vidavidaavid · 5 years
“Capitalism began by enclosing public and common resources for private benefit and dispossessing their previous users. Collective ownership of the means of production should include common ownership of land, oceans, and atmosphere. That would mean not only sharing in the resources that those spaces generate, but deciding together how they should be used. A socialist society could use scientific knowledge about ecological capacity to manage and regulate use of those spaces rather than ceding to industry whims: we’d listen to the 98 percent of scientists who say that anthropogenic climate change is happening, for example, rather than the lies of fossil-fuel lobbyists.
Under socialism, we would make decisions about resource use democratically, with regard to human needs and values rather than maximizing profit. An ecologically sustainable socialism isn’t about preserving an idealized concept of pristine, untouched nature. It’s about choosing the world we make and live in, and about recognizing that we share that world with species other than humans. A world that’s livable is a world where everyone can have a good life instead of just scrambling to make a living.
That world will need forests as well as factories, wilderness refuges as well as cities. We’ll seek to provide people with good work, but we’ll also work less; we’ll think about what work really needs to be done instead of creating jobs just to keep people employed. We’ll choose to keep some spaces free of obvious human use, and to protect spaces for wildlife while also making it possible for people to escape city life to spend time in restored ecosystems. We’ll aim to produce enough for everyone to live lives that are rich and full, rather than hoping for a long shot at accumulating private riches. With our needs provided for, we can realize our human potential in the context of leisurely social relationships to other humans and other species, with enough for everyone and time for what we will.”
Alyssa Battistoni
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vidavidaavid · 5 years
i need to swim in a clear cold stream and then lie down on a big warm rock in the sun to dry this is non-negotiable
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vidavidaavid · 5 years
Oh to be a gremlin child again. Covered in grass stains and grazes, hair unbrushed with daisies in the knots, no concept of my own physicality, half way up a tree and eating an apple around my missing tooth. To be unabashedly ugly, to be unashamedly hungry, to be healthy and hearty and lean and covered in bruises and full of love and sun warmed strawberries. To feel time stretch forever, only flying when I fall into books. To love summer once more, and her insects and sweat.
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vidavidaavid · 5 years
things I wish someone had told me when I was recently coming to terms with being a woman who isn’t straight:
1) if your first relationship with a girl is messy and you don’t know how to go about it because you had little to no models of healthy w/w relationships around you, and you struggle and struggle and it doesn’t work out and ends badly, it doesn’t mean you’re straight or should’ve stayed straight. it doesn’t mean you’re never going to be happy with a woman. if your first experience, or second experience, or third experience with women isn’t the rosy picture of bliss without any problems or struggles that you pictured it would be, it just means you’re human. don’t hold the concept of relationships with other women up on a pedestal to be perfection; it’s wonderful and great to be with women but it might not save you from the things that are wrong in your life like you fantasized about when you were first coming to grips with your sexuality and it definitely won’t be without struggle because interpersonal relationships aren’t ever without struggle and growth and change. 
2) that feeling of panic and “I’m going to be alone forever I’m never going to find another woman who loves me or “I’m not xyz like other gay/bi girls why would anyone want to be my girlfriend” is a normal feeling. no, you aren’t going to be alone forever, but feeling that way is something that nearly every one of us goes through. 
3) you may find yourself idolizing the first relationship you have with another woman, you’re so relieved to have that “I’m going to be alone forever” feeling gone and that your sexuality is Real and Validated that you put all of your eggs in that basket and forget that there’s even a possibility of it ending. you might find yourself terrified of that one relationship ending, or have it end and feel like you can’t be alive anymore because the happiness had been so intense. if you’re someone who is also attracted to men, you might feel like these feelings are more intense or more overpowering than any time you’ve been in love before. if you aren’t attracted to men this might have been the first time you felt that way about anyone. and you might find yourself feeling irrationally paranoid that someone’s going to take it away from you. if you break up with your first girlfriend you might find yourself more depressed or angry than you’ve ever been about a breakup before. you’re going to be ok even if this relationship ends. you don’t just get one chance at happiness with a woman. it’s like any other breakup, it’ll suck but you will be alright. take a step back. realize what is healthy and unhealthy about the ways you are dealing. make new ties, heal, grow.
3) if a woman ever treats you abusively it’s ok to call it abuse, and some people in your so-called radical women’s spaces are going to ostracize you for it like the hypocrites they are. some so-called radicals especially in certain separatist spaces are gonna push logic that tells u that abuse is a “just a straight people thing”, that being/staying with a girl is something you do to be radical, not to be happy, and if you “really love women” then gay relationships won’t require any work and will automatically last forever / last longer / be healthy - those are lies, those are idealizations. although yes heterosexuality can propagate more chance of abuse due to misogyny, abuse is not Just a straight people thing, anyone can be an abuser. your abuser doesn’t get let off the hook because she’s also a woman. call it abuse. cut ties with the people who try to push back against that. cut ties with the people who tell you that your sexuality is better as a function of radicalness than of building happy, healthy relationships. realize that any relationship will take work and have flaws. make new ties, heal, grow. 
4) it’s ok to not be experienced and to not know what to do. not knowing how flirting, dating, sex, etc is going to be and being nervous about that is a place where all of us are at one point - lesbians and bi women aren’t a herd of super confident, experienced people who are all going to laugh at you or turn you down because you don’t know what you’re doing. it can be intimidating to put yourself out there but you’re allowed to exist in the LGBT dating world / social scene without being experienced, I know that’s a common worry.
