vgguks-archive · 4 years
taekook fics for children of jesus
summer; blue by batman
more than you can manage, more than you can hide: a study in light.
66k  │ honestly, everything user batman has written just makes me feel things and this is BEAUTIFUL. honestly, 10/10 will recommend.
maps to you by antiking
he’s going to die. he’s going to die of public humiliation in front of everyone, and then he’s going to come back to life and kill his soulmate, because who the fuck draws a dick on their forehead knowing full well that it’ll show up on someone else, too?
13k  │ just. just read this. please read this. go read this.
shark in the water by mindheist
as far as fairy tales go, this one doesn’t have a lot of faeries. tales, yes. tails, that is. just the one. one (1) tail.
30k  │ this is mindheist quality crack what do you want me to say. beautiful.
vampires will never hurt you by kkeomtae
taehyung had already had a pretty weird day, so really, being cornered into an alley by a vampire on his way home from work was probably to be expected.
20k  │ LISTEN TO ME read this. this will make you feel better instantly. really really really good.
bubblegum bitch by kkeomtae 
jungkook is but a simple delivery boy; the last thing he needs is a high maintenance fake boyfriend.
33k  │ this fic is genuinely, like the vibes tae emits here? please. god tier.
sibylline, oblique (sweet) by veausy 
jungkook’s eyes widen. “you want to take my soul?”
taehyung makes a face, eyeing him like a bothersome bug. “don't be ridiculous. nobody can just take a soul from someone.” he clears his throat, one finger running over the papers spread out in front of him. “i’d like to borrow it.”
32k  │ snort. veausy fics alternate bw angst that will make u cry and. lol. 
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