verumamet · 10 years
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verumamet · 10 years
Waving a hand to indicate that his thanks wasn't necessary, Shinji took in the tiny smile on Kanji's lips. It made his face look completely different - Shinji had almost grown used to seeing his scowl in the short time that they'd known one another. It was a nice change, he thought before becoming embarrassed again, shoving the thought away and turning his back on the other man again. Despite his attempts to remain as gruff and distant as possible, he couldn't quite stop the snort of laughter that left him at the whinging coming from behind him.
"Be patient, kid. It's only a little ways away."
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Where's the Damn Food? [Open]
What? No lame jokes about a big guy like him doing something lame like sewing? The only other person to not make a big deal out of it was Narukami-senpai, and he was always thankful for it. What a swell guy, that Yu Narukami.
"O-oh, thanks…"
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Kanji smiled again. Shinjiro-senpai was pretty cool. Maybe he would hang out with the guy some more. If that was okay with him, anyway. It was no big deal to him if it wasn’t, he had better stuff to do.
"How long are we gonna have to walk, anyway? I’m dyin’ here…"
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verumamet · 10 years
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"Get yourself some food, then." Dumbass.
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"…I’m hungry."
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verumamet · 10 years
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Now my head’s splitting at the seams.
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verumamet · 10 years
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シンジとコロちゃん | 蒼麻葵 
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verumamet · 10 years
"...Thanks." Shinji muttered without turning to look at the other male. He didn't want him to see the ridiculous blush colouring his cheeks that he was struggling desperately to hide. What the hell is this? It was the first time he'd ever found himself blushing like this, especially around a guy. He didn't understand it and it was making him quite confused. When Kanji spoke again, Shinji let out another huff, somewhat louder this time, but turned to level him with his gaze nonetheless. "Sewing, huh?" his lips twitched slightly as he looked the man over. "Somehow I'm not surprised. That's pretty cool, though. I'm all for people doin' what they love."
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Where's the Damn Food? [Open]
"That’s pretty awesome, senpai."
He meant it. Kanji only wished he could cook for himself, but all he could really do was boil water. His mother would cook for him anyway. The young man silently hoped she was alright, and if that biker gang wasn’t being too loud again. Probably not —he kicked their asses pretty badly.
Kanji also wondered if he should let Shinjiro-senpai know that he wasn’t the only one with an embarrassing hobby, if only to make things even. What was the damn point in hiding it anyway? “If it makes you feel like less of a moron, I…I like sewing and stuff.” Immediately, he regretted this decision. He sounded like a freakin’ idiot.
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verumamet · 10 years
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verumamet · 10 years
★ - Do they prefer daytime or nighttime and why?
Shinji prefers the nighttime. It’s much quieter at night. There are few people around and the streets are quiet and cool. On his darkest, broodiest nights, he’d wander around in the semi-darkness, collecting his thoughts. It was and still is a time of reflection for him and that’s why he prefers it to daytime.
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verumamet · 10 years
♥ - What does ‘love’ mean to them? ♠ - What are they afraid of? ♦ - What is one thing about them that they are most proud of? ♣ - What is one thing that they find embarrassing? (About them, others, things in general) ★ - Do they prefer daytime or nighttime and why? ☾- Are they prone to nightmares or dreamless sleep? ☼ - Something that/Someone who makes them happy. ☁ - If they’re caught out in the rain how do they react? ♪ - Are they musically inclined? ♫ - What kind of music do they enjoy? ✓ - How do they react to praise? ✕ - How do they handle rejection? ☺ - Do they prefer sour or sweet treats? ❄ -  Favorite season and why? ☮ - Do they have an idol or someone they look up to? ❤ - Do they have a love interest? ✖ - Who is someone they just cannot stand? ♔ - Do they value loyalty? ♕ - Do they trust easily?
questions about your character.
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verumamet · 10 years
Choosing to ignore Kanji's words, Shinji turned on his heel and started walking back down the street towards his apartment building. He turned only once, to ensure that the other man was indeed following him, but after that he kept his gaze resolutely fixed on the leather of his boots, muttering in quiet irritation to himself. It wasn't until Kanji spoke again, his voice hesitant, that Shinji glanced over his shoulder. He considered the man for a moment before letting out a quiet huff and turning back to face forward again.
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"...Taught myself. A while back. It's... somethin' I've always been good at."
Where's the Damn Food? [Open]
Kanji really didn’t know why he felt the need to say that. He was past that bullcrap, wasn’t he? He shrugged and followed Shinjiro sheepishly. “Dammit, you’re the one reacting stupidly to it!” The man growled and stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked close behind. He really hoped it was worth all of this trouble.
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Screw it, I probably look like an idiot.
"S-so, uh…where did you learn to cook?"
