vinnysantiago · 1 year
Remaining on the outside of the fence for the Mother to make her choice he tucks his hands in his pockets once again, partly to keep warm and also to keep from fidgeting. “Nice to meet ya’ both,” he says “Name’s Vicente, I haven’t been working here long but this really is a great place.”
He swings open the gate for the pair and motions them inside. Eyeballing the remaining ponies, he approaches a sandy coloured one delightfully named Daisy and grasps her halter to lead her back towards the pair “This here is Daisy and I’m certain she’s happy to meet the both of you. Will be even more pleased to give Poppy a ride. You comfortable with me giving her a hand up...?"
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Goldie took Poppy's hand and she nodded. "Thank you." She grinned and her daughter was jumping up and down with excitement to see the ponies. "That's amazing. She'll love that. Thank you so much." She told the man once again while they walked towards the smaller pen where the ponies were. "She'd love that." She paused. "I'm so sorry. I didn't even introduce ourselves. I'm Goldie and this is Poppy." She said, smiling at her daughter. "But, yes. She'd love to have a go."
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
Damn. Talk about a whole other lifetime ago. “Sounds fucking awful if I’m being honest,” he says “People can’t let things lie huh?” 
It’s the kind of thing that’s a little difficult for him to wrap his head around. Fortune and fame and then…just moving on from all that and everything it once entailed. But it didn’t take more than a cursory glance around the farm to know that Charlies was doing good, better for himself perhaps here. Peace. The kind of thing that didn’t have a price tag. 
“You know what they say about old dogs and new tricks,” he offers with another half-smile “I’ll try my best Sir.” 
Maybe that last one was for a laugh. 
“You got it,” he says, circling around the tree for the best angle “I’ll get to work.”
He pulls the cord and the saw starts up on the first pull, well cared for as he brings the teeth to the trunk and the volume increases as they begin to chew through the wood at a rapid pace. “Timber!” he yells out as he takes a step back whilst the tree lets out a crack and plummets towards the ground.
It lands with an oomph and he turns the saw off as he approaches it again, placing the saw to the side in a dry patch of grass “Shall we hook it up to be dragged?”
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He looked at him for a moment "Not as much anymore I played like over 20 years ago... and " he stopped a moment "I've been sober since the DUI I got into rehab..." it helped him, it saved him. But after all of that, he really stayed out of the news. "But some people find my past and bring it up" thankfully the town was
He did not mind talking about his life, he felt like it was a good thing. That he could get better and do well after a lot of bad that happened to him. He smiled a moment "well thank you for that" he smiled "So call me shithead close enough to sir?" he joked with a laugh. "Oh please boss is so formal it's a farm it's not ..." he looked around "formal so Charlie or curse at me when I am an ass is fine" he smirked as he started to move the tree so they could get working.
"We will cut it down now, then move it once we are done" he already had it cut down with the branches but the main part needed to be cut down to be moved out of the way.
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
Motioning for the pair to follow him, Vicente leads Honeycrisp back to the field to shut her back in “I’ll lead the way–they got short rides set up, the ponies I mean–space for the parent to walk alongside if ya’ want,” he shuts the gate “But they’re lead with care if you want her to have a go at it herself.”
It was a mixed bag, the kind of parent they got–he usually watched from afar or in passing; probably the first time he’d taken up the job. Covering a shift for someone really, had dealt with far more stressful things so any nerves that might have made themselves known were easy to swallow.
He leads the way to the smaller pen that held several ponies all dressed up for riding, of the five two were currently in use. “Think the little miss might be up to a go?”
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Goldie gave a small smile at him and nodded. "Thank you. Maybe I'll do that, but I think she might want to beat me to it." She said and looked down at her daughter. "Though, if I can swing it, maybe I'll give it shot." If anything, she'd just like to ride one for a little bit. It would be nice. "Ponies?!" Poppy yelled as she heard the word and Goldie let out a laugh. "Well, that caught her attention."
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
He’s got one boot off and there are children. He knew about children, the children–from the letters. But they’d always been something of an abstract kind of thing. Again, he feels like he’s intruding. The door is right there. “I…I can just go,” he says jerking his thumb over his shoulder back towards the door “I mean–you did invite me in for lunch so it would be rude but I can just…I can eat real fast.” 
