badmoonyellow · 1 year
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Studies by KUN
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badmoonyellow · 1 year
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Art Geya Shvecova (Design graphics - Sugar Aesthetic Stars_281018)
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badmoonyellow · 1 year
Hey are you the person who photoshopped the picture of Dolly Parton holding the sword from bloodborne? Because I did this
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badmoonyellow · 2 years
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badmoonyellow · 2 years
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badmoonyellow · 2 years
Yooooo lol it’s been so long and I actually don’t talk to anyone here but if you’re looking for a 2022 playlist with fresh sounds I like, here’s mine
Updated and sequenced as regularly as possible, new music only and rather eclectic
Have fun y’all!!!! Happy new year!!! Please feel free to talk to me about music or anything else <3
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
i mean this in the nicest way possible you guys but you NEED to take better care of yourselves online. getting severely anxious about mass quantities of horrible things you cant change every single day is normal considering the internet’s ability to educate on worldwide issues, it shows that you have empathy and that you truly do care. but relentless knowledge of constant suffering on this scale is NOT something humans are psychologically equipped to handle. it’s okay to shut off. it’s okay to just take a break and enjoy yourself for a while in your own localized space
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
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Four posters by Alphonse Mucha for Théâtre de la Renaissance and one by Mucha for Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt; each poster features a portrait of Bernhardt in the lead role. Via Wikipedia here, here, here, here, and here.
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
white gays, stop saying that you don’t support Palestine because it’s illegal to be gay there challenge. First off, the fact that you think the solution to that is allowing the complete genocide of a group is disgusting, second off, Israel is not any better.
This is pinkwashing:
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and when you look at Wikipedia, here is the first thing that pops up:
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Israel literally has a reputation for blackmailing gays, which you would know if you looked passed yourselves for once in your lives. They are only viewed as pro gay because of marketing, not because of actual policies. In most places, gay marriage is not even recognized. Plus that does not stop homophobia within communities, that is just surface level shit.
Also, you are not the people being affected by those laws. You are not the people living in Palestine, you are so fucking privileged and guess what, homosexuality exists outside of the Western world!! There are gay Palestinians who are being killed in those bombings!! You are weaponizing someone’s human rights in order to make a point that “oh, the other side is better” and you look stupid.
And guess what, homophobia there is a direct result of western colonization!! Who would have thought, I don’t understand why this does not fucking click for some of you, countless countries did not give TWO SHITS about homosexuality and gender until the western world invaded, colonized, occupied, etc. Not to mention, why the fuck would you think a country having homophobic policies is justification for genocide?? Are you fucking kidding me??
In order for countries/states/etc to work on social laws, they have to stabilize (in a very broad sense) first. This has been going on since 1948, it’s unlikely that they would be able to push for these laws that many stabilized countries do not even have!! Gay marriage in the US wasn’t legalized until 2015, and Stonewall was 1969, this shit isn’t ancient history, it’s very recent. Get your head out of your ass.
Oh and lastly, STOP using this as an excuse to be antisemitic. If that is your goal, you don’t actually care about what’s happening in Palestine, you are just a bigot.
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
You must be fucking kidding me, what do you mean that Eurovision 2021 is happening right now and that they not only allowed Israel to participate even though they’re literally committing various war crimes on their bombing campaign on innocent civilians in real-time, but they even allowed them to sing a song about fucking peace??
Their army (and settlers too) is massacring innocent men, women, children in their own homes as we speak and while all of that is happening you allowed them to send their dumb singer (who’s an ex soldier herself) to come to your dumb singing competition to sing a dumb song about fucking peace as if they’re not the aggressors here and the ones who are doing everything in their power to disturb Palestinians peace????
Eurovision disqualified Belarus because their song was “too political” but they allowed Israel to participate while they’re in the middle of committing genocide and ethnic cleansing? Israel really got the whole West whipped for them.
