violeteyesrhys · 1 year
Since the tags have decided to be super difficult today I am having to post everything twice and it's 3.30am here 😐... Here is to hoping ...
A romantic Gwynriel piece commissioned by me to kick off the week of love ... with Valentines Day so close I thought we could all benefit from us heart-warming Gwynriel 😍
Artist @Juliar_art ... was both fun and fabulous to work with 😍😍😍
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All Characters Belong To Sarah J Maas
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
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“They got me you. That’s…That’s what I want.” [Chapter 41]
@beaumaismortel ’s latest chapter still has me feeling some kind of way… 
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
“You’re the new ribbon, Az”💕🫶🏻
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
Hey guys, I know this is super random (and doesn’t have to do with ACOTAR) but I put together a romance reel for a Canadian bookstore and even had one of the authors featured like it. It would mean a lot if you could potentially check it out <3 
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
I’m finally re-reading A Court of Mist and Fury and I realized that I initially missed the symbolism of Tamlin giving Feyre a wedding ring with an Emerald. Emerald is known as the “Stone of Successful Love” because it promotes friendship and balance between partners. The problem is stones are not a cure-all, it builds off of and sways the emotions that already exist.
“He worshipped my body with his hands, his tongue, his teeth. But that wasn’t the hard part. We just got tripped up with the rest.”
Feyre and Tamlin have a strong physical  connection but lack everything else. They don’t communicate what they feel. When they had a minute alone before Feyre faced her last trial, and almost certain death, they made out. There were no heartfelt speeches, or potential goodbyes, just a hardcore make out session. The night after Feyre killed those two Fae and defeated Amarantha they had sex. There was no sweet words of comfort, no emotional breakdown…just sex. My point is, there was no friendship for the stones energy to build off of. There also was never any balance between them. Feyre was the Prisoner, Tamlin the Jailor. Feyre was the mortal, Tamlin’s Fae, Feyre was his Subject & Consort, Tamlin’s the High Lord. Once again giving the stone nothing to accentuate.
Emerald is also supposed known to be helpful in relieving claustrophobia, meaning if you get a little uncomfortable in tight spaces you might find some comfort having this stone on you. However, if you are absolutely terror-stricken being trapped (with good reason due to some not too long ago trauma that occurred) this stone will do nothing for you.
“He’d trapped me; he’d trapped me; he’d trapped me- I had to get out…”  This not only emphasized the imbalance of power between them but also shows us how out of sync he is with Feyre. Due to Tamlin’s ignorant actions she falls into a full blown panic attack. She tries to summon her powers to winnow, to escape, to show her the way out of this new prison. “There was nothing and I had become nothing, and I couldn’t ever get out-” I feel like this is Feyre’s lowest point, it’s symbolic of her depression which had made her feel like there’s nothing left for her because she’s not good enough, in her head she’s become nothing and there’s no end in sight. Tamlin by ignoring Feyre’s pleading and pain has helped enforce what she already thinks of herself. Fuelled by fear and panic she desperately uses her powers to try free herself from this new prison. “I was ensconced in a cocoon of darkness and fire and ice and wind, a cocoon that melted the ring off my finger until the golden ore dripped away into the void, the emerald tumbling after it.” Instead of freeing herself from the walls of the house, this is the moment she starts to free herself from him; From her Jailer and Saviour, her no-longer-needed Protector, her High Lord. This is the moment that we realize just how far Tamlin has pushed Feyre. This is the moment that we realize there is no longer any hope that their relationship will recover.
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
Hey guys, I know this is super random (and doesn’t have to do with ACOTAR) but I put together a romance reel for a Canadian bookstore and even had one of the authors featured like it. It would mean a lot if you could potentially check it out <3 
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
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Rhys and Feyre - A Court of Thorns and Roses
Artist: @/theclever.crow
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
The first time Feyre was painted and dressed up by the shadow sisters, so Rhysand could take her to the midsummer party, I noticed this sentence:  “My hair was coiled around a small golden diadem imbedded with lapis lazuli.”