His attention is back on the children, on Zoe and he opts for the headspace he dips into when he’s out amongst the public; awkwardly crossing paths through the petting zoo between tasks. It’s still a work in progress, slotting into civilian lifestyle. Some days are easier than others. “Hi,” he says to her, to the little girl “Vicente can be a bit of a mouthful for…little mouths, call me V if you’d like, little miss.” 
It’s easier. A quicker way to break down the walls and opt for familiarity. And these people, Stevie and her children who are also Johnny’s children are closer to the familiar than any other soul in this town, of that he was certain. He gets to work on his second boot before following his host “No allergies ma’am, stomach of steel–ain’t met nothing yet I can’t knock back.” 
Not to say her cooking would be in that category and he was quick to correct that “I’m sure it’ll be delicious,” he looks around some as he walks “You have a beautiful home.”
It was the kind of thing that felt right, felt painfully obvious too as he fell silent taking in the sights. Thumbs hooking through his belt loops as he stands in place not quite sure where to seat himself until the silence (as much silence as one can have with three whole children) “He talked about you a lot,” it was another kind of thing that felt needed saying “Wrote about you a lot too–kinda wild it’s taken me this long to…get to meet you.”
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“Thank you.” She smiled at him as he thanked her on her and Johnny’s engagement. Little did he know just how fresh it was. “Of course. We have plenty.” She smirked and stood out of the way to let the man inside her home so he could join them for lunch. Nodding as she closed the door, she started to lead the way into the kitchen. “Yeah. He has an afternoon class, but he’ll be back in a bit. I’ll let him know you’re here so he doesn’t dally.” Stevie grinned and moved to check on her almost one year old and eleven year old. “Zoe, this is a friend of your dad’s. He’s gonna join us for lunch.” She said and the girl waved to him. “This is Zoe and the baby is Naomi. Our son is upstairs. He’ll be down soon.” She informed the man before she went to continue lunch. “I was fixing turkey sandwiches with some leftover pasta salad from dinner and then some chips.” She paused. “You’re not allergic to anything, are you?”
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
Maybe it was the highlight of his day, week really since rolling into town. Getting employment, room and board had been like winning the lottery. He watches the pair in comfortable silence. A softness to his gaze as he does so, children had never been in his future–too ambivalent about it as a whole to even consider bringing another life into the world. “...They teach adults too,” he offers softly “No judgment from the trainers either. Lots of folks, all ages, races, and creeds come through looking for a hobby. For a new skill, for something fun–” he rubs his thumb idly along the leather of the halter “Still got open classes–ponies for the,” he glances at the girl as she’s placed down “Tots.”
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She smiled as he repeated her words and could tell he felt a similar way. They were just so majestic and if she could and had the right place, she would have one. She smiled more and nodded. "Thank you. You're gonna make her entire year." She said and got closer for the little girl to pet the horse. She squealed with excitement and gently pet the horse, Goldie doing the same with her free hand. "Right. I forgot they did that here. I always wanted to take them, but I was only here in the summer and didn't stay long enough to get a lesson." She said and wondered if there was a way she could afford to get Poppy some lessons. "She's definitely good with the kids, huh?" She said as her daughter squirmed to get down and she put her down and she pet the horse that way.
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
To have one’s past open to the world at the click of a button. That was another thing to ponder, to wonder about– “You get that a lot?” he asks because honesty seemed to be this guy’s style “People bringing up your past around you?”
Maybe if he told him he hadn’t dug too deep, skimmed it really–frankly a lot of it seemed like it wasn’t his business. Professional athletes and rock stars seemed to suffer the same double-edged sword. Money, fame, and a total lack of privacy. Everything one does under a microscope. “Bit of a habit that one,” he pauses and tacks on a “Sorry Sir,” for laughs “Twenty years in the army.”
It feels like an olive branch, something shared–I’ve glimpsed pieces of your past so here’s a tidbit of mine “Plus, goin’ forward–you’re gonna be something like my Boss, Boss.”
He nods at the direction “Sure you don’t want me to trim it first before we move it? Or trim it after we move it?”
