virgilphobic · 21 days
sorry for dying i’m moving into my college dorm in two days so i haven’t been active on here
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virgilphobic · 28 days
I put the entire Jürgen Leitner rant on AM from I have no mouth and I must scream
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virgilphobic · 2 months
do edwin and charles have rooms in the office? could they have them? if they do, will we ever see them? do they maybe exist? am i tweaking? the world will never know
if edwin and charles had their own rooms- i would assume them to be directly next to each other, if not right across the hall from each other. or if you think they would share a room, think that. but for the sake of this query of mine, i’m choosing split-rooms for the boys.
for charles’ room, i would expect rock posters all around the walls, plastered across every surface he could get them on. I think he would have a window right across from the door, and it would be in the middle of his wall. his bed would be to the right of the window, with a desk and a bookshelf to the left. the shelves are full of old music and old media and artifacts. that’s his memory shelf, in a way. he has all kinds of trinkets from cases with edwin on it. as well as things from his time.
the desk has notes from cases and some random things on it; a note-pad, a magnifying glass, pins of different interests, and some books he had borrowed from edwin to read. next to the desk, closer to the door, charles had a mirror, and then closest to the door a chest to keep random clothes and items in that he didn’t need constant access to.
across from all of this, charles had a guitar leaned against the wall and an amp next to it. the guitar was a deep purple color and the amp a deep charcoal. sometimes he played when he couldn’t get himself to sleep.
overall his room is pretty clean- though charles does sometimes let it get rather messy. he’s been getting better at cleaning it though.
in edwin’s room, he also has a window. his bedroom mirrors charles’. he has a window in the same spot charles does, but if the room was flipped. his bed is instead situated against the back wall, with the feet end of the bed almost underneath the window. by the foot of the bed there was a chest full of his clothes. on the right side of the room there is a desk that is piled multiple layers high with books and papers. there are sheets of paper scattered all around the room and the desk. straight across from the desk on the left side, there is an extra wide bookshelf, full of rather thick, leather-bound volumes. One shelf is strictly artifacts, in which some emit light and some a dull, quiet sound. some just sit in a jar.
on the floor, edwin had a dark blue rug, atop which sat a small table on the left side of the room. a phonograph sat atop the wooden table. even on this table sat papers and different volumes of information. edwin’s room was constantly the more cluttered one, and he plainly refused to let crystal see it until they were back home for almost two months.
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virgilphobic · 2 months
it would help me tremendously to know what to post next if you guys could just give me a quick rundown on what you guys like more in the poll above !! there is literally no right answer i just need some inspo.
thanks :3
- virgil
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virgilphobic · 3 months
I found this picture from the Lust scene of Dead Boy Detectives. I love behind the scene pictures 🔥
PS: credits to the owner.
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virgilphobic · 3 months
charles calling his dad a cunt in episode three was the first time i’ve heard someone say “cunt” with negative connotations in a WHILE.
now i’m thinking of crystal calling something cunt/cunty and the boys are confused and offended and she’s just like “no no it’s a good thing now”
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virgilphobic · 3 months
when i watch dead boy detectives i can’t help but see the rich and deep connection between edwin and charles. charles literally went to hell to get edwin back, and edwin was there for charles when he was dying. they have such a beautiful friendship between two men and it is refreshing. there is not a single touch of toxic masculinity between the two, and the two are able to be their true selves around each other (99% anyways, iykyk). whenever something happens to one of the boys, the other comes running and is willing to raise hell to save his friend. they aren’t just friends. not anymore, anyways. to me, their souls are bonded. maybe not literally, but they clearly would do anything to keep the other safe.
and here you are reading this wishing someone loved you as much as edwin and charles love each other :3
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virgilphobic · 3 months
Imagine a scenario where Edwin gets possessed by a demon (I don’t know if demons can possess ghosts, but just run with this for now). He starts acting very out of character, and his friends figure it out and manage to exorcise the demon—but they’re not 100% certain it’s gone yet.
Charles: Right, tell me something that only Edwin would know.
Edwin: Charles, that demon was literally inside my head. It would know everything I know and have access to all of my memories; you’ll need to come up with a better way to make sure—
Charles: (tackles Edwin with a hug) Good to have you back, mate.
Edwin: You haven’t even asked a question yet.
