’d expect to see you.” manicured fingertips lift to comb back bright blonde hair before she’s leaning forth once more, chin rested in her hand. “but i’m glad you decided to make an appearance. you have to let me buy you some funnel cake. it is life changing.” 
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            HE NEVER GREW TO LIKE ❛ HAROLD ❜. it was a name that begged to be spoken with a sneer or taunt. & with a name like harold theopolis osborn he often wonders how he’d managed to make it through high school successfully. but felicia hardy spins it like silk & turns it in to anything but a headache. the boy turns, first he sees her - then he sees the booth. he quirks a brow & silently points a finger to the sign, then lowers his gaze to the girl & drops his finger in her direction, ❝ is this what it's come to ? ❞ the boy beams as he approaches, his smile all teasing & drops his phone in his coat pocket ( he can forget about it for five minutes surely ) ❝ i’ve got business in the city & thought i’d drop in. see what all the hype was about. ❞ business. classy, osborn. shake it off. flips his palms open & gestures to her ❝ lucky me, i think i just found out. ❞ really, he shouldn’t take her up on her offer. the smart move to tell her goodbye & take his leave -------------- good thing no one had ever accused harold of being smart. ❝ yeah, i guess losing five years off your life could be considered life changing. that stuff is horrible for you. --------- but if you're paying...  god knows i’m hurting for cash.❞
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vertrue · 6 years
i hate that post that’s like “what you named your stuffed animal as a kid is a personality test” cause the only notably named “stuffed animal” i had as a kid was one of those wretched baby dolls w hard plastic head feet and hands and a soft fabric body and i kept him fully nude at all times and often hurled him across the room just to hear the plastic THOCK against linoleum and his name was Bigfoot Larry so whatever that says about me i don’t wanna know
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vertrue · 6 years
🥄 for miss party hardy and sir harold plz
——— * random act prompts ↪ ( ᵃᶜᶜᵉᵖᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᵎ  )
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          there’s still soil wedged in the creases of his loafers, still a phantom weight left from pallbearing only days ago ———- norman osborn is dead & that’s final. shifts in power & harry moves up, changes ranks. still, the hardest title to carry is that of the orphan. life now takes place in a mansion for one & the young osborn suddenly misses having to sneak guests in & out under the watchful eye of his father. his nights ? spent trapped on the threshold of his father’s office. he spends hours standing, watching, waiting. can’t cross inside, no, or else the world is all red & green. GREEN. ———— green & monstrous. 
                       * ——————————- 
         it catches up with him. god does it ever. the transition ? not easy. it’s as his father always said, ❛ respect is earned ❜ usually followed by an ever disdainful ❛ and if you carry on this way you’ll never earn any ❜.  no one wants to work under a child & most do a poor job of hiding their displeasure —— or maybe they just don’t care to.
                      * ——————————-
           should have seen it coming. hindsight is twenty-twenty. there’s a hand on his shoulder & it dawns on him that he’s been out cold at his desk. doesn’t know when it happened & there’s a fight to make his way back to reality. it’s hazy but the figure is persistent. gives him one more shake. eyes crack open & lock on light blonde locks. felicia hardy. his mind puts it together eventually. ❝ —- not too close. ❞ is slurred, doesn’t think he’ll ever hear the end of it if he gets her sick, too. he should count his blessings. if it had been anyone else to find him… we’ll he’d rather not think about it. ❝ call a car. please.❞ 
                     * ——————————-
          he sums it up to stress & a lack of sleep. he’s now forever indebted to the felicia hardy. how she gets him in the house & tucked away is a mystery —- one he’s sure is filled with colorful language, both parties likely guilty ( like fighting with a toddler — he can & will sleep right here on the bathroom floor, thank you very much ). the horror ends in the living room. his battle coming to a close when he’s ushered to the sofa & his head hits the pillow. there remains one gripping panic, something that won’t let him rest, ❝ no medicine. felicia, please. ❞ he can’t explain. a best kept secret. he’s not brave enough to subject her to his horrors. he can’t relapse. not now. they’re his final words, but unlike everything else so far they’re clear ; laced with desperation & maybe the slightest bit of fear.
                    * ——————————-
the amount of time passed is unknown to him. he rises to the sound of the television & neck cranes to search the room. pulls the blanket around him tight to chase away the remaining chills. she’s there & it’s foreign. no one has ever really cared. there was never any hand holding or telling him it was going to be okay. he just had to work through it. head cocks & nose scrunches at the plate on the table - accompanied, of course, by a glass of what he only assumes is water. he’s quiet for a long time, eyes dancing from the tv to her. loss for words is the most appropriate. he must look as confused as he feels because his hand is taken from him & a slice of fruit is placed in his palm, ❝ it really is just going to come back up again.❞ a last small act of defiance, he doesn’t feel hungry. he feels —— gross. he’s quiet again —— picks through things when he’s told to. each time is answered with a huff. eventually he’s a little more lively, sits up, starts to do things on his own. it takes awhile, too long actually, before he says it, ❝ thanks. you didn’t have to but ——- thanks.❞ doesn’t know if she realizes how much it really means to the osborn & for a short but sweet time the mansion isn’t for one, nor is it haunted by green ——- it is very much alive & beautiful —– & because of her he flourishes.
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vertrue · 6 years
Send me asks - I'll answer everything!! 🌸
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vertrue · 6 years
* random act prompts
send a symbol for our muses to interact!
💨 catch my muse in a lie 
🛑 stop my muse from doing something reckless
🥄 feed my muse when they’re ill or injured
🔍 help my muse find a lost item
⚠️ clean up my muse after a fight
⚓ keep my muse anchored (anxiety, nightmare, etc.)
🔫 take a bullet for my muse
🛁 give my muse a bath
🛏️ carry my muse to bed
☠️ protect my muse
✋ hold my muse’s hand
🔪 stab my muse (accident, on purpose)
🚗 leave town with my muse
🕯️ remind my muse that they matter
💥 our muses share a tense moment
📖 our muses read a story
🎀 give my muse a gift
👊 our muses train
🌹 teach my muse something (include details)
🗝️ our muses share a quiet moment
🥪 our muses have a snack
🧡 for an eskimo kiss
❣️ for a top of the head kiss
💛 for a kiss on the cheek
💞 for a kiss on the hand
🖤 for a kiss on a wound (bruise, scar, etc.)
💚 for a forehead kiss
🔥 for an angry and relieved hug
💙 for a hug that won’t be remembered
🤔 for an unwanted hug
🎧 for a calming hug
💧 for a tearful hug
😩 for a ‘ forgive me ’ hug
💟 for a happy hug
🛸 for a goodbye hug
🎉 for a hug filled with laughter
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vertrue · 6 years
——– status  ↪ OPEN !! 
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          EYES DOWNCAST ON THE CELL IN HIS PALM, how obvious it was that this WASN’T his thing. maybe a life time ago, but now ? mentally, he’s fully removed himself from the festivities. UNKNOWN NUMBERS even he can’t get traced, requests something quite simple of him ------- he can only assume they’ve got him tied to the real osborn legacy. head turns as he returns to reality for the briefest period of time. people around. someone too close, he instantly waves a hand - expecting an offer or invitation of sorts, ❝ no thanks,❞ he’s quick to jump the gun, ❝ i’m more of a -------- spectator this time around.❞
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