Let me over analyse and explain why this sentence is significant. When Rhysand brings Feyre into the throne room all she can think about is how debased she looks with her sheer gown. In her mind Amarantha looks better because she’s dressed modestly. But lets forget about the dresses for a moment and look at what’s on Feyre’s head and not on Amaranthas, a diadem. What is that exactly? Well a diadem is a type of crown usually worn by monarchs, an emblem for regal power and dignity. Not only did Rhysand give Feyre a CROWN but a crown with a lapis lazuli. What’s the big deal about lapis lazuli, you ask? 
Well, Lapis Lazuli is historically one of the most sought after stones. It has always symbolized the starry night (so basically the night court). Also, if you believe in crystals having some sort of “powers” lapis lazuli is often used for its strong emotional components, known for helping people overcome abuse, trauma, depression and grief (Which clearly Feyre needs help with).
 Let’s also not forget the discussion between Rhysand and Amarantha when they stroll into the throne room.  “What have you done with my captive?” she said but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes.  “We made a bargain… one week with me at the night court every month in exchange for my healing services…for the rest of her life.”  This was Rhysand telling Amarantha that Feyre is his and not hers. Not only did Rhysand save the life of the human that Amarantha wants dead, he waltzed right up to the foot of her throne, and in front of all the courts, announced not so subtly that he thinks Feyre is going to beat Amarantha and he’s going to support her through it all. Feyre was so wrapped up in her concern over Tamlin that she believed this whole thing was just a way for Rhysand to torment him, when in reality it had nothing to do with Tam. It was Rhysands way to say to Amarantha that her reign won’t last forever.  This was Rhysand rebelling against his abuser.
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
Hey guys, I know this is super random (and doesn’t have to do with ACOTAR) but I put together a romance reel for a Canadian bookstore and even had one of the authors featured like it. It would mean a lot if you could potentially check it out <3 
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
Rhysand didn’t want Feyre to fight or die alone.
The High Lord of the feared Night Court.
The only person who was rooting openly for Feyre during the trials despite the consequences.
The person who saved Feyre on calanmai, and during the trials on more than one occasion.
The man whose named had been tarnished by whore because he was doing what he had to, to survive.
A High Lord who loves to fly, who was trapped under a mountain.
No, Rhysand isn’t a saint, but there’s definitely more to this High Lord than meets the eye. It’s because of these little good things he’s done, that I’m willing to over look the other, immoral things he’s done.
Rhys isn’t entirely good, nor entirely bad, and despite all his talk, I don’t think he’d ever let anything bad happen to Feyre; especially in his court.
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
I hope anti-rhysand fans realize that without Rhysand, Feyre would not have survived the trials, and would have been killed by Amarantha
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
When Feyre stayed with the fey who had his wings torn off that was one of the first very personal moments that her and Tamlin shared. It was when she apologized for killing Andras and it was when she gave her speech about not wanting to die alone. It was also the moment where I think she started to view fey as something more than the enemy who deserves to suffer.
Fast forward to when Rhys interrupts their meal and officially meets Feyre. He goes through her mind specifically looking at her thoughts about Tamlin. I think he found that first pivotal moment between the two of them and it impacted Rhys a lot. Here is this High Lord, who is lonely because everyone thinks he’s Amarantha’s loyal bitch and is unable to fly, something he loves to do, because he fears it will be taken away from him permanently. I’m positive that Rhys was probably there for that fey’s torture and seeing a human girl, who hates fey, mourn over that broken body hits close to home. 
Now we’re under the mountain, Feyre has the tattoo and is connected to Rhys in a way that now she’ll never be alone. Amarantha is killing her and Rhysand is freaking out even though it seems like there is nothing left that Feyre can do to help him stop her and yet he still wants to save Feyre. Not because of selfish intentions but because he likes her and when Feyre dies it’s Rhys, with his tattoo and mind connection, that makes sure she isn’t alone. 
When they’re out on the balcony she asks him why. Now mind you, Rhys has been stuck beneath Amarantha for more than 50 years and he tells her how he wanted his offspring to know that he fought her at the end. But realistically, it looked like Feyre was useless when he attacked Amarantha. There were other’s trying to usurp her behind her back that Rhys knew about. (Remember when he broke that fey’s mind against Amarantha’s wishes to protect the High Lord’s plan?) He could have stood at the sidelines and watched Feyre die and try to overthrow her with the other fey that were resisting but he didn’t. He fought back when all looked lost for Feyre. So when he says all that stuff about being part of the legends I think that was true before he met her. But when Rhysand says “I didn’t want you to fight alone. Or die alone.”  It was the answer to why he chose that moment. It wasn’t because he thought that Feyre could still save them. No, instead he chose to stand up to Amarantha for the human girl who cried over the fey who lost his wings, for the human girl that understood him, for the human girl who showed more bravery than most of his kind. That is why Rhysand choose that moment to fight.
