vigiilantiisms · 7 years
Drinking - Again (Closed)
McCree couldn’t live on with a drink or two each day. He had recently started coming to a new bar that someone suggested to him. Not only was it a good place to lay low, but to blow off some steam of the average day
He walked through the door, his clinking boots made a particular noise against the ground. He scanned the crowd, and made his way to the seat against the bar.
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vigiilantiisms · 7 years
Absolutely Disgusting Shippy Starters
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vigiilantiisms · 7 years
Send “You’re back!” For my muses reaction to yours almost tackling them with a hug after they’ve been gone for a while.
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vigiilantiisms · 7 years
Ooc; When I finally get internet and accidentally stumble to my Mccree page.
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
I honestly tried. I cannot get in any mood to rp as McCree anymore. Oh yeah, I can still post a thousand things cowboy, but I cannot hold a thread for my life anymore. I won’t give anymore attempts.
I’m going to try to jump start my Overwatch Oc though.
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
McCree grunted as she brought him a beer, almost acting as if avoiding eye contact with her. “Thanks darling.” He said, short and sweet. Anyone who knew McCree for any amount of time, that his grunts meant he was not in the happiest mood.
He took a sip of his alcoholic beverage, and watched as the snow build up against the window. “...Thanks Angie, for everything.”
{die-aerztin-engel} 🏠"… you as well, Jesse?"
Send 🏠 to find out my muse has no family to go home to for the holidays.
It was that time of year again. Everyone had family to go back to. Well, most anyways. But McCree was a family of one, it always has been. I wouldn’t hurt to have someone to come home too.
“…Just fine.” He didn’t bother changing his tone, she could always see through him, knew when he was lying. She’d fine out somehow anyways.
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
The more McCree thought, the more he became sad and angry. How could he be such a failure? He wasn’t important to anyone, and people would not noticed if McCree vanished one day. Gone. Dead maybe? Probably. Odds were never in the gunslinger’s favor. 
McCree almost shivered when he heard the old commander. Greaaaat. Any time he wanted drink himself out someone always had to find him and give him a lecture on responsible drinking, which ironically, made him want to drink more.
He took a deep breath and hoped the for best. He put the shot glass down, and looked over his shoulder back at Jack. “...Were there e’er better days?” He said surprisingly nonchalantly. 
Cowboy Drunk (Closed)
Holiday cheer was something McCree could never learn. Why should he? He never knew his real family. His only real skill was killing and drinking. The only person who became closest to being family died in an explosion.
McCree sat in some dump of a bar, attempting to reach the bottom of a whiskey bottle. In such a bad mood, McCree couldn’t make rational desicions. His plan as of the rest of the holidays is to get alcohol poisoning.
He couldn’t care less if he died drinking in the slum of a bar anyways.
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
Cowboy Drunk (Closed)
Holiday cheer was something McCree could never learn. Why should he? He never knew his real family. His only real skill was killing and drinking. The only person who became closest to being family died in an explosion.
McCree sat in some dump of a bar, attempting to reach the bottom of a whiskey bottle. In such a bad mood, McCree couldn’t make rational desicions. His plan as of the rest of the holidays is to get alcohol poisoning.
He couldn’t care less if he died drinking in the slum of a bar anyways.
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
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another mcmercy doodle, didnt know what to make them wear and i didnt wanna draw their normal clothes so: CHRISTMAS SWEATERS
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
{die-aerztin-engel} 🏠"… you as well, Jesse?"
Send 🏠 to find out my muse has no family to go home to for the holidays.
It was that time of year again. Everyone had family to go back to. Well, most anyways. But McCree was a family of one, it always has been. I wouldn’t hurt to have someone to come home too.
“...Just fine.” He didn’t bother changing his tone, she could always see through him, knew when he was lying. She’d fine out somehow anyways.
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
Okay. This comic is great because it shows a lot of ups and downs for various characters, but naturally I’m going to hone in on McCree:
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(Not to ignore Sombra being there; I’m fucking thrilled Reaper’s new star student is tailing his old one).
But. Let’s just talk about Jesse. Obviously we’re getting the most hamfisted visual cue imaginable that McCree is sad. The dude’s alone in a bar on Christmas, black-out drunk. Not generally how people spend their holiday.
Fanon has collectively painted McCree as an easy-going doofus, but if you think about it he has to be one of the most miserable, down-trodden heroes in the Overwatch setting. By the age of eighteen all of his major life choices were decided for him. From his conscription to just a few years before Overwatch collapsed his entire existence was Blackwatch. In ten+ years he didn’t venture beyond that. Being a Blackwatch agent was all he ever amounted to, and it was the only good he’d ever accomplished. It was his home and his family. It was the cornerstone of his entire identity. Through it, he thought he’d made up for the mistakes of his adolescence.
Turns out that even his “redemption” was rotten. Anything positive he ever did was washed under the tidal wave of public condemnation for all the wrongs, the manipulations, and the secrets. He can’t even look back on the years he spent atoning with Overwatch and feel proud of it, because everywhere he goes the debate still is whether or not the U.N.’s peacekeeping force was ever anything but a means for the corrupt to hold power. If they’re right, what is Jesse McCree but a man who’s never done anything but fire his gun for the bad guys?
The worst part is McCree is stuck in purgatory. Responsibly, he can’t answer Winston’s recall. This new incarnation of Overwatch is going to have a hard enough time overcoming global criticism and the failures of their predecessors – failings like those of McCree himself. If they want to win back public support then they can’t afford to be taking in wanted fugitives, least of all the former protege of Gabriel Reyes. The best thing McCree can do for them is stay the fuck away. In the meantime he’s got nothing going on save for thwarting occasional robberies and the odd train rescue here and there. He’s got no one he can count on without dragging them into his troubles with the law. There’s nowhere for him to rest his head. He doesn’t even have an identity beyond a “not good, not bad” mercenary who’s simply adrift. 
So here we have one Jesse McCree, drinking himself stupid on Christmas because he’s fucking lonely and he can’t go home. 
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
Send 🏠 to find out my muse has no family to go home to for the holidays
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
injury/torture starter sentences
“One more word and I’ll break your other arm too.” “I know it hurts, but you’re not alone. I’m here for you.” “Will you please tell me who did this to you?” “Something happened to you while you were gone and if you don’t start talking about it you will only sink further and further into this darkness.” “I know what leaves those scars. I’m sorry. Nobody should have to go through that torture.” “Which do you prefer? Your tongue or your eyes?” “My whole life I’ve been searching for someone willing to endure my torture… Evidently I got impatient.” “You have something I want. Give it to me and I will let you go. It’s that simple.” “Why I’m doing this to you? There is no why… I just like it.” “Don’t cry, darling, I’m still your best friend. This doesn’t change anything.” “Please don’t panic, it’s just a small knife.” “Shut up– SHUT UP! I can’t think with all your screaming!” “You’re dying. Oh my god, you’re dying! That wasn’t supposed to happen!” “If you don’t tell me what’s been happening to you, you leave me no choice but to leave you.” “Why won’t you talk to me about what happened? You’ve had the same blank look in your eyes for weeks.” “Where did that scar come from? You didn’t have that before the holiday, did you?” “I want you to take this knife and make a nice, long cut in your own skin.” “Beg for your life, if you want it. I will spare you if your pleads satisfy me.” “I don’t know whether I’m going to kill you or not. You think I have that much self-control? Ha! You’re cute.” “Tell me what you know and the pain will stop, I promise.”
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
💭 please reblog if you’re okay with turning meme answers into threads !
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vigiilantiisms · 8 years
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