violetnatilly · 9 months
This is my contribution to the Harringrove Relay Race! ✨@harringrove-relay-race
 She tried, she did, but she failed and all she wanted in that moment was to forget about it all! 
This is my super late contribution. Thank you so much @akichaniafor introducing me earlier. Unfortunately, my work got in between and I forgot to schedule my post, as it took me a bit to write it (my partner helped me a little, not gonna lie.)
I was supposed to introduce a wonderful artist, but as I am late, I am just gonna use this space to apologize sincerely for not passing the baton in this race to @harringrove-relay-race
I have realized I don't know how to link stuff in ao3 start and end notes, and it's making me feel like a grandma. Anyway, I hope you like it and enjoy
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violetnatilly · 9 months
you know those tropes where you come across them and are like Hard No Thank You but then you see the author’s name and are like… 😒 i will read this FOR YOU 😒…
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violetnatilly · 9 months
I am unfortunately just like other guys. I like trashy horror, dog poems, cannibalism as a metaphor for obsessive devotion, religious imagery, people who use my name in a sentence, academic validation, lying for fun, being bisexual and bleeding out in the snow.
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violetnatilly · 9 months
legit the best advice i can give you: feed your friends
any time someone is in any kind of crisis or upheaval, offer to feed them. tell them they don’t have to choose what it is if they can’t make decisions, just ask about allergies and preferences and tell them you’re just gonna make food happen at their house.
friend having a baby? delivery gift certificate to order food to the hospital after the kid shows up.
someone’s relative passes away? offer to make them dinner.
buddy gets laid off? ask if you can order them lunch.
pal stuck in a depressive episode? offer to drive them to fucking mcdonalds, if that’s what they want.
people in crisis are tired and sad and angry and the last thing most of them are doing is thinking about feeding themselves. so if you have the ability or time or money, providing that is always, always a good move.
legit i do this all the time, and it is 100% always appreciated. i have taught all my friends that when something happens, we feed each other. it makes people feel extremely cared for, and I cannot recommend it enough.
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violetnatilly · 9 months
stranger things fandom really be out here like "henry creel is a little bean who did nothing wrong" then in the same breath they treat billy hargrove like he's the scum of the earth when they were both equally abused by shitty older men and felt that lashing out over repressed identity issues was the only option, but i don't know if any of you are ready for that conversation yet
aaannnddd send
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violetnatilly · 11 months
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i saw that one bts photo of dacre with the wig clipped up [x] and alsjflsjflsallsjkl
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violetnatilly · 11 months
me when random men smile at me on the street: 😡🙄🫥👿🏃🏼‍♀️
me when random women smile at me on the street: 🥰🫶🏻💞👼🏼😍
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violetnatilly · 1 year
Harringrove Café Current Menu
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These treats will be available until November 4th, then the menu will be changed!
〉〉 Order Now
Text version of the menu below the cut!
Flayed Frappe
Drink this to join Billy’s army
Halloween Party Punch 
Alcohol free, but may contain sexual tension
Upside Down Shake
This drink will flip you upside down
Keg King Cupcakes
Giant chocolate cupcakes, only for those fit to wear the crown
Midnight Scoops
A California Ocean Of Flavor—only found in the darkness
  Demogorgon Candies
Eat them before they eat you
〉〉 Order Now
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violetnatilly · 1 year
fun fact! did you know that you can gain extra ‘forbidden time’ by staying up late in the night? but Watch Out
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violetnatilly · 1 year
Maid Billy Hargrove Maid Billy Hargrove Maid Billy Hargrove Maid Billy Hargrove Maid Billy Hargrove Maid Billy Hargrove Maid Billy Hargrove Maid Billy-
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violetnatilly · 1 year
The secondary gender marker was officially changed. Billy Hargrove was no longer legally viewed as an omega. That brought on a lot of different emotions.
Firstly, a deep burning relief. He’d no longer have to cringe in the doctors office or even see an omega specialist. His passport, drivers licence, birth certificate, all of them had a boldly printed A for the secondary sex marker, in the place of the formerly hated O.
The second emotion was fear. Cis alphas were kind of scary as fuck, especially the ones that wandered around small, backward towns like Hawkins. Billy would now be throwing himself into that alpha world, now that he was 100% sure that he passed and hoping that they’d focus on his muscles and not on his unusually short stature.
The third emotion was the biggest wave of euphoria Billy had ever felt. It was crashing over him like a tidal wave, nearly drowning him, but he’d happily be carried off with the tide if it meant finally living his life as he’d always wanted.
Being on HRT for just over a year meant that it had been over six months since Billy had his last heat. He still kept birth control on him, just in case but really he barely produced slick anymore and his cock had grown a good four inches. He had a kind of rut and a kind of knot but really it would still be another two years until it fully settled, so until then he was impatiently waiting.
