sunliteve · 1 month
Hiyori started steeping the tea shortly before Constantine arrived, and the knock at the door came not long after the timer to remove the leaves. By the time he was prepared to join his company on 419's living room couch, he had a fine cup of tea in each hand. He passed one of them off to Constantine with a smile, already convinced it was going to impress.
"It's black tea with lavender and bergamot oil today. It should be both bold and calming♪" Hiyori explained brightly, taking a seat afterward. He crossed his legs and kept his body turned attentively toward his company, his interest in the conversation open and obvious. "After all that chaos, I'll never take the opportunity to just sit down with a cup of tea for granted again!"
So far nothing had changed about his approach, but there was an undeniable difference in the way he looked at Constantine now: like he could watch for hours and not tire of it, nor get embarrassed by it being pointed out. There had been an affection to it for a while, but this level of shamelessness was new.
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"So, what do you want from me, Constantine?"
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starsvein · 2 months
For some reason, this person was staring a hole into the back of his skull. Veoc felt it even if he couldn't see him—the minute pause in breathing and footsteps gave him away.
He reluctantly set down the forkful of something called cake onto his plate, then smoothly stood up from the chic café chair to face the perpetrator. At the sight of pinkish-white hair and silvery-blue pupils, the major general narrowed his eyes and pulled out his BB gun.
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kleinstar · 2 months
" Haah! "
Eiden dives up instantly turning to praise and pat the turtle for it's work with the trip to the underwater. Happy with the experience he even gets a permission to give the animal a snack.
" That was awesome! I should get back here on another day... " he chatters to himself as he walks through the soft, glittery sand to where he left his jacket and towel. What he doesn't expect is the guy standing next to the palmtree Eiden's tossed them on.
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" Constantine! What's up? Here for a nightswim? Or the turtles? "
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hollowfaith · 6 months
「✧」 It was quite pleasant to be back in his humanoid form again after the last Ice Age simulation. Aurelius celebrates by visiting a local pastry shop known for their delicate and delicious desserts.
Once a day, they sell limited editions of the patissier's special while supplies last. Today's is a simple yet elegant emerald marine chocolate mint tart with translucent jelly that evokes a picture of the sea.
Just as Aurelius gets ready to place his order, another man steps in front of him. Perhaps it's an accident, perhaps on purpose—but by the time the angel gets his bearings, the last two slices of the tart are neatly packed up and tucked away for the stranger.
"You—" Aghast, the blond taps the other on the shoulder.
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"You are aware there is a line for places like these?"
@uwps001 ໒꒱
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ghosthalfa · 2 months
@uwps001 pursuit is imminent!
          danny hadn’t mean to do it, honestly. it was just—everything was changing, and shifting, and the other people around him were exclaiming that their thoughts and dreams were coming true right in front of them. and he’d thought, well what can i make? and danny was, if nothing else, someone with imagination. perhaps a little too much, if his current situation had anything to say about it. because one moment he was thinking, wondering, and the next moment his ideas had jumped and skipped ahead of him, and by the time he realized what he had imagined? well, the shapes had already coalesced in front of him, amorphous green gelling into shapes familiar and dreaded. ectopuses, snarling wolves, a long-toothed cat. and from then? well, the chase was on.
    zipping between buildings, his tail streaming behind him and wind whipping his hair back, danny haphazardly threw ectoblasts and freezing snowballs behind him, but the ghosts seemed to replenish for every one he splattered. his annoyance surged, and as he turned back to shout an annoyed ❝ Do you guys ever give up? ❞, he found himself crashing into a warm body going seemingly as fast as him. his head whipped around, ready for another opponent—only to be greeted by familiar pale hair and sharp eyes.
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    ❝ Constantine?! ❞ surprise made danny blurt the name before rational thought caught up—that while danny fenton had every right to recognize the man in front of him, danny phantom could claim no such right.
