victorgtl ยท 1 month
I need your help. Please read this entire post.
This is Hammam Msualam, my friend and a fellow artist.
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He messaged me on instagram, asking me to share his story with my friends. I did, and we kept talking. I didn't have anything to donate at the time since the minimum is 5โ‚ฌ and i only have 1โ‚ฌ. Still, he thanked me like i saved his life. Just for one share.
That made me incredibly sad. Checking the GoFundMe link, i saw it was empty.
Not even a single donation.
The cost to evacuate Gaza is in the thousands PER individual. This man has a family he is trying to save, and he hasn't recieved a single euro. I shared to everyone i could but still no donations.
We kept in touch. With his consent i will share some screenshots:
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I know there's nothing i can do but I wish that at least he could get some money to eat well.
Please, regardless of what your blog is about, REBLOG THIS!
Spread it as far as possible. I want to help my friend, I want at least one palestinian family to suffer less.
Ways to help other than reblogging/donating:
I made an A5 poster for printing and sticking around the city, here:
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And this template to put on your social media story:
(Don't forget to add the link and his tag over the picture)
If you're still reading this post, i want you to know that it's appreciated. You're a good person.
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