viridescentarrow · 24 days
"Mm, well, it's best to keep busy." He muses, having simply created his own job here in the absence of the Rangers. He had little interest or need to worry over any other form of employment when he was hired by locals to help manage their yards.
Still, he couldn't help the small smile when she praised his notetaking. It was always nice for someone to appreciate well done research.
"I agree. For the same reasons, I've been returning to do as much observation as possible. So,"
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"I'd be happy to accompany you. Notably, I haven't been to that spot at this specific time of day. It would contribute to some missing notes. And with someone who seems to be an expert in ichthyology I'd be happy to observe."
"Pretty filled book you got here."
There were notes on top of notes of practically every little thing one could think of or see in Spirale. It'd make some pretty stiff competition with what some of the Scions would've written about. Even in the moment she could think of a few people who'd get along almost too well with him...
"And while the names aren't completely the same they look pretty close to the things we have back home. That's a good enough reason for me to look into it more." It took Milla a moment to jot down what she needed and take note of anything close by, one fish of note catching it rather quickly.
"If what you have in here is accurate the little body of water near here should have one of those critters too. Of course if ya' wanted to join me that is to see in person again."
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viridescentarrow · 24 days
"Well, I guess I can deal with an assistant if you insist." The guy seemed serious enough, and without any awareness of the technicalities, he could certainly be put to work without bothering him about his processes. His aversion to having to deal with well-intentioned but dim classmates, and then collaborators later once he graduated had led to his general avoidance of academics.
...Besides everything else he wished to avoid in association.
"A local biome isn't entirely inexplicable. Plenty of islands end up with some measure of local diversity. It really depends on a few key factors," holding up one gloved finger, he starts, "One would be our relative place on the planet we live on. Two," a second finger, "Would depend on the type of ocean currents surrounding the island. Even discounting the dangers of the Gulf, we would need to take seasonal ocean temperatures. Three, well, there's the obvious fact that whoever is lording over this place has an unreasonable amount of power."
There was always the chance they could be in some complex and orchestrated 'dream', too.
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"Either way, I've been starting the process of documenting this. It'll take a long while, and have some trial and error, but I'm not a bad person to ask. Although," he wipes some sweat off his brow, "If we could move this conversation inside, somewhere cool, and maybe with a table, I could properly explain what I'm thinking."
NO NEED FOR COMPENSATION, he says, even when he's well aware of all the work it would take to be put into it. he had heard enough from mortefi to understand the complications that could arise and, well... ❝ Then consider my assistance payment. I'm diligent enough in work, even if I'm not aware of all the technicalities, ❞ he offers, hoping that might be satisfying enough, even if it was beneficial overall for the environment.
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❝ Yes. When I arrived, I had assumed that it would be more unlike what I knew. But from what the locals say, it passes by every season as one should expect. It makes you wonder what kind of climate they're fostering here to allow it on an island out at sea. ❞ and why not leave it as something more tropical than meddling with it, were that the case. ❝ The flowers I'd like to tailor are ones that would persevere through every season. A difficult request, I know, but an important one, ❞ he adds, hoping the other would understand.
though, seeing him in this state... had he only his abilities fully unlocked, he could alleviate it a little with a well timed breeze. ❝ I'm used to a milder climate, though campaigns can lead you anywhere. If you need a change of location, we can walk and talk. ❞
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viridescentarrow · 2 months
"Well, my species is extremely rare where I'm from, too, so that wouldn't be anything new." Even his parents rarely lived among others of his kind, and so he was used to being looked at oddly by people not used to him.
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"If you want to see something from your world, there are a few places you could look..." He murmurs. Thinking for a moment, "Although it might really only be food. Sometimes there are markets." He looks back to the fish in the water they're near.
"But it's also possible that the fish you know are in these waters, and it's simply just somewhere else on the island. Here..." He pulls a journal out of his pack, handing it over. "I've been recording some of the fauna I've come across, feel free to look for anything you might know."
"Yeah you'd fit pretty well with a few people back where I'm from. But I think they'd be able to figure out you aren't exactly one of 'em either." Mini Viera? Sounded way too complicated but naming was never her strong suit in the first place.
