violetrose93 · 2 years
I'll say it for the people in the back: the same fans saying the Grabber in The Black Phone wasn't a pedophile are probably the same ones who refuse to believe Billy from Stranger Things was a racist.
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violetrose93 · 2 years
Why does Cosmo Jarvis sound like he's swallowing his own tongue in every. single. scene.
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violetrose93 · 6 years
We need to talk about A Quiet Place
So, here’s the deal. I loved this movie so much. It is easily the scariest horror film I’ve seen in years, if not in my entire life. I plan on going to see this movie at least two more times in theaters, maybe more. 
Are you telling me that when everyone started to realize that these monsters were killing people based on sound, no one on the entire FUCKING PLANET thought, “Hey, these things have huge motherfucking ears and apparently no other senses. I wonder what would happen if we tried to overload their hearing?”
Humans are pretty smart. You’re telling me that we do all sorts of dumb science shit like growing ears on the backs of mice, but no one could figure out that if something has sensitive hearing, HIGH PITCHES NOISES WILL PROBABLY FUCK IT UP?????? 
Does this movie exist in a world where no one has ever had a hangover???
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Suspension of disbelief and all that. But that won’t stop me from holding every single human being on the planet PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for the death of Jim Halpert.
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violetrose93 · 6 years
I’m going to go to sleep, and when I wake up, Lucifer will be renewed and all will be right with the world
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violetrose93 · 6 years
Please help me prove a point. Reblog this if you love Christopher Eccleston's Doctor.
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violetrose93 · 6 years
Watching the spn fandom explode following that reveal is the best thing ever
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violetrose93 · 6 years
When you’ve been shipping a couple for two years but you never really believed it would happen and THEN IT DOES
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violetrose93 · 6 years
Who knew hands could be so sexy
Rey and Ben/Kylo had more chemistry from a freaking hand touch than I’ve had in multiple relationships over the course of my entire lifetime 
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violetrose93 · 6 years
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Luke, super bitter: A legend.
Rey, super hopeful: They need a legend.
Sara: * kicks down the door* Did somebody say LEGENDS?
Ray: *dies*
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violetrose93 · 7 years
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violetrose93 · 7 years
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Incorrect Stranger Things Quotes
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violetrose93 · 7 years
Reblogging for that comment lol
Should Amaya leave after this season? Would having her stay for S4 be pushing it?
Kinda torn on this. Nice relationship between Nate and Amaya but if she stays for another season…kinda seems a little selfish. Nate shouldn’t leave with her. Her daughter should join instead.
DC movies
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violetrose93 · 7 years
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Me, updating Netflix every 30 seconds but season 2 of Stranger Things still isn’t there.
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violetrose93 · 7 years
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I can’t stop laughing
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violetrose93 · 7 years
Excerpt from In the Worst Way
So I finally decided on a title! This should go up sometime this week, but in the meantime, here’s an sneak peek! FF
          They were in the Room of Requirement, but a version of the Room that Scorpius had never seen before. The walls were a warm-colored cream that matched the hangings of the four-poster bed occupying the center of the space. Flickering light from a small fireplace danced across the bed, catching on the muted umber tones of the wooden headboard and in the strands of burnished copper hair that were strewn across the silken sheets.  
           Rose stared up at him, blue eyes hooded as she languidly pressed her lips to the inside of his wrist. Her mouth curved enticingly as he leaned forward to return the favor, kissing the arch of her throat. Slender fingers trailed up his spine before tangling in his hair, coaxing soft gasps of pleasure from Scorpius as he ghosted his own fingertips along the soft skin of her stomach.
           “Don’t stop,” she whispered, drawing herself up to wind her arms around his neck.
           “Wasn’t planning on it,” he murmured, lips brushing hers as he spoke. Their breath mingled as he kissed her; soft at first, then with increasing urgency as his hands slid higher underneath her cotton blouse. Thumbs sweeping over the soft swells of concealed flesh, he groaned as she tightened under his touch.
             “Scorpius . . . Scorpius . . . Scorpius!”
           He woke gasping. In the blurry awareness between dream and reality, his thoughts were heavy and muddled. He looked around expecting to see the fire-lit room from his dream, and was met instead with dusty library shelves and tottering towers of books. Inexplicably disappointed, he blinked, his gaze landing on Rose.
           “What’s wrong? Are you sick?” she asked, concern coloring her voice as she slid onto the bench beside him.
