viczabxni · 4 years
Since the party Gracie had been avoiding the common room as much as she could. She just couldn’t stand being there lately, not after some of the recent developments. There was only so many times she could wrap up warm and walk around the grounds. So today, she’d found herself a corner in the library, and was intending on wasting around the day here. She actually had some books out, and was trying to at least pretend she was doing some studying. But, really she was just trying to waste the day away. Hmm. Maybe she’d have a little nap.
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Victoria was bored. Everyone seemed to be hungover and she seemed to be the only one that missed out on the party the nigh before. She found Gracie hiding in the library, sitting down across from her with a little huff. “Gracie. Please. Save me from absolutely hysterical boredom.”
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viczabxni · 4 years
open starter location: great hall
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“I go to bed early once, and that is what I miss?” Victoria groans, sticking her fork into her waffle. “I mean, first of all I find it quite rude that you didn’t come and wake me up.”
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viczabxni · 4 years
Indiana was sat in a secluded corner of the courtyard. Of course, it was quite cold. But she was wrapped up warm, and had a warming charm around her. She’d just need to escape for a little while. She was reading a book, but could feel eyes on her. She looked up, her eyes narrowing a little at the 4th year that was staring at her. “You know a picture would last longer” She remarked, rolling her eyes, before returning to her book. Hopefully the annoying fourth years would move on now and quit disturbing her.
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Victoria made her way over to the other, watching the fourth years scamper off before sitting next to Indiana. “I’m not sure you’d want a bunch of fourth years trotting around with your picture,” she joked, glancing over the title of the book they were holding. 
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viczabxni · 4 years
life’s what u make it... so let’s make it rock - a lovely intro for a lovely lady
Name: Victoria Alexandra Zabini Birthday: July 6 Age/Year: 16, Sixth House: Slytherin Wand: hazel, 9 1/2′, dragon heartstring, bendy Patronus: lioness Boggart: failing to make a name for herself
Born to Calypso Zabini, Victoria came with the heat. Being born in the summer is something that has been her favorite facet of herself. She didn’t have to hide inside from the winter or spring and fall rain. She could flout who she was, that it was her birthday, and that she was a Zabini. As she grew older, though, there was a nagging sensation at the back of her mind that left her scared. Confused as to who this other half of her livelihood was. She never knew of her father, only her siblings and her mother. The way her mother would brush off any mention of him only made her grow the slightest bit distant.
Hogwarts was the best thing to happen to Victoria. She felt in her element, surrounded by magic and kids her age. Quidditch quickly became her favorite past time, fulfilling the position of chaser ever since she was eligible. It was another thing she put all her effort into, wanting to make sure that the Zabini name was held high. That it was something to be proud of.
When the news of her mother’s… liabilities came to surface, Victoria was angry. For her mother to keep something to vital to who she is a secret from her - and to deliberately lie…. She began to think that her mother didn’t even truly love her. It created a crater between the two. Not only was she ashamed that her mother had pracitcally made the family a laughing stock, she was ashamed to have believed her mother. It felt so obvious.
The heat she was born into quickly became a fire behind her eyes. She was going to fix the wrongs that were created by her mother - no matter the lengths she had to go to. It intimidated her, just slightly. Because of that, she found friendships in those known to have connections to Voldemort, proving to them that she was more than her lying mother and the dirty blood that was flowing through her veins. The want to know who her father was disappeared. He was worth nothing to her now but another stain on her carefully constructed vision.
Victoria looked up to her half-sister. They may only be an year apart in age, but she began to think of the other as a better mother figure than their true mother. She was her shoulder to cry on, biggest confidant, and loyal critique when it came to her fashion choices. Victoria has continued to find solace in Fiona, especially as they both try to secure the dark mark to make up for the mess their mother has made.
Victoria Zabini is really good at Defense Against the Dark Arts. She loves the irony of it. If she can figure out how to defeat herself when the time comes? Well, that’ll make her one of the best Death Eaters Voldemort has ever seen. She firmly believes that you have to understand the enemy before you can understand how to take them down, and she’s gone lengths to learn everything she can.
She hates the Slytherin common room. Being a Slytherin? She loves. She feels that they got the absolute shit end of the stick - dark, dreary, and somewhat moist. She tends to spend the least amount of time in there as she possibly can.
When she was younger her mother gave her a ring, but it was always too small. When she was eleven and got her first wand from Ollivander, she slid it over the hilt, and it caught in between two notches, permanently making it’s home on the end of her wand. She’s pretty sure it will never come off at this point, but that makes it hers, and it’s something she loves.
Victoria wants to stand out, being bright with her accessories and makeup. Her wizarding robes are a little outlandish, definitely off from what one would expect. But it helps people know who she is.
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