"But you hit the nail pretty well. Looks like something similar to what I'm used to seeing. But it wouldn't have been in an area like this. Nor would it take bait as simple as this..."
It was basically akin to someone taking the world they knew and turning it upside down. Eventually something would seem similar, it just might take longer then anyone was willing to wait for...
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viridescentarrow · 2 months
"In theory, yes." Tighnari nods, tapping his chin before he looks back at the flowers in question. There should be no reason they shouldn't be able to be crossbred. Not at a cursory glance, anyway. His ear twitches at the mention of compensation, and he shakes his head.
"No need for compensation. While this island has plenty of biodiversity, there are many benefits to creating hybrid plants." Pulling out the vials he had collected over his own time here, he starts working to extract some of the pollen.
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"Consider that it's summer at the moment - the qualities that make a flower bloom in summer will cause it to wilt in the cooler seasons." He pauses, looking up at his companion. "That is, there are multiple seasons in this place. I've only been here since the start of Spring, but from what I understand, it's a relatively temperate climate experiencing four unique seasons. To be honest, Summer is the worst it has to offer."
While he's sticking to the shade, it becomes obvious upon a second glance that he's a bit like a wilted flower himself in the heat.
WHEN IT CAME TO THIS CITY, there were certainly more important matters to be faced. to a newcomer like him, there were bound to be an endless expanse of questions as deep as a raging sea, ones that, for better or worse, had no response at all. time and again he would ask someone who might be able to help guide him home in some way, only to be met time and again with the same answers, plunging him into an echo chamber with no escape.
so, when the topic of botany found him, it was as if it were a breath of fresh, crisp air sweeping over him for the smallest reprieve.
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❝ You would be able to crossbreed and create these flower hybrids? ❞ that was what it had sounded like, hence him wanting to make certain. as it were now, perhaps it was fortunate that smiles on him, given the idea he wishes to carry over from home to here, too. ❝ I'm a newcomer, so I have little funding to my name right now. But come a time when I could afford it, I would be willing to compensate you for your work if you'd welcome it. ❞
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viridescentarrow · 3 months
"I see." He murmurs, looking at the phone, holding it up and tapping it to bring it to life. Tighnari wasn't a stranger to such machinery, although it certainly wasn't his specialty. Given the functions of this one, he's glad he didn't mess with his until speaking with Kaveh, who was certainly more inclined with more intricate technologies as these compared to his own bumbling with Karkata.
Shoot, Karkata...
"I know Collei will be fine, but I am worried about Karkata. I hope that since I didn't notice that any of you three were missing, neither Karkata or Collei would notice that I'm missing." While he had other inquiries to answer, this took precedent. Collei was recovering well, and she was certainly more than capable, he couldn't help but worry after her the entire time he had been here. Nevermind Karkata, who certainly had its own share of danger with other members of the Akademiya. "I don't want Collei put in the position of having to defend Karkata from Akademiya."
Finishing his own glass, he pushes it toward Kaveh for a refill.
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"Honestly, I mostly learned about some of the flora around here. That, and seeing that the species of people here aren't necessarily the same as Teyvat." That, and he had met a woman with long ears, not unlike their own Archon. "Listening to people interact, I could gather that assumption was right, and most people here aren't from Teyvat. Given the amount of unique appearances and pretty distinct lack of Visions..." He tails off, tapping his own faintly glowing Vision.
"...Well, I suppose we all have these 'trials' to go through, in any case. Best to learn what we can about people outside of our circle."
CRIMSON NARROWS JUST A SMIDGEN, hearing the uh huh for what it is -- full doubt. were it any other time, he would be more than eager to defend himself, arguing well into the day over the drinks that would only melt away any remembrance as to the why. for now, however, it was best to make sure his friend was situated comfortably, especially in his wealth of experience upon the island since his arrival so long ago. ❝ What information were you able to collect, if I might ask? ❞ partially out of curiosity and, in turn, to make sure it was at least correct were someone to have given him any of it, too.
