visceravertigo · 9 months
dr seuss yaoi
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visceravertigo · 10 months
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Second Chance 🌟
Second Chance is an au where Tsukasa nearly dies, but gets saved by an alien parasite. He now has to live with a weird eldritch parasite inside him in a form of symbiosis, and hide it from everyone as he struggles to keep up his human appearance
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visceravertigo · 10 months
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Gotta catch 'em all!!!
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visceravertigo · 10 months
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visceravertigo · 10 months
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1, 2, 3… wonderhoy 🌟
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visceravertigo · 10 months
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visceravertigo · 10 months
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hehe prsk art dumping nowwww
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visceravertigo · 10 months
i love wikipedia and i think it is good and right to give them money but all their funding drive messages are “well… we’ll be killing ourselves tonight. we asked so little of you and yet it seems that simply nobody cares about lil ol wikipedia anymore….sad…”
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visceravertigo · 10 months
yo sorry for the weird ass posts, those are spam
thank you @becdecorbin for the heads up
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visceravertigo · 10 months
i got him his weirdo
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they are communicating
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visceravertigo · 11 months
Queer kids deserve to become queer adults. To grow up supported. To go through adolescence finding themselves, instead of going through their 20s grieving the years they weren’t safe and had to pretend to be someone else. To be safely queer before financial independence. Wanting queer youngsters to not have a lifetime of conditioning and trauma to unpack isn’t child abuse, it is literally the opposite. Queer kids deserve to be safe.
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visceravertigo · 11 months
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visceravertigo · 11 months
i wish ppl on this website, and within leftist circles in general, were a little less gung ho about making jokes or statements like "billionaires arent people" "nazis arent people" "police arent people"
there is no level of evil where a human stops being a human. if you decide to kill them for their crimes, then you are killing a human. and sometimes that is justified! oil execs and war profiteers have destroyed countless lives in service of their own sick greed, and given the chance to enact that same violence on them, id probably pop their heads like a pimple.
but it is important that we do not shy away from the reality of that choice. it is a human life that is being ended. a person with interiority, feelings, family.
if we stop considering any group as people, even a group defined by their own evil actions, then we are drawing a line to divide society into persons and non-persons, and stating that those non-persons do not deserve to live.
i hope i dont need to explain why that is a dangerous position to take.
these people and all of their evil, their greed, their hatred, are just as much a part of humanity as art, culture, language, food. they are a part of us that has grown malignant and cancerous, and like a cancer, they must be excised for the sake of the whole--but they are still a part of us, made of the same stuff as us, down to their cores.
evil humans are still humans.
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visceravertigo · 11 months
Fartspam on top discord.gg/spamming
Fartspam on top discord.gg/spamming
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visceravertigo · 11 months
Fartspam on top discord.gg/spamming
Fartspam on top discord.gg/spamming
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visceravertigo · 11 months
If you’re LGBT reblog and tag with your opinion on beer.
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visceravertigo · 1 year
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David Cronenberg
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