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uwps002 · 2 months
🎔 "Oh, brother!" The two siblings hadn't had much of a chance to catch up since the Empaetheorem fiasco. Whether they had been avoiding each other or life had kept them busy, it probably depended. But Céline had finally managed to track him down. By camping outside of his door until he came home.
She wasn't going to reveal just how long that had been, though.
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Céline waved towards his door. "Why not invite me in? I think we probably have some things to talk about, don't we?"
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depenndable · 3 months
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He's unimpressed to say the least.
"You don't just not help someone out because you don't know them. If anything, that's inclination to want to help." Meteoriteman sips on a cannister of diesel he picked up on the way over.
"And: now you do know me. So next time I'm in a pickle: help a guy out. Name's Meteoriteman. Now there's no excuse."
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faechivalrous · 5 months
As soon as Barghest had made the decision to participate in the games, she of course knew that there was no other option for her but to attempt the most difficult course the colosseum had to offer. What, was she going to beat down something hopelessly weaker than her? That would be both unbecoming of her and, to be quite honest, not even worth the scant effort it would take to do. She was doing this more for her own sake than anything else, working to keep her blade and her skills sharp while her access to both was normally painfully limited, but even the crowd would grow bored of a dull, effortless 'spectacle'.
Teams were recommended, of course; she had asked the receptionist if there was a possibility of taking on a Tier 3 challenge by herself, but after looking at her like she'd grown a second head, they simply stressed that teams were recommended at that level of difficulty. That she could work with; she had commanded troops before, existed as part of an imitation of a knight's order, even if the latter was more a collection of individuals that tolerated each other than a true band of comrades. The trouble was that she didn't particularly know who to ask.
Melusine was still here, as was Baobhan Sith, but she would rather not ask Melusine, and she frankly had doubts as to whether Baobhan Sith could handle Tier 3.
Luckily, there happened to be three other people in the lobby at the time with various levels of eagerness for a fight. Before long, the four of them are gathered in what could be called the colosseum's waiting room, Barghest crossing her arms underneath her chest as she gazes out towards her soon-to-be teammates.
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"It's likely we'll face both close-range and long-distance combat here, along with whatever else the organizers see fit to send our way. If any of you have any weak points now would be the time to mention them." She declares. "It's not a matter of pride. We fae are averse to iron; if something is your iron, then I don't want to find out about it when it's in the middle of running you through."
-> @innerbeast !
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gungnirclad · 5 months
ƒ. Spirale Beach! As radiant and beautiful as she remembered it being! A lot may have changed but the mood around here remained the same as if time hadn't passed at all. The golden sand, the turquoise sea and the salty scent dancing in the air. Holy moly was it reinvigorating! The sun was so calid today too. As she shut her eyes, breathing in, many memories came rushing in. Some things never change, do they? Not that many people around in a weekday noon, though. Some students that looked to have skipped class today, some folks that looked as if they were enjoying the last days of their holidays, some others that were tearing apart a weapon while sitting on a towel. The usu- Wait, what? Bikki suddenly opened her eyes wide open. Blink. Blink. Then squint at his direction. She wasn't imagining this, wasn't she? That's... That's a new beach activity. Alright. Way more unique than just playing volleyball. Well, now you're contractually obliged to at least as-
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❝ Hey! What's up? Do you like guns? First time I've seen someone do that in a beach, hehee. ❞ What kind of opener is that?!
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nihilitysend · 6 months
🗲 "If you're assuming I'm an easy mark, I'd recommend re-evaluating your plan of action." Cold, spring rain was falling late at night and this rain played with the lighting of Golden Ward. She'd noticed it a while ago. Footsteps trailing her from afar, heard even beyond the pattering of rain against her umbrella.
She peered over her shoulder in the direction she could tell he was hiding.
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"Just come out. I'm new in this land, I don't have much to steal. And you'd have a difficult time trying to steal away my life."
