victorious-rewrite · 4 years
Episode 3: But Buttercup, You Lied SCRIPT
Sypnosis: Cat has a new mysterious boyfriend for the upcoming festival, but he has an unknown darker reputation, until Jade finds out about it. Now her, Robbie, and Andre are on the hunt to expose his reputation. Meanwhile, Jade and Tori have to write a song together for the festival, will they struggle to work together or will they finally become friends?
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victorious-rewrite · 4 years
I won’t be posting episode 3 for a long while due to me having to familiarize myself with the characters again (because I wrote the first script 2 years ago and the second script a year ago). Please be patient, I’m trying my hardest to make each and every script the best that it could be. 
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victorious-rewrite · 4 years
Episode 2: Back in Place SCRIPT
Synopsis: Tori’s first day in Hollywood Arts is proving to be more troublesome as she meets the mean girl, Jade. Trigger Warnings: Arguments, Catcalling, Panic Attacks, Abuse (Toxic Relationship), Bullying
[The scene begins with the main entrance of the Hollywood Arts. The lobby is filled with kids hanging out around and about during the passing period. Some students were walking in packs to their classroom while others were dancing their way around the hurried students. TORI enters from stage right. She holds a heavy textbook while wearing a hefty opened backpack. She looks exhausted, frazzled, and stressed out. Her hair is a mess and she’s a bit sweaty. She holds up her schedule and looks around for her next classroom. TRINA spot TORI, walks up to her, and swings her arm around TORI’S shoulder.]
TRINA: [Too relaxed] Hey TORI… How’s your first day of school? TORI: [Unstrung] Where’s.. [Reads her schedule] MR.SIKOWITZ’S class? TRINA: [Puts a finger on her cheek, thinking and said with expertise] Oh! His classroom is over- [A group of hormonal charged girls comes up to TRINA, grabbing her by the arm]
GIRL #1: [Elated squealing] TRINA! STEPHEN CRUZ CUT HIS HAIR! TRINA: [Creases brow in disbelief but is low key excited] Wait really? GIRL #2: [Dragging TRINA along] YES!   [They attempt to drag TRINA away but TORI grabs her arm at the last second.] TORI: [Irated] Sisters stick together, TRINA! 
TRINA: [Looks around in a frenzy] Look, [Points to ROBBIE and CAT] there’s those weird kids you talked to yesterday, you can ask them for directions. TORI: Wh- TRINA wai- [The girls dragged TRINA away from TORI. TORI lets out a huge frustrated sigh and walks up nervously to ROBBIE and CAT who was casually talking while walking to their next class. ROBBIE and CAT notice her and waved.]
ROBBIE: [Friendly] Oh hey TORI, looking for something? REX: [Flirtatiously] Like a boyfriend? ROBBIE: [Grumbles and gives REX a stern look] REX, do not start with that, please.. TORI: [Awkwardly looks around] Um.. Where is MR.SIKOWITZ’S class? CAT: [Escestic] Oh! That’s our next class! We have the same class together.  [Grabs TORI’S wrist] We can walk there together, come on! [CAT drags TORI along with her while ROBBIE trails behind, ad libbing a lecture to REX about being a decent person.]
[They entered MR. SIKOWITZ'S classroom and sees BECK and JADE arguing loudly. BECK, a laidback handsome indian boy, is on stage right while his girlfriend JADE, a gothic merciless white girl, stood in front of him on stage left. The classroom doesn’t contain any desks, but only rows of seats. On the other side of the classroom is a platform made of wood. It has red curtains  and a whiteboard at the back wall.  TORI, CAT, and ROBBIE immediately walked right back out of the classroom. Arguing can be heard in the background. CAT slowly got on the ground and curled into a ball. TORI stare in confusion.]
CAT: [Slowly crumbles apart and mutters] Under bed.. Under bed.. Warm, cozy, safe..
ROBBIE: [Quickly comforts CAT by lowering down and stroke her back.] [Whispers] Everything’s gonna be ok.. Don’t worry, everything’s gonna be alright.