Still, when he was entering the first few days before his kind of rut, his hormones tended to go a bit haywire in a way that was very stereotypically alpha. He got hungry, angry and made some extremely poorly thought out decisions.
Those poorly thought out decisions had this time led to Billy standing in front of an unconscious alpha, blood on his knuckles and a slightly shaken King Steve standing behind him.
Dragging Steve into one of his usual getaway from trouble spots seemed to calm him down a little. Billy remembered Steve Harrington to be a textbook asshole alpha, king of the school and with any omega he wanted. Billy had played completely fucking feral to keep that Harrington knot away from him.
The way Steve scented now was very different to how he’d scented in high school. Instead of the cocktail of alpha hormones, there was a tiny twinge of omega mixed in with all that big bad alpha. Billy was suddenly very aware of what had happened.
Billy wasn’t the only trans person in that school. Of course he wasn’t. Eddie had been transitioning from beta to alpha, Jonathan had been a trans guy, Carol was both transfemme and omega to alpha. It had never occurred that to Billy that Steve might have been trans as well.
It was exceedingly dangerous for trans people in small town America, with what the media was pumping out about them. The cis alpha who’d been harassing Steve clearly hadn’t been prepared for either Steve Harrington the ex boxer, or Billy Hargrove, notoriously scrappy.
The only thought registering in his brain once Steve had calmed and Billy’s head had stopped racing, was that Steve was gorgeous. Steve was the most beautiful omega Billy had ever seen and judging by the way he ducked his head and blushed slightly, he was obviously still attracted to Billy.
There’d been a long standing bet, primarily held by the basketball team, of how long it would take for Steve to finally “get with” Billy. It was crude and gross and Billy had actually bitten an alpha in his senior year for starting the nickname “princess Billy”. He’d sworn to himself that from that point on, he’d never show Steve a crumb of kindness.
Billy doubted any of them had ever thought their bet would fall into fruition like this. Steve as the omega and Billy as the alpha. In that aspect, Billy finding Steve again felt highly symbolic.
Well, Billy would show Steve more than a crumb of kindness now. He’d be the best damn alpha there ever was, really knock Steve’s socks off. Because Billy knew, looking at Steve’s face, what the omega deserved.
Steve Harrington deserved everything.
And Billy was going to give it to him.
@hargrove-mayfields @shieldofiron @dragonflylady77 @thatgirlwithasquid @half-oz-eddie
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violetnatilly · 1 year
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Let’s all celebrate the beauty of Harringrove and the fandom creators together. Join us on December 22, 2023, to spectate the 24 Hour Harringrove Relay Race!
Keep reading for more details and the significance of this artwork.
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: ̗̀➛ The meaning behind the artwork:
A winter flower, the camellia is prized for its exquisitely shaped petals and evergreen foliage. Deep red camellias can symbolize passion, love, romance, and desire and convey “my heart bleeds for you” Blue roses are rare, and a popular gift among lovers, who often give them to express their feelings for one another. Dark shades of blue roses mean mystery and a dream come true. They represent the attainment of the impossible. 
These flowers are a display of love ♡
Artwork credit goes to the talented Albsans
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: ̗̀➛ What is the Harringrove Relay Race? 
A relay race is an event where every hour (or more, or less, depending on the number of participants), a creator reveals their work at an assigned time, and then "passes the baton" by introducing the next creator in line to reveal their work. 
This particular event will last for 24 hours nonstop until all the works have been revealed.
After the relay race, the artists and authors will receive a PDF memory book of all the works contributed to the race, as a thank-you for taking part.
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: ̗̀➛ Where will it take place?
December 22nd, 2023 on Tumblr. All works will be shared under the #harringrove relay race tag.
Artists and authors are free to reveal their works on other platforms as long as it is at their assigned time. 
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: ̗̀➛ When will the timetable and participants be revealed?
The timetable and list of participants will be revealed on December 1st, to give participants time to schedule their work or be available at their reveal time.
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: ̗̀➛ Can I participate? 
Participants in the race have been personally invited, but you can support the creators by reblogging, liking, and leaving positive feedback.
Hopefully, there will be another relay race and you are welcome to send a message if you’re interested in participating next time!
There is no specific criteria or application process. we just reached out to as many people as we could think of, in the hopes that this would be successful ♡
If you have not filled out the form sent with your invitation, we will not be able to add you to the timeline. So please do so as soon as possible!
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violetnatilly · 1 year
please please please someone drop some mean steve/king steve fics below for me 😓 it’s genuinely one of my favorites and i’m in such a mood for it I’ve already began plotting my own fic 😭
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violetnatilly · 1 year
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Has this been done already or
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violetnatilly · 1 year
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Francesca Reale as Heather Holloway in STRANGER THINGS 3
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violetnatilly · 1 year
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Steve’s just a bit baffled that’s all
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violetnatilly · 1 year
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