vidrianah ¡ 5 months
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings.
if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
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vidrianah ¡ 7 months
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’Sharktopus’ by Filiskun
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vidrianah ¡ 8 months
nothing frustrates me more than when adults refuse to even slightly indulge the questions and thoughts of children. i remember one time when one of my younger cousins accidentally stumbled across the concept of purchasing power parity because she realised 10 rupees which bought her 10 candies in India only bought her ~3 candies when we went on holiday to Japan, and when she asked her mother about “why the same things cost different amounts in different places” my aunt had the audacity to call her spoiled for not understanding the “”worth” of money, that’s not what she was ASKING damn it!! your daughter just set up her own big mac index and realised a key metric of macroeconomics!!! how do you not find that utterly fascinating !! why don’t adults talk to children !!
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vidrianah ¡ 8 months
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vidrianah ¡ 8 months
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vidrianah ¡ 9 months
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romance dawn trio
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vidrianah ¡ 1 year
rip to you guys but i love assembling ikea furniture its so fun its like legos
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vidrianah ¡ 1 year
A little known fact about Germany is that it's the ideal place to find a bf. Really, wherever you go, and in almost every major city, you'll be able to find a bf. Some may not be the ones you need at the time, but the option is always there. In some areas, there are even busses that outright take you to a bf. And it's always such a nice feeling when the time is just right, and you arrive at your bf.
At least until you find out that the train today has been cancelled and you have to wait for like half an hour at this god damn Bahnhof.
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vidrianah ¡ 1 year
Guten Rutsch x
Danke, dir auch :)
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vidrianah ¡ 1 year
Vielleicht ist heute Abend gar nicht automatisch das Ende des alten Jahres, sondern manuell Neujahr.
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vidrianah ¡ 2 years
the writer’s urge to ask your friends “do you wanna see a little somethin’ i’ve been working on?” when the little somethin’ you’ve been working on is 800 words and ends in the middle of a sentence
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vidrianah ¡ 2 years
AU where ‘friend’ and ‘boyfriend’/‘girlfriend’ are the same word. imagine how confusing that would be! you would tell somebody about your ‘friend’ but they literally wouldn’t know what your relationship is because……..
oh wait sorry this isn’t an AU. German, I was talking about German. Imagine German.
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vidrianah ¡ 2 years
Yes I AM pissed about people spreading uncritical bullshit about countries they clearly know jack and shit about and yes I WILL manifest in your houses to beat some sense into you with a broom if you don’t knock it the hell off. Christ.
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vidrianah ¡ 2 years
Repairing holes in knitting
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vidrianah ¡ 3 years
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vidrianah ¡ 3 years
WTF is an NTF? No matter how many times I’ve had it explained to me, it still makes no sense. The best I can figure that it’s a form of cryptocurrency with personalized artwork made on a really environmentally unfriendly material being sold for ridiculous prices just so suckers can get unique furry artz
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vidrianah ¡ 3 years
working with textiles is a trap. first they lure you in with knitting. then you pick up crochet (understandable enough). next you start getting curious in fiber. you learn how to spin (okay that’s a bit extra). weaving is cool, right? you now own a loom. heck, while we’re at it, why not starting making your own clothes (this is getting out of hand)? spinning is no longer enough for you — you need something stronger. you learn how to dye (stop i’m begging). dye is fun, but it’d be nice to have your own source of fiber. you are now a shepherd.
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