Dick woke, bleary eyed. He took a few seconds to orient himself before shoving his hair back and standing up. “Sorry–” He slid papers across his desk, acknowledging Bruce with his eyes. “No, I can work. I was just trying to catch up from yesterday. I can freshen up real quick.” He stepped away from the desk. “Oh shit, your coffee–” He checked his watch, then looked up with a silent apology for cussing. “I can fetch that right now.”
“Don’t bother.  I’ll grab some from the break room,” though he still wasn’t fond of that option (Kent made coffee that was 90% water, and Prince never listened to his selection suggestions), he didn’t seem particularly upset.
“... Dick,” he said after a moment.  “That file you brought in.  It was... good news.  We have what we need to turn the Fuller case around.  It makes our jobs much easier, so don’t work too hard.”  Like he was one to talk.
Mens Rea
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Dick’s cheeks warmed at the compliment, and he tilted his head downward, still smiling, as Bruce returned to the dishes. 
A frown settled a moment later. “Oh–?” Dick touched his fingers to the edge of the bruise. “Oh.” His jaw worked a moment. “So… what about rumors about me working and dating you at the same time?”
“Non-problematic, considering your job is now one where a conflict of interest won’t be an issue.”  Bruce set the final dish aside and turned.  “And I suppose they’re hardly rumors anyhow.  Don’t worry, there’s nothing against my company’s regulations that bar it.”
Sugar Baby
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“Ah man, I was thinking I could pull off a ruggedly handsome look,” Dick huffed, rubbing the stubble at his chin.
“So about that secretary position– when do I get to see the office? It must have an awesome view.” 
“Mm,” Bruce mused, “Your face is too handsome for that.”  He left the compliment there and returned to drying dishes. “You’ll see the office soon, but the social cliques of the parties I attend and those who work for me sometimes overlap.  Rumors spread fast, so it’s best not to let them see you like this.  I already have a reputation for being a hard ass, I’m sure.”  He never paid those things much mind.  What was important was the quality of his work, not whether he was loved by his employees.
Sugar Baby
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Dick arrived at work just before daybreak, the sky still blotted with a dusky grey while orange sprouted at the fringes. Dick collapsed at his desk, nursing his hangover with a hand to his forehead. He could barely get any sleep last night, yet that’s all he wanted now that he was here. He arrived early so that no one would pay much attention to him when he did walk in. Dick was smartly dressed, but he felt like the last twelve hours were plastered on his forehead. 
Bruce left a stack of work on his desk from the previous day and Dick started to thumb through it. The slow throbbing in his skull began to sidetrack him and then he was laying his head down until he was suddenly fast asleep.
Dick was already at work when Bruce arrived.  That was... surprising.  It wasn’t that Dick was perpetually late, but Bruce had half expected another call out considering how ill he’d looked yesterday.  In fact, the boy still looked sick.  He was snoozing on top of his desk, hair disheveled, face tense and tired. Bruce exhaled in frustration, a sleeping secretary did not a good impression make.
There was also the fact that an early Dick meant a DeAvens-less Bruce.  The older man cleared his throat loud enough to wake his snoozing secretary.  “If you’re unable to stay awake, go home.  Your unkempt look is bad for client relations.”
Mens Rea
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“Do as you wish.”  Thomas was careful not to let any approval bleed into his tone.  He wanted Richard to feel solely responsible for this creature, especially if he failed.  It would be a good reminder to the boy that he was incapable of doing anything without Thomas.
Of course, if he somehow managed to tame the wild owlet, Thomas would need to remind Richard just who he had to thank for that.  Couldn’t have the boy thinking he was capable of taking care of himself.
“Now...” Thomas held out a hand, encouraging Richard over. “Show me your appreciation.”
Noctuis: Vulneraverunt
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Bruce’s attention was on his computer when Dick returned, though his gaze averted to the manila envelope in Dick’s hand when the boy mentioned it.  He was about to tell Dick that no, he could not go home because the office was too busy today when he looked up and saw Dick’s face.
Bruce’s eyes flickered over Dick’s features, his brows tightening.  “Go home,” he said after a delay of silence, taking the envelope from Dick’s grip.  “Don’t get sick, I need you here.”  He set the folder down and returned his attention to his computer screen.
Mens Rea
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Bruce knew Dick wasn’t much of a socialite, which meant the boy’s concern was more over a lack of work than missed parties.  Somehow he found that even more amusing.
“That could work,” he crossed tot he table, fingers gingerly caressing Dick’s cheek around the bruise, careful not to touch the swollen skin.  “Alfred could do it.  He’s done that sort of thing before, when I was younger and more reckless.”
He withdrew his hand, “The cuts will be more difficult, but with any luck they wont scar.”
Sugar Baby
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Bruce made a somewhat amused sound, “You might scare a child, with a face like that.  You can’t exactly go to events with me with a black eye either.  People will get crazy ideas.” The last thing he needed was ‘Bruce Wayne: Abuser?’ as a tabloid headline.
