Keep seeing posts in solidarity with the WGA strike that say things like “no one cares about your favorite shows” and “fuck your tv show. I hope it gets canceled” and while I understand and agree with the underlying sentiment, which is clearly “Real people are more important than fictional ones, you dipshit” I don’t like the framing because, well, it feels shitty to dismiss the importance of the work made by the workers we’re trying to defend.
No one cares about your favorite shows more than the writers do.
No one understands the power and importance of tv and film more than the writers who created them.
No one loves tv, movies, games, and stories more than the people who fought tooth and nail in an incredibly competitive and underpaid profession for the chance to be part of it.
They know it’s important. They know it changes lives. They know it can be more than just a story, more than just a bit of entertainment. They’ve loved and respected this medium, continue to love and respect this medium, more than you ever will.
The person who wants a show to get canceled the least is the writer who poured their everything into making it good.
TV and movies are great, actually, and you are not wrong to be invested and care about them. That’s what the writers gave you. That’s what the writers wanted when they wrote it. That’s why they wrote it.
Which is why we respect them when they make the call that this strike and its demands are worth risking it.
The people on that picket line do not want their shows canceled. They want to keep writing them. They can’t, not under the current conditions.
So we accept the risk with them and support them.
But I don’t want to berate the power and importance of their work, the value they put into it and the love they have for it, in the same breath that I am defending their strike. Worthy shows will likely get canceled or derailed and that will be a tragedy worth mourning. The writers know that better than anyone.
So when they say something else is even more important, we listen. And when your favorite show gets ruined, you make sure your fully justified anger and grief is pointed in the right direction - at the CEOs who killed it.
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I FORGOT TO POST THIS YESTERDAY HELP now it’s gilbert is a mood mtuesday instead
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As a rule of thumb Don’t assume you mean anything special to a person if they don’t show you and very confirm that’s how they feel. Don’t put on your detective hat and try to figure out if x means y and that leads to z. Because if a person cares for you, they will make it known. And you deserve a person that makes it known how much you mean to them
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pls stop acting like being chronically ill/disabled is just a lack of effort to be healthy. stop telling chronically ill people they could be healthy if they tried harder, if they thought more positively, if we just believed we can get better we totally would!, if we got out of the house, ate this or that, did yoga, if we drank more water… stop. it’s likely nobody asked for your opinion, we know more about our illness than you do and if there was a way for us to get better we’d be the ones knowing about it.
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where are you going?
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they really made shiro and allura parallel 80s voltron sven/romelle romance and keith/allura’s romance, as well as every other romantic pairing in current vld, but aren’t gonna make shallura endgame, huh
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so come home. —jomny sun
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animation run cycle notes for my upcoming 2D animation video course package
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I love cocoa! 
inspired by  @artbymoga post
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What are team-buds for? (Btw sorry for this lame style)
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Woah! What did you do?
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Late night question: Why the FUCK haven’t we seen any of Shiro’s backstory before the Garrison? I need to know more about this cinnamon roll and why his family is NEVER mentioned. Everyone else’s is, why not Shiro? He’s only 25/26 surely they’d still be in his life?
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choose your Shiro
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The end is near I know you can sense it…
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I swear this was funnier in my head ._.
Also no hate here please, this is merely a joke :)
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y’know that part in lilo and stitch where stitch is in the forest with the ugly duckling book looking for his family and then jumba shows up and tells him he has no family and he made stitch and he’s going to take him apart? 
well imagine if he did that. imagine if he just took stitch away right then and there. the house doesn’t get attacked. nani gets her job. lilo gets a new actual dog and the story tells us everyone is better off without him. 
it would be so fucking depressing. what would be the point of us getting to know this character and empathize with him? the audience was being led to believe this was a story about family, about sticking with your family (blood or found) no matter what, about finding your place in the universe even when you shouldn’t exist, and now they’re being told that people like that just don’t have a place, that some people do get left behind. 
that’s what the clone arc was like for me. 
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y’know that part in lilo and stitch where stitch is in the forest with the ugly duckling book looking for his family and then jumba shows up and tells him he has no family and he made stitch and he’s going to take him apart? 
well imagine if he did that. imagine if he just took stitch away right then and there. the house doesn’t get attacked. nani gets her job. lilo gets a new actual dog and the story tells us everyone is better off without him. 
it would be so fucking depressing. what would be the point of us getting to know this character and empathize with him? the audience was being led to believe this was a story about family, about sticking with your family (blood or found) no matter what, about finding your place in the universe even when you shouldn’t exist, and now they’re being told that people like that just don’t have a place, that some people do get left behind. 
that’s what the clone arc was like for me. 
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mortal man, mortal king.
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