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sparklingsplendor · 6 months
"Can't say I'm much of a gun girl myself. I've held one myself but shooting it? Well maybe one day if I really gotta do it but for now I'm better off being a pacifist."
Still it wouldn't hurt for a fool like herself to have something in the palm of her hands. Although some might believe a weapon like that alongside a wild card like individual was a recipe for disaster waiting to happen...
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"You must love that thing if you've taken in apart that many times. Looks rusted as anything if you ask me."
@uwps001 | s.c
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sunliteve · 2 months
"Ah, Constantine! I'm so relieved to see you — but it's not safe here at all!!"
Outside a magnificent, wintery concert venue quite a visual step away from the shell-shaped Spiral Dome, Hiyori rushed to the familiar face. He stopped with a short distance between them, the unease weighing on his brow.
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"This is a place I know from home, but something definitely isn't right about us being here now. We should leave immediately!"
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innerbeast · 1 month
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a white-scaled raen, most commonly seen lingering around the ruby sea; paying a visit to the depths once lived beneath alongside his twin sister. complications lead to their lives rising to the surface, heavy change sought to establish a more prosperous life for the both of them -- but constantine can't shake the longings still held for the ocean he once called home. although he may never return to this particular sea, it does not squander his appreciation for it.
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kleinstar · 3 months
The brand new Titillator BonR 2024 boxes had finally arrived in their beautiful spanking new boxes. After placing them to the marked shelf Eiden begins sketching a simplified version on the carton he's got for price display.
As the final line is drawn Eiden lifts the cardboard to view results. As he looks however the lines start molding into something else, forming a face of a very angry looking someone raging over something.
Soon it becomes all too real as Eiden realizes what's going on--
" ....that's some weird ass timing right here. "
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" Sorry dude, I've got no clue what you're yapping about but I'll have to move you a bit... "
As he seems to be holding the guy on the air by lapels so like that, clumsily he just moves the guy over to the trashcan and drops him there. The lid that it had on somehow crashes in getting the poor sap stuck into bin but at that point Eiden's no longer looking.
Who's this... Eiden looks about - he did meet the guy once but ah what was the name --- let's see the phone.
Oh yeah. That's what it was...
to: (☞ ͡° ヮ ͡° )☞ from: Constantine except its Eiden ⭐ [txt] hiiiya there [txt] i think I have your body? ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ
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echomagician · 7 days
"How fascinating," he twirls, hair following him as though on its own, as he moves in front of the stranger. A strange friend of a strange acquaintance, his eyes seeing all at this evening dance.
"It seems I have already danced with your dance partner, but not with you. A wall flower, perhaps?"
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"Waiting to be plucked from the bush? Or perhaps simply in need of fresh entertainment." The masked man lifts his hand, a black dove appearing in his hand. "Ah! No! Gil, you must wait for your cue!"
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ghosthalfa · 6 months
@uwps001 ♡'d for a starter!
        balled fists rested firmly on thin hips as danny frowned at the scene in front of him. a busy crosswalk, tall gleaming buildings towering above him, cars streaking passed faster than the crowded streets really called for. all in all, the perfect ( if not slightly uncanny ) picture of a bustling big city. or, as his panicking brain was providing him, the exact opposite of small town amity park. it was overbearingly loud, the sidewalks packed with pedestrians, the tang of smog and dirty water coating danny's tongue. it was so wildly unfamiliar to the boy who had spent his whole life in amity park, and he couldn't help but find himself slightly overwhelmed. because even though he knew how to deal with a lot of things, this particular thing was vastly different than his usual, ghostly craziness.
    so of course it was only danny's luck when a car blazed by far too close to his face, causing the halfa to yelp and spring back—right into the soft body of someone walking behind him.
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    ❝ Whoops! Sorry! ❞ he managed to avoid completely knocking the other over, quickly jumping back before awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. ❝ I... didn't see you there? ❞ smooth, danny.
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