TORI: [Points to the door with her thumb, looks very shaken up] What’s going on back there..?
ROBBIE: [Looks at TORI while comforting CAT] BECK and JADE have an on and off relationship.. It’s really weird. They get into fights often so it’s best to clear out or else you’ll be dragged into one of their arguments. [The argument dissipates. TORI reaches for the door and looks back at ROBBIE and CAT signalling if they’re ready to enter the classroom. CAT is seen rocking back and forth. ROBBIE is next to her, stroking her back still. REX is watching it happen, his head is cocked. ROBBIE looks at TORI and shakes his head. TORI nodded and entered the classroom on her own. BECK is sitting at the front while JADE sits at the far back. TORI sits next to BECK. TORI puts down her textbook and backpack. JADE death stares at her, but TORI doesn’t notice.]
BECK: [Notices TORI] Oh hey, you’re new, right? TORI: [Is taken aback and blushes slightly] Ya, I was just enrolled here. BECK: [Smiles and takes his hand out] I’m BECK, I’m a sophomore. TORI: [Takes his hand and shakes it, smiling back] Howdy, I’m TORI. I’m a freshman.
[JADE gazes over at BECK with her death stare. He notices, took his hand away quickly, and stares at the ground. TORI, confused, starts to reach into her backpack. ROBBIE, CAT, and other students enters the classroom and take their seats. MR. SIKOWITZ enters the classroom. He is a wacky balding teacher with a horrible hippie fashion sense. He’s holding a coconut with a straw through it in his hand. He stepped up on the platform.]
SIKOWITZ: [Waves coconut around] Ah, we have a new student. Everyone, this is TORI VEGA.
[Everyone stares at TORI. Her face reddens as she lowers down on her seat.]
SIKOWITZ: [Praising] Your performance was quite something.. Haven’t seen that great of an audition since 2 years ago. We’re glad to have you aboard. [Snaps back to teaching mode] Onto the basics of improv! Rule 1: say yes to everything, the show cannot go on if you refuse any questions or prompts during improv. Rule 2: Avoid open ended questions, that means only questions that can be answered with yes or no. Rule 3: emotion is your friend, always act with emotion, it will make your character more believable. Rule 4: it can get overwhelming and that’s ok, just take a step back and breath or go with the flow. And last and final rule, there are no wrong answers. Now let’s start with a warm up game, Wordball! [Commanding] Everyone get in a circle.
[They all got up and gathered around in a circle.]
SIKOWITZ: Alright so.. To play the game, someone has to throw a word.. Like [Pretends to throw his coconut] Dog! And the other person has to catch it, [Pretends to catch coconut] and they have to yell a word that they associate with the previous word [Pretends to throw coconut again] fluffy! And so on and so forth. Warm up starts… Now! [CAT starts the warm up.]
CAT: [Giggling] Puppy! [Throws the word at ROBBIE]
[ROBBIE attempts to catch it but REX steals his turn. ROBBIE looks offended.]
REX: Cute! [Throws the word at TORI] [TORI silently panics as she is caught off guard. SIKOWITZ notices this. He pulls TORI away from the circle and privately talks to her.] SIKOWITZ: TORI, why did you hesitate?     TORI: [Panics] I don’t know.. I don’t do well under pressure, it just gets to me. SIKOWITZ: TORI, it’s gonna be alright, there are no wrong answers to improv. There’s nothing to worry about. Just breathe and go with the flow. 
TORI: [Slow deep breaths] Ok… Ok.. I’m good now.
[SIKOWITZ and TORI walk back to the circle and the game begins again.]
TORI: Teddy bear! [Throws it at ANDRE] ANDRE: [Smiles] Childhood! [Throws it at JADE] JADE: [Angrily clenches fist] Arguments! [With an open hand she throws it at BECK] BECK: [Angrily yells and bares teeth] Crazy! [Throws it at JADE]
JADE: [Points at BECK and insultingly yells] You! [Throws it at BECK]
BECK: [Walks to JADE furiously and yells] You! [Throws it at JADE] [BECK and JADE broke into a full on argument. SIKOWITZ grabs BECK and JADE and slowly pushes them out of the classroom while they argue.]
