virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
The Zodiac Signs’ Thoughts When Sick
‘Eww’: Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius
‘I’m literally dying tbh’: Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio
‘What’s 4+4 again?’: Virgo, Aquarius, Cancer, Aries
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
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cyber spunk 
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
you are in pain and I am in pain, the difference is that you speak about it, I stay silent.
Cancer Sun/Moon (surprise!), Virgo Mercury, Capricorn Sun/Mercury/Ascendant, Aquarius Ascendant, Scorpio Sun (via leyooooooo)
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
The "be an asshole to everyone else all you want  but be an asshole to me and you die" squad.
Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
Reblog this with your sun/moon/rising signs
Virgo/Scorpio/Sagittarius I want to find people with the same, and match others who have the same as well 🌙🕊
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
What I Don’t Like About the Signs
*note: please do not take offense to this. I already posted a what I love about the signs and someone requested a post like this. These are based on my own personal experiences, so don’t take it too personally.
ARIES: can be huge dicks, prone to leading me, an especially sensitive sagittarius, on for months. Also please stop being ashamed about your emotions sometimes?? i will literally never make fun of you for that
TAURUS: so fricking stubborn sometimes I know what I am talking about sometimes please listen to me
GEMINI: quit talking shit yo I like you a lot and i didn’t even do anything
CANCER: likes to play the victim and act like they have never done anything wrong and everyone else feeds into it what the hECK
LEO: u get mad like really fast sometimes and I didn’t mean to do whatever I did so please stop yelling at me
VIRGO: really insensitive regarding other peoples’ feelings sometimes 
LIBRA: so extra. extra to a fault.
SCORPIO: plz let me breathe for a second 
SAGITTARIUS: okay but have you ever considered shutting up
CAPRICORN: wants me to take initiative but i need a break from taking initiative once in a while also stop telling me to clean my room (mom)
AQUARIUS: please stop acting like you hate me I need you to be open with me because emotional communication is important
PISCES: I’m there for you all the time but you’re only there for me like once a year so
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
Virgo Sun Aries Rising: Fennel and shinny, clean cars.
Virgo Sun Taurus Rising: Sweet tea and pine needles.
Virgo Sun Gemini Rising: Erasing a whiteboard and Mad Libs.
Virgo Sun Cancer Rising: A tiny lock and warm milk.
Virgo Sun Leo Rising: Pumpkin Spice and orange calcite.
Virgo Sun Virgo Rising: Navy blue feather and peridot.
Virgo Sun Libra Rising: Bunnies playing and turning of a page.
Virgo Sun Scorpio Rising: Black widows and side eye.
Virgo Sun Sagittarius Rising: Bamboo and a hand covering their mouth.
Virgo Sun Capricorn Rising: Silhouettes and acorns.
Virgo Sun Aquarius Rising: Highlighters and vials filled with a mysterious liquid.
Virgo Sun Pisces Rising: Shy grass and and their reflection in the water.
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
I am afraid of forgetting everything I want to remember. - Aries, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
I am afraid of remembering everything I want to forget. - Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
The Signs’ Weaknesses
ARIES: Running away when a problem arises instead of talking about it.
TAURUS: Quick to get upset over very little things.
GEMINI: Trouble taking things seriously.
CANCER: Not owning up and accepting responsibility for the things they do wrong.
LEO: Jumping to conclusions, assuming the worst.
VIRGO: Willingness to do anything just to prove a minuscule point.
LIBRA: Wanting to be the center of attention. All of the time.
SCORPIO: Getting attached too quickly.
SAGITTARIUS: Being honest to a fault.
CAPRICORN: Indecisiveness.
AQUARIUS: Sometimes having no regard for other people’s feelings.
PISCES: Getting in their own heads and discouraging themselves.
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
Scorpio Rising
Powerful AF Aura.
Sexy; even if they ain’t your type.
Low-key look like Vampires though.
Can see through people easily.
Great detectives.
Tbh quite sweet and nerdy.
Until you anger them.
Can pick up on energies.
Amazing sense of style imo.
Not easy to fool.
Usually had a hard life.
Damn near impossible to ignore.
One of the strongest risings.
Unintentionally charismatic.
Beautiful eyes.