5) you don’t have to be attracted to every gay girl you meet, that’s not a reason to second guess your attraction to women. you don’t have to be attracted to or say yes to first girl who asks you out or flirts with you. you don’t have to fall in love with the first girl you like, or the first girl you date. you might feel pressured to hurry up and get into a relationship with a woman, once again to “validate” or “prove” your sexuality but you don’t have to rush to do that. if you come out and don’t find a woman you want to be in a serious relationship with for years that’s ok. if you’re sexually attracted to women and you come out and you don’t have your first sexual experience with a woman for age that’s ok. you should go on dates with / have sex with / get into relationships with people because you’re attracted to them, you want to, you’re excited about it, not because you’re trying to fill a hole where you think certain experiences should go ASAP. if Get A Girlfriend Right Now is your core goal you’re going to end up forcing yourself into interactions that aren’t sincere, which is not only dishonest but also doesn’t help at ALL with the whole second-guessing if you like women internalized homophobia thing.
6) if you have unrequited feelings for someone you’re not evil, you’re not pathetic and you’re not going to spend your whole life unhappy and stuck. best friends, straight women, people who live far away from you.. sometimes it can seem like you can’t seem to fall for someone in your reach. that’s normal too. you won’t be stuck forever. and you aren’t terrible, you aren’t predatory or a burden, your feelings aren’t a curse on those around you. you’re a person.
this is is ok to reblog and add on to if you have other tips / things that you want to say; I just wanted to make a post reaching out to women who a) recently realized their sexuality, b) have known their sexuality but don’t have much experience or c) are feeling isolated or unsure of themselves.
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vidavidaavid · 5 years
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“how to engage in courting rituals 1950′s butch style in the bar” an essay by merril mushroom, published in common lives/lesbian lives: a lesbian feminist quarterly no. 4, summer 1982
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vidavidaavid · 5 years
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Make a Wish
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
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Gabriele Mün­ter (1877–1962).
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
Identity is a prison! Let yourself respond authentically to each moment as it arrives, without being bound to the narrative of who you think you are! The self is a construct! The truth of your existence is ever changing and infinite as the universe is ever changing and infinite! Abandon the stories of your past selves and be present and alive in this very moment! IDENTITY IS DEAD! THE SELF IS DEAD! YOU ARE ALIVE!
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
please remember that in a healthy, adult relationship (romantic or not), you should be able to talk about things that are bothering you. if you are bottling up your emotions and holding it against someone when you haven’t told them what is wrong, you’re not engaging in healthy behaviour. but also, if your friend/significant other makes you feel as though you can’t talk about what bothers you- i.e. has made you feel guilty/gotten extraordinarily angry when things were brought up in the past- they are not engaging in healthy behaviour.
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
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Wandered into an article with 140 iconic cinematic shots, the comments complained there was no explanation to their composition. Decided to give it a run down and keep it to myself. 
The compositions are mostly self explanatory but I wanted to see what patterns I could find. That’s just how you learn stuffs. 
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
a fools guide to not wanting to die anymore
by me, a fool who doesnt wanna die anymore 
never make a suicide joke again. yes this includes “i wanna die” as a figure of speech. swear off of it. actually make an effort to change how you think about things.
find something to compliment someone for at least 4 times a day. notice the little things about the world that make you happy, and use that to make other people happy.
talk to people. initiate conversation as often as you possibly can. keep your mind busy and you wont have to worry anymore
picture the bad intrusive thoughts in youe head as an edgy 13 year old and tell them to go be emo somewhere else
if someone makes you feel bad most of the time, stop talking to them. making yourself hang out with people who drain you is self harm. stop it.
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
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19 Things Little Black Girls Don’t Hear Often Enough.
1. You’re beautiful. You’re smart. You’re loved. You can be anything you want to be. Not even the sky is your limit.
2. Always try new things, this is how you will learn what your talents are.
3. If you don’t see anyone who looks like you doing something you want to do, don’t be afraid to be the first one to give it a try!
4. Your natural hair defies gravity —you’re magical.
6. Because your hair defies gravity people will want to touch it. And you’re allowed to say no if it’s uncomfortable for you.
7. Your melanin-filled skin is perfect.
8. Being “too black,” or “not being black enough” aren’t real things. All shades of black are beautiful.
9. Your history didn’t start with slavery. You have a rich history and descend from the continent in which human life began.
10. Sometimes you will be the only black girl in the room, but that doesn’t make you an outcast. It makes you unique!
11. Don’t be afraid to tell your story and your truth.
12The only body part you need to use to get ahead in life is your brain.
13. There will be times in your life when you will be met with disappointment. Hold your head up, even in your toughest moments. This builds character.
14. You are not responsible for any mistakes your parents might have made. Do not carry that burden with you for life.
15. There’s no such thing as “bad” hair. There’s no such thing as “bad” hair. There’s no such thing as “bad” hair. There’s no such thing as “bad” hair. And anyone who tells you differently is lying.
16. You are responsible for your own happiness. Not your mother’s or anyone else’s.
17. ‘No’ is a powerful word. Don’t be afraid to use it.
18. Books are your best friend — and the best way to get educated outside of the classroom.
19.Enjoy your childhood. These are the years when you can truly be a #carefreeblackgirl.
Personally I needed to hear these as an adult!
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
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notes from today’s performance studies lecture on phenomenology.
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
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Good Morning
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vidavidaavid · 6 years
enjoy the short term!!! sometimes ur not gonna be friends for 46 years and that’s ok, just enjoy the drive!!! some people aren’t gonna have a significant impact in ur life but not every show is a TedTalk, sometimes u needs some Real Housewives!!’ loosen up, the universe is rearing to explode and if that bix isn’t permanent herself, you’ve got nothing to lose! forever is an illusion
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