vickyviictoria · 6 years
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he’s so cute
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vickyviictoria · 6 years
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Taehyung being supportive towards his hyung
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vickyviictoria · 6 years
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The Stilinski family portrait. Post canon.
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vickyviictoria · 6 years
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More rain please
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vickyviictoria · 6 years
tomorrow’s the big day
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
Derek-Scott History Lesson
I’ve heard tell of a Scott and Derek hug and I’m going to be that person.  I’m going to be that person that says remember when…
Scott told Derek that there may well be a reason his whole family DESERVED to burn to death in a fire
Scott demanded to know why he should help Derek, who was dying from wolfsbane, even though Scott knew at that point that Derek hadn’t bitten him and hadn’t killed anyone
Scott dragged his feet like crazy at Allison’s house when he was supposed to be finding a bullet to help Derek and only ended up doing it after 2 phone calls, finally getting in gear when he was offered personal incentive (but still staying for dessert)
Scott believed Derek was alive after Peter attacked outside the school and still threw him under the bus by blaming him for the serial killings, even when he could have easily gotten away with saying “I don’t know what random psycho is stalking us through the school” instead of blaming someone
Scott demanded that Derek “trust us for once” after only-sort-of-inadvertently framing Derek for murder and never apologizing for it
Scott believed that Derek was alive after they were both attacked by the hunters in the Hale house- even argued with Stiles over the fact- and still did nothing but follow Allison around and go to prom until Allison’s dad revealed him to be a werewolf, that being when he finally decided to go looking for Derek
Scott found Derek chained up after getting captured (because he was saving Scott) and refused to release him unless Derek agreed to protect Allison, the niece of the person Scott knew had killed Derek’s whole family and that was currently holding him captive
Scott pretended to join Derek’s pack with the intention of lying to him and using him in a plan that 1) Derek could easily have been in on, 2) used Derek’s body without his permission and gave what Derek considers a gift to an enemy, and 3) could have easily resulted in Gerard being an alpha if things went wrong
Scott then shoved his deception and rejection of Derek’s pack in Derek’s face by saying “You may be an alpha, but you’re not mine” to him (after Derek had saved his life while thinking he was his alpha) instead of answering the question “Why didn’t you tell me?” that Derek actually asked
Scott didn’t correct Allison’s misconception that Derek had intentionally killed her mother (which in fact happened while rescuing Scott from being murdered by her) for an entire summer
Scott went behind Derek and the pack’s back to meet with Deucalion alone, explicitly against orders, causing a showdown that resulted in Derek very nearly dying
Scott called Derek, knowing he’d lost his werewolf powers including healing, to come help at a supernatural v. bounty hunter showdown even though Derek had only barely just begun to learn to defend himself using human methods
I’m going to be that person that says that even though the show decided that Derek and Scott were friends after season 2, Derek had no reason whatsoever to forgive Scott for any of these awful things and Scott certainly never apologized for any of it.
So yeah.  If I hate the idea of Scott and Derek hugging, it has nothing to do with Sterek.  It has to do with the fact that Scott has treated Derek like crap in ways that go above and beyond the norm way too many times to count, and that this has never been acknowledged at all by the show, much less rectified.
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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t h u n d e r ?
          l i g h t n i n g .
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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Happy Holidays!
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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planet of love; siken
    Imagine: Someone’s puling a gun, and and you’re jumping into the middle of it.                              You didn’t think you’d feel this way.
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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stiles in Wolf Moon, like or reblog if you save
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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These exchanges of looks. [1/?]
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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Teen Wolf AU: Derek comes up with yet another plan that is likely to get him killed. Stiles is less than okay with it.
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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insp. [x]
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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http://tasiams.tumblr.com/ - tumblr
https://www.instagram.com/tasia.m.s/ - instagram
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vickyviictoria · 7 years
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