Sugar Baby
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Bruce flinched as the gun discharged against his chest.  He was lucky that Superwoman had aimed dead-center, the bat-symbol was the most reinforced part of his armor.  Still, the blow was point-blank, and had knocked the air from his chest.  It took a few seconds of carefully controlled breathing to get his lungs full again.  
He was careful to keep his expression static the entire time.  If it was a reaction Superwoman wanted, he’d make her work for it.  Maybe then she’d redirect her attentions solely onto him.
L'appel du vide
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“Alien girl,” Dick repeated with an incredulous huff.  He shouldn’t have been surprised that Bruce wouldn’t just call her by her name.  “It didn’t work out, maybe that’s for the best.  Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to marry Kory.  We just... drifted apart.  I hated it at first, but now... hm.” He shifted slightly, crossing one leg over his raised knee, “I don’t know, if I got the chance to do it all over again to try and make it work, I don’t think I would.”  It wasn’t that he didn’t still love Kory, their passion had just faded over time.  She was a dear friend, he wouldn’t trade her for the world.
“Anyways, even if I did get married, I doubt it’d stop me from fighting.  Think it’d drive me insane not being out there while the others were.”
Filius Prodigus
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Bruce couldn’t hide the cheeky grin that formed at that.  It was true that he kept pulling Dick away from his job at the amusement park, but he couldn’t be faulted for wanting to spend more time with the man.
“If you wanted to quit, I’d be happy to enable that; but something tells me you rather enjoy that job.”  Like the fact that Dick hadn’t quit the moment Bruce had cut his first check.  He turned and leaned back against the counter, crossing his arms, “And if you get in trouble I’ll have Alfred write you the most spectacular doctor’s note you’ll ever receive.”
Sugar Baby
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      “The world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance.”
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“Clark teach cooking,” Bruce said.  He’d always insisted on eating the fish Clark brought raw, but if he was going to really try this ‘living on land’ thing, he needed to learn to eat like a human.
Well, mostly.  He’d never eat plants.
“I know, I know. But it isn’t so bad. You’ll be better soon-enough, and then you can swim and hunt on your own again.” He’d bring Bruce back to the ocean as much as he could–without being found, of course.
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“I’m already happy,” Bruce insisted, but he seemed to understand that Tim’s mind would not be changed.  “... Tell them to call me when you’re finished.  I don’t want you taken to medbay.”  They’d had enough issues with that already.
“Yes I can,” Tim replied with a hard edge. He squeezed Bruce’s hand. “I’m going to make sure you can go home. And I want to go with you. So I have to be prepared. I have to be able to get us through anything. I want to get you home, where you can smile and relax and live in peace. I want to make you happy. I can’t keep screwing up.”
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    “You’re a person who wants to do this city good,” Bruce said, “I wasn’t there for you when you needed me, but you still have a home in Wayne manor.”  If only he could make her see that, Bruce seemed to think, she’d finally come home.
[INTRUDER] @vigilantesandplayboys​
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–––––––––––❝You’re looking for the teenage girl who was your second Robin. That girl died, Bruce. I am who I am, no apologies, no excuses. And what I am is a killer. And I’m a killer who can’t come back to you.❞ At this point, Jay wasn’t sure if she could even if she wanted to.
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Bruce’s smile only grew.  They’d be front row!  Close enough to reach out and touch the elephants as they passed by.  His excitement could hardly be contained, and he ran to his father, reaching up to signal his desire to be lifted from the ground, and then turning to hold out the camera, its lens facing towards him and his father. “Say cheese!” he said as he snapped another picture, the camera wheezing out the still.
“I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t let you.” The doctor replied, walking in further, and folding his hands behind his back while watching Bruce shake the picture into focus. “Though you must be careful about where you put the camera. Sometimes, Haley’s clowns like to pull pranks on the audience, and I arranged for seats in the front row.”
Thomas had never liked clowns. The blasted things were simply unnerving to watch, and he couldn’t imagine why anyone would find such behavior amusing to observe. But then, if children liked them, he couldn’t complain. 
“And you would have to be quick to capture an image of the Flying Graysons in their act.”
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Bruce’s expression darkened, his mouth tightening.  “What were you thinking?” He chastised.  Jason had to have known the cost, the dangers associated with Venom, how addictive the drug was.  Already the boy looked on the verge of breaking.
“How long since your last dose?” he asked, switching the subject.
“I have a problem, Bruce.” Jason announced, bluntly, sharply; Standing up and turning swiftly and deliberately and stance shifting to be more solid, more fierce.There was no denying the fact that Jason had been somewhat of a, troubled kid, reckless and quick to anger… but Jason could feel the anger already bubbling under his skin, his breathing the only thing keeping it all in check. Jason didn’t realise his fists were clenched so tightly until he needed to loosen them to remove his helmet, pulling it off slowly to reveal the state he was truly in. His eyes were practically burning with intensity and his jaw locked shut, with the veins along his neck and face bulging out. “It’s Venom, Bruce.., I need help”.
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