vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
Culture Surrounding Social Media: “Catfish”
Now-a-days the internet is a limitless database of information, videos, social opportunities, educational opportunities, and more. With this evolution in digital technology there comes some risks: security, safety, bullying, and more. A new phenomenon that has grown popular is “catfishing”.
What is “Catfishing”?
The term “catfish” was popularized in the early 2000’s after the movie Catfish was released in 2010, which followed a man named Nev who was cat-fished by an older woman. The act of “catfishing” is generally when someone sends false pictures  of themselves and hides behind a false persona to lure a person into a fake relationship. People will use “catfishing” as a form of revenge, to obtain money from others, and more.
Posted below will be an article covering the harsh reality of the dynamics between a cat-fish and their victim.
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vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
Stay Vigilant
Why is it so important to stay vigilant?
Internet safety is an utmost priority in the 21st century. The harsh reality is that technology has become the most connecting tool in our lives during the past year, making it a priority for almost every household. Kids have access to computers and cell phones at younger and younger ages and explore the internet.
I remember when I was growing up the most popular chat room was omegle where you would talk to complete strangers around the world. My friends and I would crowd around a computer trying to find the cutest boy on the site, make some friends, and gain some instagram followers. I get it. The unknown world of the internet is enticing but as software evolves so does the means of hacking and taking information from others.
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vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
Types of “Catfishing”
There are different forms of catfishing. Some will utilize pictures of a known celebrity and try to convince others that they are them. They then use this “influence” to usually get some type of financial aid.
Example 1
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Others will utilize pictures of unknown models or actors that can either be the opposite gender, different age, and overall a complete different persona. Example Video
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vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
How To Spot a Catfish
1. Picture Quality: are their pictures almost too good? Look out for pictures that seem professional. Many catfishes utilize unknown models and or influencers who are objectively attractive and would not be turned down by their general audience.
A Step to Avoid This: Look up “google image search”. Download a picture (either from their social media page or ones they sent you) and upload it to google images search engine. Once you press search any images matching the one you have just uploaded will pop up along with the original site they were posted on. This is a great way to figure out if the pictures used are authentic or not.
2.  Broken Camera: They make excuses to not video chat or FaceTime. Now-a-days anyone with a basic laptop or smart-phone will have access to a video camera. Their go to excuses will be “my camera’s broke”, “I don’t have the money to fix it”, “my internet connection isn’t good” ect…
3. Financial Aid: They seem to want some type of financial aid. Many people catfish because they are in financial binds and hope to find a “partner” who will empathize with them and aid with money. This is a large red flag that they may not be who they say they are.
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4. Fast Moving: They seem to be moving quickly within the relationship while wanting to solidly trust.
5. Social Media: Their social media accounts are usually quite minimal with pictures, small number of friends / followers, types of interactions, and more.
6. Meeting: They only want to meet on their time or in a private area. If the individual insists on meeting at a private location and if not then not at all.. it might be better to walk away.
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vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
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Societal shifts over the last decade pertaining to the internet. 
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vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
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2018 statistics 
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vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
Internet Safety - It’s Not Just “Catfishing”
“Whenever they are online they are at risk from unsuitable content, accidentally disclosing their personal data, illegal downloads, file sharing, spyware, viruses, inappropriate advances and cyber bullying.”
“Catfishing” can transcend these subcategories by intermixing them with their motive.
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vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
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vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
Tips if your photos themselves are being plagiarized by someone unknown
2. Recruit friends and family to report the page as well (more likely to be taken down)
3. Confront them! Many catfish do not want attention brought to them.
4. If the situation does not deescalate/stop contact the authority.  
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vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
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vigilantxvigilantes · 3 years
Education & Entertainment
For anyone who wants to learn more about “Catfishing” and binge watch a new show? Check out Nev Shulman’s show and or movie. https://www.mtv.com/shows/catfish-the-tv-show
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