SIKOWITZ: [Attempts to brush off the tension] Uh… Students take your seat.
[They began to go back to their seats.]
SIKOWITZ: Now to be a great actor, you must improv a scene. We are going to improv a scene called.. “The Average Sized Mermaid”.
[Everyone in the class groans and whine.] SIKOWITZ: Now now, it isn’t as bad as it sounds. Who is going to be the- 
[The lunch bell rings. A wave of relief came over the students as they packed up and left the classroom.]
[The Asphalt Cafe is located outside, near the student parking. There is a staircase that leads up to a performance platform. The platform has various types of instruments propped up. Below the platform are 16 cafeteria tables scattered about on the ground. To the right is a Mexican food stand ran by a hispanic man in his early 20s. TORI, ROBBIE, ANDRE, and CAT are all seen sitting in the center of the cafeteria. TORI finished with her food but there is a mess where she ate.]  
TORI: I’ll clean up this mess. [Gets up]
[TORI walks towards the food stand when she bumps into BECK.]
TORI: [Stunned and stumbles back] Oh.. I’m sorry.
BECK: It’s alright. You’re.. That new kid right? TORI? TORI: Ya, that’s me, good ol’ TORI. [Nervously laughs]  
BECK: [Reaches for his hair naturally] Do you want to get snacks with me? [Brushes his hair with his fingers] TORI: [Excited] Ooh.. That sounds fun! Sure I’ll go.
[They walk around the cafeteria area, scouring for food. They walk near JADE’S table. JADE death stares and does the cut throat gesture at the two as they pass by.]
TORI: [Crosses her arms in confusion and irritation] What’s her deal? You both are on your break. BECK: [Exasperated sigh] She acts like a [Raises voice] crazy possessive devil [Lowers voice] even when we’re on our breaks.
JADE: [Yells in the distance offensively, her face is flushed] I CAN HEAR YOU! BECK: [Rolls eyes and raises voice] I don’t care.
[JADE gets up from her seat. TORI, terrified, grabs BECK’S arm and rushes back inside the building.]
[TORI and BECK enter the empty lobby. To stage right is ROBBIE and REX arguing and blocking the vending machine. ROBBIE is holding up barbeque flavored chips.]
ROBBIE: [Violently throws his arm towards the vending machine] You pressed the wrong buttons on the vending machine! REX: [Crosses his arms and looks away from ROBBIE] No, I pressed the right buttons. ROBBIE: [Gestures at the machine furiously] I asked for sour cream and onions! Not barbeque! [TORI and BECK walk to them.] TORI: [Exhaustly rubs her temples] Guys, what’s wrong?
ROBBIE: [Bites his lower lip and calms down a bit] Well, I asked for sour cream and onions, but REX enter the wrong buttons- REX: [Cuts ROBBIE off] No, I pressed the right buttons. [Insultingly turns his head away from ROBBIE] Who even likes sour cream and onions? ROBBIE: [Exasperatedly throws his puppetless arm up] Me! I like sour cream and onions! REX: [Gags] Sour cream and onions taste like hot trash you leave out in the sun for months.
[ROBBIE and REX continued to argue. TORI, ignoring the two, walks past them to the vending machine and buys sour and cream and onions. TORI throws the chip bag at ROBBIE’S chest. ROBBIE, caught off guard, fails to catch the chip bag. He picks it off the floor.]
ROBBIE: [Holds the chip bag and beams] Thanks! [ROBBIE and REX walk off. REX adlibs an insult to ROBBIE. BECK and TORI both got a snack from the vending machine and sat down next to it, eating their chips.]
TORI: [Inquisitively holds a chip in her hand] Why are you still dating such a gank like JADE?
BECK: [Pops a chip in his mouth and groans weary] She’s not always like this, you know. Some days, [Face softens up wistfully] she can be really fun and cute, but [Face hardens up and becomes emotionless] on days like this, she gets really argumentative and envious.   [TORI nods and pops the chip in her mouth.]