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
worldbuilding is sometimes *creates entire fantasy religion* *researches economic systems to replicate* *stays up till 1 am drawing maps* *makes unique magic systems*
and sometimes it's *throws dart at board* "this is where the palace is" *makes something blow up* "that's because magic" *writes about a monster* "he's also magic" *adds in mermaids for no reason* "poof magic"
and there is no in between
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
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Ah yes, the band made up entirely of lifelong political activists, and which contains at least one Harvard Political Science honors graduate, should "stay out of politics" lmao. Anyone who didn't realize RATM has ALWAYS been political has obviously never paid attention to their lyrics.
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
Le pays de la honte
A l'heure où des grandes villes comme Los Angeles, Chicago, Londres (pour n'en citer que trois) manifestent leur soutien pour le peuple palestinien, ici, on interdit les manifestations et on gaz les personnes qui choisissent tout de même de s'y rendre.
Ici, notre président affiche sans aucune nuance son soutien à un dictateur sans la moindre pensée aux victimes colonisées lâchement tuées.
Ici, notre président s'oppose à l'entrée au Panthéon de Gisèle Halimi car elle a eu le culot de défendre une femme violée par des soldats français pendant la colonisation de l'Algérie.
La France et les francais.e.s ont un réel problème quand il s'agit de faire leur propre devoir de mémoire sur la question coloniale.
Non, ce n'est pas du passé tant que les crimes ne seront pas reconnus.
Ce n'est pas non plus du passé quand vous avez tellement honte de faire face à votre propre Histoire que tous les prétextes sont bons pour ignorer l'angle colonial de la question palestinienne.
Si vous vous êtes insurgé.e.s l'année dernière avec le mouvement BLM, il y a aucune raison que vous vous taisiez maintenant.
Ce n'est pas parce que ça ne se passe pas en occident, que ça ne nous/vous concerne pas.
L'Europe est en grande partie responsable de la situation actuelle en Palestine, à nous de prendre nos responsabilités et de sortir de notre silence complice.
Vous n'avez pas le droit de fermer les yeux sur cette situation.
Vous n'avez pas le droit de vous en détacher parce que vous considérez que ça ne vous concerne pas.
Si vous avez des discours écolos, antiracistes, si vous soutenez les droits des personnes queers, handicapé.e.s, neuroA, ce serait juste hypocrite de votre part de ne pas aussi soutenir la cause palestinienne.
On m'a déjà reproché de prendre trop à cœur cette cause alors que je ne suis pas palestinienne moi-même. C'est vrai, mais je suis l'enfant d'un algérien et d'une algérienne qui ont connu leur pays colonisé par la France. Ils ont été témoin de l'atrocité des français.e.s, ils ont vu leurs terres et leurs maisons se faire voler, ils ont aussi vu leurs proches, leurs familles, leurs voisins se faire torturer et malmener. L'Algérie, je ne l'ai connu que libre mais ça ne veut pas pour autant dire que je ne vis pas avec les conséquences de cette colonisation. Je sais ce que c'est d'avoir une histoire familiale dévastée par l'impérialisme européen, et c'est très proche de la situation actuelle en Palestine.
Alors oui, ce sujet me tient à cœur mais encore une fois, c'est aussi votre problème.
S'il-vous-plaît, apprenez votre Histoire. Pas que celle qu'on vous enseigne à l'école, celle aussi plus sombre que la majorité préfère ignorer.
Le passé colonial de la France, c'est votre Histoire.
Les atrocités qu'a commis la France, c'est votre Histoire.
Les pays détruits et ravagés par la France, c'est votre Histoire.
Et parfois, ce n'est même pas que votre Histoire, c'est notre présent aussi.
S'il-vous-plaît, ouvrez les yeux et utilisez votre voix.
Très sincèrement, ce silence me fend le cœur.
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
hey people who know astrology shit. ive been having a lot of feeligs lately. any planets i can blame that on.
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
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Phoebe Bridgers performing I KNOW THE END on SNL
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badmoonyellow · 3 years
Today also commemorates the Sétif and Guelma Massacre committed on May 8, 1945 by French colonialist authorities against Algerians. The massacre resulted in an estimated 30,000 deaths.
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