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Charlie did know he had a mouth on him for sure, he curse all the time and was very honest at times. He knew at times could be too honest too. "Yeah, you never should with them, half the time they are mean since some assholes were mean to them first" so the animals got mad for a reason.
"It's fine, not like I can hide you google me my past all up there, and it's good to talk about too" for the person who was dealing or struggling or had past in it. "That crash saved my ass so I am thankful for it" that he did that so he got the help he did need,e ven if at first he was fighting all of it.
He had to chuckle at the other male he smiled a moment "No need to call me sir, he's Charlie that's all you need to call me" he smiled. Sir wasn't his thing too, just another thing thing that made him feel old "Charlie or shithead, asshole whatever works" he joked. 'Yeah just was old, so much wind and it just happened.
Once out at the tree he got ready to get started with it. He looked around "After we can get the gator to move it, but we have wood barn that way" he pointed the way.
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
Feeling an awful lot like a deer in headlights, Vicente continues to stand in place. Part of him wants to turn tail and run, but he knows full well that will only invite trouble. Scuffed up boots, dusty jeans, he feels unclean–like a stain on polished marble. Out of place. Foreign. Fiancé. “Oh, uh congratulations–” and she’s inviting him in, chance to run becoming narrower by the minute “Are you sure?”
She insists. 
He hadn’t eaten much since this morning’s coffee and protein bar and while he did try to stomach (ha) his appetite, she was being…so very kind and she had such a warm and welcoming everything. He felt like he would be so very rude to decline, as if his being here already unexpected nonetheless wasn’t already rude. He didn’t used to be like this, overthinking and worrying–
Nodding, he steps into the house and its beautiful foyer removing his hat as he goes. Wiping his boots off on the rug and hoping to god he didn’t get dust on anything important “At work?” he asks, remembering that his old friend had talked about working at a University–a local? 
“What are you, I guess we, having…?” he asks as he bends down to start unlacing his boots.
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
@goldiesdrake (I'm sorry I cannot reblog the other post for replying I am going insane here).
The stranger’s response indicated she’d grown up here, to still be here after all that time–or to perhaps, return here; was a little magical, something almost mythical. He wondered about the possibility of that being him in some other life. What would he have done? Who would he have been? His own hand returns to stroke Honeycrisp’s flank, the mare was the seemingly common dark glossy brown that most country stock seemed to be from. “There’s something about horses…” he trails off with a wistful little smile “Yes. Yes I do think there is.” 
He tears his attention away from the horse to the pair with what he hopes to be a welcoming smile “Yeah, yeah of course–they wouldn’t keep the unfriendly sorts out and about at this hour anyway, I mean; they have a different field they gallop around in.” 
Waving the pair closer with one hand while the other reaches out to grasp the halter to gently guide her attention to the pair so that she could be aware “They do riding lessons here too, she’s something of a star amongst the younger crowd, ain’t no worry here ma'am.”
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
He lets out a bark of laughter at the other’s words, quickly smothering it with one fist against his mouth “Just like people,” he returns easily “Won’t judge them none the same either.” 
Falling into step alongside the other as they move over to the supply shed, his surprise at the other’s honesty is evident and for a moment he’s…well, he’s struck stupid. Enough so that he falters in step. It’s clumsy and awkward and frankly, embarrassing as all hell. “I…well, shit.”
“Guess it’s sort of…a new kind of beginning then, huh?”
Romantic, in a way. He starts to walk again, slowing to a stop outside the shed where Charlies begins to sort through supplies, tossing a question over his shoulder towards him and he quickly confirms “Yes Sir,” accepting the gloves and giving them a good shake to dislodge any spiders or other creepy crawlies before sliding them on “Promise, cross my heart” and he does so with one gloved hand “Sir, yes sir.” 
He takes the saw from the other as they walk, holding it with practised ease as he looks around at the animals; tension he wasn’t aware of slowly beginning to bleed from his shoulders “Only natural, hope no one was harmed,” he says nodding at the animals moseying about as he approaches the fallen tree to eyeball the full length “Where do ya’ want to move the wood?” he asks, better to get direction before jumping headlong into the task.