BECK: [Chuckles in amusement] Though, it’s a fun game JADE and I play. Making her jealous and possessive like that makes her look pretty cute. TORI: [Apprehension] That’s.. really messed up. Messing with your girlfriend to get her all riled up like that doesn’t sound  healthy at all. It won’t help both of you either if you continue to encourage her jealousy. BECK: [Slowly his face turns from amusement to disturbed realization] You.. You actually might have a point. TORI: [Pops the last chip in her mouth] You should talk to her about this.. [Crumbles up bag]
BECK: I’ll try, but I’m not sure how much help it’ll come out of it. 
[BECK pops the last chip in his mouth and gets up. BECK offers a hand to TORI and she accepts it. BECK pulled her up. The two threw their chip bags away in a nearby trash can.]
BECK: You want to walk to class with me? TORI: [Beams] Sure! [The lunch bell rings again and crowds of students begin to rush into the building. TORI and BECK walk to their improv class together.] 
[BECK opens the door to the classroom. There were already students in the classroom that are taking their seats. TORI trails behind him as he enters the room. JADE stomps furiously up to TORI. JADE was holding an open can of soda.] JADE: [Furiously stabs her finger into TORI’S chest and yells] WHY ARE YOU WITH MY BOYFRIEND?
BECK: [Blocks JADE off from TORI with his arm, annoyed] I have the right to hangout with whoever I want even if we’re on break or not. 
JADE: [Looks at BECK and squints her eyes] I’m not talking to you! [Looks at TORI as she shoves down BECK’S arm] You don’t even deserve to go to Hollywood Arts anyways, you talentless tramp! [JADE dumps the remaining soda on top of TORI’S head. TORI stood there for a bit, shocked, then she walked out of the classroom with tears streaming down her face. BECK looks at JADE with fury in his eyes. BECK attempts to walk out of the classroom but JADE grabs his arm. JADE quickly matches his mood.] JADE: [Lividly shoves her index finger to BECK’S chest] You’re cheating on me with that incompetent tramp! [BECK attempts to get through JADE but she blocks his way.] BECK: [Aggravatedly clenched fists] I am allowed to be friends with people I want to be friends with, even if it’s other girls! [ANDRE sighs and massages his temples. He passes through the both of them. ANDRE walks out of the classroom.] BECK: [Notices that ANDRE left and takes a deep breath. He mutters weakly] You know.. It’s really messed up to make a girl cry like that.  [JADE attempts to defend herself but BECK pushes her aside and exits the classroom.] 
[BECK enters the hallway. TORI is crying besides ANDRE who is stroking her back and comforting her. BECK closes the door.]
BECK: [Scratches the back of his head] I’m really sorry for JADE.. You didn’t deserve that at all.. [BECK sits down next to TORI. TORI grabs her phone out.]  ANDRE: [Curiously tilts head] What are you doing?
TORI: [Sniffles, distraught] Texting my mom to unenroll me from Hollywood Arts.  [ANDRE gets up and yoinks the phone from TORI. ANDRE passes the phone to BECK and BECK holds it high in the air, away from TORI’S reach. TORI tries to jump to get her phone but fails. TORI ends up lying on the floor, face down. The boys stop playing around and sit down next to TORI. BECK attempts to comfort TORI by patting her head.]  BECK: [Reassures and softly speaks] You can’t leave Hollywood Arts despite what JADE said earlier.
TORI: [Lifts her head up and weakly speaks] ..Why not? She’s right..
ANDRE: [Matter of factly] No she’s not, TORI. It takes so much talent to even perform like that in your audition, even more impressive was that it was all improvised! You got to give yourself more credit, that performance was amazing.
BECK: Ya, [Pats TORI’S head gently] you deserve to go to this school like the rest of them, maybe even more. 
TORI: But, I’m not as unique as the people here.. Have you seen yourselves? I’m so plain compared to ya’ll.
BECK: [Strokes TORI’S back] You don’t have to be unique to be talented.
