vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
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“Do you wanna go get pizza with me?”
“I mean, I don’t know you but who am I to turn down pizza.”
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
matters of the heart
30. Do/Did you spend more time with your father or your mother?
“I spent more time with my dad growing up.” 
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
matters of the heart
31. Do you believe in love at first sight?
“No I don’t. ”
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
I’ll generate a number between 1-45 and my character will answer a love-related headcanon question (romantic and platonic present).
Or you can look below the cut and send a number of your choosing that you would like answered. 
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Send me "Matters of the Heart"...
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
Heart Meme
Send me one or some of the following:
💗 I like you as friends 💝  I like you as more than friends 💘 I’m falling in love with you 💓 I can’t stop thinking about you 💌 I wish that you would notice me 💖 I wish we were together 💑 I’m glad we’re together ❤️️ I love you 💒 I wish we were married 💚 I’m jealous of you 💜 I’m jealous of the people close to you 🏩  I want to have sex with you 💔 I hate you 
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
a really long, but categorized, ask meme
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
☽ send a shade of black. ☾
black bean: what's your favorite midnight snack?
black leather jacket: what is a fashion trend that others hate but you secretly enjoy?
black olive: if you could own a restaurant, what kind would it be?
café noir: when you hang out with your group of friends, do you contribute to conversation? are you the quiet one?
charcoal: if you could have something named after you as a memorial what would you choose? (building, park, school, etc.)
charleston green: what’s your favorite room in your home?
davy's gray: is it more important to you to look good or feel good? explain.
dim gray: who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
ebony: what do you admire most about your best friend?
eerie black: do you think you could survive in a horror movie? do you think you'd be the first to die?
jet: if you were going to a costume party next week, what costume would you wear?
licorice: given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
midnight blue: under what circumstances is it impossible for you to sleep? what makes you restless?
onyx: are you superstitious? give an example.
outer space: do you believe in life on other planets? what do you think is out there in the universe?
phthalo green: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
taupe: are you religious? what is your interpretation of god?
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
“Sure, if you want.  I’m not a fan of seeing movies alone.”
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“If it’s what you want. Because It’s also not fun to go to the movies with someone who doesn’t want to go to the movies with you.”
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“Hypothetically, if we were to see a movie, what would you want to see?”
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
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“Well its great.” Jack said, taking another bite. He mulled over her words for a moment before agreeing with a nod. “I think you and I will get along just fine.” He mused, she seemed down to earth and smart, not the air head valley girl he had been expecting from this town.
“Is that an accomplishment? For you to get along with people? Do people not like you?”
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
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“It doesn’t have a special name? People are all about special names these days. They even name their cars.”
“Nope, no special name. Just plain old mac and cheese. And I never understood why people named their cars. Cars don’t need names, cars already have names. Like Toyota, and Honda, and Fiat, and stuff. They don’t need other names.”
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
👌, 🚬, ✂️
👌 - Best friend?
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
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0 notes
vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
50 book asks
the adventures of huckleberry finn: do you think kids or their parents are responsible for their beliefs?
the alchemist: what are your current plans for the future? will you be upset if they don't work out?
alice's adventures in wonderland: how do you react to absurd situations?
and then there were none: do you think murderers deserve to die?
artemis fowl: how much do you depend on technology?
beowulf: is it always worthwhile to hear both sides of an argument?
the canterbury tales: if someone is hypocritical, do you point it out?
cat's cradle: do you think it's better to believe a lie than to live with an unpleasant truth?
charlotte's web: what's your favorite art form?
coraline: if you could change your family, what would you change?
the crucible: how heavily do you depend on others when forming opinions?
fahrenheit 451: do you think there's any knowledge that should be kept secret?
the fault in our stars: if you could have one conversation before you died, who would you talk to and what would you say?
flowers for algernon: how much potential do you think you have?
frankenstein: is it wise for humans to attempt to create life?
the giver: talk about a favorite memory
the great gatsby: what would you sacrifice for money?
harry potter: if you could bring someone back from the dead, would you? if so, who would it be?
the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy: what do you think is the meaning of life?
the hobbit: do you think the average person has the potential to be a hero?
holes: if someone poor stole from someone rich, who would you sympathize with?
howl's moving castle: how quickly do you form opinions about other people?
the hunger games: would you kill someone if they planned to kill you?
identical: how clear is your perception of reality?
the importance of being earnest: are you flattered or annoyed by gentlemanly behavior?
inferno: do you think you belong in hell? why or why not?
jonathan livingston seagull: is perfection a good goal?
the joy luck club: describe your family
jurassic park: do you think it's wrong to use animals as attractions and accessories?
the kite runner: if you could, what social issue would you spread awareness about?
les misérables: do you think people should revolt if the government is corrupt?
life of pi: if you were stranded, would you be able to take care of yourself?
the lightning thief: what would you be the god/goddess of?
the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe: if you could start a new life in a new world, would you?
lord of the flies: what motivates you best?
lord of the rings: is it important to work for the greater good of the world?
of mice and men: would you kill your closest friend to save them from a worse fate?
the perks of being a wallflower: does listening to other people's problems help you or weigh you down?
the phantom of the opera: how much do you judge others on physical appearance?
pride and prejudice: are you romantic?
the princess bride: what's your best feature?
a raisin in the sun: what is your most important possession?
romeo and juliet: have you ever done anything ridiculous for love? what?
stargirl: do you value uniqueness?
the taming of the shrew: would you be willing to be in a relationship with someone who is very dominant?
the tell-tale heart: is there anything you feel guilty about right now? what?
to kill a mockingbird: do you believe something has value simply because it's beautiful?
twilight: how consistent are your feelings about people close to you?
watership down: do you think your right to life is any greater than an animal's?
the westing game: if you died now, what would you want to happen to your possessions?
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
gemstone asks
amethyst: do you think age is needed for maturity?
aquamarine: do you believe the future is predetermined?
bloodstone: what words are most comforting to you?
diamond: how important is money to you?
emerald: is there anything you want to last forever?
garnet: list three of your passions
jasper: if you could revive a spirit, who would it be?
moonstone: what family do you want in the future?
opal: do you keep secrets forever?
pearl: are you stereotypically feminine?
peridot: how old do you want to live to?
ruby: what kind of love do you value the most?
sapphire: if you could control one element, what would it be?
topaz: are your current relationships with others healthy?
tourmaline: do you like the idea of having a guardian angel?
turquoise: how often do you lie?
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
Someone who will change your life is nearer than you think
“I don’t believe in tarot cards or palm reading…”
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0 notes
vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
Moodboard: Vidia Spalding   { 1 / x }
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vidiaspalding-blog · 9 years
“I stand corrected.  Do you want to go see one?”
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“Is that an invitation to go with you? Because if it was, then I accept.”
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