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
how each sign shows love
aries: in subtle ways. an aries will not directly say what they feel all the time, strong displays of emotions might make them uncomfortable, so you need to read between the lines. they will buy you flowers, make you things, and maybe even write little letters.
taurus: a taurus will put you first. they will talk to you all day, hang out with you whenever they have time, and give you every ounce of attention they have. if they are in love with you, they want you to know and they won’t ever have a problem with saying it.
gemini: a gemini will want to invite you into their little world. they will take you on adventures and want to do everything with you. they will show you around places and introduce you to everyone they know.
cancer: a cancer will write you letters, give you flowers, send you long texts, and do everything you’ve ever seen in a romance movie/novel. they will be the epitome of what you always thought love was. they will bend over backwards to make sure you know they love you.
leo: a leo will never stop trying to make you feel on top of the world. they will give you endless compliments and affection. they will boost your ego and make you feel good about yourself. they will make you believe in yourself again.
virgo: a virgo will be romantic and plan time with you. they will want to plan dates, movie nights, and full days together. they will prioritize you no matter how busy they are and give you their full attention.
libra: a libra will do little things for you. they will cook you dinner, buy you your favorite ice cream, or come home with flowers every once in a while. they know that the little things mean the most, and they will just want to help you out any chance they get.
scorpio: a scorpio will shower you with anything you want. whether that be gifts, alone time, spontaneity, etc. once they figure out what you want, they will go to any lengths to make sure that it’s what you get from them.
sagittarius: a sagittarius will be generous. they will share anything with you, give you the last piece of cake, give you gifts, and make sure you have anything you need. you will always feel taken care of.
capricorn: a capricorn will pay attention and remember small details of literally anything you tell them. they will give you little surprises all the time because they know what you like and just want to see you happy.
aquarius: an aquarius will want to make you feel comfortable. they will be silly with you and play around with you and make sure you’re always having fun or feeling good. they will be your best friend and always ask how you’re doing and how to make your day better.
pisces: a pisces will want to know everything. if they’re asking you questions, they really admire you. they have a genuine interest in wanting to know who you are and wanting to help you figure yourself out.
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
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Scorpio Risings Powerful Trust and sincerity are really important aspects upon meeting a scorpio rising native. If they are unable to trust somebody, fear of betrayal often wavers under the surface. They have had their share of emotional distress, which gives them no time for beating around the bush with untrustworthy people. Their anger has a certain veil protecting it, where only they know it exists, until they lash out their unexpected revenge. They are intense in all that they do. Scorpio ascendants can peel back any facade and not realize that sometimes, this intimidates people. They can go beneath the surface and know who people truly are. And this quiet talent attracts people as well. They are very good at masking their own personalities. Scorpio risings exude a feel of personal power…they radiate a certain strength that is enough to attract anyone to them.
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
“Maybe she was meant to live every moment exaggerated. Every emotion to be felt in the deepest way. Pure hatred leading to complete exhaustion. She’d know what loss was and she’d dream of better tomorrows. After that, happiness would fill her heart so much that it would fill the hearts around her, too. Soon she would cry herself to sleep but she would learn from it and she could say she lived her life to experience it not to just exist like the person next to her did.”
—Scorpio Mars/rising/moon
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
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Rising Scorpio.
You are the girl/guy/person who is eye fucking everyone in the room. You are the drowsy eyes, sitting in the passenger’s seat, at night, on a ride back from a long day.
You’re interesting, you always look like you know something someone else doesn’t. You’re negative, and have an extremely hard time trusting people or at least trusting what they say. You always second guess and are hesitant. You feel very uncomfortable if you aren’t absolutely sure you can trust the other person. You are ALWAYS trying to find the truth, you always think that there’s more to the story. You’re little investigators.
you always seem fine even if you’re screaming at the top of your lungs that you’re dying. You’re either overly expressive or not at all. You guys tend to be the most misunderstood. Although you can be secretive and manipulative, you will defend friends always, and are honest as hell. Depending on your mood, you’re either dead silent or loud and jumping from subject to subject, appearing happy and excited. -Riley
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virgo-gang-blog · 6 years
Scorpio Risings are bewitching. Alluring and alarming at the same time. They are intense type of beauty that not everyone can appreciate. They definetely don’t fit canon types of beauty. They are not eclectic. Whatever Pluto touches it immediately gains its intensity and rawness. If it touches your 1st House/Ascendant you are stripped down. Delicacy and neutrality are taken away from you. Luckily, Pluto always compensates for what it takes; you are gifted with amazingly strong, mysterious, sexual aura. You have fire burning in your eyes, flowing through your vains. You are the forgotten legacy of witches. You are what they tried to burn in the fire, hundreds years ago, not knowing they can’t purify something that is not contaminated in the first place. Not knowing that you can’t really burn a Phoenix because they will always rise from the ashes. Just like you. You are a powerful beauty. Don’t feel bad about not fitting into the canon. Embrace your uniqness. Embrace your fire. 
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