veternosamente · 3 years
       TO HOLD HER IN HIS ARMS LIKE THIS; it felt… warm— it felt real. a wave of comfort washed over him, as if he had been praying for the rain all this time. it soothed his nerves, allayed his fears, and told him it was all going to be okay. he was… relieved, for the first time in a long time. he’d forgotten what it felt like, to be at ease, even if it were only for a moment. he knows he’s left hell back home, but for now, he just wanted this… he needed it.
             ❝  … i—  ❞ the words were like lead to his tongue. sal doesn’t know how to speak worth a damn in that moment— for fear of stumbling over his words, saying the wrong thing… but he had to let her know somehow, how much this meant to him.
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             ❝  … i didn’t think i’d get to see you again.  ❞ maybe that sounds a little too pessimistic, but things of late hadn’t exactly given him an excuse otherwise.
       he chastises himself, but he doesn’t let go. he was afraid that if he did… she would disappear again.
     – [ ♠ ] ; She can’t... Really remember the last time she was held; not like this. Of course, her sister would always give her hugs but never quite like this; never as if she had been afraid to let her go. Sal’s embrace, though firm, is not tight enough to be uncomfortable. Rather, it lets the blonde know of the other’s worries and hesitation, even before he says anything about it.
     But... It’s nice, she thinks. It’s nice to hold someone close like this; someone so dear.
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     ❝ … Yeah... ❞ is all she can find herself mumbling, soon tightening her grip to grab at the back of Sal’s shirt.
     ❝ … But I’m here now... And you are, too. We’re... Together again, ❞
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veternosamente · 3 years
“H-Huh?” Seles blinked, only realizing that she’d been noticed when the other turned to speak to her. She hadn’t intended to stare, honestly… but she’d gotten very curious about the cover of the book that the other girl had picked up, and had been doing her best to examine it without being noticed.
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“Oh, um- I’m… I’m not a little kid. But… I mean… I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look at it.
     – [ ♠ ] ; ❝ Even if you aren’t, no harm in revisiting an old favourite, ❞ the blonde now says with a small shrug. Of course, this stranger very much seems like a child to Kayenne... Or at the very least, far younger than herself which makes her wonder exactly what grade she might be in. After all, those on their way into their later teens often try to seem more mature than they actually are, if Kayenne herself and her experiences are anything to go off by.
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     ❝ I mean... I would probably read it if I was curious enough, but... I’m in the mood for a horror story or something like that. ❞
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veternosamente · 3 years
“I guess if they’re snatchin’ people from all over the world, they’d have to take some items from their homes too, right?” She’s not familiar with that math game, but it does look interesting! Uh, a little scary with the…Cow? Is that a pink cow? “Maybe we’ll get to see more stuff from our world.” Aren’t you going to apologize for just jumping into a solo conversation? Whoops, that’s right. This stranger probably wasn’t even talking to her. 
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“Sorry about that. It probably doesn’t matter, but I just wanted to say something. You know, make you feel like someone was at least listening? Is that…weird?” Probably. Shit. Damn Ismael. C’MON ISSSSSY~.
     – [ ♠ ] ; ❝ … I guess, but even this seems obscure, ❞ the blonde says plainly with a shrug. Surely if the ‘Stars’ here wanted to implement things from everyone’s respective realms, they would pick something far more ‘mainstream’... But then again, who is she to know how they make their decisions?
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     ❝ … You could have said nothing and I wouldn’t have minded, ❞ she now says, humming in thought for a moment. While she’s not the best at comforting strangers, Kayenne still makes an attempt for this younger girl.
     ❝ I think the only ‘weird’ thing here is how this game is being sold still, ❞
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veternosamente · 4 years
     – [ ♠ ] ; ❝ … I’m guessing you wanted to check out this book, too? ❞ the blonde finally glances over her shoulder to the stranger practically scrutinizing her from a few feet away, the stranger’s eyes widening in some form of… Excitement? That or surprise, Kayenne thinks.
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    ❝ You can read it first, if you want. After glancing at the first few pages, it seems a little… Like something someone younger would enjoy, ❞
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veternosamente · 4 years
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      – [ ♠ ] ; It is with a brief sputter into her cup midsip that the blonde proceeds to mildly choke on her drink, some particles splashing up into her face as a result. Embarrassed now not just by his compliment but also because of her error, Kayenne simply pauses as the cup remains at her lips, silent for a few moments... Before slowly lowering the cup back down, quickly turning her face away from Sal to wipe away at the water droplets.
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      ❝ … Where did that come from? ❞ she can’t help but ask, still turned away from him now. 
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veternosamente · 4 years
(    *    & .    —    BILLIE  EILISH  LYRICS .