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"Depends on what you are dealing with, some go for feet, some the ass, but most are like the arms or hands" he admitted. But he got it animals were scared since they were rescue animals. That's pretty much all he had here too and he loved it. Hearing what the other guy asked he thought a moment. "Yeah a little but at the same time no... I had hard time for years and this place was the first it wasn't as hard..." But he laughed a moment "I also crashed my car in DUI... so I had no way out" he admitted. It was nothing that he hid, it wasn't going to hide what was in his past.
He smiled a moment as he walked over with him to a supply shed tp pull out some tools. "I hope you can use a saw?" he said the real good ones with power, nothing by hand was used here. He handed the other gloves first as he pulled out the second saw "You sure" he teased as he held it up.
Soon enough he lead him to the pen that had the tree that was down in it. A few horses inside it and chickens who were able to wonder around. "it fell the other day after a rain..." he sighed it happens but now had to get removed.
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
At the mention of shoes being bitten, Vicente glanced downwards to his work boots where he rocks back onto the heels of them. They were steel toed, something more required by the job; he also had a pair of higher rubber boots for dealing with muck (and all the muck, there was so much muck on the farm; here he was complaining about the sand once upon a time) “Was it a hard choice?” he asks before he can stop himself “Staying.”
The very thought of it…There was another question–do you regret it? But even he had better manners than that. “Don’t worry Charlie, I don’t scare easy,” he gestures with one arm gesturing the other forward “Lead the way.”
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Charlie had learned a lot over the years even more by all his past actions. Playing professional ball for ten years was an amazing time in his life, and he was thankful for that. Even now he did not fully remember it all now since it had been a long time since he was playing and when he retired. It was over twenty years ago that he played and it still feels like it was yesterday for him. In some ways but there was a lot he did forget about as the years went by. "You and me both, them biting your shoe is not the worse you can get here" and any place really. But normally the animals were always nice, but sometimes animals did come in scared and that would change things.
"I know what you mean, I came across this town..." he paused "I more crashed into this town and was shocked at how nice it all was." why he ended up staying in the place was really good, and just worked for him. "I wanted to use what I once was for good... I always liked farms and animals so I wanted to do this" he smiled a moment.
Hearing what the other said he raised a brow at him "Shit now you won't want to help out here" he joked. He really had no idea what was online about him. If it was just his days playing ball, all the issues he had for years drinking, being in prison, and rehab. Or him owning the sports shop and the farm now.
He lived a long life and really did a bit of everything. Even more when he was just driving around trying to find a good life to live. "I think that tree I could alone but a second hand always helps" since it was bigger and would take a long time if it was just him.
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
Two weeks had never felt so long. Which was ironic considering he’d spent more than two weeks in worse places. He wasn’t the one usually paraded out for working with the public, maybe his employers understood that he was…
He was…
His thoughts are interrupted by the rapid approach of footsteps. Little footsteps. He draws his attention away from the horse he’s slowly running a brush through the mane of, really a gentle girl which may be why she was rapidly becoming Vicente’s favourite. One hand braces against the flank he half-turns towards the commotion, cautious curiosity edging at the neutrality of his features. 
The little girl being caught by the hand of who he assumed to be her mother, the gentle chiding confirming the fact and he catches the caution bleeding away towards a gentle amusement “No need to apologize ma’am,” he responds “She’s not the first kid to get excited ‘bout seeing the animals around here.”
He gently finishes the last stroke of the brush before he steps away to give the pair his full attention whilst doing his best not to feel out of place “Normally it’s the uh,” he gestures empty handed for a moment “The uh…fluffier animals that get all the love.”Vicente had been an older brother once, not by much; he’d been an Uncle once too (more than once when you got down to it) and he had no discomfort around children though he recognized his status as a stranger even in a professional, fun professional; kind of setting.
Standing there a little awkward for a moment further before he gestures back towards the horse “Her name’s Honeycrisp,” he offers “Like the apple, she’s um–very friendly, gentle sort of mare. Good with people. Good with um…kids, would your daughter like to…pet her?”