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verumamet · 10 years
Why did he have to bring that up? Shinji's scowl deepened as his blush darkened and he shoved his hands forcefully back into his pockets again. "You're doin' it again!" he said, staring the man pointedly in the eye despite his embarrassment. "Just... come with me." He inclined his head, indicating that Kanji should follow him. "And shut up. Every time you open your damn mouth, you say somethin' stupid." Shinji turned his gaze away from the other man's face now. His tone was not unkind, merely flustered. Damnit. He probably looked like a complete moron.
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Where's the Damn Food? [Open]
Kanji shrugged and scratched the back of his head. Telling him what to do really got on his nerves. “Tch. Whatever, as long as I eat.” He didn’t know why it was such a big deal to Shinjiro-senpai. It was just a friend cooking for another friend, why did that make him blush?
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"L-listen, this is just a friendly thing. I’m not gay, alright?"
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verumamet · 10 years
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Persona 3 The Movie - #1 Spring of Birth - Shinjiro Aragaki
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verumamet · 10 years
"I'll make you a damn beef bowl if you stop sayin' things like that." He muttered under his breath, pulling his hat down again in an attempt to hide the dark blush that was coloring his cheeks. Kanji was smiling at him - the first smile he'd ever seen from him - and it was making his chest feel tight. Shinji was past embarrassed and bordering on confused anger.
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Where's the Damn Food? [Open]
He knew it, this guy was a damn softie the whole time. It was, dare he think it, a little cute. “Hey, I’m not judging you, senpai. I think that’s pretty cool, actually!” For the first time, Kanji actually smiled at the guy.
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"And I won’t tell anyone. If you can make me a decent beef bowl."
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verumamet · 10 years
Shinji bristled slightly, shoulder stiffening as his gaze turned wary. "Yeah. I do. What about it?" His tone was defensive. It wouldn't surprise him if Kanji was one of those guys who found hobbies like cooking 'feminine' and 'weird'. He'd put up with a lot of shit for it over the years and wasn't about to take any from a punk like this kid.
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Where's the Damn Food? [Open]
He scratched his temple and blinked in surprise. This guy was clearly holding out on him. “Huh? You tellin’ me you can cook?” That was actually pretty cool, if that were the case. He wondered if Shinjiro-senpai ever got teased for having such a ‘feminine’ hobby. Kanji felt a sort of connection with him in that regard.
Maybe he wasn’t such a punk after all. “You’re holding out on me, man.”
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verumamet · 10 years
It was beginning to get dark, the sky dotted here and there with the smudges of stars and a wide half moon only somewhat eliminated the street below. There were very few people, all of them keeping their heads down and hurrying their steps. The atmosphere was nothing like it had been only an hour before, where people had moved slowly and haltingly down the street, enjoying the atmosphere of the festivities that had been happening for the last five days. Shinji understood this change to some extent. He'd only been in the city a matter of weeks but had already heard stories about the creatures that haunted the place in the dark. They emerged more often at night and were feared greatly by the people, presumably because of the number of deaths that had occurred because of them.
He made a rather conspicuous figure, walking against the crowd as small groups of people hurried passed him, throwing curious looks in his direction over their shoulders. He didn't plan on going back yet. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing too huge of a threat out here. And if there was, he could beat he'd seen worse. Shinji had been walking with his head down, hands shoved deep into his pockets until he heard an unfamiliar voice call out to him. He glanced up, coming to a halt as he caught sight of the speaker - a man shorter and seemingly younger than himself, wearing the biggest shit-eating grin he'd ever seen in his life. Fantastic. He thought dryly. Even if he hadn't been headed home, he was fairly tempted to make the journey back now, rather than deal with this punk.
It was the man's words that stopped him from leaving without speaking and Shinji let out a snort through his nose. Monsters in the dark. He knew all about those. He figured the kid was joking, however, and so decided not to voice this comment, instead fixing him with a sharp, calculating gaze. "Don't make assumptions 'bout people you don't know, kid." He said shortly, tone clipped but not unkind. He didn't know this man and had learned very quickly not to judge people on their appearance from his time spent lurking the back alleys of Iwatodi.
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night is the home of ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀs ☆ closed
   To someone like Kano, festivals weren’t exactly all enjoyable. It depended on a lot of things, for example, if he was enjoying it by himself or with other people. He had invited Ayano already, and truth be told, they had a great time. He had yet to invite Kido and Seto, but as the festival lasted, as far as he knew, ten days, he could simply let them be for a while before inviting them. He actually just wanted to spend all days with the three of them, like the old times, but being who he was, he didn’t want to be clingy. That was solemnly the reason Kano was all by himself in the Inner City, watching the villagers having fun from afar. 