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❝ As for this, it carries our funding provided by those that brought us here. Consider it like currency we use, only 'digital.' If you don't have it with you, then it would be tough luck in being able to purchase anything or contact anyone until you get it back, ❞ he explains, figuring it was better to lay that part out plain as day as he can.
and then his eyes fall upon the vision across from him, having assumed that would be among whatever it is asked of him.
❝ Yes. Something similar happened to me as well. I can only assume the same happened to Cyno and Alhaitham, though the latter doesn't exactly tell you things he doesn't want to. ❞ a minor complaint, though it was enough for him to logically piece it together, knowing others had been in the same proverbial boat. ❝ Fortunately, you can regain your elemental abilities over time. When I arrived, I not only regained Mehrak back fairly swiftly, but I also got some of my abilities back. They have some peculiar predicaments that happen on this island that sometimes coincide... if you ask me, it's a lot like a trial of some sort, but that's just a theory that has no salt to its worth currently, ❞ he sighs, arms crossing over his chest after draining the last bit of his glass, shifting once more thereafter to pour him a fresh one.
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viridescentarrow · 3 months
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viridescentarrow · 3 months
"I'm a Forest Watcher, ranger, and botanist. Of course, generally, I'm a biologist." While he's not much of an academic, he feels his research is generally something that is helpful to the environment around him. People, too, maybe. "But I hate armchair academics, so I tend to spend most of my time in the field."
Still, there's a small quirk of his lips as he looks at the seaweed floating around. Bright green - new growth signalling the changing seasons.
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"This place may not be under my purview at all, but I still think it's important to make sure that as visitors - like me, and maybe even you - we do our best to leave places better than we saw them in the first place." While he speaks, he continues his notes, stopping periodically to look into the water to watch for any new visitors.
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Constantine's guard is up tenfold. There can be an array of reasons why this man is interested in the life of the creatures that lived in the waters. That went for any creatures or plants. Still, Constantine can't shake off the feeling that this creature was like the people who made him and his sister. They were also into these things. Capturing and creating things against the captured's will.
"You sound really interested in these things. For what?" He might as well straight up ask what he's all about. Constantine is by the other, but there's some distance.
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viridescentarrow · 4 months
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"Halloween decorations?" He tilts his head, ears flicking, "Some kind of autumnal festival?"
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👻 "How about we just skip the warm months and go straight to autumn? I want to put up Halloween decorations already!"
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viridescentarrow · 4 months
"It's only just become summer here now, and the waters are becoming more active." He admits, only having arrived just as Spring started. While he'd observed some of the smaller estuaries, he hadn't looked over more of the island.
"I wonder if it's because of the typical ecology of water. If you're used to an island environment - even if this one is a bit more temperate than expected, you'll likely see fish that developed in similar ways to home, even if they're not the same." Tighnari is mostly talking out loud now, pulling out a small notebook and turning his notes to the woman.
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"No species native to where I'm from, in any case. Although there are a lot of similarities. Sort of how there are people around here who have ears and tails like me, but they're not the same species as me."
"Really gotta wonder if they got lazy and grabbed things from our world or just threw in their own personal creatures."
While the lalafell was thankful for having found someone else out in the wilderness to keep her company Milla needed to get the lay of the land one way or another. Of course making sure she had her own time off to enjoy what they loved the most was also just as important. Even if all the knowledge from their world didn't really translate well over...
"You know anything about the fish in these waters? I've gotten a few bites but nothing that looks too out of place from stuff back home."
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viridescentarrow · 4 months
"All-purpose remedies are...Concerning." Although he must admit it would be spectacular had someone actually managed to concoct such a thing. She seemed to know her alchemy well enough that he wondered if she had managed it where she came from.
Maybe he should ask for the the ingredient list later to play with it on his own.
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"I can personally," he explains, "I have a particularly sensitive nose. Which is why I'm staying away from some of the more strongly smelling foods."
Observing the herb again, he placed a finger under it, unbothered by the fact that she seemed to be absorbed in her own thoughts. "Infusion might be best, since the taste is so strong..."
✲ If animals had adapted methods of self-defense then you could argue Marcille's screaming was one of those methods she had developed. Then again you could also argue that she was the sort of woman that was easily started which was just as true. Her own ears had flattened both from surprise and from the little bit of guilt she felt from startling the man in return.