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
The first time Feyre was painted and dressed up by the shadow sisters, so Rhysand could take her to the midsummer party, I noticed this sentence:  “My hair was coiled around a small golden diadem imbedded with lapis lazuli.”
Let me over analyse and explain why this sentence is significant. When Rhysand brings Feyre into the throne room all she can think about is how debased she looks with her sheer gown. In her mind Amarantha looks better because she’s dressed modestly. But lets forget about the dresses for a moment and look at what’s on Feyre’s head and not on Amaranthas, a diadem. What is that exactly? Well a diadem is a type of crown usually worn by monarchs, an emblem for regal power and dignity. Not only did Rhysand give Feyre a CROWN but a crown with a lapis lazuli. What’s the big deal about lapis lazuli, you ask? 
Well, Lapis Lazuli is historically one of the most sought after stones. It has always symbolized the starry night (so basically the night court). Also, if you believe in crystals having some sort of “powers” lapis lazuli is often used for its strong emotional components, known for helping people overcome abuse, trauma, depression and grief (Which clearly Feyre needs help with).
 Let’s also not forget the discussion between Rhysand and Amarantha when they stroll into the throne room.  “What have you done with my captive?” she said but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes.  “We made a bargain… one week with me at the night court every month in exchange for my healing services…for the rest of her life.”  This was Rhysand telling Amarantha that Feyre is his and not hers. Not only did Rhysand save the life of the human that Amarantha wants dead, he waltzed right up to the foot of her throne, and in front of all the courts, announced not so subtly that he thinks Feyre is going to beat Amarantha and he’s going to support her through it all. Feyre was so wrapped up in her concern over Tamlin that she believed this whole thing was just a way for Rhysand to torment him, when in reality it had nothing to do with Tam. It was Rhysands way to say to Amarantha that her reign won’t last forever.  This was Rhysand rebelling against his abuser.
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
“When it seemed like I was done heaving, I eased from the toilet- but didn’t go far. Just to the adjacent wall, near the cracked window, where I could see the night sky, where the breeze would caress my sticky face…”-pg. 6, ACOMAF
Guys, Tamlin was literally in the next room as Feyre was puking her guts out. 
 “But with my Fae ears…sometimes I wondered if I heard his breath catch, only for a heartbeat.” 
If Feyre can tell when his breathing patterns change for less than a second with her fantastic Fae hearing there’s no way in hell Tamlin can’t hear her vomiting. Yet he doesn’t go to her. He doesn’t hold her hair, or wipe the sweat from her brow, he doesn’t comfort her as she trembles and cries… he pretends it’s not happening,he pretends that Feyre isn’t suffering.
For all of you who don’t ship Feysand/ can’t really see how they can be a thing / feel like the mate thing was forced, just think about this. By PAGE 6 of ACOMAF, Feyre had gotten more comfort from the freaking night sky (*cough* Rhysand *cough*) than the person whom she almost died, on multiple occasions, and murdered for. Right from the get-go Feylin was a no-go. Even at this point when she still hates the tattoo and is scared that Rhysand is going to come for her to keep the bargain. Long before she begins to resent Tamlin, before she realizes that she needs help, she unconsciously seeks comfort from things that remind her of Rhysand. Even from the beginning he was what helped keep her strong. 
“This was real. I had survived; I’d made it out.”
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
Hey guys, I know this is super random (and doesn’t have to do with ACOTAR) but I put together a romance reel for a Canadian bookstore and even had one of the authors featured like it. It would mean a lot if you could potentially check it out <3 
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
 “Your mortal heart is nothing to us.” - Amarantha, ACOTAR Chapter 44. 
Rhysand stared at me for long enough that I faced him. “Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don’t feel anything at all.”
I just. Enjoy any parallel that allows Rhys to deny Amarantha’s insidious influence on both him and Feyre. 
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violeteyesrhys · 1 year
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