[TORI gets up and wipes off her tears with her sleeve.] TORI: Thank you.. You guys made me feel so much better. [Open arms wide] Hug?
[They hug each other.]  
[The three entered the classroom while SIKOWITZ was in the middle of a lesson. TORI was drying her hair with a towel as she sat down in her seat. BECK and ANDRE take their seats as well. SIKOWITZ looks at TORI, confused but curious.]  SIKOWITZ: What happened to you? Did you get sprayed by the mole rat at the end of the hallway?
TORI: [Tilts head in confusion] No..? [JADE is seen giving a death stare at TORI. TORI looked back at JADE with a smug victorious grin. SIKOWITZ claps his hands and continues with the class.] SIKOWITZ: Alright, so I have a new improv exercise for you youngins called “Ludicrously Lime”. You all have to get on this stage and act like the fruit you are assigned.  [Students groan as he gets out a hat and shakes it. There are multiple stripes of paper in the hat. He passes the hat around. Students pick through the hat and unfold the paper, groaning even more when they find out what fruit they are. ANDRE turns around, looking at the clock.] ANDRE: [Points at the clock and whispers] Guys, there’s only 5 minutes left of class. [Points to SIKOWITZ who is too distracted at getting the costumes out of the box.] We can leave..  [The students nod. They slowly leave one by one until SIKOWITZ, in an avocado costume, is left in the room. SIKOWITZ turns around with excitement in his face, but his face drops as the bell rings.] 
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victorious-rewrite · 4 years
Episode 1: Make it Shine SCRIPT
Synopsis: The Vega family returns to their home after a long summer vacation. Trina, Tori’s older sister, schedule a re-audition for Hollywood Arts, a prestigious performance art school, while Tori finishes up her missing assignments. Unfortunately, Trina’s audition is scheduled on the day her parents are returning to work, so she has to bring Tori with her. Excited with the chance to visit a prestigious art school, she eventually meets new friends and meets a new adventure. 
Trigger warning: Blood, Catcalling
[The VEGA family is unpacking from their 3 month family reunion across the country. The house is filled with unpacked luggage all sprawled about. DAVID VEGA and HOLLY VEGA are unpacking the luggage and are chatting about the trip, while TRINA is talking on the phone about her re-audition. TORI is sitting on the family couch while she’s on the laptop, working on missing assignments due to her missing a few weeks of school.] TRINA: [Excited] So, I can get a re-audition this Friday after school? [Pause] You have no idea how tal- [Realization that the principle hung up on her] Wh- oh well. [TRINA dashed towards HOLLY and DAVID, excited]
TRINA: [Yelling] Mom! Dad! Guess who got a re-audition? HOLLY: [Holding a laundry basket full of laundry] [Interested] Oh? You got him to agree?
TRINA: [Excited] Yeah! It’s this Friday!
DAVID: [Grunts as he puts down the heavy luggage] Wait, this Friday? Your mom and I will be busy at work to watch over TORI- TORI: [Annoyed] Speaking of that, don’t you guys think I’m too old to be babysat? I’m 15, I’m old enough to have my own job. TRINA: [Places her hands on her hips and nods] Ya! Why can’t she just invite a couple of her friends over, so she won’t be home alone? HOLLY: You know how I feel about that..
[TORI huffs in annoyance as she goes back into working on her missing assignments. TRINA sighs in disappointment as HOLLY goes back into loading the laundry basket with dirty clothes. DAVID gets done with carrying heavy luggage, he walks into another room to rest.  HOLLY thinks of an idea. She stops what she’s doing.] HOLLY: You and TORI are going to the re-auditions on Friday, together. TRINA: Bu- HOLLY: No buts. You both are going and that’s final. TRINA: [Groans loudly] Fiiinneee… [Bossily, to TORI] But you better not mess this up for me! I don't want another fifth birthday fiasco! [TRINA loudly and sassily stomps into her room, upstairs. HOLLY finishes putting the last bits of dirty clothing onto the laundry basket and walks out of the main living room and into the laundry room. TORI looks around and sees that everybody left.]
