victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
“You would be surprised how many difficult to please women I pleased with only my hands.” He almost whispered, not looking at her at first before looking up and shaking his head. “Steal one of their books and write things about some students in it. Then you can ask to fire them for them showing preferences towards some students.” 
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“Excuse you? What’s that supposed to mean?” Tori asked, narrowing her eyes at the male and shaking her head. “Hmmm... I guess that’s not a horrible idea. Maybe write something else. Make it look like she’s referencing a student in a totally unprofessional kind of way.”
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
Victoria was waiting patiently in line for the redhead in front of her to finish order. Tori was planning on pulling an all nighter to get some editing done, and was positive the only thing that would help her through that would be a double shot of espresso. When the redhead in front of her finally seemed like she was stepping aside to leave, Victoria let out a sigh of relief and took a step forward; accidentally colliding with said redhead. She was about to apologize until the girl started bitching at her; and immediately a glare over took Tori’s face. “Oh please, what was it? A three dollar coffee. Next time keep a better grip on your stuff and maybe you won’t drop it at the slightest tap on the shoulder.” she muttered.
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Needless to say, Cassandra was annoyed. Having just gotten out of the class taught by her least favorite professor, she wasn’t in the best of moods as she got her coffee. She had just turned away from the counter when she felt a body connect with her own, the impact causing the cup to fall. “Seriously?” she glanced up to the person, her eyes narrowed. “Watch where you’re going.”
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
“Possibly, but it’s probably faster to just sleep with him and make sure you have evidence of doing so.” Aiden retorted, shrugging his shoulders. "If said teacher is hot, then I don’t mind doing it for you, babe.”
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“Her. And she’s not really my type, thank you very much. I need something better than banging her, Aiden. Think with your head for once please.” Tori mumbled, slouching down in her chair and crossing her arms. Looking Aiden over for a moment, she considered his offer before breathing out a sigh and shaking her head. “As much as I appreciate the offer, I can’t ask you to do that. Besides, can’t you get in trouble for it too?”
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
“Okay, miss have a reputation. Feels like you’re gonna be hard to satisfy here.” He frowned slightly and tilted his head as she was talking, shaking his head slightly. “Are you really asking me if I have ideas? Since when am I supposed to have a working brain with any kind of logical sense?”
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“Yea, maybe I am. Sure me for it. Anyone knows that the right kind of woman is always difficult to please.” she pointed out, crossing her arms and giving the other a once over. “Well, yea, since you suggested it. Jesus, sorry for assuming someone might have an IQ high enough to bullshit some sabotage ideas.”
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
Raising his eyebrows at her question, Hunter frowned slightly before looking at her. “Do I have four hours to write a philosophical answer or do you want a quick reply here?” He tilted his head and shrugged. “I think you just need a good reason and they’ll be fired. Or else you can act like an ass with them until they decide to quit.”
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“Acting like an ass would only tarnish my own reputation.” Victoria commented with a shake of her head, locking her phone so she could shove it into her pocket. “And the last thing I want is to be dropped down to that bitches level. Looks like I need to find a good reason for it, then.... got any good ideas?”
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
“Question.” Tori stated, looking up from the email she was reading on her phone. “How impossible do you think it would be to get a college professor fired? Do you think a simple petition would suffice, or would it be a whole lot of hoops to jump through?”
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
Tori had just looked down at her phone to look at at text she had gotten when she felt herself collide with someone. The collision had caused her to drop her phone, as well as some papers she had tucked into her arm. “Sorry or not, watch where you’re going.” Victoria snapped, narrowing her eyes at the girl as she shook her head at her. “And seriously? Writing on a laptop and walking at the same time is self explanatory for being a bad idea. Get a note pad or tablet like the rest of us, jesus.” she added before scrambling to grab her phone and start gathering the papers that scattered. 
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Hadley was typing away at her computer, an idea for a story popped into her head and she’d be damned if she let it go. This was usually fine, except this time she was typing while walking. As expected, the writer stumbled into someone. Luckily, she caught her laptop before it shattered on the ground.
“Crap, I’m sorry!” She hurriedly apologized.
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
So, I swapped one Saunders out for another Saunders. Mainly because Aja Naomi King is my bae. Info on Victoria under the read more. If you wanna plot, you know, just do the usual. Like, approach, any of it.
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Sexuality: Bisexual
She’s a senior in college. She’s been Double Majoring in Journalism and Political Science, and minoring in Photography. Photography is mostly her passion, and she wants to take pictures for news articles and things like that one day. However, she also decided that being the one writing the articles would be really cool too. So she started writing in high school and hasn’t stopped since. She’s into Political Science simply because she thinks it’s interesting.
Her younger siblings are her favorite people in the whole world, she wouldn’t know where she’d be without them. They got her through her dad’s death, and the move-in of her mother’s new boyfriend. She’s not too happy about him moving in, but she’s putting up with it. Because someone needs to be on her mother’s side. 
She was totally a daddy’s girl. Always talking to him about her problems, going to him when she needed something but mom said no, and so on. When he died she felt like her whole world was turned upside down. Suddenly nothing made sense anymore. But, as time went on, she got through it; thanks to the people in her life. She currently has a few items of his in her room; his lucky baseball hat, a bottle of cologne she swiped from his desk, and a t-shirt that he got in college with his college’s name printed on the front. 