‘  don’t  you  know  i’m  no  good  for  you ?  ’
‘  nothing  ever  stops  you  leaving .  ’
‘  i  could  lie ,  say  i  like  it  like  that .  ’
‘  don’t  you  know  too  much  already ?  ’
‘  i’ll  only  hurt  you  if  you  let  me .  ’
‘  call  me  friend ,  but  keep  me  closer .  ’
‘  nothing  is  better  sometimes .  ’
‘  let  me  let  you  go .  ’
‘  i  just  wish  you  could  feel  what  you  say .  ’
‘  i  know  you  too  well .  ’
‘  if  ‘ i  love  you ’  was  a  promise ,  would  you  break  it  if  you’re  honest ?  ’
‘  i  don’t  wanna  be  you  anymore .  ’
‘  losing  feeling  is  getting  old .  ’
‘  only  you  know  the  way  that  i  break .  ’
‘  if  we  were  meant  to  be ,  we  would’ve  been  by  now .  ’
‘  all  i  see  is  him  right  now .  ’
‘  go  ahead  and  watch  my  heart  burn  with  the  fire  that  you  started  in  me ,  but  i’ll  never  let  you  back  to  put  it  out .  ’
‘  your  love  feels  so  fake .  ’
‘  if  i  could  get  to  sleep ,  i  would  have  slept  by  now .  ’
‘  when  you  call  my  name ,  do  you  think  i’ll  come  running ?  ’
‘  so  good  at  giving  me  nothing .  ’
‘  when  you  close  your  eyes ,  do  you  picture  me ?  ’
‘  you  should  see  me  in  a  crown .  ’
‘  your  silence  is  my  favorite  sound .  ’
‘  i  like  the  way  they  all  scream .  ’
‘  i  think  you’re  pretty .  ’
‘  i’m  not  your  baby .  ’
‘  where’s  my  mind ?  ’
‘  what  an  expensive  fate .  ’
‘  my  v  is  for  vendetta .  ’
‘  thought  that  i’d  feel  better ,  but  now  i  got  a  bellyache .  ’
‘  i  wear  my  noose  like  a  necklace .  ’
‘  i  wanna  make  ‘em  scared .  ’
‘  don’t  be  cautious ,  don’t  be  kind .  ’
‘  i  don’t  belong  to  anyone .  ’
‘  by  the  way ,  you’ve  been  uninvited .  ’
‘  why  so  sad ,  bunny ?  ’
‘  call  me  calloused ,  call  me  cold .  ’
‘  you  better  love  me .  ’
‘  i  would  hate  to  see  you  go .  ’
‘  i  hate  to  be  the  one  that  told  you  so .  ’
‘  you  just  crossed  the  line ,  you’ve  run  out  of  time .  ’
‘  sorry ,  sorry ,  i’m  sorry ,  sorry …  sike .  ’
‘  wake  up  and  smell  the  coffee .  ’
‘  is  your  cup  half  full  or  empty ?  ’
‘  i  love  it  when  you’re  awfully  quiet .  ’
‘  you  don’t  have  to  keep  it  quiet .  ’
‘  i  know  it  makes  you  nervous ,  but  i  promise  you  it’s  worth  it .  ’
‘  i  promise  you  it’s  worth  it  to  show  ‘em  everything  you  kept  inside .  ’
‘  too  shy  to  say ,  but  i  hope  you  stay .  ’
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veternosamente · 4 years
       A NAMELESS SOMETHING TAKES HOLD OF THE SILENCE; it’s a weight he cannot place nor describe, but it suffocates him all the same. he screams into that darkness, but nothing answers him. it’s just an empty pit, and he its lonely shadow. but it isn’t fear that holds him back— he knows what that feels like. it’s heavier, stifling, and it threatens to dismantle the reality he holds so dear. it’s a feeling that has haunted him for years, a ghost at his shoulder, measuring his every step with its unyielding gaze…
                                                                     and it’ll never let him go.
       maybe this is all a dream… maybe she’ll disappear. no— he doesn’t want that to happen, not again.
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       heart on his sleeve, sal urges himself forward at a brisk stride, as though every second he tarries threatens to take her away from him. please be real, that feeling whispered, over and over in his head, please.
       … and then he brought her into his arms, holding her tight, and that feeling was gone.
     – [ ♠ ] ; For a moment, the blonde can’t help but stand there silent and still, eyes wide as the other very quickly makes his way over to her. Quietly, she wonders if there’s anger in that step of his... And truthfully, she wouldn’t blame him too much about it. After all, she had completely disappeared without a word and while not exactly her choice, it’s still a rather upsetting thing to have happen.
     Or maybe he’s angry about what she told him before...?
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     However, it’s clear to the psychic that it’s just the opposite of what Sal truly feels the moment he embraces her tightly within his arms. Eyes widening as cheeks turn bright red, Kayenne finds herself unsure of what exactly to do... But soon finds herself succumbing to a longing in the back of her mind, her arms soon gently wrapping around his own frame as well.
     ❝ … I missed you, too. ❞
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veternosamente · 4 years
     – [ ♠ ] ; ❝ … Where did all these old preschool pc games come from? ❞ the blonde idly wonders out loud, holding a familiar game from her childhood within her hands. While she hadn’t expected to browse a thrift store on this particular day, she simply couldn’t resist walking inside and taking a look when she walked by it a while prior to this moment.
