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Expressionism is defined as a modernist movement that started in Germany that distorts reality to create emotions. It plays with shadow and light to evoke uneasy feelings within the viewer. It is dramatic. It is a heavy inspiration for me as an artist as I like to mix grunge with beauty and daintiness.
My piece plays with darkness and drama. Showing a leather coat sitting at an abandoned piano with ambient side lighting. It is meant to represent the visual aspects of expressionism and the mixing of lights and colors. The piano is also there to represent silence and the use of music to fill silence since silent films are such a strong part of expressionisms roots.
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Expressionism Video Essay
I love expressionism! I think this is the closest to my personal style  of theatre that I have seen. I love the drama and grossness of it. The uncomfortable. Its got a way of telling a story that is really effective. 
I love the color palette of the expressionist era. It is able to mix together soft colors with contrasting shadows and darkness with highlights of blues and greens. It changes the feel and emotional reaction I had drastically and I can picture myself using this in my own work. 
There was a shot of a guy with a clock that was part of the work done by Kalgari That was really compelling to me. The man was pulling a giant clock in all different directions with dramatic music playing in the background. I love the oversized object and the emphasis on a breakdown it gives. It inspired me a lot and made my artist brain start turning 
I think the ability to make a piece feel physically clausterphobic is something really unique to expressionism. It leaves the watcher feeling nervous and uneasy and on edge which is a really tricky feeling to evoke. In theatre I love the uncomfortable and focusing and relishing in those moments so this really resonated with me. I think nothing is more powerful than uncomfortablility 
I really was drawn to expressionism and feel happy that I got to learn more about it today. I am going to take so much of this and throw it into my work
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realism is a form of theatre rooted in truth and observation of the human experience. It became highly popularized in france in the 1860s and quickly spread across the theatre community. A personal favorite writer of naturalism plays of mine is Henrik Ibsen.
My piece is representing realism by displaying the truth of a overworked college students locker. Showing reminants of classes and school mixed in with forgotten memos and personal belongings. It shows how natural isn’t always pretty or what you want it to be but is rooted in truth
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personal style
oh boy... personal style is quite the question- especially for me. I am so immensely driven by my love for personal style and self-expression. I am drawn to femininity and softness but also edginess and darkness. I like to bring elements of dark to the pink clothes and little bows I love to wear around. The ability to be both put together and messy all in one. I am inspired by bold colors, lace, pearls, rhinestones, and music. In my personal style, I like to stand out and be bold!
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My Favorite Play
Jekyll and Hyde by Frank Wildhorn and Steve Cuden is the musical I have chosen as my favorite. I am absolutely captivated by this piece and its ability to combine themes and stories of true love and elegant romance with dirty innuendos and lustful affairs seamlessly. On one hand, we fall in love with the story of Emma and dr Jekyll, get swooped off to their wedding, and catch intimate moments and in the blink of an eye, we are transported to a run-down strip club where Lucy meets the evil Hyde. We see violence and sexual passion and even a moment of sweetness that makes the audience feel for Lucy and Hyde. The story progresses until these two contrasting sides are intertwined so deeply that there is no getting them untangled. Jekyll and Hyde is the perfect balance of the two sides of a man and how toeing the line between good and evil can be a dangerous game.
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