Her dad died when she was deciding whether she wanted to go to college or not. For a while, it really put her on the fence over it, thinking she needed to stay home and help her family with this loss. However, one night her mother sat her down and gave her this big speech about how that would be the last thing her dad would want; her not going to college. So, she decided to enroll in the community college. That way she was still home, but she could go off and get a degree. Once she get’s it, she’s probably gonna dedicate all her hard work to her dad. 
She’s currently in the top 5 of her class at college. She’s a smart little bean, and she knows it. 
If Victoria is anything, she’s the kind of person who takes no bullshit. So, don’t be surprised if she loses her patience with you or calls you out when she thinks you’re doing something dumb AF. 
Speaking of doing things dumb af; her secret. So, her secret is that she has a secret boyfriend/girlfriend. Why is it a secret? Well, because said person is the son/daughter of her mother’s new boyfriend. They met one night at a family dinner their parents made to introduce his kid(s) to her mother’s kids. They hit it off, and BAM, they haven’t looked back. Victoria is scared of what people might think though, since they could end up her step-sibling based on how serious her mom and mom’s boyfriend are. 
Small facts on Victoria
She was the valedictorian of her high school class. As well as school secretary. 
She loves the color red. She thinks the color red, and light green compliment each other really well. 
She uses a camera that used to belong to her dad to take pictures. It’s her most prized possession. 
For some reason she really loves baseball??? 
Her biggest dream is to travel the world so she could take pictures of everything. 
Right now she’s currently working in a dance studio in town. She knows how to dance. Did I mention that? No, okay. It’s not something she thinks’ll get her anywhere, which is why she just teaches little kids-teenagers. 
She’s a caffeineaholic.
 Favorite movie is Where The Wild Things Are. Her dad used to read her the book when she was little. 
She loves the show Law and Order. Sometimes she also binges The Office or Parks and Rec. But Law and Order: SVU is her favorite. 
Lost her virginity to her current partner. 
Wanted connections
Her other half ;; (Aiden Harper) ;; They’ve been best friends for as long as tori could remember. Constantly attached to each other’s hips through high school and even before; you know, when he wasn’t busy with other people and she wasn’t drowning in work. Victoria would honestly die for this idiot, she loves him so much. She also has no problem being blatantly honest/calling out anything he does that she might think is bullshit. She also lowkey has a crush, but she doesn’t acknowledge it because she prefers being his best friend. 
You get me, you really get me ;; ( f, nb // 20-22 ) ;; Someone who isn’t Aiden that Tori could go to about anything. Sometimes her best friend just doesn’t get what she’s talking about. So she could really use someone that usually does. This person is another close friend. Someone Tori looks out for as much as they look out for her, and love with all of her heart. 
Dance students ;; ( m,f,nb // 16-19 ) ;; Multiple people can fill this one. This RPG has a lot of teenagers and stuff, so this wanted connection is open to any of them. Tori takes care of all of her kids, and would be there for any of them if they needed her help/support. She just wants the best for them, and tries her best to give them that from the standpoint she has in their lives.
Anything else you might think of! 
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
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Aja Naomi King and Jack Falahee at Marie Claire’s ‘Fresh Faces’ celebration (April 21st, 2017)
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
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Actress Aja Naomi King
Photography Credit: Luke Fontana
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
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Aja Naomi King Shows You How to Be a Cheerleader
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
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Aja Naomi King for Vanity Fair
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
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‘ oh no, i’m one of the dorks! ’ she whined with a laugh. ‘ i’m going stag, my best friend can’t make it she’s heading out of town so i’m just going to – try and make it fun. are you and dakota going? ’
“Oh my gosh, no I didn’t mean you.” Ophelia looked at Lux with a wide pair of eyes and shook her head. “You totally don’t count for that category, comprende?” she asked before blushing slightly. “I don’t know... I should probably ask her shouldn’t I? Oh Geez.”
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
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she nodded ‘ well i appreciate it either way. ’ she said with a smile. ‘ i guess i screw up things pretty quick – ’ she said softly. ‘  and i didn’t want to screw this up because i’m an idiot - but i am in fact, a messy idiot. ’
“You’re not an idiot.” Ophelia said, stopping walking and pulling Dakota to a halt as well. “Don’t talk about yourself like that, you’re not that. Everyone does some dumb things every now and then. It happens.” She said, before leaning up to press a kiss to Dakota’s lips; a soft one so she wouldn’t hurt her girlfriend’s lip. 
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
Ophelia shrugged her shoulders before laying back on Lux’s bed. “Probably all the dorks who are too nervous to ask anyone to go with them.” she stated nonchalantly. “What about you? You going stag, or are you gonna ask someone?”
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’ prom this weekend is kind of scary - how many people are going stag? ’
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
‘ no i know, i just - i don’t wanna worry you or wesley or my sister because her finding out is just a matter of time and she’s not going to be as sweet and understanding about it as you. ’ she mumbled. ‘ i’m just – i was really scared to tell you. ’
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“Good, she shouldn’t be. The only reason I’m being as sweet as I am is because your gorgeous face is all hurt.” Ophelia said, giving a shake of her head. “Why? You can tell me anything, Dakota. Whether I’m mad or not is something we can handle when the time comes.”
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victoriasaunders ¡ 7 years
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‘ i guess i have to. ’ she nodded, knowing there was an expiry on her growing and dealing. she did love it, strangely - but it was dangerous and people would never be able to willingly support it. 
“I’m not saying you have to do anything.” Ophelia clarified. She pulled Dakota closer to her so she could wrap and arm around the girl’s waist as they walked. “I’m just saying... maybe keeping your best interests in mind might be a good idea.”
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