TORI: [Squeals in excitement] I’m going to Hollywood Arts! Oh my god!! [Squeals even more]
[TORI and TRINA are waiting backstage. The backstage looks a bit chaotic with students running around, making sure they have everything set for the re-auditions. TRINA sits there patiently as TORI looks around the room, looking very bored.]
TORI: [Groaning in boredom] Ughh, this is so boriiing
TRINA: [Calmly] Now now, Tori, remember that virtue.
TORI: [Matter-of-factly] You mean patience?
TRINA: [Annoyed] Yeah yeah, that.
TORI: And it's “Patience is a virtue”, Trina.
TRINA: Whatever! Potato, poe-tah-tow
[A black boy is sitting next to them, holding a book with some pieces of paper stuck out of it. He weighs his opinion in.] 
ANDRE: Actually, she's right. It’s “patience is a virtue” and nobody says poe-tah-tow.
TORI: Riiiight? Now just imagine living with her!
ANDRE: Yeah, I definitely don't know what it's like.
TRINA: [Angrily] I can hear you two, you know?!
TORI: [Smugly] That was the point.
[ANDRE gets a video call from ANDRE’S GRANDMA]
ANDRE: [Holds finger up] Hold up, I gotta take this.
[ANDRE answers the video call]
ANDRE: That's just a ventriloquist, grandma!
ANDRE: [Annoyance] Grandma, I told you that’s just your shower! I gotta go, bye.
ANDRE’S GRANDMA: [Cautioning] Boy don’t you hang your phone up on me-
[ANDRE hangs up the video call] 
 ANDRE: [Gets up] I’d better get going. See you ladies around. 
[ANDRE does a two finger salute as he leaves to the main stage. TORI is bored again. TRINA seems to be too busy reviewing her re-audition script to notice.]
TORI: You know what? [Looks at TRINA with determination in her eyes] I’m gonna help those people there. [points at a literal redhead girl and a Jewish boy with an afro and a puppet.] 
[TORI walks up to them]
TORI: [Confident] Do y’all need help?
[They both turned towards TORI while holding some heavy equipment. ROBBIE seems to be struggling with his heavy load while CAT seems fine with her lighter load. The puppet is on top of the heavy load ROBBIE is holding]
ROBBIE: [Relieved] Oh god, yes! 
[ROBBIE hurriedly gave TORI the heavy load he was carrying. Startled, she stumbles back as the weight sets in on her. ROBBIE grabs a nearby load that seems to be lighter and the three of them starts walking to their destination.]
TORI: [Strained] I forgot to tell y’all my name, I’m Tori. I don’t go to this school, I go to Sherwood High-
CAT: [Excited] Oh Sherwood High? The public school? My brother used to go to that school [downcast] till he got expelled.. 
TORI: [Curious] Why did he get expelled? [shifts the weight of the heavy equipment]
[They reached their destination. TORI and ROBBIE puts down their equipment.]
CAT: Oh, [puts the equipment down] he dumped a bucket full of blood on a teacher.. [sits down on top of the equipment, lost in space]
TORI: [Disturbed] Wait, real- real blood or- 
ROBBIE: [Panics and changes the topic] Anyways.. [CAT snaps out of it] My name’s ROBBIE, [Points at CAT] her name is CAT-
TORI: Oh! Like the animal!
CAT: [Offended] What’s that supposed to mean?! 
TORI: [Confused but scared] Uh.. Nothing.. I love cats..
ROBBIE: Anyways.. We’re freshman in this school
[ROBBIE puts the puppet on his hands]
REX: [Irritated] You forgot about me!
[TORI looks shocked as the puppet reveals that he can talk but then remembered that ROBBIE is a ventriloquist]
ROBBIE: [Hurt] I was gonna introduce you..
REX: [Irritated] You didn’t cause you wanna keep this hot piece of woman all to yourself!
TORI: [Repulsed] Excuse me?
REX: [Proudly] Ya, I said it. You’re one fine-
ROBBIE: [Panicking and yelling] REX!