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     ❝ I mean, I’m going to buy this regardless… But still, ❞
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veternosamente · 4 years
      – [ ♠ ] ; Though the blonde turns upon hearing the familiar voice, she couldn’t have been prepared for the very sudden and tight hug from the other. Blinking in surprise and unsure of what exactly to do in this sort of situation, Kayenne simply remains within the woman’s embrace, hovering slightly above the ground as she is lifted up. Typically she would squirm and potentially even try to swat away someone who would do such a thing to her...
     However, this is a friend and as awkward as she is about it, the fellow psychic appreciates Memo’s enthusiasm.
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      ❝ We’re best psychic friends now? That’s news to me, ❞ comes the young woman’s dry remark, smirking lightly as she is eventually placed back down onto the ground.
      ❝ ... It’s uh. It’s good to see you again, though, ❞ said a bit sheepishly.
{;STARTER @veternosamente​}
If Memo’s eyes could zoom in like a camera, they would have just then to confirm that who she saw really was who she thought she was. Now, it was hard for Memo to forget a face at the best of times, but another psychic? As if!
“HEY!” She didn’t mind yelling a little bit, this part of Sunset Circuit was generally pretty loud anyway, full of music shops and arcades as it was.
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“You think you can sneak back into the city and not tell your best psychic friend?!” Not if she had anything to say about it! Or do about it. And what she was doing now was pulling Kayenne into a big bear hug. Memo wasn’t the strongest, but Kayenne was short enough and light enough that Memo could lift her up a few inches anyway.
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veternosamente · 4 years
      – [ ♠ ] ; It is with a blink of surprise that the blonde regards the familiar face, standing stationary as she feels unsure of how to proceed. Before the two of them disappeared from this place, Kayenne had... Much to her chagrin, admitted her feelings to the other and as a result, her cheeks begin to turn a dull shade of pink. Honestly, it would be her luck to run into him now of all times, wouldn’t it...?
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     Yet try as she may, no words seems to form within her mind. So certain is she within herself that Sal merely entertains her at face value and thus, cannot properly try and word her feelings once more. After a long, uncomfortable silence, she finally settles on saying:
      ❝ ... I guess... This is ‘welcome back’ for both of us, huh? ❞
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veternosamente · 4 years
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      – [ ♠ ] ; ❝ ... I certainly wasn’t expecting to adjust my clocks for daylight savings then find myself back here but I suppose that’s just on par for course for how my life is going, ❞
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veternosamente · 4 years
kayenne abernathy (original character)
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a quiet girl but not shy by any means; in fact, she tends to be very dry and even sarcastic in her speech
psychic but didn’t actually discover that until she was about 19 haha thanks for nothing mom just kidding she is actually extremely traumatized please help girl
while she’s still learning about her abilities everyday, she has a very high aptitude and is one of the most promising psychics to date. Thus far she has shown potential in clairvoyance, telepathy and most prominently, telekinesis
she has very few friends, if only because she tends to keep others at arm’s length for a while. Her really dry sense of humour and hermit tendencies don’t help very much in this regard, either
however, she’s a nice girl! It just takes a while to chip away at her stone exterior; she’s emotionally constipated because of her past
she loves reading. Do you like reading? Get a library card, loser!
kayenne also likes to read and sew, however, she is absolutely terrible at the latter. Please don’t let her try and sew a hole in your pants for you because she will make it worse
she also plays bass guitar sometimes. She is also not great at it but she’s learning!
at an incredible 5′1″, she is the very definition of a little gremlin
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veternosamente · 5 years
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“ i suppose it wouldn’t be amiss to call this one of the island’s grate-st mysteries. gouda luck trying to find the answer. “
      – [ ♠ ] ; ❝ Personally, for brie, I would fund research to find the answer to this, ❞
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      ❝ I’m very fondue of this subject... ❞
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veternosamente · 5 years
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      – [ ♠ ] ; ❝ ... I do kind of wonder where the joke of the moon being made of cheese came from. Is it because it has a lot of holes like swiss cheese? Or does it have to do with that rhyme regarding the cow jumping over the moon? ❞
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veternosamente · 5 years
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      – [ ♠ ] ; ❝ … I don’t know about that. Some people have really crazy powerful abilities and such... So I don’t really want to see them fighting and getting out of hand. ❞
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               ❛   I think I liked it better when everyone was too busy fighting to be talking. ❜
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veternosamente · 5 years
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          ❝ Dude, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do. Especially when certain people  come back without remembering, y’know? I got, uh… pretty heated a few months back about it. It blows… like, really, really blows. ❞
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      – [ ♠ ] ; ❝ Yeah, that’s... A lot for anyone to handle, I think. On one hand, I’m glad that they wouldn’t remember this terrible place... But on the other, it’s hurtful to those that still do remember them. There’s just no winning... ❞
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veternosamente · 5 years
‘ can we flirt with death ? ‘
     – [ ♠ ] ; ❝ I mean… It depends what you mean by that. Though, I hope you’re not being serious, ❞
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     ❝ Unless ‘death’ is somehow me. In that case, uh… Yeah, you can. ❞
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