   The day went without any kind of trouble, and as the sun began to set, the villagers rushed to their house. Wandering the streets at night alone was extremely dangerous, if Kano remembers correctly. Truth be told, he was dying to know what exactly was so dangerous about it. It would probably be anything more than a superstition, something made up to scare the villagers. He wouldn’t be surprised to know if the military did something “wrong” at night, something that would shock the people in Thalassia. It would be great to see that beforehand.
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   Pretending to be heading towards his home, the sight of someone doing the exact opposite of what everyone else was doing was quite amusing. It wasn’t Kano this time, but someone way taller than him. A rebel? “You shouldn’t be alone in the dark, y’know? There are monsters out there." He was completely distorting the truth, but hey, no one knew what happened to people who were alone at night, did they? "You sure you’re not going home? Wait— Don’t tell me you don’t have a home to go— Geez, I’m sorry if that’s the case!”
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verumamet · 10 years
Hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jacket, Shinji kept his eyes trained on the ground as he made his way slowly back to his apartment. He'd spent the morning wandering around the quieter areas of the Inner City, getting an idea of what was there and how it was set up. Having no job and very few other things to do left Shinji with a rather open schedule for the remainder of the day and so going back to his apartment for the next little while had seemed like the only option open to him.
Being so deep in thought about his plans for the afternoon, Shinji almost jumped out of his skin when he looked up to find a lithe dark-haired man standing directly in his path. Letting out a short string of cuss words under his breath, he straightened his posture slightly, lifting dark eyes to stare at the man with both curiosity and aggravation.
If people thought he looked devious, he could only imagine what they would say of this man. Exhaling wearily, he fixed the stranger with a sharp stare, taking in the sharpness of his features and the brightness of his smile that did little to assuage Shinji's feelings of caution. He was asking about the casino of all places. Figures, he thought with a little snort, lifting a hand to readjust his beanie before speaking. "Do I look like I know the best path to the casino?" The question was rhetorical but his tone was not as sharp as he had debated making it.
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Although not being modern as the city he knew, there was still much to know on Thalassia. With no cellphones or a good computer, Izaya decided to collect information from the most traditional way possible: using his own ears. First he had to know the city, of course, and the sooner he learned about this place, the better. Therefore, arranging his clothes and giving himself a little motivation, he walked through the city.
However, he couldn’t guess where everything was and it was hard to find anyone that seemed ideal for that. That was when his eyes finally identified someone good for the mission. Cap almost covering his eyes, his posture and look of a delinquent— a normal person would think that he was one, and in fact the man had his doubts, but still felt it wouldn’t hurt to approach him.
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Good enough.
Wearing the best smile he could get at the moment, the raven walked towards him - right in front of him, to call his attention.
"Hey, by any chance do you know what is the best path to the casino?"
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verumamet · 10 years
"I guess we did," Shinji said with a rather forced chuckle, voice catching on the last word as he watched her laugh too, the effort shaking her entire body and forcing more blood from her lips with several harsh coughs. He shushed her again, the hand that had been on her hair moving instead to brush away some of the tears that were beginning to gather at the corner of her eyes. "Don't talk, idiot. You'll just hurt yourself more." His tone was soft as his other hand gripped hers tightly, a rather weak smile twisting his lips even as he felt his own eyes burning with tears.
He couldn't believe this was happening. He'd done so much to protect his friends - had even died for them once - and yet here he was, holding Mitsuru's head as she bleed out on the pavement, powerless to help her. He felt pathetic, helpless, as though he was still ten years old, watching Aki cry after his sister's death and being unable to offer him comfort.
Her breathing was more ragged now, head drooping as though the effort to hold it up was too great for her and so he cupped the back of her neck with one hand, shifting forward slightly so she could rest it on his knees. Her words caught him by surprise, their meaning stinging him so badly that his own tears began to fall, dripping silently down his face as he shook his head. "It wasn't your fault. I was... ready to go." He couldn't say the word die, not with Mitsuru lying there in the state that she was in. It made the whole situation seem that much more real.
Bleeding Out | [Event Open]
All she could smell now was the coppery scent of blood and the sulfuric tang gunpowder as she felt her lungs fill up with fluid; she knew it had to be blood, the bullet probably pierced a lung. Everything seemed to be happening so fast —the gunshot, the screams, the fall— it all played back in her head in a consistent loop, and it didn’t seem real. But it was; the pain blossoming from her torso was a harsh reminder of this.
Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps running toward her, paired with a familiar voice. It called her name. That stupid familiar voice of the last person she want to see her die like this. Tears filled her eyes as Shinjiro cradled her head, and she smiled bitterly. “I…I guess we swi-witched p-places…” She laughed shakily and coughed up some blood. Dignity didn’t matter now. “T-this place has…such a sick sense of humor…” Mitsuru was starting to look more and more pale by the second, and her breathing became more ragged.
"Y-…you know…after all of these years, I b-blamed myself…I blamed myself for not b-being able to heal you…" Her head drooped. It was getting so hard to hold it up on her own.
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