           Sick, he thought hazily, running a hand through his disheveled hair. Sick . . . Turning, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the darkened window. Pale and sweating, the only color in his face was a fevered flush that emphasized the erratic gleam in his eyes. Sick indeed.    
           “I’m alright,” he answered distractedly, looking down at his parchment. When had he written anything about goblin rebellions?
           “You look awful,” she said brusquely, shifting closer to peer at his face. Her thick, coppery hair was braided carelessly over one shoulder, stray strands curling gently against the freckled skin of her forehead. He tried to swallow and found that he couldn’t; the faint scent of lemons wafted over him, mixed with something that reminded him of the Quidditch pitch.
           “Stomach bug,” he lied, voice rasping as he tried ignoring the sudden images that had forced their way into his mind.
           Images of her splayed out beneath him . . . hair loose and unbound . . . throat curving upward under his touch . . .
           Rose’s lips twisted slightly as she leaned back, still analyzing him. “Have you been to the Hospital Wing?”
           Still sweating, he shook his head and started shoveling things into his bag at random. “I’m fine, I just need to—to sleep,” he said falteringly, avoiding her eyes. Considering the dreams he’d been having, sleep was the very last thing he needed. Not that he could tell her that, of course.  
           “Madam Pomfrey could give you a Sleeping Draught,” she suggested, standing up. No longer able to smell lemons, Scorpius’s breathing eased slightly and his mind began to clear.
           “I—yes, actually, that’s a good idea. I will . . . I’ll go to the Hospital Wing.”
           He would have said anything, agreed to go anywhere, to get her to leave. There was a knot of scorching, twisted longing hooked deep in his chest, pulling itself taut as it tried relentlessly to drag him towards her. Standing, he gripped the back of his chair, watching his knuckles whiten as he anchored himself in place, willing her to turn and walk away. But Rose just stood there, fingers drumming anxiously as she watched him.
           “Scorpius,” she said, lips pursed. “You hate the Hospital Wing. What’s going on?”
           “I don’t know what you mean.”
           “Yes, you do. Whatever it is, let me help you.”
           Their eyes met. Heat flared in his stomach, rushing up and swallowing his heart in blistering longing. The knot in his chest wrenched painfully, and suddenly there was nothing he wanted more than to have Rose Weasley in his arms. To have her body pressed against his, her fingers roving through his hair, her lips moving against his own; there was nothing he wanted more than to belong to her, and to know that she belonged to him.
           Something in his face must have betrayed his thoughts, because uncertainty filled her gaze. She took a step back, eyes darting awkwardly from side to side. The flames coiling in his chest were abruptly extinguished, replaced by a lump of frigid bitterness.
           Shouldering past her, he muttered something unintelligible even to himself. His footfalls echoed dully as he strode toward the double doors. As suddenly as he had wanted her before, now there was nothing more important than putting as much distance between himself and Rose as possible. Nothing.
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violetrose93 · 7 years
Golden Rules for Fanfiction Readers:
if the fic already has a thousand comments, comment still. Your comment will still matter and delight the author.
if a fic is a decade old and the author hasn’t been active in the last five years, comment still. There will come a time when the author will read and cherish your comment, or maybe it will motivate them enough to start writing again. You never know!
if the author never responds to comments, comment still. Interaction with the author is a very nice bonus, but you can be sure that even if the author doesn’t answer, they will read it and enjoy it at some point
there’s no such thing as a too long comment.
there’s no such thing as a too incoherent comment.
the author will give no flying fuck about any gramatical errors, typo or other misspellings. If you’re a non-native speaker struggling to express themselves, you can be sure the author will be all the more pleased that you surmounted the language barrier to let them know you appreciated their work. Don’t be afraid!
there’s no such thing as commenting too often.
you will never, ever come across as creepy by obsessing over a fic or an author to the point where you worry the author might think you’re a stalker. On the contrary, the author will be delighted by your investment in their work.
say thank you. It’s always appreciated to see readers acknowledge the work and commitment that is put into writing.
the floaty review box (ao3 add-on) is your friend
be positive and encouraging. Positive reviews make writers all warm and glowy from the inside, bashing plunge their soul into icy darkness. You want the first, not the second!
whoever you are, if you read their fic, YOU are IMPORTANT to the author. Let them know you’re there!
(if any author wants to contradict one of those rules, please let me know!)
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violetrose93 · 7 years
*me, with 20 assignments, 4 tests, and 3 projects due* *writes fic*
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