violetdiamond-blog1 · 7 years
That thing when someone is talking about someone else who’s sick, and they say things like “yeah, you know, they’re not feeling too hot”... 
mmmYUP just had to get that out there
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violetdiamond-blog1 · 7 years
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I’ve been wanting to do a snez meme for some characters I play in a verse with @dodecahedral  and @umdhlebi, so I thought I’d start with Mikkel, since he was my first Lousy Coffee character. He's a half-human, half-frost wight, and a full blown punk-ass wisenheimer
 Short and not particularly loud, but with a tight, pressurized sound to them, usually prefaced by a quick inhale. Something like “hhg'TSHh!”most of the time, but they sometimes have a tendency to get snagged, and the effect is more like “hh-- g'TSHH!” If he is sick, they tend to be longer and heavier, and are often punctuated with a vocalized “-uu”. His sneezes usually come in multiples or fits, though not really rapid fire. Two or three will do him most of the time, but his allergic fits tend to be much longer, annoying affairs.
Personal habits or hangups surrounding sneezing?
 He's not too fazed by doing it himself, except for the unfortunate repercussion of accidentally coating whatever he's holding with a layer of rimfrost or producing an accidental burst of ice mist, which he sees as annoyingly ostentatious and also potentially hazardous to any frost-intolerant beings he might be close to. With others, he's not particularly germophobic and wouldn't bat an eye in most cases. Abe's sneezes (and in particular his tenancy to produce a small (or large) torrent of fire with them) has caused him to develop a sort of, er... let's say fixation, which he's still trying to sort out.
Any allergies?
 He has hay fever, which is an added vexation to his general misery come springtime. He's sensitive to some colognes, and a strong whiff of something potent like garlic might agitate him into a sneeze or two, but he doesn't have any specific allergies.
How do they handle having a cold (or if they’re incapable of having had one, what would a fluke experience be like, how would they react to these unpleasant “firsts”)
 He deals with it in the way he does most things in life, with a general “whatever” defiance. He catches mild colds with pretty fair frequency, and is very used to soldering through a day or two of a sore throat/ stuffy nose, and probably wouldn't think much of it unless someone pointed it out. For this reason, he tends to get caught off guard when one of these seemingly nbd seasonal illnesses hits him harder than expected, and he will still try to everything he'd already planned on doing, even despite clearly looking and feeling miserable. He's not prone to whining for the purpose of attention-seeking, but will definitely get irritable or sulky if rubbed the wrong way, or sometimes just for the sake of it. He's very bad at self-care and won't put any effort into it at all. Medicine? What the fuck is that shit anyway?
Who would they like to take care of them (or would they hate the extra attention)?
 He would never search out any care-giving attentions on his own, but will tolerate low-key things like buying tissues or making tea from anyone he's pretty fairly close to who's feeling feeling particularly generous and also willing to put up with his not-overtly-grateful sarcasm or possible bitchiness in response, though such souls are very few. Body contact and other small-but-intimate displays of affection from a person he is romantically involved with are a secret comfort to him, but ones he again would much rather put up a front of surly aloofness against than actively seek out. So having a boyfriend who knows him well enough to see past the facade and is potentially willing to jump through a hoop or two to play along is ... very nice.
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violetdiamond-blog1 · 7 years
💦 🍄 👀
Okay, here we go @u@
💦Fit of small sneezes or 1-2 big sneezes?
I’m very not-picky about sounds or spellings, and my preferences are really tied up in character personalities/interactions, so chances are if you’ve sold me on a character, you’ve already sold me on however they sneeze as well!!
I’ve grown very fond of certain sneeze-styles belonging to characters who have become dear to my heart, but i guess if i had to pick my faaavorite style without any character context at all, it would be small fits of medium-volumed sneezes, but very intense and, er… wet-sounding >__>;;
🍄Tissues or handkercheifs?
Very biased toward tissues bc they create messes, and i am all about that cold aesthetic boi! Also they are a major part of that on-the-fly cvs cold supply run shtick that i am forever weak for. Handkerchiefs with the right character can be really endearing/cute tho, especially when it doesn’t quite line up with their personality otherwise. My two major loves belonging to @dodecahedral and @umdhlebi are both monsters of a fire elemental persuasion, and handkerchiefs are for them a sturdier option over easily ignitable sheets of tissue. Soooo, both is good ouo
👀Do you like non-human fetish stuff? (Dragons? Monsters? Favorite type?)
Ahahahhaa do i like monsters >u> The answer to this is as long as it has adult human or above level sentience, throw it fuckin at me. I gravitate hard toward things supernatural and sci fi in nature, bc straight slice of life stuff is p boring imo. So monsters, demons, AI, all that shit is fine and dandy by me.
I reeeaally (probably obviously) like beings with elemental inclinations, and also am really fascinated by things that have a consciousness not fully tangible in nature. We haven’t really explored this area yet in Lousy Coffeeverse, but i have personally spent a probably unhealthy amount of time thinkin about how a ghost might catch a cold ouo;;;
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violetdiamond-blog1 · 7 years
This blog is new and no one knows me yet, but imma reblog this anyway =u= Gotta start somewhere!!
makin snez asks bc i'm bored
💜- messy or dry sneezes? in-between? 🌈- preferred gender for fetish stuff ? (at the moment, always, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) 💦- fit of small sneezes orr just 1-2 Big sneezes ? 👀- Do u like non-human fetish stuff? (dragons? Monsters ? Do u have a favorite non-human species for this stuff?) 🚨- favorite cliche? ✔- favorite fandom for fetish writing & art? (at the moment, all time) 👑- COME UP WITH A SNEZARIO FAST (doesnt have to be good/detailed/anything … just meme it if u want) 🐶- Do u have any related fetishes? or just anything other than snez itself that u really like? 🍄- tissues Or Handkerbfchief ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ⭐️- favorite real life ob / something u remember from ur life that’s fetish related? ⚡️- FAVORITE snezFIC !!! can be all time or recently or both ? 🔥- question of all questions: cold or allergies? 💿- describe ur perfect wav ………. things u like in a wav if that’s 2 awkward for u
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violetdiamond-blog1 · 7 years
hello :^)
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