"You do have a point but I also always carry a poison remedy just in case." She patted at a small pocket on her dress. Even if she hadn't experienced the things she had in the dungeon it was something she would have carried. An encounter with a certain dragon type in there had traumatized her enough to make it a necessity now though.
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"What, you can tell what it will do just from the scent alone?" That wasn't a skill that Marcille had. But all of her herbal knowledge did come from studying them in books. Her firsthand knowledge was limited to taste and visual identification. "So it would be useful for digestive issues then? Hmm..." She was lost in thought and seemed to forget he was there for a moment.
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viridescentarrow · 4 months
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"I do wonder how this place will change when we get into the warmer months. It's been interesting to watch the seasons change so far."
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viridescentarrow · 4 months
"I was looking for coastal flora and fauna." He offers, tilting his head as the man started to move out of the water. While he, too, preferred to be alone, he wondered if he had accidentally discouraged this guy from doing whatever he was planning to do.
"I figured it'd be best to do before it got too warm. People come to the coastal waters in droves, then, usually disrupting the local ecology." Observing a new type of seaweed floating toward the shore, he jots down a note about it while speaking. "Although the trade-off is that there's usually more ecological activity in the warmer months."
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"Sorry for interrupting your swim."
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The last thing he wanted was for someone else to be right there when Constantine was about to take a dive. The LAST thing he wanted was for someone to freak out when they didn't see him swim back to the surface. He hears the voice behind him and sighs. He can feel his body shifting slowly from contact with water, but not fully enough to seem different or inhuman. Not yet at least.
"I know. The cold doesn't bother me." He says, now turned around to exit out from the water. "Are you worried it's going to be too cold? Why are you out then?"
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viridescentarrow · 4 months
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Happy 4ggravate comeback day!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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viridescentarrow · 5 months
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yahoo it's him
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viridescentarrow · 5 months
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Redraw of a fanart i made a year ago. Never thought hatching would be so fun!
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viridescentarrow · 5 months
"Uh huh." He shifts his glass back in front of him, taking more measured sips of the drink as he listens. Of course, Kaveh was working. Naturally, Tighnari himself had already started to work on his own little projects here and there. Nothing official, but if he could stay away from official he'd be happy as a mushroom. Doing his own work would be just fine.
"I figured it would be a good place to gather information. I was partly right about that." More like he was able to gauge the range of people on the island, and examine some of the more carefully curated flora that the area could sustain. And he met that elf girl who ate that herb.
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"I expect since this was given to each of us, it'll end up important to daily life." At least he'd be able to more easily track down the people he knew, if he needed to. "As for questions, I think the most important one is about this:" holding up his Vision, he frowns. "I expected to be disarmed, but it's curious that we lose our elemental abilities, for the most part. I can only manage the most minor applications of Dendro."
HEARING THAT SWIFT RETORT FROM HIM, an almost offense is taken immediately at how tighnari speaks, enough for him to immediately pull back the drink he had just been taking another sip of. ❝ Hey! I resent that. What do you think this entire thing is right now? That guy was the first person I ran into here that I knew, you know, ❞ he scoffs, arms crossing over his chest as he leans back into his chair now, defense in every which way.
only when the topic shifts to the garden party does kaveh ease, one leg crossing over the other as he listens intently to what his friend says.
❝ Garden party... ? Oh, yes. I remember that invitation now. ❞ he had meant to go when it was announced, though a deadline had kept him from being able to do as he liked, a reminder that not everything was so different than it was back home. ❝ You'll come to learn that will happen here. Often, people brought here like us will host something. It doesn't hurt to go and it can even help pass the time, given we have no idea how to get out of this place just yet, ❞ he continues, sighing a little at that last part.
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❝ Is there anything in particular you want to know about? I guess to start before any questions, that device you were given is like a contact mechanism, so you should be able to get in touch with whoever you need, so long as they're on this island. It should unlock a little more functionality after about a month of your stay. ❞
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viridescentarrow · 5 months
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Sumeru 🌱🌿🍃⚡️
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