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starter for @vinnysantiago​ location: old maple way
Growing up, whenever Goldie came to visit her grandparents, she loved visiting Old Maple Way. The farm and orchard was always so pretty and she loved seeing the animals there. So, being back in town, it was only right to go there and experience the place with her daughter. Pulling up to the parking area, she got out and just before she could get Poppy out, the little girl took off down a path and was going for a horse. “Poppy!” She shouted and chased after the little girl. Catching up to her, she sighed and took her hand. “Honey, you can’t do that. You could spook the horse.” Looking up, Goldie spotted some and she blushed. “I’m sorry. She got excited.”
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
You will learn if you are around here long enough. Vicente was torn on whether he enjoyed the thought of being around long enough to learn. It was a promise of something. Something he wasn’t sure he was…even ready to concern. You’re not a young kid anymore. “Not the first time I’ve been bitten,” he responds “...Probably not the worst thing I’ve been bitten by.”
He grimaces and shoves his hands back into his pockets “It looks wonderful–the whole town does, really. Kind of seems a little…too good to be true.” there’s that Hallmark note to be had again “What uh, what made you get into all this?” 
What little he’d been able to find out about the farm on the internet had led to being able to find out more about its proprietor than anything else. And what a lot to learn. “I mean…I uh, not to come off as weird but I did some research on this place,” on you “Before making my way out here.”
I drifted around for years.Is that what he was doing? Drifting? He wets his lips, considers his next words–a bit of a heavy kind of thing to get into so soon and he’s almost painfully grateful for the change in conversation. Perking up at the prospect of work, he rubs his hands together, almost eager at the prospect of work “You got it Boss,” he half-grins “What would you like me to tackle first?”
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Charlie never liked to be called Mr. Davis or Charlies really, but he knew more people were today then they used too. Since he was older now they were more proper then then just calling him Charlie.   “You will learn if you are around here long enough” he looked at the small heard. “They are nice animals, but do show their love with bites” and kicks and they could be very mean too. But as long as they knew you, and you were nice donkeys where really nice animals.
He nodded hearing what he said. “How about for today or so you can  volunteer to see if we can use you part time”  so he could see how the other male worked. He had a lot people who  volunteer and knew nothing about farms and animals but did what they could and learned along the way.  “ah nice that place  is great” he smiled. His farm was really more of family farm and the rescue the other was full on farm that had it all. “But we will see how you work and I’ll let you know when and where we can use you” he smiled, this all sounded like a good deal to him.
“I get that I drifted around for years” when he played he was all over the place and lived in a few cities in the off season after he was in Texas a while before he ended up driving all over the country. “I think it’s really nice here I like to be able to help the animals” he smiled. Hearing if he needed help now he thought a moment. “Well the stalls can always be cleaned out, there is a tree down out in one of the fields and.....” he thought a moment. “Some painting but that really can wait”
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
The last correspondence Vicente had had with Johnny Wagner had been prior to his discharge, the envelope is well loved with a firm crease down the middle from its time kept snugly in his BDU pockets. It had a home now in his jeans, something a summer home in his wallet when he could fold it small enough to be tucked within. One day he would perhaps forgo the envelope entirely, what with its ink long since faded and smeared; he swore he could still find grains of sand within. 
Maybe he could write off his own relocation to Maple Hill as something of a desperate chase after what was. Something familiar that wasn’t so…overwhelming. While Johnny and he were not related by blood, their bond was just as strong; and in all honesty, his connections with his family had never been what one would call strong. Middle child. Not quite the black sheep but perhaps a smokey grey one. 
He’s hesitating. Looking for some excuse to not exit the vehicle and cross the street up the frankly beautiful slice of suburbia. Vicente was well aware that he had changed. Not necessarily for the better, since Johnny had left the service. What memories he had of the other, further coloured by the words starting to fade from too many times spent reread; felt almost alien. 
Someone more qualified probably had a lot to say about that. 
With that note, he opens the door and swings his legs out. One hand reaching out for his hat as he does and planting it on his head. After shutting the door behind himself, he doesn’t bother locking it (the truck was old, beat up and bought secondhand from secondhand; out of place in such a gorgeous place) and crosses the street. The neighbourhood is pleasantly quiet, comfortably so. 
He feels small. 
Tucking the well loved, well worn, slice of safety; into his back pocket. His hands worry one another, twisting together before he jams them into the pockets of his jacket before he makes his way up the drive at a brisk pace. Before he can think better of it. Maybe he should have called–everybody seemed to know everyone here he was sure someone around the farm would be able to know something. 