[ROBBIE covers REX’s mouth. REX struggles to talk, his head is shaking erratically until he realizes he can’t do anything so he gives up. TORI looks shocked, disgusted, and confused.]
CAT: [Pitiful] Don’t worry, Rex does this to every girl he sees..
[REX bites ROBBIE’S hand.]
ROBBIE: [Lets go of REX while yelping] OW!
REX: [Forthright and smugly] I’ve never done it to you..
[CAT gasps in shock and is hurt]
ROBBIE: [Furious] Ok mister, that’s a time out for you
[CAT opens a box and swiftly places the large equipment out of the box.] 
[ROBBIE shoves REX inside the box and flips it upside down. TORI stands there uncomfortably in the midst of it all. A few moments later, they start unpacking the boxes, TORI moves a bit close to CAT.]
TORI: [Hesitantly] [Whispers to CAT] Did ROBBIE just hit on me secretly?
CAT: [Whispers back to TORI] [Giggling] No! He has decency.. [Adjusts the knobs and wires of the sound equipment] Him and Rex are different people. Rex is an alter, Robbie had to learn how to speak without moving his mouth so Rex can speak without complicating things..
TORI: [Confused] [Still whispering] Alter? 
CAT: [Confused] [Whispering]  Um.. ya? People can have multiple people living inside one body.
TORI: [Half realization] Oh..
[They finish setting up the equipment, cleaning up the stray wires]
[TRINA runs towards the main stage in a rush] 
TRINA: Coming- 
TORI: [Struggling to untangle herself from the mess of wires.] TRINA, wait!
[TRINA trips on a stray wire and harshly falls down, face planting in front of the teachers. She groans in agony. TORI, ROBBIE, CAT, and the teachers/judges rushes towards TRINA in a panic. They drag her back to the back stage. They sat her on a chair. TRINA feels around her mouth and spits out two front teeth and some blood. She begins to cry as TORI panics. The teachers try to comfort her.]  
TORI: [Nervously] TRINA, it’ll be ok.. 
[TORI rubs TRINA’s back as she attempts to comfort her distressed sister] 
TRINA: [Sobbing even more] [with a lisp] No, ith’sth the nasth nay! I can’th new ith like thisth! 
[TORI comes up with an idea. Thrilled, she grabs a teacher’s attention.]
TORI: [Confidently] Can I talk to you in a quieter place?  
[The teacher nods and they walk to a calmer area.]
TORI: [Confidently] Can I audition in place of my sister? 
TEACHER: [Thinking] Ah.. You can.. But.. 
TORI: [Curious] But?? 
TEACHER: You have to make a song on the spot, including a full performance with choreography.
TORI: [Stage-fright] O-Oh.. [Makes up her mind] I’ll take it! 
[TORI walked onto the main stage wearing a leather jacket, black pants, and a bright red crop top sweater. She held the microphone nervously and kept her eyes on the floor. The teachers on the judge table looked at her, expectantly.] 
TORI: [Slight confidence] I’m singing “Make it Shine”
[The teachers nodded and wrote on their clipboards. TORI hesitantly cue the sound technicians. They start playing the instrumentals. TORI stood there and sang. It started out a bit off key but she got more confident the more she sang. TORI started dancing along to the music, doing full on improvised choreography. The performance ends with the teachers applauding and cheering. TORI was sweaty, but she felt accomplished. The applause died down]
TORI: [Rests her posture] [Worn out] So.. How was that?
TEACHER: [Awe-struck] Amazing! You and your sister are going to Hollywood Arts!
TORI: [Shocked] I’m going too?! TEACHER: [Confused by TORI’S bewilderment] Yes? You are clearly very talented. So talented that you can easily fit in Hollywood Arts. [TRINA, DAVID, and HOLLY ran from stage left from the backstage to hug TORI as they heard the news.] DAVID and HOLLY: [Jumping up and down while holding TORI] OUR BABY GIRL IS GOING TO HOLLYWOOD ARTS! [Scene ends with the family in celebration. Hugging TORI tightly and jumping about, but TORI looks more nervous than excited.]
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