Charles: I don’t need to. I know what you sound like.
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virgilphobic · 3 months
new drinking game. watch dead boy detectives and every time charles says brills or every time edwin mentions being in hell you take a shot.
if you like the cat king: take a shot every time he pops up in edwin’s mind + changes outfits
if you like niko: take a shot every time she says something somewhat concerning + changes outfits
if you like monty: take a shot every time he flirts/interacts with edwin + take two at the kiss scene
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virgilphobic · 3 months
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this sentence is NOT in the bible and if it is i certainly didn’t see it .
(i’m not religious)
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virgilphobic · 3 months
If you ever wonder why Edwin Payne got to be so much a diva bitch (affectionate) after literally having been ultra-mega-extreme bullied by his classmates all the way to Hell, remember that he then spent 30 years with Charles "You Are My Best Mate I Love You So Much Let Me Follow You Around And Hand You Things" Rowland.
Wouldn't you be a diva?
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virgilphobic · 3 months
the golden retriever to edwin’s tabby cat
the way that charles seems to be walking on air, schoolgirl-level giddy in the scenes after edwin’s confession instead of awkward or distant. the way he seems soooooo satisfied after all these bouts of jealousy over other guys edwin’s been entangled with because out of all those options he’s the one edwin chose. the way he responds ‘it didn’t’ without needing to think about it for a single second when edwin expresses his fear that he’s made him uncomfortable by confessing. the way he’s flirting with him by the end of the finale, teasing about how charming his smile is to the guy who he knows very well has been charmed by him. charles rowland you are not subtle
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virgilphobic · 3 months
I saw this cool piece of fanart by the wonderful @meybuyan in my feed,
go like it/support them !!! image used with credit from artist)
and i simply had to scratch the itch my brain got after looking at this wonderful piece of art.
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edwin was there when charles passed on to the ghost realm. he was there when charles’ heart stopped, and he was too comfortable in edwin’s presence to even notice his own death.
during his last few hours, charles talks with edwin about the things that edwin can do that humans can’t. when edwin hits charles with the line “i’m dead, charles.” he finally realizes that he’s genuinely talking to a ghost. yet he isn’t scared.
edwin is shown using his ability to go through objects during a clip, and i would like to think that charles took note since he did seem to believe it was rather cool in the show.
imagine charles and edwin, a few months into having the dead boy detectives agency up and running. a tough case comes by, and the two boys are left exhausted. therefore, they aren’t in their solid forms.
the case makes edwin think of hell. the horrors he had to see and participate in flash through his mind as he sits and tries to read in a chair across from charles, who has his eyes closed. edwin soon forgets the book, setting it down on the coffee table in front of himself before he sighs heavily.
the sudden noise makes charles open one eye, and look edwin up and down. he then sighs before he gets up, and walks to be standing in front of edwin. the edwardian boy’s eyes flicker up to his best friend and before long he is standing.
whenever edwin is thinking of his past, there is this certain crinkle that forms in his forehead. charles spotted the little wrinkle in his friends skin and after a few moments he had both arms wrapped around edwin, hugging him.
this was one of/the first time that edwin had actually been “touched” by someone since hell.
and for once, he hadn’t flinched.
edwin soon wrapped his arms around charles, holding him like he was the universe and edwin was the one in charge of keeping the universe safe. throughout the agency’s main room, there soon was a glow. edwin opened his eyes that he hadn’t realized he closed, and what he saw shocked even him.
every part of him that was touching charles was glowing a soft blue. every part of charles that was touching edwin, was glowing a deep red.
edwin didn’t know what the whole thing meant, the colors, his feelings, or charles actions. but the one thing edwin knew, was that he had found his home.
and it was charles.
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virgilphobic · 3 months
What if you were a modern day fujoshi and I were a gay ghost who died in 1916 and we both had autism?
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virgilphobic · 3 months
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*insert interesting caption here*
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virgilphobic · 3 months
obsessed with the way Charles carries the lantern all the way through Hell, but promptly leaves it on the ground the moment he finds Edwin. he just grabs him and they start running. something something i don't need the light anymore now that i've found you. our path will be illuminated because i have everything i need right before my eyes
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virgilphobic · 3 months
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you know when you think of something and you immediately need to make it ? yeah.
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