He doesn’t let himself look around too closely, knows that it will overwhelm him to the point of further hesitation. If not worse: a retreat. Jamming a digit to the button twice, cutting the first pleasant chime of the doorbell off with a second. There’s a moment, then another; he swore he heard someone come to the door and–
It’s a woman. 
He freezes. 
He…recognizes the woman in a way, a sense of familiarity he can’t quite place. A name comes slowly to mind and he grimaces internally before trying to put on his best smile; a crooked almost awkward kind of thing “Hi uh…”
Eyes widen and he stands straighter in place, almost as though at attention “Stevie right?” he should have planned for this–expect the unexpected, prepare for the worst (this was hardly the worst) “I uh, shit,” smooth “I’m sorry to just drop by unannounced but I’m uh a friend–old friend really, kind of old kind of friend, of Johnny’s.”
Pulling a hand from his pocket he offers it forth “Vicente Santiago, I served with your…” were they married? He looks to her hand, catches the glint of a ring “...Husband…?”
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
@charliesxdavis (the old post i could not edit i am very sorry)
Watching as the other moved around, making a mental note of Call me Charlie; before ambling along with him over towards the barn as well. “Don’t know donkeys well enough to say if that’s usual or not,” he was more of a learn on the job type of guy “Maybe that’s just how they show they care.”
Everything he learned about farm animals, he’d picked up from word of mouth. From books, help movies, and from his generous employers. “I’m good for either–volunteer, part time,” he jerks his thumb over his shoulder back towards the road where his truck is parked “I work full on over at Old Maple Hill but I share a schedule with a handful of other guys so they like to shuffle us around…if I have something more…concrete here they’d be happy to work around it.”
Real sweet of them honestly. “Don’t know how long I plan on staying in town…but…” he slowly pivots in place looking around the expanse of farm, of the fences and the fields and the generous barn that his host leaned against “If I’m going to spend some time anywhere…this seems like a good place to be.”
He returns his attention to Charlies "Do you...need any help right now? I'm free for the day."
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
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being a being being a being // patch here.
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vinnysantiago · 1 year
When Vicente hears the responding greeting called out he pauses, head canting to the side before adjusting his approach towards the fence. Just in time to watch a donkey nip at the esteemed owner of the farm–who greets him by name. For a moment, he’s taken aback. Maybe it was a small community–farms and whatnot. Maybe they shared all the hot gossip about new hires and whatnot between one and other. He offers a hesitant smile as he stops a few feet from the fence, facing the other “Mr.Davis,” he replies by way of greeting followed by a quick tilt of his hat “Hope you’re doing well today.” 
A pause “Donkey bites aside.”
He looked at said donkey, mischievous sort of creature. Wisely, he keeps his hands to himself. “Sorry to swing by unannounced, was wondering if you had a few minutes to chat?”
Deciding to elaborate he continues "I was wondering if you had...any openings for some kind of part time employment," a pause "Or perhaps even volunteer work...?"
Did he need to give a reason? Hardly the sort of thing someone needed to give forth to a virtual stranger. I like to keep busy. Invited too many questions. He felt he was still a little too fresh-faced to invite such things just yet.
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Charlie did love his farm, it was little but good. He mostly did have volunteers for the most part.  But he did hire on a few people since volunteers did not happen everyday.  Since he did own his farm, and the sports shop he was a pretty busy guy. But did his best to spend his time at both locations and would work them. Not just have both places and just own and run them. He do all the work no matter the task. 
At his sports shop, he sweep and stock the shelves. He didn’t mind what he had to do. But he normally was one that fixed anything that needed fixing. The farm he did it all, animal care, cleaning, fixing things. But the times there was not enough people too volunteer so he did have some staff. But one had left and caused him to work more himself. 
Hearing a car pull up then a voice he started to walk towards the fence that was near the barns. He was in the with the donkeys that he had, there was about six of them now. “Hello?” he said as he went and got over the fence one of the dockeys named Payton bit at his foot “Little ass stop it, I’ll be back” he looked at the animal then turned towards the other male. “Oh hey Vicente”
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