vicchansglossylips · 3 years
Adding to this against my better judgment:
"But what about the first nexus event Loki and Sylvie caused on lamentis-1?" you might be asking yourself. Well, I came across these really interesting analysis on Twitter (@CharCubed - go read them if you've got the time, they are eye-opening) that argue that what may have caused that first, never seen before, nexus event in lamentis was that two Lokis where about to die. Think about it, survival is a huge defining thing for Lokis. Last episode, it was even made more apparent at the void:
"you throw a rock in here and you hit a Loki!" - Mobius
And why is that? As we see throughout the ep, Lokis are survivalists. That's their nature. We get to see our Loki's frustration with the other Lokis because their plan is to simply survive their stay in the void and nothing else. Also, It's even a bit of a joke by now just how many times Loki has died in the MCU movies alone, just for it to be later revealed that he's actually alive and managed to survive, somehow. Hell, in ep5 we also got classic Loki telling us how he managed to survive Thanos in the last avengers movie where he last appears and was presumed to have died for good.
This is a repeating, well established pattern where Lokis are concerned.
They survive. It's what they do.
So, back to lamentis. What was about to happen there? Both Loki and Sylvie were about to die. Earlier in that same episode, Sylvie berates Loki for accidentally getting then stuck in the "worst possible apocalypse" in her stolen tempad, because there was absolutely zero chance of anyone surviving it. Which means, neither of them had any chance of surviving it.
See where I'm going with this?
Not one, but two Lokis facing certain, imminent death was the 'never seen before' nexus event.
Not Sylvie and Loki falling in a love so deep and strong that it's capable of destroying the flow of time itself after, what, a few hours of meeting each other for the first time.
(of course this could all be wrong and the writers really intend to question their audience's intelligence by going 'the power of romantic love' cliché route... But still, this will forever be my canon.)
I haven't posted anything on tumblr for so long... But this is legit breaking my reality right now...
Ok, so we can agree that the Loki series has sort of been establishing that Loki is a narcissist, right? (even though I would very much like to disagree...) I mean, they have not been subtle with this, we even get it from our Loki's own mouth during the Sif time loop in ep 4.
And one of the most popular arguments I've seen going around in support of Sylvie and Loki getting together romantically (specifically for why it wouldn't be weird) is that Loki is a narcissist, so it's "on brand" for him to fall in love with himself.
But then, the same people who say this are also super certain that Sylvie and Loki are going to destroy the TVA with the power of said romantic love by kissing each other in the last episode. My question is, why would that create a nexus event so big it would literally destroy the TVA if Loki loving himself is something so on brand for him, if he's such a narcissist already? Where is the ground breaking event that is so powerful in its defiance of the "natural and expected" flow of time in Loki falling in love with essentially himself? Hasn't it already been established that he's a narcissist?
I honestly don't get it???
Am I dumb??? (don't answer that)
But you know what I think could massively defy the "natural" flow of things where lokis are concerned? These "seismic narcissists" that "crave attention"?
Learning to (truly and selflessly) love someone else.
Now that would create a gigantic nexus event.
And if the writers of the loki series have any shred left of coherence, they know this too.
*whispers*lokius*fingers crossed*
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vicchansglossylips · 3 years
I haven't posted anything on tumblr for so long... But this is legit breaking my reality right now...
Ok, so we can agree that the Loki series has sort of been establishing that Loki is a narcissist, right? (even though I would very much like to disagree...) I mean, they have not been subtle with this, we even get it from our Loki's own mouth during the Sif time loop in ep 4.
And one of the most popular arguments I've seen going around in support of Sylvie and Loki getting together romantically (specifically for why it wouldn't be weird) is that Loki is a narcissist, so it's "on brand" for him to fall in love with himself.
But then, the same people who say this are also super certain that Sylvie and Loki are going to destroy the TVA with the power of said romantic love by kissing each other in the last episode. My question is, why would that create a nexus event so big it would literally destroy the TVA if Loki loving himself is something so on brand for him, if he's such a narcissist already? Where is the ground breaking event that is so powerful in its defiance of the "natural and expected" flow of time in Loki falling in love with essentially himself? Hasn't it already been established that he's a narcissist?
I honestly don't get it???
Am I dumb??? (don't answer that)
But you know what I think could massively defy the "natural" flow of things where lokis are concerned? These "seismic narcissists" that "crave attention"?
Learning to (truly and selflessly) love someone else.
Now that would create a gigantic nexus event.
And if the writers of the loki series have any shred left of coherence, they know this too.
*whispers*lokius*fingers crossed*
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vicchansglossylips · 6 years
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vicchansglossylips · 6 years
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** Permission to post from their pages was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, rate and/or bookmark their works on Pixiv too **
Artist : アラシ (pixiv / twitter)
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vicchansglossylips · 6 years
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by つふ Pixiv id: 24877537
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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victors black thong would look good with fishnets
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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Merman Viktor likes to swim up to shallow areas and gaze at the sky. Too bad he can’t stay there for too long- his skin would dry up!
I wanted to try some new shading techniques in this one. The result? I ended up spending some good 4 hours on this, and around 3 hours for the shading alone sob ;;;; But it was kinda worth it. I really like the result <3 I may use it again sometime.
I’m not really satisfied with how i shaded the scales though. Gotta practice more ;3;
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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put young vitya in nice things ♥
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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Reminder that Applications open in just a week from now!
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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※ Authorized Reprint for Tumblr || artist: _nii21 ☑  Do not remove source link || edit  illustration|| change caption|| upload to other websites! ☑ Before repost/reprint someone’s art, be sure you have asked an artist’s permission! ☑ Do not use for commercial purposes!    
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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victor nikiforov drawn by mitsurou kubo
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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Reverse AU, coach!Yuri X young!Victor
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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as usual, please do not repost! thank you ^^
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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Victor in pink
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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painted a super quick freckled sunshine vitya yesterday :’) i also posted a speedpaint of it on twitter!
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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vicchansglossylips · 7 years
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