virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
nyall i moved to @kandi-diva
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
nyall i moved to @kandi-diva
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
nyall i moved to @kandi-diva
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
nyall i moved to @kandi-diva
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
nyall i moved to @kandi-diva
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
oh shit thats me i love minion juice
hey minions capri suns were on sale at the grocery store and it reminded me of you and your friend
I’m glad you thought of us but at the same time wow minion juice huh @virtual-diva I blame you
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
im remaking lms for the new url 
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
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The Shape of Water (2017) dir. Guillermo del Toro
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
Ok, so I know that I dont have that many followers, but i just would like an answer from those whom actually find an interest in all of whom they follow, which those whom follow me, would consist of me, but my question is: Should i start a youtube channel? i’d explain mostly who and what type of person i am, I’d post my first video on this tumblr, because i dont have many personal people from my life following me on this tumblr. I’m going to send the video to some of my personal friends and probably ask them to send it to their internet friends. Because i can’t deal with ridicule from my personal people in my life so early in my attempts to start my youtube channel. @pomeranianmutual
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
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Understood ? Practice dude.
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
Reasons I didn’t respond to you
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✻ I forgot 
✻ I thought I did respond but actually didn’t 
✻ I ran out of spoons
✻ I didn’t know what to say
✻ I thought the conversation was over
✻ Technical error (I wasn’t alerted/given a notification/didn’t receive the message)
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✻ Please please please don’t be afraid to re-message me! ✻ 
✻  A lot of things can get in the way of me responding! ✻ 
✻  Just give me a little prod!!  ✻
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
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can i get a promo? im tord and my bf is a colaphobe
links + boyfwiend
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
its called dyshidrotic eczema BUT DONT LOOK IT UP IF YOU HAVE trypophobia
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
putting a read more because its kinda a gross topic 
so i get these little bubbles under my skin on my hands and shit and i told my mom after it had been happening for years and she was like ‘oh its a planters wart’ and i did some research and that wasnt it its apperantly a form of eczema thats due to stress so yeah thanks mom you bitch trying to tell me i have some HIV wart shit 
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
things the homestuck fandom never managed to come to an agreement on during the entire duration of the comic’s seven-year run:
how the fuck to pronounce peixes
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virtual-diva-blog1 · 7 years
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From the crew themselves.
(Thanks to @confessionforanothertime for tracking down the thread for me, she’s a lifesaver)
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